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Jacob G. Levernier
Department of Psychology
1227 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403
jleverni at uoregon dot edu
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, 2011 - Present
Doctoral Student, Personality and Social Psychology
Advised by Gerard Saucier, PhD
Supporting Area in Data Science, including Data Ethics and Data Management
Advised by Mark Alfano, PhD, and Sanjay Srivastava, PhD
Graduate Certificate in New Media and Culture, Spring 2014
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, 2012
M.S. Psychology
University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, 2010
B.A. Psychology (4.0 GPA)
Minors in Neuroscience, Philosophy, Classical Studies
St. Ignatius Institute Great Books Program Certificate
Blackfriars, University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K., 2008 - 2009
Visiting Student Program (4.0 GPA), Philosophy and English Literature
• Graduate Affiliate, Digital Scholarship Center, University of Oregon, 2014 - Present
• Gregores Graduate Research Award to fund training in Bayesian analyses, University of Oregon, 2013
• John Templeton Foundation research grant, “Children’s imaginary worlds and the development of creativity and
moral judgment,” with Marjorie Taylor and Candice Mottweiler, 2012 - 2014
• Graduate School Research Award, University of Oregon, 2012
• Marthe E. Smith Memorial Science Fellowship, University of Oregon, 2012
• Valedictorian in Arts and Social Sciences, University of San Francisco, 2010
• Dean’s Medalist in Arts, University of San Francisco, 2010. First USF student in 13 years to be both Valedictorian
and Dean’s Medal recipient
• Fr. Hubert Flynn, SJ, Award, University of San Francisco, 2010, for maintaining highest cumulative GPA in
graduating class
• Vice-President, Psi Chi, International Honor Society in Psychology, University of San Francisco Chapter,
2009 - 2010. Member of University of San Francisco Psi Chi Chapter, 2007 - present. Chapter distinguished with
Regional Model Chapter Award during time in office
• Member of Alpha Sigma Nu National Jesuit Honor Society, 2008 - Present
Jacob G. Levernier
• Recipient (twice) of Fr. Urban Grassi Award, highest honor granted by Rhetoric and Composition Department,
University of San Francisco, for writing in Psychology, 2007, 2008
• Member of National Society of Collegiate Scholars, 2007 - Present
• University Scholar, University of San Francisco, 2006 - 2010
• Dean’s List, University of San Francisco, 2006 - 2010
• Instructor, Software Carpentry, September 2014 - Present. Registered volunteer instructor for Software Carpentry’s
software and data management bootcamps, ready to teach on topics including the Unix terminal, Python, R, relational
database design and SQL, version control with Mercurial and Git, regular expressions, automating data workflow,
reproducible publication workflow, and related topics.
• Research Data Management Assistant, Science Library, University of Oregon, September 2013 - June 2014.
Experience included developing instructional materials in support of research data management needs for faculty and
graduate students in natural and social sciences, tracking changes in data management requirements and best practices
for research data management, assisting in the evaluation and development of technical systems and tools for data
management, assisting with depositing research data sets in the University of Oregon Institutional Repository, and
supporting the University of Oregon Library System’s data management advisory group.
• Recruitment Software Development as Graduate Teaching Fellow, University of Oregon, June 2012 - January
2015. Led the design of and authored MoRES (Moral Recruitment for Ethical Studies), a PHP/jQuery/MySQL unified
recruitment and participant allocation database system for Developmental Psychology research labs. The project is to
be released under the GPL.
• Lab Manager, Imagination Research Lab, University of Oregon, June 2012 - March 2013. Experience included
designing and implementing data storage and backup procedures; Research Assistant coordination tools through a
private, customized WordPress system; and participant recruitment database systems.
• Graduate Research Fellow, University of Oregon, September 2012 - September 2013. Supported by John Templeton
Foundation research grant as project lead on research study into children’s development of mental worlds.
