2015 LGBT Suicide Risk and Prevention: Sponsorship Opportunities 2014 Sponsorship Opportunities Suicide is a National Health Issue That Affects Us All Suicide is a national health concern that does not discriminate across gender, ethnicity, age, or socio-economic lines. With an estimated one million attempts and more than 40,000 lives lost to suicide in the US alone annually, we are all affected by this issue. A person dies by suicide every 12.9 minutes in the U.S, making suicide the 10th leading cause of death. Help us make a difference in our communities. By sponsoring and participating in AFSP’s Bay Area events, you are helping promote our mission to fund vital research into suicide and mood disorders, develop and implement educational programs that save lives, and help to eliminate the stigma associated with suicide and mood disorders in our communities. AFSP’s LGBT Initiative In 2007, AFSP began a broad initiative to increase knowledge about suicide and suicide risk in LGBT persons and take steps to reduce that risk. AFSP works to advance understanding of LGBT suicide risk within mainstream suicide prevention, and works with LGBT organizations and advocates to make suicide prevention among LGBT people a national priority. AFSP’s LGBT Initiative seeks to gather and disseminate information about what we know - and don’t know - about LGBT suicide and suicide risk, to support new research and take other actions to close current gaps in scientific knowledge of LGBT suicide and suicide risk, and to apply current research knowledge in developing strategies and programs for LGBT suicide prevention. About AFSP The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is the leading national not for profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research, education and advocacy, and to reaching out to people with mental disorders and those impacted by suicide. In support of this mission, the Greater San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of AFSP engages in activities in our communities that aim to educate the public and professionals, provides educational and prevention tools to our schools, hosts events for those coping with suicide loss, and sponsors events like the Out of the Darkness Community Walks that raise the level of dialogue about suicide in our area. For more information about the Greater San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of AFSP, please visit: www.afsp.org/sfbayarea. AFSP Northern California: 2471 Solano Ave, Suite 114, Napa, CA 94558 707.968.7563 ∙ [email protected] ∙ AFSP 501(c)3 Tax ID# 13-3393329 2014 Sponsorship Opportunities AFSP Conference on LGBT Suicide Risk and Prevention Details: Saturday, March 28, 2015 Cesar Chavez Student Center, San Francisco State University 1650 Hollway Ave, San Francisco, CA 94132 This full day conference for mental health professionals and LGBT organizations will feature presentations by leading national researchers, small group breakout sessions, and networking opportunities as well as local resource information. Check-In: 8:00am-8:30am Conference Sessions: 8:30am-5:30pm Evening Reception & Networking: 5:30pm-7:00pm Help Us Create a World Without Suicide. Conference Speakers Include: Once again, we will be bringing together some of the leading researchers in LGBT mental health and they will present information from their research as well as discussing the future of research in this field. ♦ Jody Herman, PhD ♦ Ilan Meyer, PhD ♦ John Blosnich, PhD ♦ Shelby Rowe, Manager of Education and Prevention Programs, AFSP And more Breakout Sessions Showcasing Local Organizations PHOTO The afternoon breakout sessions will feature many different Bay Area organizations that are doing great work with specific LGBT populations. 2015 Sponsors Include: AFSP Northern Solano Ave, Suite 501(c)3 114, Napa, CA 94558organization. ** ** All Donations to AFSP are taxCalifornia: deductible2471 – AFSP is a registered not-for-profit 707.968.7563 ∙ [email protected] ∙ AFSP 501(c)3 Tax ID# 13-3393329 2014 Sponsorship Opportunities LGBT Suicide Prevention Conference Sponsorships: Event Sponsors are an important part of the Greater San Francisco Bay Area’s local events and are an excellent way for your organization to support the community, show your concern for Bay Area residents, and demonstrate your support of mental health initiatives for the LGBT community. Sponsors can select any of the options listed below or contact us for details and we would be glad to discuss creating a customized sponsorship package for you. Sponsor Benefits Platinum Lifesaver Gold Lifesaver Silver Lifesaver Bronze Lifesaver $2,500 $1,000 $500 $250 Company Signage at Event (Banner Supplied by Sponsor) Recognized on Event Signage Exhibitor Space Provided at Event Logo Included in Event Printed Materials (Time Permitting) Logo Displayed on Event Website Logo Included in Emails and Communications Recognition on Chapter Social Media Recognition at Event Package Cost AFSP Northern California: 2471 Solano Ave, Suite 114, Napa, CA 94558 707.968.7563 ∙ [email protected] ∙ AFSP 501(c)3 Tax ID# 13-3393329 2014 Sponsorship Opportunities AFSP Conference on LGBT Suicide Risk and Prevention 2015 Sponsorship Confirmation Form We are proud to support AFSP’s 2015 Conference on LGBT Suicide Risk and Prevention and authorize the Greater San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of AFSP to use our name and/or logo in printed and electronic materials consistent with our sponsorship selection listed below. Platinum Lifesaver Sponsor $2,500.00 Gold Lifesaver Sponsor $1,000.00 Silver Lifesaver Sponsor $500.00 Bronze Lifesaver Sponsor $250.00 We are unable to sponsor, but would like to make a donation of $______________ to support AFSP. Company Name_______________________ Website:________________________ Contact:_____________________________ Email:__________________________ Address:_____________________________ City:____________________________ State:__________________ Zip Code:_______________ Phone:_______________________ Other:_________________________________ Our Check is Enclosed Please Invoice Payment and logos must be received 4 weeks prior to event date in order to be guaranteed inclusion on printed event materials and signage. Regardless of confirmation date, all Event Sponsors will receive recognition on the event web pages and at the events themselves in accordance with their sponsorship package selection. Please return this completed form and payment to: AFSP Northern California: 2471 Solano Ave, Suite 114 ● Napa, CA 94558 AFSP Northern California: 2471 Solano Ave, Suite 114, Napa, CA 94558 707.968.7563 ∙ [email protected] ∙ AFSP 501(c)3 Tax ID# 13-3393329 2014 Sponsorship Opportunities AFSP at work in the Bay Area Founded a decade ago by dedicated Volunteers, the Greater San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of AFSP has steadily increased its activities. Providing resources and educational materials to schools, partnering with other health related organizations for events and presentations, increasing advocacy efforts at the State and Federal levels for increased attention to mental health concerns, the Chapter continues to add value to our local communities with the help of generous Sponsors, Donors, and Volunteers. Materials and Support for the More Than Sad video program to high schools. Interactive Screening Program in use on Bay Area College campuses. A toolkit for area schools in the aftermath of a suicide. Seven separate Bay Area sites for the International Survivors of Suicide Day healing conference. Four Out of the Darkness Community and three Out of the Darkness Campus Walks to help reduce stigma. Advocacy efforts at both State and Federal levels to increase the emphasis on mental health concerns. 90% of those who die by suicide have a potentially treatable mental disorder at the time of their death. 50%-75% of all people who attempt suicide tell someone about their intention. There is Hope. There is Help. We Can Prevent Suicides. AFSP Northern California: 2471 Solano Ave, Suite 114, Napa, CA 94558 707.968.7563 ∙ [email protected] ∙ AFSP 501(c)3 Tax ID# 13-3393329
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