BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Sandra Murman, Chair Al Higginbotham, Vice Chair Lesley “Les” Miller, Jr., Chaplain Kevin Beckner Victor D. Crist Ken Hagan Stacy White HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY Michael S. Merrill County Administrator Chip Fletcher County Attorney Hillsborough County Florida BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA 9 a.m., Wednesday, March 18, 2015 The County Center, 2nd Floor elcome to a meeting with your Board of County Commissioners. Your participation in County government is appreciated. All Board meetings are open to the public and are usually held on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 9 a.m. 9:00 A.M. 1) CALL TO ORDER 2) INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3) COMMENDATION PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER LESLEY “LES” MILLER, JR., ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, RECOGNIZING THE JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL TEAM’S CLASS 6A REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. COMMENDATION PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER KEVIN BECKNER, ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, RECOGNIZING THE 25 TH ANNIVERSARY OF TEEN COURT. COMMENDATION PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER AL HIGGINBOTHAM, ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, RECOGNIZING THE 20 TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FLORIDA AQUARIUM. 9:10 A.M. 4) APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO THE AGENDA AND REMOVAL OF ADDITIONAL CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS WITH QUESTIONS, AS REQUESTED BY BOARD MEMBERS OR THE ADMINISTRATOR. 5) PUBLIC COMMENTS - (45 MINUTE TIME LIMIT) Chairman's Statement: The Board welcomes comments from citizens about any issue or concern. Your opinions are valued in terms of providing input to the Board members. However, it is requested at the same time when you address the Board that comments are not directed personally against a Commissioner or staff member, but rather directed at the issues. This provides a mutual respect between the Board members and the public. The Board has set aside a 45 minute period in the morning, immediately following changes to the agenda, for Public Comments. At the discretion of the Chair, the Board may again hear Public Comments at the end of the meeting. People wishing to speak before the Board during the Public Comments portion of the meeting should complete the Request for Public Comment form located at the sign-up table inside the Boardroom. Citizens speaking on scheduled agenda items will be heard before citizens speaking on non-scheduled agenda items. WHEN ADDRESSING THE BOARD, please state your name and address and speak clearly into the microphone. Three (3) minutes are allowed for each speaker. 6) CONSENT ITEMS REMOVED FOR SEPARATE VOTE Final BOCC Agenda Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Page 2 7) CONSENT ITEMS REMOVED FOR HIGHLIGHTING OR COMMENDATION 8) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT ITEMS REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION WILL BE HEARD AT THE END OF THE MEETING AGENDA. ALL CELLULAR PHONES AND PAGERS MUST BE TURNED OFF WHILE IN THE BOARDROOM. Final BOCC Agenda Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Page 3 If your presentation to the Board will include any audio-visual components, such as videotape or Power Point, they must be turned in to HTV22 staff no later than 24 hours before the scheduled presentation. Call HTV22 at 272-5362 to make arrangements for any audio-visual presentation. If distributing additional backup materials, please have sufficient copies to include the seven Commissioners, the County Administrator, the County Attorney and two for the Clerk/BOCC (11 copies). In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, persons needing special accommodations to participate in the proceeding, and those seeking an interpreter, should contact the Citizens Action Center at telephone number (813) 2725900 or TTY (813) 301-7173 no later than 48 hours prior to the proceedings. This meeting is closed captioned for the hearing impaired. The BOCC Agenda and written material for each item is now available on-line through the County's website at Note: A star in the right margin indicates the item is directly related to a County Strategic Plan Objective. The Strategic Plan may be viewed on-line at This meeting will be telecast by HTV-Hillsborough Television, on cable channel 622 on Bright House and 22 on Verizon. LIST OF ITEMS SCHEDULED FOR A TIME CERTAIN 10:00 AM D-1 Conduct the first of two required public hearings for an amendment to the Development Agreement for the Design, Permitting and Construction of a Segment of U.S. Highway 301 with Belmont Real Estate, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, Highland CDD Holdings, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, Highway 301 Investors, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, and Lennar Homes, LLC, a Florida limited liability company ('Developers'). The purpose of this second amendment is to extend the current agreement for an additional ten years as to the parcels owned by the Developers only. The second public hearing will be held on April 1, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. 