AdvaMed Accel and AdvaMed 2015 Introduce the MedTech Innovator Compe55on and Accelerator to Grow the Medical Innova5on Ecosystem Innova5on. Accelera5on. Transforma5on. AdvaMed Partnership Overview AdvaMed Accel and AdvaMed 2015 have partnered with MedTech Innovator to provide MedTech startups with a unique opportunity to advance their strategic business development goals. MedTech Innovator Criteria We are looking for twenty outstanding medical technology companies to be part of our 2015 accelerator program. Applicants should be early-‐stage companies (e.g. seed, Series A, Series B), developing innova5ons in medtech or digital health. Program Par5cipant Benefits If selected to par5cipate, your company will have a unique opportunity to interact with industry stakeholders such as VC investors and medtech execu5ves in business development, regulatory, reimbursement, and purchasing. You will be showcased at conferences and eligible to compete for more than $300,000 in prizes. MedTech Innovator 2015 Selec5on Applica5ons for the 2015 program will close April 30. An industry panel will invite selected companies to par5cipate in regional networking events in May and early June. At these events, you will have opportuni5es to pitch your technologies and network with industry mentors. In early June, a selec5on commiGee will choose twenty semi-‐finalist companies. On June 25, there will be an invita5on-‐ only event in Palo Alto, CA for the semi-‐ finalists, who will also par5cipate the following day in the 23rd Annual Wilson Sonsini Medical Device Conference in San Francisco, CA. Virtual Accelerator Program From July – September, there will be in-‐ person and web-‐based events that cover every aspect of what it takes to be a successful MedTech company in today's and tomorrow’s environments. AdvaMed 2015 Compe55on Finals All twenty semi-‐finalist companies will receive scholarships to par5cipate in the Innova5on Showcase at AdvaMed 2015. Four companies will be selected for the MedTech Innovator Finals in a plenary session on October 7 at AdvaMed 2015. Finalists will compete for the audience vote and more than $300,000 in prizes. Apply Now! Any early-‐stage, innova5ve medical technology company is encouraged to apply for MedTech Innovator 2015 before the April 30 deadline. Click here to apply MedTech Innovator 2015 Key Milestones Prizes and Scholarships April 30, 2015 Deadline for applica5ons Select companies invited to Pitch & Networking May – June 20 semi-‐finalists selected Early June June 25-‐26, 2015 Invita5on-‐only events in Palo Alto, CA and Wilson Sonsini Medical Device Conference in SF July – September Three-‐month MedTech Innovator Accelerator Early September 4 finalists selected October 7, 2015 MedTech Innovator Finals at AdvaMed 2015 Over $300k has been commiGed to-‐date in scholarships and prizes for the winners of MedTech Innovator 2015. MedTech Innova2on and MedTech Transforma2on sponsors to-‐date include BD Medical, RCT Ventures, and the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies. Among other benefits, sponsors get vo5ng rights for semi-‐finalist and finalist company selec5on. Grand at [email protected] about par5cipa5on and sponsorship opportuni5es Contact: Paul
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