Tarifs France Ad Specs – March 2015 FORMATS 1/2 FORMAT DESKTOP MOBILE TABLET APPS IPTV VIDEO IN-STREAM Video pre-roll Pre-roll + companion ad Compagnon Overlay (sur le contenu après le spot) MPU companion on-site Player takeover companion on-site Interactive pre-roll Interactive pre-roll - Share buttons Interactive pre-roll - Hotspots Interactive pre-roll - Expand Interactive pre-roll - Mini-site Pre-roll interactif - AdSelector Interactive pre-roll - Locator Any VPAID Interactive pre-roll pushed by clients Pre-roll extender on-site FORMAT FORMATS 2/2 DISPLAY DESKTOP MOBILE TABLET Homepage Takeover - Classic (incl. MPU) no Flash Homepage Takeover - Masthead (incl. MPU) if spec. Dailymotion Homepage Takeover - Custom Masthead 970x250 – Classic Masthead 970x250 – Video if spec Dailymotion MPU / Medium rectangle 300x250 - Classic MPU / Medium rectangle 300x250 – Video Half page 300x600 classic Half page 300x600 vidéo Prehome / interstitial (between-the-page) Prehome / interstitial (between-the-page) - Video APPS click to play Prehome / interstitial mobile + tablet Mobile banner 300x50 ou 320x50 DAILYMOTION GAMES Brand corner Slideshow slot Sponsored unit IPTV instream VIDEO PRE-ROLL Desktop Mobile Tablet Connected TV VIDEO PRE-ROLL TECH SPECS Compiled video file Notes format mp4, (H264), mov, wmv, avi Encoding : If the creative agency cannot deliver an encoded video (FLV / F4V), we can encode the video from high-quality files max. weight none resolution provide a non-compressed file, non resized (if possible, provide us with the source file) If redirect : contact us max. video length 30 s max Third-party tracking: a pixel and a click-command can be integrated to measure impressions and clicks. VAST/VPAID compliant player : accepted redirects: VAST 1,2 / VPAID 1 (Video Ad Serving Template) is a standardized communication protocol which enables a simplified and homomgenous exchange of information between video players and videos ads servers. Vast redirect accepted for mobile devices only if the video format is mp4. No redirects on connected TV. PRE-ROLL + COMPANION OVERLAY Desktop PRE-ROLL + COMPANION MPU Desktop Tablet PRE-ROLL + COMPANION PLAYER TAKEOVER Desktop INTERACTIVE PRE-ROLL – SHARE BUTTONS Desktop INTERACTIVE PRE-ROLL – SHARE BUTTONS TECH SPECS Combined video file Notes format mp4, (H264), mov, wmv, avi Dailymotion can produce and implement the format if redirects (on all devices) : .mp4 Provide : - Redirection URL to be used (FB or Twitter) - Default shared text (140 characters) Max. weight none Encoding : If the creative agency cannot deliver an encoded video (FLV / F4V), we can encode the video from high-quality files Resolution provide a non-compressed file, non resized (if possible, provide us with the source file) Third-party tracking: a pixel and a click-command can be integrated to measure impressions and clicks If redirect : contact us Max. video length 30 s VAST/VPAID compliant player : accepted redirects: VAST 1,2 / VPAID 1 (Video Ad Serving Template) is a standardized communication protocol which enables a simplified and homomgenous exchange of information between video players and videos ad servers. INTERACTIVE PRE-ROLL - HOTSPOTS Desktop INTERACTIVE PRE-ROLL – HOTSPOTS TECH SPECS Compiled file Notes format mp4, (H264), mov, wmv, avi Encoding : If the creative agency cannot deliver an encoded video (FLV / F4V), we can encode the video from high-quality files Max. weight none resolution provide a non-compressed file, non resized (if possible, provide us with the source file) If redirect : contact us Max length 30 s Third-party tracking: a pixel and a click-command can be integrated to measure impressions and clicks Player compatible VAST/VPAID : accepted redirects: VAST 1,2 / VPAID 1 (Video Ad Serving Template) is a standardized communication protocol which enables a simplified and homomgenous exchange of information between video players and videos ad servers. Provide : • Creative brief (storyline/artwork) • Bullet points to be used on the video (preferably vectorized). • « Annotations » to be integrated to the format (preferably vectorized, otherwise a high-definition gif/jpeg) INTERACTIVE PRE-ROLL – EXPAND Desktop INTERACTIVE PRE-ROLL – EXPAND TECH SPECS Compiled file Notes format Provide : Creative brief (storyline/artwork) 1 logo/pictogram/button to launch the expand feature, vectorized if possible (otherwise high-quality gif/jpeg). mp4, (H264), mov, wmv, avi If redirects (on all devices) : .mp4 Max. weight none resolution provide a non-compressed file, non resized (if possible, provide us with the source file) Max. length 30 s Encoding : If the creative agency cannot deliver an encoded video (FLV / F4V), we can encode the video from high-quality files