10:15 AM F-3 Request the County Attorney's office and Code Enforcement to work with the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, Nuisance Abatement Board and any others that have jurisdiction to investigate complaints against Thee Crazy Horse bar in Town 'n Country for possible code violations. Ask Development Services to review current code and zoning policy for any possible changes regarding the current situation. (Commissioner Murman) 10:30 AM F-2 Request staff to develop a plan to study County lands and other assets to determine if they may be used to generate tradable carbon credits. Carbon credits and markets have developed in an attempt to mitigate the growth in concentrations of greenhouse gases. The goal is to evaluate whether carbon credits can establish a new revenue source that could be used to offset the cost of maintaining ELAPP land. A final report should evaluate the considerations, environmental benefits, feasibility, and process to facilitate a carbon credit program. Staff should report back with a plan in 60 days. (Commissioner Higginbotham) 10:45 AM B-4 Receive County Internal Audit Report 14-07 of Homeless Services - Phase II. 11:45 AM Recess for Lunch Final BOCC Agenda Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Page 4 CONSENT AGENDA ***County Administrator's Organization*** Code Enforcement and Pet Resources A-1 Approve the release of the demolition lien assessed by Resolution #R11-055 in the amount of $6,171.09 plus interest for a total of $7,498.14 against the property located at 6407 N 47TH St., Tampa FL 33619, Folio #039877.0000 for the costs incurred by the County for the demolition and removal of a deteriorated structure and removal of trash, junk and debris. Property owner has paid in full all demolition costs incurred with removing the structure(s) and a release of lien is being requested. A-2 Approve the release of the demolition lien assessed by Resolution #R14-001 in the amount of $7,638.66 plus interest for a total of $8,107.38 against the property located at 5316 Edina St Wimauma FL 33598, Folio #079372.0000 for the costs incurred by the County for the demolition and removal of a deteriorated structure and removal of trash, junk and debris. Property owner has paid in full all demolition costs incurred with removing the structure(s) and a release of lien is being requested. A-3 Approve a resolution assessing a lien in the amount of $7,459.52 against the property located at 4426 Lurline Cr. Tampa FL 33610, folio #039680.5070 for the cost incurred by the County for demolition and removal of a dilapidated structure and removal of trash, junk and debris. The $7,459.52 incurred to demolish and remove the dilapidated structure was funded from the Code Enforcement FY 15 budget. Upon sale of the property, reimbursement of all costs will be sought. Should the lien be unsatisfied after the expiration of two years from the date of filing, the proper County personnel will investigate enforcement of the lien by foreclosure action. County Attorney's Office A-4 Direct staff to amend the Hillsborough County Emergency Management Ordinance 06-13, codified as Chapter 22, Article II of the Hillsborough County Code of Ordinances and Laws, Sections 22-19 through 22-30, authorizing the establishment of the Office of Emergency Management and its Director at the County level, and to bring the ordinance in line with changes to the state statutes. The County will incur no additional costs related to the amendment of this ordinance. Economic Development A-5 Adopt a resolution amending and restating Resolution No. R13-123 in support of the Tampa Hillsborough Economic Development Corporation's ('EDC') Prospect #13-020 (the 'Prospect'), as a Qualified Applicant to Florida's Qualified Target Industry Tax Refund Program. The attached resolution extends the term of the QTI tax refund, thereby allowing the Prospect additional time to take advantage of benefits under the QTI agreement while simultaneously extending the job maintenance requirements. This action neither increases nor decreases Hillsborough County's local financial support ('LFS') of $359,400 spread over a minimum of six years, however, it defers the LFS pay-out schedule which will now begin in FY 17 and extend to FY 24. Health Care Services A-6 Approve, for Health Care Services Department, the First Modification to Agreement #14-1147 with West Florida-MHT, LLC, D/B/A Memorial Hospital of Tampa for the provision of hospital health care services to the Hillsborough County Health Care Plan, (HCHCP) funded by the Indigent Health Care Surtax, adding the provision of Emergency Room (ER) services as part of the Agreement for the contract term ending June 30, 2015 and for the remainder of the Agreement. Funding for this Agreement is included in the Department's revised FY 15 and requested FY 16 budgets. No additional County funds are required. Final BOCC Agenda Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Page 5 Library Services A-7 A) Accept the State of Florida State Aid to Libraries grant funds of $1,233,292 to assist in library operations. B) Appropriate $261,705 and realign $971,587 within the FY 14-15 grant to bring the budget in line with the grant award and better track expenditures. This budget amendment increases the FY 15 budget by $261,705 from $971,587 to $1,233,292. In addition, the budget realigns $971,587 within the grant. No additional County funds are required. Management and Budget A-8 Receive report from Management and Budget regarding the Status of Reserves for Contingencies in the Tax Fund FY 15 as of March 5, 2015. A-9 Approve a Budget Amendment to adjust the FY 15 adopted beginning fund balances to the