Program Description: UT SCORE are four week-long summer events for rising high school juniors from Memphis area Schools. This program is designed to educate students about the college application process, college success, and introduce them to the skills it takes to be successful in earning a degree. UT SCORE will expose students to majors in college that will lead to careers that interest them. Four current UT Knoxville students, who are graduates of Memphis high schools, will serve as SCORE Counselors to the high school participants. They will instruct students about college preparation along with the application and selection process. Additionally, they will share strategies to be successful academically and socially in college. The UT SCORE Program will last one week. Each of the four, one week sessions, includes space for 40 participants in learning teams of 10. The program will take place on the UT Health Science Center campus in downtown Memphis for four days and on the Southwest Tennessee Community College Union Campus for one day each week. The participants will also visit other local colleges and universities. Application Instructions 1. Please verify that you meet all eligibility requirements. Applicants must: • • • • Be a rising sophomore or junior Be a 1st generation college student (parents did not complete a 4yr college bachelor’s degree program) OR be a participant in the Federal Free/Reduced Lunch program Have a minimum 2.75 (weighted) cumulative grade point average Be available for one week (M-‐F) from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm during: o June 1-‐5 or o June 8-‐12 or o June 15-‐19 or o June 22-‐26, 2015 2. Answer each question completely and truthfully. 3. Submit a high school report card with your application packet. 4. Provide the attached recommendation form and description above to a counselor, teacher, or administrator from your high school. The recommendation form can be returned separately or with the application. Charlie Folsom, Jr., Director of UT SCORE 800 Madison Ave. Suite 309, Memphis, TN 38163 901-448-8289 phone 901-448-1357 fax [email protected] 1 UT SCORE Application APPLICATION DEADLINE: May 8, 2015 Please complete sections A-F below and enclose a copy of your high school report card. The report card must be included in order for the application to be considered. You will also need to select a teacher or counselor who can complete the attached SCORE Program Student Evaluation. A. Personal Data Name: Date: (Last) (First) (M.I.) Address: Phone: (City) (State) Date of Birth: _______________________ Age: __________ (Zip Code) City/State of Birth: _______________________________ Student E-Mail (Required): __________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print): _______________________________________ Parent’s Phone: Parent’s E-Mail (Required): __________________________________________________________________________________________ Race/Ethnicity: ___________________________________ Gender (circle) Male Are you eligible for fee waivers based on your parents’ income? Female Yes: ____ No:____ Did either of your parents graduate from a 4 year college bachelor’s degree program (check one)? Yes: ____ No: ____ Preferred Week (Please put a one by your first choice and two by your second choice. Note: A week will be assigned each student based on availability.) June 1-5 _____ June 8-12_____ June 15-19_____ June 22-26_____ B. High School Information Name of Current High School: ____________________________ GPA: Graduation year (circle one): ACT (if applicable): __________ 2020 2019 2018 2017 __________ Counselor Name: ____________________ Counselor E-Mail:_____________________________________ Applicants should return this completed APPLICATION with RECOMMENDATION and copy of their REPORT CARD by May 8, 2015 to: Charlie Folsom, Jr., Director of UT SCORE, 800 Madison Ave. Suite 309, Memphis, TN 38163, 901-4481357 fax, [email protected]. 2 UT SCORE Program Student Evaluation Applicant: please give this form to a teacher, guidance counselor, or school administrator who is familiar with your personal qualifications for selection as a UT SCORE participant. Applicant Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ I hereby (please check one) □ waive □ do not waive the right to examine this evaluation. Applicant’s Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Name of Evaluator__________________________________ Title of Evaluator________________________________ The person named above has applied to be a UT SCORE participant and has asked that you evaluate her/his ability to successfully complete this pre-college preparation program. If the applicant has not waived the right to review this rating form, you should consider it non-confidential. How long have you know the applicant and in what capacity? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are there any factors that you are aware of that would allow or inhibit this applicant success in this college prep program? (You may use the back of this sheet if you need additional space.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please rate this candidate’s attributes by placing a check mark in the appropriate place. Needs Improvement Adequate Good Superior No Basis for decision Intellectual Ability Oral Expression Written Expression Motivation/Initiative Cooperation/Team Work Emotional Maturity Dependability Creativity Sensitivity to Diversity Overall Potential I ( ) highly recommend ( ) recommend with reservation ( ) do not recommend this applicant Signature of Evaluator: ________________________________________________________ Date: ____________ Please return this form by May 8, 2015 to: Charlie Folsom, Jr., Director of UT SCORE, 800 Madison Ave. Suite 309, Memphis, TN 38163, 901-448-1357 fax, [email protected]. 3
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