Third-party tracking: a pixel and a click-command can be integrated to measure impressions and clicks VAST/VPAID compliant player : accepted redirects: VAST 1,2 / VPAID 1 (Video Ad Serving Template) is a standardized communication protocol which enables a simplified and homomgenous exchange of information between video players and videos ad servers. INTERACTIVE PRE-ROLL – MINI-SITE Desktop INTERACTIVE PRE-ROLL – MINI-SITE TECH SPECS For any information on our custom formats, please contact us. INTERACTIVE PRE-ROLL – CAROUSEL Desktop INTERACTIVE PRE-ROLL – ADSELECTOR Desktop INTERACTIVE PRE-ROLL – STORE LOCATOR Desktop INTERACTIVE PRE-ROLL – STORE LOCATOR TECH SPECS Compiled file Notes format Provide: - Creative brief / screenshots - Vectorial logo vectoriel (otherwise a high-definition gif/jpeg) - A list with names and adresses of the store locations in a Excel file. mp4, (H264), mov, wmv, avi If redirects (on all devices) : .mp4 Max. weight none resolution provide a non-compressed file, non resized (if possible, provide us with the source file) Max. length 30 s Encoding : If the creative agency cannot deliver an encoded video (FLV / F4V), we can encode the video from high-quality files Third-party tracking: a pixel and a click-command can be integrated to measure impressions and clicks VAST/VPAID compliant player : accepted redirects: VAST 1,2 / VPAID 1 (Video Ad Serving Template) is a standardized communication protocol which enables a simplified and homomgenous exchange of information between video players and videos ad servers. INTERACTIVE PRE-ROLL – EXTENDER Desktop INTERACTIVE PRE-ROLL – EXTENDER TECH SPECS Compiled file Notes format The pre-roll is played for 30s if the call to action button is not activated. If it is activated, the pre-roll is played until the end. mp4, (H264), mov, wmv, avi if redirects (on all devices) : .mp4 Max. weight None resolution provide a non-compressed file, non resized (if possible, provide us with the source file) If redirect : contact us Max. length Recommanded : 2 to 3 min maximum Contact us for more details Call-to-action : by default (customizable on demand). FB & TW sharing buttons can be added Encoding : If the creative agency cannot deliver an encoded video (FLV / F4V), we can encode the video from high-quality files Third-party tracking: a pixel and a click-command can be integrated to measure impressions and clicks VAST/VPAID compliant player : accepted redirects: VAST 1,2 / VPAID 1 (Video Ad Serving Template) is a standardized communication protocol which enables a simplified and homomgenous exchange of information between video players and videos ad servers. display HOMEPAGE TAKOVER - CLASSIC Desktop Tablet Full day exclusivity 100% SOV HOMEPAGE TAKEOVER - CLASSIC TECH SPECS 1/2 Cinematic Needed assets When loading the page: The homepage takeover is represented by a background image and banners (animated or not) on the homepage of Dailymotion. The assets must be delivered within 5 working days before the start of the campaign. The validation will be done at least 3 working days before the upload. Composition du format Background image 1615x2125 : important information must be inserted into the 1024 pixels of the centre zone Top banner 970x120 : Static creative or animated creative Assets need to perfectly fit the background image Bottom banner 970x120 (optional): Static creative or animated creative. Assets need to perfectly fit the background image 300x250 MPU : Format IAB 300 250 background image compiled file : File Name: body (ex : body.jpg) Dimension : 1615x2125px Accepted formats: .gif, .jpg ou .png Weight : 150Ko max Redirection URL top banner compiled file : File Name: top_banner (ex : top_banner.jpg) Dimensions : 970x120px Accepted formats: .gif, .jpg, .png ou .swf Weight : 75Ko max Redirection URL for top banner if the last is an image (optional) HOMEPAGE TAKEOVER - CLASSIC TECH SPECS 2/2 Technical specifications Notes Some elements of the home page cannot be personnalized : header, footer, typos, content colors. If banners include an animation, the tracking of the redirection URL (if there is any) is done through a click-command provided on demand. In the animation, a transparent icon (button type) has to be included with the following code : on(release) { getURL(‘click command fourni’, '_blank'); } Redirects accpeted Please comply with the following guidelines. <PJ> Dailymotion may not upload the asset if it impacts one of the pages of the plateform Recommandations No text should be added 10 pixels from the website. It is not recommanded to add text on both sides of the asset. A fade between the banners and the background is compulsory. HOMEPAGE TAKEOVER - MASTHEAD Desktop Tablet Full day exclusivity 100% SOV