actual FY 14 year end fund balances. The net result of the proposed budget revisions is an increase of $306,340 in fund balances. This budget amendment will be adjusting fund balances against expenditures, reserves, capital projects, operating accounts, debt service accounts and transfers as shown in the attached line item detail. This annual true-up of fund balances is good accounting/budgeting practice and will enhance budgetary and cash control. A-10 Approve a $100,000 and above threshold for placing the Reserve for Contingency agenda item on the Board's regular agenda. Currently, an agenda item is placed on each Board meeting agenda to update the Board on the reserve for contingency balances for each of the County's three major tax funds. The current practice is to place this item on the consent agenda unless there is a change in one of the balances. In an effort to make Board meeting agenda's more efficient, County Administration is requesting that a $100,000 threshold for placing the item on the regular agenda be adopted. Approval of this item will have no financial impact. Procurement Services A-11 Award and execute the agreement and Statement of Work with First Data Government Solutions, LP, for the sole source purchase of AccessNet Software Interactive Voice-Web Response Maintenance and Support (File No. 5211) in the amount of $576,000.00 for the Public Utilities Department (PUD). This agreement will be in effect from April 1, 2015, through March 31, 2019. A 'Notice of Intent to Sole Source' was posted on the department's web site; no challenges were received. This project will enhance functionality for customer payments made through the telephone or Internet. In addition, authorize the Project Manager to negotiate, to a maximum amount of $50,000.00 as authorized in the Agreement, Page 3; Item 4.3 and to sign future statement of works on behalf of the County. Furthermore, approve an increase to the existing contract (File No. S-032307/EM) in the amount of $5,309.05 to pay for Paypoint transactions through the extension period of March 31, 2015. PUD determined the pricing to be fair and reasonable based on historical contract pricing. There are sufficient funds in the department's operating budget. Purchase orders will only be issued against approved budgets. A-12 Award to Gerber Pumps International, Inc., (GPI) for Gerber Discflo Pumps (File No. SS-P-0217-0-2014/MWK) in the amount of $253,960.00 for the Public Utilities Department (PUD). This contract will be in effect for a two (2) year period beginning on the effective date shown on the purchase order and ending on the last day of the final month. A 'Notice of Intent to Sole Source' was posted on the department's web site; no challenges were received. GPI is the sole distributor for the Discflo Corporation, which has the sole propriety rights for Disc Pump Design for water and wastewater applications in the State of Florida. This is a pilot project using a new design of pumps for the Valrico Advanced Waste Water Treatment Facility (AWWTF). Debris in the return system is causing the current pumps to clog and stop resulting in production downtime, increased maintenance to repair, and the usage of rental backup pumps. PUD has determined the pricing to be fair and reasonable, based on comparative pricing of similar pumps at other municipalities. There are sufficient funds in the Discflo Pumps Pilot Test and Purchase, CIP 10200 budget to accommodate the project. Final BOCC Agenda Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Page 6 Public Utilities A-13 Approve the Second Modification Agreement to the contract administratively awarded to Wilkes Landscape Services, Inc., for ITB No. S-0202-0-2013/CM, titled Landscape Services for South County for Hillsborough County Registered Small Business Enterprise (SBE). This Modification extends the contract period from April 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015 and increases the total contract amount by $17,359.61 from $75,803.64 to $93,163.25. The modifications can be adequately funded within the Public Utilities Department’s approved annual operating budget. Purchase orders will be issued only against approved budgets. These services are being rebid and this extension is necessary for services to continue. A-14 Approve the Third Modification Agreement to the contract awarded to Cardinal Landscaping Services of Tampa Inc., regarding ITB No. S-106-0-2010/EM, titled Landscape Maintenance Services for Water Resource Services (WRS); North and South Regions. This Modification extends the contract period from April 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015 and increases the total contract amount by $33,997.60 from $351,308.49 to $385,306.09. The modifications can be adequately funded within the Public Utilities Department’s approved annual operating budget. Purchase orders will be issued only against approved budgets. These services are being rebid and this extension is necessary for services to continue. A-15 Approve the Third Modification Agreement to the contract awarded to Marks Excavating Inc., for ITB No. S0106-0-2010/EM, Landscape Maintenance Services for the South Region of Hillsborough County. This Modification extends the contract period from April 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015 and increases the total contract amount by $60,554.21 from $605,542.11 to $666,096.32. The modifications can be adequately funded within the Public Utilities Department’s approved annual operating budget. Purchase orders will