• Graduate Teaching Fellow, University of Oregon, September 2011 - Present
• Lab Instructor, Teaching Assistant, Graduate Statistics (612 Course Number), University of Oregon, Jan. 2015 - March
• Guest Lecturer on Bayesian Modeling, Graduate Statistics (612 Course number), University of Oregon, 2014, 2015
• Workshops:
– Introduction to R for the Digital Humanities (one hour), Digital Scholarship Center, University of Oregon, Jan.
– R for Librarians in the Humanities (three hours), Digital Scholarship Center, University of Oregon, March 2015
Lab Instructor, Research Methods (303 Course number), University of Oregon, 2012, 2014
Co-Founder, Lecturer, Bayesian Modeling in R Club, University of Oregon, Jan. 2014 - June 2014
Administrator, R Club, University of Oregon, Jan. 2014 - June 2014
Guest Lecturer on Moral Development, Child Development (476 Course number), University of Oregon, 2012, 2013
Guest Lecturer on Mnemotechnics, Human Learning and Memory (433/533 Course number), University of Oregon, 2012
Grader, Imagination (461 Course number), University of Oregon, 2011
Guest Lecturer on Personality Theories and Memory, Motives, Emotions, Traits (399 Course number), University of
Oregon, 2011
Teaching Assistant, Motives, Emotions, Traits (399 Course number), University of Oregon, 2011
Guest Lecturer, Research Design (265 Course number), University of San Francisco, 2011
Teaching Assistant, Research Design (265 Course number), University of San Francisco, 2011
Guest Lecturer on Mnemotechnics and Writing, St. Ignatius Institute, University of San Francisco, 2009
Guest Lecturer on Mnemotechnics, Gonzaga Preparatory School, Spokane, WA, 2008
April 2015
Jacob G. Levernier
Morality Mining — Use of data mining to learn about moral priorities among groups and individuals.
Data management education. Research ethics relating to data storage and use.
Moral development throughout the lifespan, especially relating to conceptions of individuality and privacy.
Open-source and open-access development and education, especially relating to research and academia.
Development of imagination, specifically relating to memory, use in mnemonic devices, and mental simulation.
Additional personal interest: Historical relationship of memory and imagination to Virtue Ethics.
• Programmer, September 2014 - Present: Leading code development for a new behavioral measure of intellectual humility.
In collaboration with the Intellectual Humility Project.
• Programmer, September 2014 - Present: Working in a two-person development team to automate acquisition and
processing of PubMed data for text mining and calculating publication statistics. In collaboration with David Shofler,
DPM, Western University of Health Sciences College of Podiatric Medicine; and John Flournoy, MS, University of
Oregon Department of Psychology.
• Researcher, 2013 - Present: Leading data aquisition and automating processing for “Speaking Well of the Dead,” a
project to determine the accepted virtues of communities across the United States through text mining of obituaries.
In collaboration with Mark Alfano, PhD, University of Oregon Depatment of Philosophy; and Andrew Higgens, PhD,
University of Illinois Department of Philosophy.
• Researcher, 2012 - 2013: Conducted initial data-driven development of a new measure of moral judgment for children,
based on Moral Foundations Theory (Haidt & Joseph, 2004). In collaboration with Marjorie Taylor, PhD, and Candice
Mottweiler, MS.
• Researcher, 2011 - Present: Managed study exploring the creation of imaginary worlds (“paracosms”) in middle childhood,
and the relationship of paracosm creation to cognitive, emotional, and moral development. In collaboration with Marjorie
Taylor, PhD, and Candice Mottweiler, MS.
• Researcher, 2011: Contributed to study exploring young children’s ability to understand symbolic representations
through pretense. In collaboration with Marjorie Taylor, PhD, Susan Gelman, PhD, and Naomi Aguiar, MS.
• Staff Research Associate II, NCIRE — The Veterans’ Health Research Institute / San Francisco Veterans’ Affairs Medical
Center, 2010 - 2011: Experience included database design and management, participant recruitment for clinical research
trials, designing of training in recruitment data storage and analysis, writing recruitment portions of IRB submissions,
working with marketing coordinator to develop recruitment collateral, and designing and building recruitment websites
for the research program and program studies.