HOMEPAGE TAKEOVER - MASTHEAD TECH SPECS Cinematic Needed assets When loading the page : The masthead is represented as a giant banner at the top of the page with an integrated Dailymotion player, showing the campaign on every page of the website with the exception of the player pages. Compiled file for the leaderboard: File Name: top_banner (ex : top_banner.jpg) Dimensions : 970x250px Accepted formats : .gif, .jpg ou .png Weight : 75Ko max Vidéo : hosted on Dailymotion (recommanded) Link to the video Video length : 1 min max Redirection URL Informations : If the creative agency cannot host the video on Dailymotion, deliver an encoded video (FLV / F4V), we can encode and host it the video from high-quality files. Redirects acceptés Please comply with the following guidelines. Composition of the creative Image for the 970x250 banner : Assets need to perfectly fit the background image Vidéo : hosted on Dailymotion Takeover : Background image 1615x2125 px : no informations outside the centered 1024 pixels Top banner Bottom banner (optional) IAB 300x250 format (optional): Static creative or animated creative. Sound must be “off” by default (may be activated on rollover or on click as long as it can be deactivated in the same way). Dailymotion may not upload the asset if it impacts one of the pages of the plateform HOMEPAGE TAKEOVER - PUSHDOWN Desktop Full day exclusivity 100% SOV HOMEPAGE TAKEOVER - PUSHDOWN TECH SPECS Cinematic Composition of the creative When loading the page: The megabanner expands and pushes the homepage down to give more space to play video ad. Contact us for a click opening. During the navigation : The megabanner is always on top of the page. Whenever it is highlighted with the mouse, it opens, pushing the content down with the revelation of the campaign (simple image or video) Not expanded format 970x120 (initial form): Background image or Animation. Sound must be “off” by default (may be activated on rollover or on click as long as it can be deactivated in the same way). Must have a close Button Expanded format 970x600:: Animation of the Push Down video / Launch Unit Close button is mandatory Video : 30 to 40 sec max Accepted redirects Please comply with the following guidelines Dailymotion may not upload the asset if it impacts one of the pages of the plateform HOMEPAGE TAKEOVER - PUSHDOWN TECH SPECS If processing directly with Dailymotion: We don’t handle the creation process for the Push Down but we provide a template, for the development of the creative. Push Down without Player: One .fla file with 3 MovieClips on 3 different layers: mc_close, mc_expandPanel (for the expand format), mc_closePanel (for the initial format) and a layer with the ActionScript Code. Push Down with Player: One .fla file with 3 MovieClips on 3 different layers: mc_close, mc_expandPanel, mc_closePanel and a layer with the ActionScript Code. The animation of the initial format (not expanded) needs to be in MovieClip ‘mc_closedPanel.’ In the MovieClip ‘mc_expandPanel’, two layers: mc_playerContainer / Background. The animation of the expanded format must be in the MovieClip. The MovieClip mc_playerContainer loads the Dailymotion player with the video. It should not be removed! Please contact Dailymotion traffic team for further information. TRANSPARENT FLASH TAKEOVER Desktop Full day exclusivity TRANSPARENT FLASH TAKEOVER TECH SPECS 1/3 Cinematic Au chargement de la page : The transparent flash takeover is an animation on a transparent base shown above the website, with a 300x250 mpu. Composition of the creative 905×441 Flash Format : Animation Sound must be “off” by default (may be activated on rollover or on click as long as it can be deactivated in the same way). Must have a close Button Needed assets Compiled file for animation: swf file (dimensions : 905x441 px) maximum dimension : 936x600 px max weight : 75 Ko Length : 6 sec max Source file for the animation: Maximum dimensions : 936x600 px Accepted format : .fla The file must adobe creative suite 4 (CS4) compliant Redirection URL TRANSPARENT FLASH TAKEOVER TECH SPECS 2/3 Informations Sound must be “off” by default (may be activated on rollover or on click as long as it can be deactivated in the same way) Redirects are possible (associated with the 300x250; Flash must be positioned via tags) Cap: 1/day/unique visitor The positioning of the Transparent Flash unit should not cover any part of the 300x250 Technical requirements Unit may not cover the login and search zones. “Close” button required after the first second Les conditions requises pour ce swf sont : A ClickTag needs to be inserted on a button: On(release) {getURL(clickTag, ‘_blank’) ;} An empty key frame of the animation at the root (_root) with the label « the_end » with the below code : stop(); flash.external.ExternalInterface.call(‘DM_swftrans_close’); A close button that executes a gotoAndStop on the key frame « the_end » If the close button is at the root as the « the_end » key frame, the code will be as following: on(release) { gotoAndStop('the_end'); } If the animation is built inside a MovieClip (as presented in the template), the last key frame of the MovieClip must have a code that executes a gotoAndStop on the « the_end » frame. If the MovieClip is at the root as the « the_end » frame, the code will be: stop(); _parent.gotoAndStop('the_end'); TRANSPARENT FLASH TAKEOVER TECH SPECS 3/3 Template The template is built as following: 1. At the root (_root), two frames: The first that has all the animation elements, the second one, all elements for closing the animation. 2. Five layers at the root (_root): - LABEL: at the second frame, the label is named « the_end » - ACTION: at the second frame, the code to stop the animation. - btClose: the occurency of a button where the closing code of the animation is inserted - btClickTag: the occurency of a transparent button where is inserted the call to the ClickTag - mcAnimation: the occurency of a MovieClip with the animation of the ad 3. In MovieClip and mcAnimation: several layers: - ACTION: at the last frame of the animation, a krey frame in which is inserted the closing code of the animation - Several other layers with the searched animation Notes Redirects accepted Please comply with the following guidelines. <PJ> Dailymotion may not upload the asset if it impacts one of the pages of the plateform. 300 x 250 CLASSIC MPU Desktop Tablet 300 x 250 CLASSIC MPU TECH SPECS Compiled file Technical elements dimensions 300x250 pixels format gif, jpg, png, swf Max. weight 40 Ko Max. animation length 30 s sound Sound must be “off” by default (may be activated on rollover or on click as long as it can be deactivated in the same way). A ClickTag needs to be inserted on a button: If ActionsScript2: On(release) {getURL(clickTag, ‘_blank’) ;} If ActionScript3: the occurency of the transparent symbole (button type) need to be name buttonClick. buttonClick.buttonMode=true; buttonClick.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, redirectionPartner); function redirectionPartner(evt:MouseEvent):void { var url:String = root.loaderInfo.parameters.clickTag; var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);try{ navigateToURL(request, '_blank');} catch (e:Error) {trace("Oops!");}} Catalogue des Formats 2014 • • • Templates are only available in AS3. Provide the redirection URL for the 300x250 MPU if it is an image (optional) redirects accepted 300 x 250 VIDEO MPU Desktop 300 x 250 VIDEO MPU TECH SPECS Compiled file Notes format Third-party tracking: a pixel and a click-command can be integrated to measure impressions and clicks. mp4, (H264), mov, wmv, avi Redirects accepted Max. weight none resolution provide a non-compressed file, non resized (if possible, provide us with the source file) Max. length none loop No limitation Son « off » by default. Activated when clicking or roll-over. PRE-HOME / INTERSTITIAL Desktop Mobile Tablet PRE-HOME / INTERSTITIAL TECH SPECS 1/3 Cinematic When loading the page : The interstitial only appears once per visitor, once they are on the website. The interstitial is clickable and can integrate the Dailymotion player. Composition of the creative Background image : no informations outside the 1024 pixels centered. The security zone is 1024x528 for the Dailymotion logo and has to be immediately recognizable. Or Background image Animation : no informations outside the 1024 pixels centered. The security zone is 1024x528 for the Dailymotion logo and has to be immediately recognizable. Desktop Needed assets Background image : Dimensions : 1280x1024px maximum Accepted format : .psd The file must adobe creative suite 4 (CS4) compliant Background image compiled file: Dimensions : 1280x800px maximum Accepted format : .gif ou .jpg Weight : 60Ko max Animation source file: Accepted format: .fla Integrate all the animation in a single video The file must adobe creative suite 4 (CS4) compliant PRE-HOME / INTERSTITIAL TECH SPECS 2/3 Needed assets Technical requirements Compiled file for nimation : accepted format: .swf Weight: 100Ko max Length : 6 seconds max Background color: RGB or hexadecimal Frame rate : 25 images per second max. Fonts used: Accepted formats: vectorized fonts, TTF (Truetype), OTF (OpenType) Redirection URL If the interstitial has an animation, the tracking of the redirection URL is made through a clickTag. In the animation, a transparent icon (button type) has to be included in the main scene with the following code : on(release) { getURL (clickTag, target); } Flash format is not accepted on tablet and mobile. informations We can stop the video automatically if it is too long. If the creative agency cannot deliver an encoded video (FLV / F4V), we can encode and host the video from high-quality files PRE-HOME / INTERSTITIAL TECH SPECS 3/3 Mobile Tablet format gif, jpeg, png format gif, jpeg, png size 320x480 size 1024x663 Max. weight 40Ko Max. weight 60Ko Template Click here PRE-HOME / INTERSTITIAL VIDEO Desktop Tablet PRE-HOME / INTERSTITIAL TECH SPECS 1/2 Cinematic Needed assets When loading the page, the interstitial appears once for a visitor as soon as he arrives on the website. The interstitial is clickable and can integrate the Dailymotion player. Composition of the creative Source file for background image: Dimensions : 1280x1024px maximum Accepted format: .psd The file must adobe creative suite 4 (CS4) compliant Background Image: no informations outside the centered 1024 pixels. Or Background video image: hosted on Dailymotion Compiled file for background image: Dimensions : 1280x800px maximum Accepted formats : .gif ou .jpg Maximum weight: 60Ko Source file for animation : Accepted format: .swf Maximum weight: 100Ko PRE-HOME / INTERSTITIAL TECH SPECS 2/2 Needed assets Technical specifications Compiled file for animation: Accepted format: .swf Maximum weight: 100Ko Length : 6 seconds max Background Color: RGB or hexadecimal Cadence : 25 images per second max. or Vidéo : Hosted on a Dailymotion account Length : 6 seconds maximum Fonts used: accepted formats: vectorized fonts, TTF (Truetype), OTF (OpenType) Redirection URL If the interstitial has an animation, the tracking of the redirection URL is made through a clickTag. In the animation, a transparent icon (button type) has to be included with the following code : on(release) { getURL (clickTag, target); } Technical specifications Redirects non accepted Flash format is not accepted on tablet and mobile. informations We can stop the video automatically if it is too long. If the creative agency cannot deliver an encoded video (FLV / F4V), we can encode and host the video from high-quality files MOBILE BANNER Mobile MOBILE BANNER TECH SPECS 1/1 Compiled File dimensions 300x50 pixels format gif, jpg max. weight 25 Ko Provide : • Tracking pixel Catalogue des Formats 2014 • Click command brand channels and video seeding BRAND CHANNEL Desktop Mobile Tablet Connected TV BRAND CHANNEL CUSTOM Desktop Tablet NATIVE IN-FEED FORMAT Desktop Mobile Tablet NATIVE IN-SEARCH FORMAT Desktop Mobile Tablet NATIVE IN-RELATED FORMAT Desktop Mobile Tablet 300 x 250 SEEDING MPU Desktop Tablet 300 x 250 SEEDING MPU TECH SPECS 1/1 Compiled File Notes dimensions 300x250 pixels The 300x250 standard native MPU is a static preview of the content to be viralized. Image format jpg, png (png 24) max. weight 40 Ko The creative asset can be displayed on the Dailymotion homepage and every page that integrates a 300x250 MPU. The content must be hosted on Dailymotion (provide the link to the Dailymotion hosted content). Tracking : click-commands accepted. Redirects non accepted. The creative asset will be submitted to Dailymotion for validation, who may edit the file in order to fulfill legal requirements. The final asset will then be submitted for validation by the advertiser before implementation. NATIVE MPU 300 x 250 - VIDEO Desktop Tablet Voir la bande annonce 01:34 Voir la bande annonce 01:34 NATIVE MPU 300 x 250 - VIDEO TECH SPECS 1/1 Compiled File Notes dimensions 300x250 pixels The 300x250 native mpu video is a video preview of the content to be viralized. source Dailymotion video max. length none (Recommanded: 2 min 30) sound off by default Activated when launching the video The creation can be displayed on the Dailymotion homepage and every page that integrates a 300x250 MPU. The content must be hosted on Dailymotion (provide the link to the Dailymotion hosted content). Dailymotion associates its logo to the content as a sign of editorial recommandation for the user. Tracking : click-commands accepted. Redirects non accepted. NATIVE MOBILE BANNER Mobile NATIVE MOBILE BANNER TECH SPECS 1/1 Compiled File Notes dimensions 361x50 pixels The 361x50 native mobile banner is a static preview of the viralized content. format gif, jpg The creative assets can be displayed on the mobile Dailymotion homepage and every page that integrates a 361x50 banner. max. weight 25 Ko The content must be hosted on Dailymotion (provide the link to the Dailymotion hosted content). Dailymotion associates its logo to the content as a sign of editorial recommandation for the user. Tracking and redirects are not accepted. Tarifs France advertising.dailymotion.com
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