be issued only against approved budgets. These services are being rebid and this extension is necessary for services to continue. A-16 Approve and execute the letter of affirmation for Change Order No. 1 for Hillsborough County Public Utilities Department to the Utility Design by FDOT Consultant Agreement for FDOT Financial Project ID 415489-1-3203, US 301 From SR 674 to Balm Road. The change order increases the total agreement amount by $372,646.00 from $512,885.00 to $885,531.00 and provides for additional design and post design services, and administration assistance for the relocations of utilities owned by Hillsborough County Public Utilities Department in the Rightof-Way of US 301 (SR 43) from SR 674 (Sun City Center Blvd.) to Balm Rd. (CR 672). This money is budgeted in the Public Utilities Department's CIP budget. Any funds remaining after the work is completed will be returned to Public Utilities. Public Works A-17 Approve the cooperative funding agreement between Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) and the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) for SWFWMD to provide up to $200,000 for the Bearss Avenue Drainage Improvements Project, CIP 46129.010 (N594). There is sufficient funding within the Master Plan Implementation Program, CIP No. 46129 to approve this agreement and appropriate $200,000 of cooperative funding from SWFWMD. The match will be available within the Stormwater Management Fund, Award No. 01021800. A-18 Approve the cooperative funding agreement between Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) and the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) for SWFWMD to provide up to $200,000 for the Lynette Drive Drainage Improvements Project, CIP 46129.008 (N608). There is sufficient funding within the Master Plan Implementation Program, CIP No. 46129 to approve this agreement and appropriate $200,000 of cooperative funding from SWFWMD. The match will be available within the Community Investment Tax (CIT) Entitlement I (1997 - 2003) fund, Award No. 01050000. A-19 Approve, for the Public Works Department, the Sixth Modification to the Disaster Debris Management Services Agreements RFP No. S-0182-06 (JH) to extend the contract period through December 31, 2015 with: OmniPinnacle, LLC, D & J Enterprises, Inc., Ceres Environmental Services, Inc. DRC Emergency Services, Storm Final BOCC Agenda Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Page 7 Reconstruction Services, Inc., Ashbritt, Inc., and Phillips & Jordan, Inc. This extension is required to keep these contracts active until the County can issue and award a new request for proposal (RFP) procurement with an objective to implement effective January 1, 2016. Additionally, authorize through its Director of Procurement, the option to unilaterally extend this contract or renewal period for up to three (3) additional one (1) month periods or any portion thereof, at the same terms and conditions. Notice of the County's intent to extend shall be provided by the County in writing to the Contractor prior to the expiration of the contract, or the renewal period if the contract has been previously renewed. There is no financial impact to approve these modification agreements. Funds are only committed against available appropriations to perform emergency debris management services. Real Estate and Facilities Services A-20 Pursuant to the terms of the Miscellaneous Facilities Construction (Level B) - Term Contract 9 (Bid No. ITB-C0059-0-2014/DV) with Kenyon & Partners, Inc., authorize issuance of a Work Order in an amount not to exceed $990,200 for the provision of repairs to the University Area Community Center Complex HVAC system CIP No. C83245000. Pursuant to the contract, work orders in excess of $500,000 require Board approval. Achieving the work through the Miscellaneous Construction contract will expedite the construction and will also result in a fair and reasonable price. The chiller equipment is an essential part of the renovations and has caused the cost to exceed $500,000. There are sufficient funds in the capital project budget for CIP No. C83245000 to cover the cost for the Work Order in the amount not to exceed $990,200. A-21 Approve the First Modification Agreement to BOCC Doc. No. 14-0218, Bid No. ITB-P-0196-0-2014/MWK, Elevator Maintenance, Repair Service & Inspection Services with Otis Elevator Company. This First Modification Agreement adds the Elevator Maintenance and Repair Services for the Edgecomb Court Facilities, which are currently provided through a separate maintenance agreement with Otis, entered in 2005. That agreement is set to expire on March 31, 2015. The purpose of this First Modification is to continue providing routine elevator maintenance and repair for the Edgecomb Court Facilities consolidated under one contract, which is now performance based. This First Modification Agreement adds the Edgecomb facilities at existing pricing of $135,000.00 annually. Therefore, the contract limit is increased by $135,000.00 from $364,050.00 to $499,050.00 for the one year remaining on the base period, from April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016. Then, beginning April 1, 2016 if the two-year renewal is exercised, this First Modification will increase the renewal amount by another $135,000.00 from $499,050.00 to $634,050.00 for the period of April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2018. Since the work is moving to a new contract at existing pricing, no additional expenditures are expected