-2SUNDAY AT BETHEL WELCOME to our Easter Sunday worship celebraƟon! Together we gather to celebrate the resurrec on and reign of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. We see His glory and His grace, as we journey through Peter’s healing from the past, that can guide us in taking that journey ourselves. A warm welcome to guests. We invite you to stay for refreshments we share together a er the worship service. For more informaƟon about our church and its ministries please come to the Welcome Centre. We invite you to fill in a Guest Card and place it in the offering bag, or bring it to the Welcome Centre to receive a welcome gi from Bethel. NEXT WEEK we begin a new series – “Encountering Jesus in Mark.” The Gospel of Mark was the first Gospel wri en about the life of Jesus, and portrays Jesus as complex and mysterious, yet easily approached and compassionate. Looking at Jesus through the eyes of Mark can surprise and challenge us, no ma er how long we have known Him, whether this is the first me you turn to the book of Mark in the Bible, or the hundredth. March 29 - Dynamic Youth Ministries: Dynamic Youth Ministries provides programs, curriculum, materials, and training designed to bring children and youth into a living, dynamic rela onship with Jesus Christ. In the 1960s, Cadets, GEMS, and Youth Unlimited joined together to form Dynamic Youth Ministries to partner with churches in mee ng the unique needs of boys, girls, early teens, and high school youth. April 12 - Acton Food Share April 19 - TD Chris an High HAPPENING AT BETHEL HELLO ALL! As the new leader of Sunday Morning Prayer Group, I (Brad Bloemendal) would like to send out this invita on to anyone who enjoys praying for our church, community, world, and more. Come to try it out once, come monthly, or come every week! I would love to see some new faces in classroom #7 at 8:00AM Sunday mornings. MEN’S BREAKFAST is scheduled for next Saturday, April 11th from 8:30 – 9:30 am. For $3 (to cover cost), you can enjoy an hour of good Chris an fellowship over a breakfast of coffee, toast & eggs. Invite a neighbor… it’s a perfect me to build community and to get to know others. Feel free to join us. For more info, contact Jake Adema at 905-877-4080. April 5, 2015 -3- -4- REQUESTED ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTENTION ALL GOLFERS – MARK THE DATE!: On Saturday, June 6, 2015 at 1:30pm, Clublink’s Eagle Ridge Golf & Country Club in Georgetown will once again be host to the annual Halton Hills ChrisƟan School Charity Golf Classic, in support of Halton Hills Chris an School. The format is a Texas Team Scramble (a.k.a. “best ball”). You may register as an individual or as a team of 4. Golfers of all ages and skill levels are welcome. Your $160 registra on fee includes 18 holes of golf (including cart), gourmet buffet dinner, and prizes. To register, please visit www.haltonhillschris anschool.org, and click on the golf tournament link for registra on instruc ons and forms. Register by May 15th, to take advantage of the $10 early registra on discount. COMMUNITY FOOD DRIVE -- Next Saturday April 11 we will once again be collec ng food for the Acton Foodshare. Please have your non-expired canned goods on your doorstep for a 9:00 am pickup. Our community Scouts and Guides, along with Bethel Church’s GEMS and Cadets will come right to your door and pick up the paper bags which will be supplied through the Acton Tanner. Dona ons can also be dropped off directly to the Food bank, or at drop off loca ons found in Acton. For financial dona ons and more informa on, please call the Acton Foodshare at 519-853-0457. Thanks for your support! COMMUNITY UNITY PRAYER – Next Saturday, April 11, 9:00-10:00 am at St. Alban’s Anglican Church. An opportunity to gather with members of other churches in Acton to pray for our community. Everyone is welcome to come and pray, either out loud or quietly in your heart. This is a ministry of the churches of Acton, sponsored by the Acton Ministerial. “THANK YOU CANADA” CONCERT SERIES. In commemora on of the 70th anniversary of the Libera on of the Netherlands, you are invited to a “Thank You Canada” concert by the Soli Deo Gloria Male Choir from Urk (www.solideogloria.nl) and the Musica Sacra Chorus on Saturday May 2, 7:30 pm at Knox Presbyterian Church, 59 Riddell in Woodstock, and on Wednesday, May 6, 8:00 pm at St. George’s Anglican Church, 99 Woolwich in Guelph. Tickets are $20 each, $10 for students, and $5 for children 14 and under. Purchase at the door or reserve by contac ng John VanderLaan ([email protected] or 905-648-3170). INSPIRATIONAL WOMEN’S CONFERENCE: This is the last week to register! All women are invited for a day of inspira on, worship and fellowship on Saturday, April 11, 2015 at the Mee ng House in Oakville, with the theme of Grit and Grace. Our speaker is Leanne Friesen of Mount Hamilton Bap st Church; worship will be led by Brooke Nicholls. Come and be refreshed and renewed; bring your friends! For more informa on, and to register on-line go to: www.coffeebreakontario.com HALTON HILLS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL is invi ng you to Royal Extravaganza Dinner and Auc on on April 18th at Glencairn Golf Club. Tickets are $60 pp. Come out and join us for a fun evening. For more info or to buy ckets, please call the school at 905-877-4221. HALTON HILLS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL will be celebra ng its 50th anniversary in September 2015. We are currently looking for photos and memorabilia to use for different events. If you have anything you can donate/lend, please drop it off at the school or use the church mailbox (Acton--Andrea Stewart. Georgetown--Linda DeBoer) If you would like it returned please label clearly For more informa on or ques ons please contact Liz Blaawendraat--905-702-1787 or Andrea Stewart 519-853-2297 YOU’RE INVITED! TDChrisƟan High School is hos ng their annual SPRING RUMMAGE SALE on Saturday, April 25th, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Invite your family and friends to meet you at the school to enjoy this popular, community event while suppor ng TDChris an High School. The faces are friendly, the soup is hot, and many treasures are wai ng to be explored in the bargain centre. As before fresh vegetables, cheese, flowers, and baking items will be available to you. This is a wonderful event where you can catch up with old acquaintances and meet new friends all the while suppor ng our school. So mark your calendars today! EASTER HOPE: - He is Risen! Alleluia! As we rejoice in Jesus’s resurrec on this Easter, let’s discuss how Psalm 16 and Acts 2 speak to Christ’s victory over the grave and what this means for us. Join the conversa on each week: subscribe for free weekly email no fica ons at ListenToGroundwork.com or visit GroundworkOnline.com to find a local radio sta on or listen now.
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