United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service Arkansas Prospective Plantings Report Released March 31, 2015 Cooperating with the University of Arkansas – Division of Agriculture 10800 Financial Centre Parkway, Suite 110 · Little Rock, Arkansas 72211 (501) 228-9926 · (501) 224-5630 FAX · www.nass.usda.gov This report contains the results from the 2015 March Agricultural Survey. The data are also posted on our Web site at http://www.nass.usda.gov/ar and in a more detailed report at http://www.nass.usda.gov. Thanks to all who responded to this survey. Cotton Acreage Intentions at Record Low Soybean Acreage Highest in the Last 17 Years All Rice Down 3 Percent from Last Year Corn: Arkansas corn growers intend to plant 530,000 acres, down 2 percent from last year’s 540,000 acres. Cotton: All cotton acreage intentions are at 230,000 acres, down 31 percent from last year’s 335,000 acres. If realized, this will be the lowest planted acres on record. Record keeping on planted acreage began in 1909. Hay All: All hay acres expected to be harvested in Arkansas are estimated at 1.20 million acres, down 25,000 acres from 2014. Oats: Oat growers intend to plant 12,000 acres in 2015, unchanged from last year. Rice: Intended planted acres for all rice for 2015 are 1.44 million acres, down 3 percent from the previous year’s 1.48 million acres. Long grain rice acres are down 50,000 acres from last year while medium grain acres are up 5,000 acres from a year ago. Sorghum: Sorghum growers intend to plant 250,000 acres, up 47 percent from last year. Soybeans: Soybean growers intend to plant 3.45 million acres in 2015, up 6 percent from last year. If realized, this will be the highest since 1998 when the state planted 3.55 million acres. Sweet Potato: Sweet potato growers intend to plant 3,800 acres, down 5 percent from last year. Winter Wheat: Wheat acreage in Arkansas is down 16 percent from last year to an estimated 390,000 acres planted for all purposes in 2015. Crop Principal Crops: Area Planted, Arkansas and United States, 2014-2015 Arkansas United States 2014 20151 2015/2014 2014 20151 1,000 Acres Corn Cotton, All Hay, All2 Oats Rice, All Long Grain Medium Grain Short Grain Sorghum Soybeans Sweet Potatoes Wheat, All 1 2 540 335 1,225 12 1,486 1,270 215 1 170 3,240 4.0 465 Percent 530 230 1,200 12 1,441 1,220 220 1 250 3,450 3.8 390 98 69 98 100 97 96 102 100 147 106 95 84 1,000 Acres 90,597 11,307 57,092 2,723 2,939 2,207 696 36 7,138 83,701 137.3 56,822 Intended plantings in 2015 as indicated by reports from producers. Intended area for harvest in 2015 as indicated by reports from producers. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 2015/2014 Percent 89,199 9,549 57,093 2,931 2,915 2,197 686 32 7,900 84,635 137.7 55,367 98 87 100 108 99 100 99 89 111 101 100 97 Corn: Area Planted, Arkansas and U.S., 1995-2015 U.S. 900 All Cotton: Area Planted, Arkansas and U.S., 1995-2015 Arkansas 100 1,200 85 500 80 400 300 75 200 70 100 0 16 1,000 14 800 12 600 10 400 65 8 200 Year Year All Hay: Area Harvested, Arkansas and U.S., 1995-2015 Arkansas Rice: Area Planted, Arkansas, 1995-2015 U.S. 65 1,600 Long 64 Medium Short 2,000 61 60 1,300 59 58 1,200 57 1,100 56 55 1,000 1,750 1,000 Acres 62 1,400 Million Acres (U.S.) 63 1,500 1,000 Acres (AR) Million Acres (U.S.) 600 1,000 Acres (AR) 90 700 Million Acres (U.S.) 1,000 Acres (AR) 18 95 800 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 54 900 250 53 Year Year Soybeans: Area Planted, Arkansas and U.S., 1995-2015 Arkansas 4.0 All Wheat: Area Planted, Arkansas and U.S., 1995-2015 U.S. Arkansas 85 1,600 80 75 70 3.0 65 60 2.5 55 1,000 Acres (AR) 3.5 U.S. 80 1,300 Million Acres (U.S.) Million Acres (AR) U.S. 1,400 70 1,000 60 700 50 400 100 40 Year Year USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Million Acres (U.S.) 1,000 Arkansas
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