as a result of this modification. Anticipated expenditures are to be paid by approved department budgets, funded in the Countywide General Fund. A-22 Approve the Easement Agreement with Tampa Electric Company for electrical service installed as part of the South County YMCA facility at Vance Vogel Park. This easement is required as part of the improvements anticipated by the Lease, Development, Management, and Operation Agreement between the County and the YMCA approved by the Board on August 7, 2013. There are no capital costs or operating expenses associated with this agenda item. A-23 Approve a perpetual Easement Agreement in favor of Tampa Electric Company (TECO) for the purpose of providing TECO the necessary easement rights to operate and maintain electrical distribution facilities constructed to serve the South Brandon Fire Station #7 Relocation Project (CIP 91176), located on Bloomingdale Avenue between Bell Shoals Road and Lithia Pinecrest Road. The cost associated with this item is limited to recording fees of under $100.00, which can be accommodated within the approved funding for CIP 91176. A-24 Approve a perpetual Easement Agreement in favor of Tampa Electric Company (TECO) for the purpose of providing TECO the necessary easement rights to operate and maintain electrical distribution facilities constructed to serve the Valrico Waste Water Treatment Plant located at 1167 N. Dover Road in Dover. The cost associated with this item is limited to recording fees of less than $100.00, which can be adequately accommodated within the Real Estate and Facilities Services' Department Budget in the Water/Wastewater Enterprise Fund. Final BOCC Agenda Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Page 8 A-25 Approve an Amendment to Mutual Use Agreement with Tampa Bay Water (TBW) to incorporate expansion of an existing County utility easement serving the Crossroads Town Center development located on Falkenburg Road, north of Causeway Boulevard, in Brandon. TBW maintains a superior pipeline easement interest over a portion of the County's easement area thereby requiring an amendment to the original Mutual Use Agreement which sets out the terms and conditions for joint use of the common property. The cost associated with this item is limited to recording fees of less than $100.00, which can be adequately accommodated within the Real Estate and Facilities Services Department's currently approved operating budget. A-26 Approval of a Drainage Easement by donation from Clublink US Corporation required for the maintenance of an existing stormwater pipeline located west of Stoneham Drive and Smithfield Lane. There is a one-time expenditure associated with this transaction of approximately $100. The financial impact of this agenda item can be adequately accommodated with the project's currently approved funding level through FY 15. Social Services A-27 A) Approve, the Social Services Department, the 'Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program' Contract with the Senior Connection Center Inc., for the period of April 1, 2015 or upon execution whichever is later, through March 31, 2016 in the amount of $189,281. B) Approve budget amendment to accept and realign $189,281 for Social Services Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program, to provide energy assistance payments to a minimum of 399 consumers. This approval will decrease the FY 15 Intergovernmental Grant Fund of the Social Services Department of $207,472 by $18,191 to the contract amount. ***Other Offices*** Clerk Of The Circuit Court A-28 Receipt of Official Board Records (complete reports to be filed in Board Records upon receipt into official records). a) Report of checks and warrants issued February 16-28, 2015, pursuant to Florida Statute 136. b) Tax Collector’s Office budget Amendment 2 for the period October 1, 2014, through September 30, 2015, in compliance with Florida Statute 195.087. c) K-Bar Ranch Community Development District public facilities report, in accordance with Florida Statute 189.415. d) Waterset North Community Development District public facilities report, in accordance with Florida Statute 189.415. e) Tampa Bay Water annual financial audit report for fiscal year ended September 30, 2014, pursuant to Florida Statutes 11.45 and 189.418. f) Hillsborough County Children’s Board financial report for the quarter ended September 30, 2014. g) Hillsborough County Clerk of the Circuit Court/Comptroller budget submittal for FY 2015. A-29 Approve Minutes: a) b) c) Land Use Workshop/Comprehensive Plan Amendments Workshop/Transportation and Economic Development Policy Leadership Group February 10, 2015 February 25, 2015 February 12, 2015 Final BOCC Agenda Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Page 9 A-30 Approve deletion of capital equipment from the County inventory, as indicated in background material. A-31 Receive County Audit Report 277, Quarterly Status Report of Audit Recommendations and Board Management Action Plans. BOCC A-32 BOCC Appointments (No voting required): a) b) Charter Review Board Citizen's Environmental Advisory Committee BOCC Reports on Various Authorities, Boards, and Councils A-33 Receive Commissioner Murman's report regarding the Tourist Development Council quarterly meeting held on Feb 19, 2015. A-34 Receive Commissioner Hagan's report regarding the Tampa Sports Authority Board Meeting held on February 23, 2015. A-35 Receive Commissioner Hagan's report regarding Southwest Florida Water Management District's Governing Board meeting