• Research Assistant, Project Manager, Maureen O’Sullivan, PhD, Department of Psychology, USF, 2009 - 2010: Experience
included assisting in research on emotional components of human lie detection; developing a novel coding scheme for new
“Reactions to Lying” questionnaire measuring effects of deception; and designing and implementing an original study.
• Research Assistant, Kent Hoffman, PhD, Circle of Security, Spokane, WA, 2008: Experience included production of
promotional video for the Circle of Security parenting intervention, viewable at http://tinyurl.com/CircleOfSecurity.
• Research Assistant, Edward Munnich, PhD, Department of Psychology, USF / Numerical Reasoning Lab, University of
California, Berkeley, 2007: Experience included editing articles for publication; participating in meetings as member of
University of California, Berkeley, Numerical Reasoning Lab; and conducting literature reviews and article summaries.
• Data Analysis: Fluency with R, Python, Bash scripting, SPSS, and HLM. Intermediate knowledge of JAGS (for
Bayesian modeling). Approaching fluency with the use of Perl-style regular expressions.
• Data and Workflow Management: Fluency with standard data security and archiving procedures; version control
systems (Mercurial and Git); relational database setup (with both SQL and FileMaker Pro implementations); PGP/GPG,
LUKS, and ecryptfs encryption tools; and incremental data backup tools and management. Familiarity with NoSQL
(non-relational) database setups.
• Web Development:
– Fluency with HTML/CSS, jQuery, PHP, and SQL (specifically using MySQL and SQLite).
– Fluency with installation, customization of, and development for Pelican, Concrete5, and WordPress Content
Management Systems.
April 2015
Jacob G. Levernier
• Academic Publishing: Familiarity with LaTeX. Fluency with RMarkdown workflows.
• Linux System Administration: Strong grasp of procedures for setting up and adminstrating virtualized Ubuntu
Server and openSUSE instances. Experience includes setting up and administrating SSH proxy servers, Dovecot mail
servers, OwnCloud instances, LAMP development environments, and Docker-containerized environments.
• Using Vim.
• Alfano, M., Higgins, A., & Levernier, J.G. (forthcoming). Mapping human values: Enhancing social marketing through
obituary data-mining. In L. Kahle & E. Attay (eds.), Social and Cultural Values in a Global and Digital Age.
• Taylor, M., Mottweiler, C.M., Naylor, E.R., & Levernier, J.G. (in press). Imaginary worlds in middle childhood: A case
study of two pairs of coordinated paracosms. Creativity Research Journal. doi:10.1080/10400419.2015.1030318
• Levernier, J. G., Alfano, M., & Higgins, A. (2015, February). Speaking Well of the Dead. Poster presented at Society for
Personality and Social Psychology conference.
• Eanes, R., Pittman, M., & Levernier, J. G. (2015, February). Secrets in Plain Sight: Mining Datasets in the Social
Sciences. Panel discussion on data ethics, Graduate School Research Forum, University of Oregon.
• Levernier, J. G. (2014, February). The Dirt on Data: Data Management Fundamentals. Poster presented at Graduate
School Research Forum, University of Oregon.
• Alfano, M., & Levernier, J. G. (2013, December). Speaking Well of the Dead. Presentation invited by San Francisco
State University Department of Philosophy.
• Levernier, J. G., Mottweiler, C. M., & Taylor M. (2013, July). The Creation of Imaginary Worlds in Middle Childhood.
Paper presented at Making Sense of: Play, an Inter-Disciplinary.Net conference.
• Levernier, J. G., Magid, A. J., Kloeris, M. P., & O’Sullivan, M. (2010, April). Upon My Soul, a Wicked Lie: Emotional
Reactions to Lying. Poster presented at Western Psychological Association conference.
