Giving Thanks to God for over 60 years of Protestant Reformed Education! Monday Note BUS DRIVERS NEEDED Adams Christian School is in need of bus drivers. If you would like more information about these positions, please contact Melissa Looyenga at 530-2933 or [email protected]. DIRECTORY UPDATE Please make these changes in your directory: ~Mike and Lindsay Kerkstra: 1267 White Pine Dr., Grand Rapids, 49534. Phone: 295-7273. nd ~Mr. Jon Mingerink: 1805 32 Ave., Hudsonville, 49426. Phone stays the same. th ~Jeff and Lydya Hulst: 1341 140 Ave., Wayland, 49348. May 4, 2015 OUTSTANDING LIBRARY BOOKS The library is now closed so that we can begin moving books into our new room. If you have any books outstanding, please return them by Friday morning. Thank you! Janna Huisken and Julie Kaiser CHAPEL Eastside Christian School and their orchestra will be joining us for a special chapel this Friday at 9:30. You are welcome to join us. 7TH/8TH FAREWELL PARTY th ASSOCIATION MEETING th The 7 /8 grade Farewell Party will be held this Friday after school. The Adams Association Meeting will be held tonight at 7:30 at the school. SEVENTH GRADE MOMS HOT LUNCH MEETING All 7th grade moms are asked to meet at school tomorrow to discuss next year’s hot lunch schedule. Refer to the memo sent home last week. Please meet in the music room at 2:30, arriving promptly so we can finish by the end of the school day. Thank you! Hot Lunch Committee HOT LUNCH Hot lunch this Wednesday will be chicken sandwiches, assorted chips, and ice cream novelties. Helpers are Trish Bruinsma and Lisa Kuiper at 11:20, and Esther Langerak at 11:30 (pick up sandwiches). th Snack sale will be provided by the 7 grade, Groups C & A. KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM Adams Christian School’s Kindergarten Program will be held this Wednesday at Bethany United Reformed Church at 7:30. MOTHERS CLUB Mothers Club will meet this Thursday at 8:00. Servers are Tressa Lubbers and Liz Lubbers . Maria Van Dyke will play the piano and Kelly Dykstra will close with prayer. Copies of the teacher wish lists were passed around at the April meeting. If you did not receive one and would like to review it prior to this week’s meeting, please contact Ruth Baas to have a copy sent home with your child. We will be voting on these Thursday, and also voting on two motions to give money to the Capital Campaign and to Long Range that were tabled because the amounts are over $2,000. SUMMER BRIDGE PROGRAM Information is being sent home today on a separate pink sheet regarding the Summer Bridge learning program. If you wish to order any books, please return your form with payment (made out to the school) no later than this Friday. Sports GIRLS SOCCER ~game tomorrow at Adams vs. Hudsonville Christian at 4:00. ~game Wednesday at Hudsonville Christian at 4:45. (Note late start time.) Drivers are Erika Atwood, Judy Hunderman, Amanda Jabaay, and Melissa Smith. ~game Friday at Legacy Christian at 4:00. Drivers are Brenda Van Baren, Pamela Kaptein, Rachel Bleyenberg, and Kathy Velthouse. There will be a party after the game. Each player needs to pay $5 for pizza and a coach gift. Please pick up your child at 6:30. BOYS BASEBALL ~game tomorrow at Moline Christian at 4:00. Drivers are LaRae Kamps, Gwennan Engen, Pam Cleary, and Lisa Kuiper. Due to construction, these are the best directions: south on 131, take Dorr exit (#68), go north on either Division or th 14 . ~Thursday at Calvin Christian at 4:00. Drivers are Brenda Van Baren, Michelle Pipe, Tricia Bouma, and Julie Steenwyk. These are the last games of the season for these sports. We would like to extend a big thank you to Mr. Tim Kortering for coaching the girls soccer, and Mr. Joel Dykstra for coaching the boys baseball. Fundraising TRIP NEWS Look for your annual statements to be coming home today. Payouts are being made this week, and any TRIP rebate amounts should be reflected on your May tuition statement. We will be holding our regular TRIP hours this Tuesday for walk in sales. Remember to use your online accounts for ease and convenience. Any questions may be directed to Melissa or Rebecca. (see other side for more announcements) ADAMS FOUNDATION GOLF OUTING Reminder! There are still openings for teams or th sponsorships for the 26 annual Adams Foundation Golf Outing. The event will be held at Egypt Valley Country Club on Monday, May 11, with registration from 1:00–3:00, and the tournament beginning at 3:00. Please contact Terry Kaptein (437-7943), Jordan Pipe (8892072) or Harlow Kuiper (262-9495) to register your team or sponsorship. Requested Announcements HOPE CLASSIC The 18th annual Hope Classic will take place on Saturday, May 30. Registration forms are available at all of the local schools. The registration deadline is May 15. Mark your calendars and start training! CCHS SCIENCE NIGHT Mark your calendar for Monday, May 18! It’s Science Night at Covenant Christian High School. Come enjoy the projects from the junior and senior science students at Covenant from 6:308:30. Kids of all ages will enjoy the projects along with the adults. Hope to see you there! CCHS GIRLS BASKETBALL CAMP A basketball camp is being planned on June 8-11 for girls th entering 4th-9 grades. Registration forms have been handed out and extras can be found in the school office. The due date for the registration form is this Friday, May 8. Contact Dan Kuiper at 2726425 or [email protected] with any questions. FAITH PRC HANGING BASKET/CAR WASH/BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER Faith PRC Young People invite you to their annual Breakfast, Car Wash and Hanging Basket Sale to be held this Saturday from 7:30-9:30 at the church. Proceeds benefit our many young people who plan to attend the 2015 convention. Thank you for your support! BYRON CENTER PRC HANGING BASKET SALE The Byron Center Young People are hosting a hanging basket flower sale this Saturday at Adams Christian School, from 9:00–1:00. Beautiful hanging baskets will be for sale for $15, or 3/$40. Come and support this convention fundraiser, and get your Mother’s Day flowers, Secret Pal flowers, or flowers for your own home and garden. Thank you! RAINBOW GRILL FUNDRAISER The Hudsonville Young Peoples invite you to enjoy breakfast, lunch and/or supper at the Rainbow Grill of Hudsonville and Grandville on Wednesday, May 13. Proceeds will be used to help with this year’s convention expenses. Thanks for your support. SPECIAL NEEDS PROGRAM DVDs Special Needs Program DVD’s will be available soon for $10. Please call or email Kurt Kaptein at 669-8953 or [email protected] if you would like one.
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