held on February 23, 2015. Final BOCC Agenda Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Page 10 REGULAR AGENDA B. DISCUSSION ITEMS ***County Administrator's Organization*** Children and Youth Services B-1 Approve a budget amendment to realign $1,245,213 in personnel services and operating expenditures within the FY 14 Head Start Division grants program in the Department of Children and Youth Services - Head Start Division's FY 15 adopted budget to realign budget with actual expenditures allocated for indirect administrative costs, and to close the grants out. No additional County funds are required. Development Services B-2 A) Approve Hillsborough County Public Schools' request to disburse $15,760,809 of Impact Fee Funds for construction of Dr. Jack R. Lamb Elementary School on 78th Street in Tampa; Middle School 'TT' on Balm Road (CR 672) in the South County Region; the construction costs of classroom additions and acquisition of capital equipment required for classroom additions to Lennard High School on Shell Point Rd. E. in Ruskin. B) Appropriate $15,760,809 from the School Site Impact Fund Reserves to Governmental Agencies Distribution of Impact Fees & Commissions. This action will decrease FY 15 School Site Impact Fund Reserves budgets by $15,760,809 and increase Governmental Agencies Distribution of Impact Fees & Commissions budgets by $15,760,809. Human Resources - Professional Development B-3 A) Approve RFI No. 5306 for Voluntary Benefits with Education/Communication Services; B) Authorize the Procurement Services Department, pursuant to their policies, to issue an RFI to obtain competitive proposals; and C) Waive Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners Policy, Board of County Commissioners - Insurance Committee Organization and Responsibilities. There is no fiscal impact to the County as a result of this agenda item. Internal Auditor B-4 10:45 AM (Time Certain) Receive County Internal Audit Report 14-07 of Homeless Services - Phase II. Management and Budget B-5 Approve the agreement with the Hillsborough County Sheriff and the School Board of Hillsborough County for the FY 15 School Resource Deputy Program, whereby the School Board will reimburse the Board of County Commissioners an amount not to exceed $3,164,083.00 ($2,826,615.00 specifically for middle schools and high schools; $337,468 specifically for elementary schools) as their share of the cost for the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office to provide officers to be stationed at Hillsborough County schools. The impacts of this agreement can be absorbed in the FY 15 adopted budget. B-6 Adopt a Bond Resolution and Supplemental Resolution providing for, among other things, the issuance of the County's Communications Services Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2015 (the 'Bonds') in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $78,000,000 to finance, refinance, and/or reimburse all or a portion of the cost of the acquisition, construction, reconstruction and/or equipping of a Public Safety Operations Complex, Sheriff Department facilities, fire stations, parks, recreation and other public facilities within the County; providing for Final BOCC Agenda Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Page 11 the payment of the Bonds from the County's Communications Services Tax revenues; approving the forms of the Purchase Contract and Continuing Disclosure Certificate and authorizing the execution and delivery thereof; approving the form and authorizing the distribution of a Preliminary Official Statement and authorizing the execution and delivery of an Official Statement pertaining to the Bonds and delegating to certain officials the authority to deem the Preliminary Official Statement final; delegating to the County Administrator or the Chief Financial Administrator the authority to determine the principal amounts of the Bonds to be issued and to award the sale thereof to RBC Capital Markets, LLC, on behalf of itself and Raymond James & Associates, Inc. (collectively, the 'Underwriters'), the underwriters recommended to the County by its financial advisor, pursuant to a negotiated sale and subject to the conditions and terms set forth in the Supplemental Resolution and in the Purchase Contract; authorize the purchase of a reserve product in connection with the reserve requirement for the Bonds; and appointing a Paying Agent and Registrar. Procurement Services B-7 Award ITB-P-0014-0-2015/MWK to the only bidder, Polydyne, Inc., (Polydyne), in the amount of $3,455,910.00 for liquid polymer used by the Public Utilities Department (PUD) to treat wastewater solids at various wastewater treatment plants. This contract will be effective for two (2) years, beginning on the effective date shown on the purchase order and ending on the last day of the final month. In accordance with the Procurement Manual (Recommendation for Award When Only One Bid is Received) a single bid analysis was performed. The solicitation was advertised and posted on the department's web site, notification was sent to 1,620 potential vendors, of which, 23 vendors downloaded the solicitation documents. Polydyne is a manufacturer of liquid polymer; therefore, distributors and resellers are less likely to offer more competitive pricing due to required mark-ups and extra handling. PUD staff generally finds the pricing offered by Polydyne to be fair, reasonable, and approximately 9% less than the current contract's pricing. Based on the Economic Development Department's