
S p r i n g 2015
A d u l t C l ass
April 6-June 14
3 hours a day, 4 days a week.
Monday - Thursday
The building blocks to French, these courses include
grammar, vocabulary, and lots of practice! Each class
meets once a week for a total of 3 hours per week
for 10 weeks, and uses the Alter Ego method.
Materials are available for purchase for $80.
CECR level A1-2
$ 1,300
$425 / Alter Ego 1
CECR level A2-B1
$425 / Alter Ego 2
CECR level B1-B2
Level 1
Thursday 6-9 pm
Saturday 9 am-12 pm
Level 1
Friday 9 am-12 pm
Level 2
Wednesday 6-9 pm
Saturday 9 am-12 pm
Level 2
Monday 6-9 pm
Saturday 12:30-3:30 pm
Level 2
Tuesday 6-9 pm
Saturday 12:30-3:30 pm
Level 3
Monday 6-9 pm
Saturday 9 am-12 pm
Sunday 12:30-3:30 pm
$425 / Alter Ego 3
Level 3
Wednesday 9 am-12 pm
Conversation & Grammar
(no text book for this class)
Monday, 9 am-12 pm
Level 4 Thursday 6-9 pm
CECR level C1
(no text book for this class)
Wednesday 9 am-12 pm
Practice makes perfect with conversation classes!
10 weeks, 2 hours per week.
Conversation 1
$315 / INT 1-2
Tuesday 1-3 pm
Conversation 2
$315 / INT 3-5
Tuesday 10 am-12 pm
Tuesday 6-8 pm
Conversation 3
$315 / Advanced
Wednesday 6-8 pm
Thursday 10 am-12 pm
En avril, ne te découvre pas
d’un fil...
En mai, fais ce qu’il te plaît !
Register online at or call 612 332 0436!
9 am to 12 pm
Take the TGV of our classes to go
from beginner to
intermediate in 10 weeks,
completing Alter Ego 1 from cover
to cover.
5-week Advanced
Beginner Intensive
4 days a week, 11 hours per week
Cover materials from
Beginner levels 3 to 5 in this 5-week
class using Alter Ego 1.
Start level A2.
Tu/Th/Fri 9 am-12 pm and
Wed 9-10 am
April 7-May 8
5-week Beginner
4 days a week, 11 hours per week
Cover materials from
Beginner levels 1 to 3 in this 5-week
class using Alter Ego 1. Complete
Level A1
M/Tu/Th 6-9 pm and
Wed 6-8 pm
May 11-June 11
S p r i n g 2015
A d u l t C l ass
1975: cette année là
Where were you 40 years ago?
In France they were dancing to Claude
François’ hits, and going to see Yves
Montand and Catherine Deneuve in
Le Sauvage. It was also a pivotal year in
AFMSP history that our 2015 gala will
celebrate on May 7. Join Ann Makredes
for a trip back in time.
Beginner 5 and above
Saturday, April 18, 1-4 pm
Prononciation 1
Back by popular demand. If you are
unsure of your pronunciation, this
workshop is here to help! Ann will
guide you through the main phonetic
features and you will practice with fun
yet challenging examples and exercises.
Leave feeling more confident!
Beginner 3 and above (for less advanced
levels please contact our office)
Saturday, May 2, 1-4 pm
April 6-June 14
Beginning Review I
Levels Beginner 1 - 2
Brush up on the present tense,
introductions, daily life conversations
and describing objects and places.
5 weeks:
Wednesday 10 am-12 pm, April 8-May 6
Thursday 6-8 pm, April 9-May 7
Tuesday 6-8 pm, May 12-June 9
Beginning Review II
Levels Beginner 3 -5
Review the main grammar points
essential to French: le passé composé,
l’imparfait, le futur et les pronoms.
5 weeks:
Monday 6-8 pm, April 6-May 4
Wednesday 6-8 pm, May 13-June 10
Friday 10 am-12 pm, May 15-June 12
Negation and article
Let Karine Cantin guide you through a
review of all those pesky little words!
Check your use of definite, indefinite,
contracted and partitive articles. Make
sense of when to use negation structures
like ne…pas, ne…plus, ne…que, pas de…
in this 3-hour class.
Beginner 5 and above
May 30, 1-4 pm
Withdrawals must be made in writing to the
Education Coordinator two weeks before
classes begin. A $15 administrative fee will be
deducted. Membership, registration fees and
materials are not refundable. There are no
credits for missed classes. There are no cash
refunds available for course fees.
Levels Intermediate 1 - 2
Review grammar points such as relative,
demonstrtative, possesive and indefinite
pronouns, past tenses (passé composé,
imparfait, plus-que-parfait), marqueurs
temporels used to express time
(il y a, dans, pendant, en), adverbs, the
passive voice, past participle agreement.
5 weeks:
Tuesday 10 am-12 pm, April 7-May 5
Wednesday 10 am-12 pm, May 13-June 10
Thursday 6-8 pm, May 14-June 11
Intermediate Review II
Levels Intermediate 3-5
Clarify the use of the subjunctive
(present), conditional (present & past),
the use of double pronouns, indirect
speech in the past, expressions used to
talk about goals, causes & consequences.
5 weeks:
Tuesday 6-8 pm, May 12-June 9
Saturday 10:30 am-12:30 pm, May 16-June 13
Advanced Review
Review major tenses, negative
structures and pronouns.
Discuss values and express
wishes, regrets, and hypotheses.
5 weeks:
Wednesday 6-8 pm, May 13-June 10
Sunday 1-3 pm, May 17-June 14
Idiomatic expressions
Rather than “Faire du lèche-vitrine” or
“se creuser la tête,” come learn the most
common French idiomatic expressions.
Instructor Ann Makredes won’t “poser
un lapin” but au contraire will help you
to avoid speaking French “comme une
vache espagnole.”
Beginner 5 and above
Saturday , May 16, 1-4 pm
Intermediate Review I
Medieval Litterature
Join Denis Dépinoy and travel back in
time to the Middle Ages. Discover 5
centuries of French literature in a 10 week
class and learn about chivalry, love, travel
and other timeless themes. Read excerpts
of classic texts in their modern French
Intermediate 3 and above
10 weeks: Saturdays, 10 am-12 pm,
April 11- June 13
French for Travelers
Need a crash course in survival French?
Reserved for those who have never studied
French before.
5 weeks:
Monday 10 am-12 pm, April 6-May 4
Thursday 6-8 pm, April 9-May 7
Wednesday 10 am-12 pm, May 13-June 10
Wednesday 6-8 pm, May 13-June 10
Les régions de France
Tour France and its 27 regions, from Alsace
to Bretagne via Provence and more! Discover
France’s cultural heritage through visual
presentations and conversation with Damien
Sadrant, and learn more about the new law
that will reshape France’s administrative map.
Intermediate 1 and above
5 weeks: Wednesdays, 6-8 pm, April 8-May 6
Écriture créative: écrire les
Join Sandrine Fortina to find the creative
writer in you en français. Work on writing
about memories in French while sharing
ideas and feedback with other students.
Nurture your creativity!
Intermediate 3 and above.
5 weeks: Thursdays, 6-8 pm, May 14-June 11