THE ADVANCED SCIENCE JOURNAL NATURAL SCIENCE RECEIVED 05.03.2015 ACCEPTED 25.04.2015 PUBLISHED 01.06.2015 DOI: 10.15550/ASJ.2015.03.111 SYNTHESIS AND APPLICATION OF NEW POLYDENT COMPOUNDS BASED ON AMIDES N. Uralova, A. Kuvandikov Dzhizak Politechnical Institute 4, Khalklar Dustligi Avenue, Dzhizak 108000 Uzbekistan [email protected] Abstract: The industry uses water that requires treatment and cleaning before and after its use. Mineral salt when water is heated form hard scale that reduces the thermal conductivity and excessive consumption of energy carriers. Scaling prevention requires additional costs. The most effective way to deal with scaling is the use of chemical agents - inhibitors. We developed a new inhibitor based on local raw materials – carbamide and thiocarbamide. This novelty is conditionally named IOMC-extra-II and tested as scale inhibitors in a closed water recycling water of Fergana oil refinery plant. It is established that the synthesized inhibitor IOMC-extra-II 5 times more effective that used industrial inhibitor OEDFK. Keywords: amides, inhibitor, polydent compounds, prevention of scaling. At present, in different industries the water is used that have mineral salts in composition and require treatment and cleaning before and after its use.Mineral salt when water is heated form hard scale that reduces the thermal conductivity and excessive consumption of energy carriers. Scalingprevention requires additional costs. Of the currently known methods to combat against scaling the most technologically efficient method for preventing scaling is inhibitors. In order to develop new, highly efficient scale inhibitors, we studied the reaction of sulfomethylation thiocarbamide. In condensation of thiocarbamide with formaldehyde in the presence of sodium hydrosulphite, dimethylene-sulphonate thiocarbamide is formed in following scheme: The reaction is performed in a slightly alkaline medium at different temperatures, times and different ratios of the starting components (see Table. 1). As a result of conducted studies in the reaction during 3 hours, the ration of primary products in molar proportions of 1:1:1, 1:2:2, 2:2:1 and 1:4:4, in the temperature range 40 to 1200С, it was determined that the highest output of thiocarbamide dimethylene-sulphonate- 89.2% is achieved within 3 hours at a temperature of 800S and a ratio of 1 mole carbamide to 2 moles of formaldehyde and sodium bisulfite. By increasing the content of primary materials and temperature the output of thiocarbamide dimethylene-sulphonatedecreases and the output of intermediate materialsincreases, such as mono-methylenesulphonate and thiocarbamide tetramethylene-sulphonate. The effect of temperature on the thiocarbamide dimethylene-sulphonateoutput (see Table 2). Optimal output of synthesized thiocarbamide dimethylene-sulphonateis observed at 800Сand reaction duration of 4 hours. When the reaction duration is 2 hours due to incomplete conversion of the primary reactants, acetaldehyde condensation and formation of intermediary and by-products, decrease of desired product output is observed. When the reaction duration is 6 hours, sharp decrease in the output of thiocarbamide dimethylene-sulphonateis not observed, the reason for the latter is the partial conversion of dimethylene-sulphonate into thiocarbamide mono-methylenesulphonate. Structure, elemental composition and quantum-chemical constants of the synthesized materialis defined. The structure of the synthesized compounds is determined by infrared spectroscopy, and the composition is determined by elemental analysis. In the infrared spectrum of thiocarbamide dimethylene-sulphonate (Figure 1) we revealed the intense absorption bands observed in the range of 3425-3445 cm-1related to the stretch vibrations of –N-H group, in the range of 740-760 cm-1 stretch vibration of C = S linking, in the range of 1450-1470 cm-1deformation VOLUME 2015 ISSUE 3 111 ISSN 2219-746X EISSN 2219-7478 vibrations of -СН2- groups appear, in the range of 1045-1070 cm-1the stretch vibrations relating O=S=O group and 1190-1205 cm-1the stretch vibrations related -C-N linking. Table 1 The dependence of thiocarbamide dimethylene-sulphonateoutput on temperature and ratio of the primary materials (reaction time 3 hours) Substance Temperature, 0С Product output, % By-products, % ration, mole 40 13,9 86,1 60 17,5 82,5 1:1:1 80 27,2 72,8 100 20,1 79,9 120 18,2 81,8 40 56,2 43,8 60 74,9 25,1 1:2:2 80 89,2 10,8 100 78,6 21,4 120 63,3 36,7 40 42,8 57,2 60 45,2 54,8 2:2:1 80 52,5 47,5 100 46,3 53,7 120 44,8 55,2 40 23,7 76,3 60 29,0 71,0 1:4:4 80 