review of the requirements, no certified Disadvantaged Minority/Disadvantaged Women Business Enterprises or registered Small Business Enterprises were listed for the subject work category or commodity. There are sufficient funds in the department's operating budget. Purchase orders will only be issued against approved budgets. Social Services B-8 Approve, for the Department of Social Services, the FY 15 Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Agreement, Contract Number 15EA-0F-08-39-01-012, with the State of Florida Department of Economic Opportunity in the amount of $3,293,116 in federal funds effective upon execution by both parties or April 1, 2015, whichever is earlier, and ending March 31, 2016. No advance or reimbursements will be processed by the State of Florida Department of Economic Opportunity until the contract is executed by both parties. The grant will be utilized to fund personnel, as well as operating costs and direct energy assistance payments for lowincome households. There is no fiscal impact at this time on the County's budget. Upon execution of the agreement a budget amendment shall be submitted to align the County's budget to the actual grant award amount. This is a cost reimbursement agreement. Although the LIHEAP program requires no matching funds, and is entirely grant funded, administration of the program is supplemented by the general fund. B-9 Approve a Resolution to adopt the Community Action Board as the Community Services Block Grant Committee. The resolution enumerates duties and responsibilities of the Community Action Board members with respect to their role concerning the Community Services Block Grant administered by the Social Services Department. This resolution will be effective as of July 1, 2015. Implementation of this resolution will not create a financial impact to the approved FY 15 CSBG budget. C. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR BRIEFINGS Final BOCC Agenda Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Page 12 D. PUBLIC HEARINGS D-1 10:00 AM (Time Certain) Conduct the first of two required public hearings for an amendment to the Development Agreement for the Design, Permitting and Construction of a Segment of U.S. Highway 301 with Belmont Real Estate, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, Highland CDD Holdings, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, Highway 301 Investors, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, and Lennar Homes, LLC, a Florida limited liability company ('Developers'). The purpose of this second amendment is to extend the current agreement for an additional ten years as to the parcels owned by the Developers only. The second public hearing will be held on April 1, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. E. SCHEDULED APPEARANCES F. COMMISSIONERS SECTION Commissioner Hagan F-1 Discussion regarding converting the Carrollwood Village Wastewater Treatment plant into a passive park. Commissioner Higginbotham F-2 10:30 AM (Time Certain) Request staff to develop a plan to study County lands and other assets to determine if they may be used to generate tradable carbon credits. Carbon credits and markets have developed in an attempt to mitigate the growth in concentrations of greenhouse gases. The goal is to evaluate whether carbon credits can establish a new revenue source that could be used to offset the cost of maintaining ELAPP land. A final report should evaluate the considerations, environmental benefits, feasibility, and process to facilitate a carbon credit program. Staff should report back with a plan in 60 days. Commissioner Murman F-3 10:15 AM (Time Certain) Request the County Attorney's office and Code Enforcement to work with the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, Nuisance Abatement Board and any others that have jurisdiction to investigate complaints against Thee Crazy Horse bar in Town 'n Country for possible code violations. Ask Development Services to review current code and zoning policy for any possible changes regarding the current situation. G. STAFF REPORT Children and Youth Services G-1 Receive the February 2015 monthly report from the Head Start/Early Head Start Division of the Department of Children and Youth Services and Hillsborough Head Start Policy Council. Procurement Services G-2 Receive report from Procurement Services regarding additional procurement assistance for Veteran-Owned Businesses in Hillsborough County as requested by the Board on February 4, 2015. G-3 Receive report from Procurement Services regarding Procurement Methods, Possible Cultural Activities, and Timeline for an Outdoor Amateur Multi-Sport Complex. Final BOCC Agenda Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Page 13 H. FUTURE DISCUSSION ITEMS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The Hillsborough County Lobbying Ordinance requires that ALL LOBBYISTS REGISTER at the time of any private meeting with a member of the Board of County Commissioners, the County Administrator, any Assistant County Administrator, any Department Director, the County Attorney, or any Chief Assistant County Attorney, regarding any item which is pending before the Board of County Commissioners or being considered by the aforementioned County employees for presentation or recommendation to the County Commissioners. Additional information is available at the following web site: Any person who might wish to appeal any decision made by the Board of County Commissioners regarding any matter considered at the