Delegate, National Conference on Ethics in America, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY, 2009. Selected by
Dean of College of Arts and Sciences as the sole representative of University of San Francisco at the United States Military
Academy’s undergraduate conference on Ethics.
University of Oregon / Related
Workshops: Multilevel modeling, Missing data analysis; Center for Assessment, Statistics, and Evaluation
Research Methods in Social Network Analysis; Sanjay Srivastava, PhD
History and Theory of New Media; Bish Sen, PhD
Digital Scholarship Methods; John Russell, MLIS
Virtue Ethics Seminar; Mark Alfano, PhD
Psychology of Religion; Azim Shariff, PhD
Doing Bayesian Data Analysis, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) summer workshop;
John Kruschke, PhD, Indiana University
Seminar in Data Management; Victoria Mitchell, MLIS, and Karen Estlund, MLIS
Data Mining; Juan Flores, PhD
Seminar in Developmental Psychology; Dare Baldwin, PhD, and Jennifer Pfeifer, PhD
Multi-Level Modeling; Elliot Berkman, PhD
Software Tools for Scientific Research; Nathan Dunn, PhD, and Craig Rasmussen, PhD
Seminar in Social Neuroscience; Elliot Berkman, PhD
Advanced Cognitive Neuroscience; Helen Neville, PhD
Seminar in Research Ethics; Dare Baldwin, PhD
Social and Personality Psychology; Sanjay Srivastava, PhD, and Sara Hodges, PhD
April 2015
Jacob G. Levernier
• Data Analysis III (Survey course, covering multilevel modeling, scientific computing, logistic regression, psychometrics,
factor and components analyses, structural equation modeling, non-parametric analyses); Elliot Berkman, PhD
• Data Analysis II (Regression); Robert Mauro, PhD
• Data Analysis I (Basic null-hypothesis inferential statistics); Louis Moses, PhD
University of Oxford
Themes in Moral Psychology (Tutorial Series); Vivian Boland, OP
Philosophy of Mind (Tutorial Series); Roger Teichmann, PhD
History of 20th Century Philosophy (Tutorial Series); Brian Klug, PhD
Philosophy of Religion (Blackfriars Lecture Series)
Plato for Theologians (Blackfriars Lecture Series)
Aristotle (Blackfriars Lecture Series)
The Life of Virtue (Blackfriars Lecture Series)
Philosophy of Nature (Blackfriars Lecture Series)
Moral Philosophy (Blackfriars Lecture Series)
Anthropology of Religion (Blackfriars Lecture Series)
Moral Psychology, Ancient and Modern (Blackfriars Lecture Series)
Philosophy of Psychology and Neuroscience (University Lecture Series)
Psychoanalysis, Ethics, and Mind (University Lecture Series)
University of San Francisco
Advanced Research Methods: Addictions (PSY); Peter Hendricks, PhD
Neuroscience (Exercise and Sport Science); Karen Francis, PhD
Learning, Memory, and Cognition (PSY); Davina Chan, PhD
Theories of Personality (PSY); Jennifer Guittard, PhD
Abnormal Psychology (PSY); June Madsen Clausen, PhD
Psychology of Ethnic Groups in the United States (PSY); Kevin Chun, PhD
Writing in Psychology (RHETCOMP); Lisa Biesemeyer
The Social Animal (St Ignatius Institute / PSY); Saera Khan, PhD
Biological Psychology (PSY); Susan Heidenreich, PhD
Research Design (PSY); Marisa Knight, PhD
Psychological Statistics (PSY); Colin Silverthorne, PhD
Pragmatism (PHIL); David Stump, PhD
Ethical Theory and Practice (St. Ignatius Institute / PHIL); Paul Symington, PhD
Ancient Philosophy (St. Ignatius Institute / PHIL); Stephen Black, PhD
Survey of Human Physiology (BIOL); Leslie King, MA
General Biology (BIOL); Keith Garrison, PhD
General Psychology (PSY); Edward Munnich, PhD
April 2015