42,2 57,8 100 33,6 66,4 120 28,4 71,6 Table 2 Dependence of the thiocarbamide dimethylene-sulphonate on reaction duration at different temperatures, (the component ratio of 1: 2: 2) Thiocarbamidedimethylene-sulphonate Reaction duration, hour Temperature, 0С output, % 60 47,2 80 52,5 2 100 50,8 60 74,9 80 89,2 4 100 78,6 60 68,1 80 76,6 6 100 71,3 The resulting product thiocarbamide dimethylene-sulphonate is well soluble in water and has been tested as an inhibitor of deposit of mineral salts. As reference standard, we used industrial inhibitor IOMC-1 and OEDFK (see Table 3). Previously we studied the analogous reaction with thiocarbamide and resulting product carbamidedimethylene-sulphonate(CDMS) was tested as an inhibitor of mineral salts sediments. The results obtained show that prevention of scale deposition in thiocarbamide dimethylene-sulphonateis much more than CDMS; and increasing concentration features on thiocarbamide dimethylene-sulphonateare also observed increase than those of CDMS. For example, at a concentration of 4.0 mg/l of CDMS and thiocarbamide dimethylene-sulphonate, the inhibitory efficiency is accordingly 90.5% and 92.5%. It follows that the 112 ADVANCEDSCIENCE.ORG THE ADVANCED SCIENCE JOURNAL inhibitor thiocarbamide dimethylene-sulphonateis 2% more effective compared with the inhibitor CDMS for the investigated samples of water in these regions. These data show that the thiocarbamide dimethylenesulphonateinhibitor at identical concentrations gives almost the same effect with the imported inhibitor IOMC-1 and 2.5% exhibits a greater effect as compared with inhibitor OEDFK. At the same time, it must be emphasized that the scale inhibitor thiocarbamide dimethylene-sulphonate synthesized on the basis of local raw materials is much cheaper than imported IOMC-1 inhibitors and OEDFK. Fig. 1. IR spectrum thiocarbamide dimethylene-sulphonate Table 3 Inhibitor concentration in mg/l 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 IOMC-1, 4,0 OEDFK, 4,0 Dependence thiocarbamide dimethylene-sulphonate inhibitory activity from inhibitor concentration, (T = 80 0С) Efficacy of inhibition, % Water hardness, mg-equ/l Kokand city Yangiyul city Navoi city 4-5 6-7 8-11 81,0 75,4 72,0 86,0 80,5 76,4 91,0 90,5 86,8 92,5 91,2 88,0 93,0 92,1 90,3 93,0 94,0 91,0 93,0 92,0 91,0 90,0 88,0 87,0 Nukus city 13-15 75,4 76,5 81,0 87,2 89,0 92,0 90,0 86,0 The Ferghana oil refinery plant to stabilize the recycled water uses industrial inhibitor OEDFK, the rate of application of which ranges from 1.0 to 4.0 g/m3. In order to reduce the water hardness in industrythe synthesized thiocarbamide dimethylene-sulphonate in real conditions was tested as an inhibitor of mineral salts deposit. In this regard, we modified the 65% thiocarbamide dimethylene-sulphonate with addition of tri-sodium polyphosphate 25% and 10% of still age residue of vacuum distillation of monoethanolamine (SRVDM). The resulting composition, conventionally called the IOMC-extra-II was tested as scale inhibitors in a closed water recycling water of Fergana oil refinery plant. Results of the comparison of the inhibitory activity IOMC-extra-II compared with the industrial OEDFK inhibitor are shown in Table 4. The table shows that the synthesized inhibitor IOMC-extra-II is effectively inhibited in 91.0% of the deposits of mineral salts at a concentration of 40.0 mg/l. The same industrial inhibitory efficiency inhibitor OEDFK reaches only 90.0% at the concentration of 200.0 mg / l. It established that the synthesized inhibitor IOMC-extra-II is 5 times more effective than industrial OEDFK. VOLUME 2015 ISSUE 3 113 ISSN 2219-746X EISSN 2219-7478 Table 4 The inhibitory activity of IOMC - extra - II in comparison with OEDFK Inhibitor Inhibitor Concentration, mg/l Efficiency of inhibition,% 20,0 76,0 IOMC - extra - II 30,0 83,0 40,0 91,0 20,0 30,0 30,0 41,0 OEDFK 40,0 59,0 200,0 90,0 Thus, new inhibitors deposition of mineral salts on the basis of local raw material – carbamide and thiocarbamide were synthesized. The technology of the above given scale inhibitors is developed. References Dyatlova, N., Temkina, V. and Kolpakova, I. (1970) Kompleksony. Moscow: Himiya. Dzhilbert, E. (1969) Sulfirovanieorganicheskihveshestv. Moscow: Himiya. Kashavtsev, V. et al. (1985) Preduprezhdenie soleobrazovaniya pri dobyche nefti. Moscow: Nedra. Uralova, N., Ikramov, A. and Tangyarikov N. (2011) Kondensatsiya amidov s aldegidami i poluchenie ingibitorov anomalnyh yavleniy pri dobyche nefti i gaza. J. Uzbekskiy himicheski yjurnal. (3), pp.18-23. 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