forthcoming public hearing or meeting is hereby advised that he or she will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which will include the testimony and evidence upon which such an appeal is to be based. ISSUES FOR FUTURE BOCC CONSIDERATION AS OF MARCH 12, 2015 ID 10646 Assigned Action The Board directed County Administration and the County Attorney's Office investigate options for providing some form of preference for Veterans in County procurement, and come back to the Board with recommendations. (On the March 18th Agenda) MURMAN / BONNIE WISE @ 05-FEB-15 / SCOTT STROMER / 10685 In order to provide continuity, but also provide meeting efficiency, the Board directed staff to bring back a proposed threshold amount that would be utilized to determine the placement on the agenda of the Status of Reserves for Contingency in the Tax Fund report. (On the March 18th Agenda) The Board directed staff to bring back a draft ordinance that would allow citizens to recover income lost due to wage theft using best practices known in state and local government. Also, the Board directed staff to include an analysis of the impacts associated with implementing the ordinance, to include: additional County staff required; projected costs to the County (operational and capital); projected revenue sources, if any; as well as letters of support from outside agencies or groups that would assist in administering the ordinance. The Board directed staff to update the EEO clause to include the adopted Human Rights Ordinance, and bring back the revised EEO statement to the Board for review and approval. 18-MAR-15 04-MAR-15 01-APR-15 - 04-MAR-15 01-APR-15 - 18-FEB-15 18-MAR-15 01-APR-15 18-FEB-15 18-MAR-15 01-APR-15 22-JAN-15 18-FEB-15 15-APR-15 (0 Notes and 0 Attachments) The Board directed staff to consult with the Animal Advisory Committee, the Humane Society, and any other pertinent organizations that have an interest in the outdoor penning of animals, and bring back recommendations that would provide a uniform standard of living. HAGAN / DEXTER BARGE @ 27-JAN-15 / RON SPILLER @ 27-JAN-15 / DEBORA CROMARTIE-MINCEY Attachments) 04-MAR-15 (0 Notes and 0 Attachments) BECKNER / CHIP FLETCHER @ 24-FEB-15 / BARBARA VON DER OSTEN @ 24-FEB-15 / 10604 04-FEB-15 (0 Notes and 0 Attachments) The Board directed staff to bring back a report evaluating procurements conducted directly by departments under current procurement policies and directives. BECKNER / BONNIE WISE @ 24-FEB-15 / SCOTT STROMER @ 24-FEB-15 / 10665 Extended Date (0 Notes and 0 Attachments) BECKNER / CHIP FLETCHER @ 06-MAR-15 / BARBARA VON DER OSTEN @ 06-MAR-15 / 10664 Expected Date (0 Notes and 0 Attachments) BECKNER / BONNIE WISE @ 06-MAR-15 / TOM FESLER @ 06-MAR-15 / 10684 Assigned Date (0 Notes and 0 Final BOCC Agenda Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Page 15 ID 10626 Assigned Action The Board directed staff to develop a recommended policy addressing uniform signage standards for the purpose of recognizing individuals. MURMAN / LUCIA GARSYS @ 27-JAN-15 / JOHN LYONS @ 27-JAN-15 / 10584 10645 Expected Date Extended Date 22-JAN-15 18-FEB-15 15-APR-15 03-DEC-14 04-MAR-15 06-MAY-15 04-FEB-15 04-MAR-15 06-MAY-15 13-NOV-14 17-DEC-14 03-JUN-15 (0 Notes and 0 Attachments) Commissioner Hagan led a discussion regarding initiating the procurement and development process for an outdoor amateur multi-sport complex. The Board directed staff to develop a process for procuring the land, in addition to the construction of the outdoor amateur multi-sport complex and bring back a report to the Board within 90 days, which would include recommended procurement methods, possible cultural activities as well as a timeline. (On the March 18th Agenda) HAGAN / BONNIE WISE @ 08-DEC-14 / TOM FESLER @ 08-DEC-14 / Assigned Date (0 Notes and 0 Attachments) The Board directed staff to work with the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office to determine whether Chapter 36, Article V, Sections 36-336 through 36-344 of the Hillsborough County Codes of Ordinances and Laws, relating to precursor acts facilitating prostitution, can be amended to address current issues being encountered by law enforcement in combating prostitution. HIGGINBOTHAM / CHIP FLETCHER @ 05-FEB-15 / BARBARA VON DER OSTEN @ 05-FEB-15 / PAUL JOHNSTON (0 Notes and 0 Attachments) The Board directed the County Attorney's Office to work with the appropriate agencies to amend the Land Development Code in order to enable public food service establishments to obtain a permit to allow patrons to bring their dogs with them into designated outdoor portions of their premises. 10581 MURMAN / CHIP FLETCHER @ 17-NOV-14 / BARBARA VON DER OSTEN @ 17-NOV-14 / CAMERON CLARK (1 Notes and 0 Attachments) - This issue requires an amendment to the Land Development Code; therefore, the County Attorney’s Office is anticipating that this code amendment will be heard at the May 21st LDC Amendment Public Hearing. (Gavittd @ 25-FEB-15) Final BOCC Agenda Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Page 16 ID Assigned Action Assigned Date Expected Date Extended Date 04-FEB-15 04-MAR-15 03-JUN-15 The Board directed staff and the County Attorney's Office to draft an amendment to the County's ordinance to allow street banners to be attached to light poles in rights-of-way along certain, designated roadways in unincorporated Hillsborough County, similar to what the City of Tampa presently allows by ordinance. 10644 BECKNER / LUCIA GARSYS @ 05-FEB-15 / ADAM GORMLY @ 05-FEB-15 / CHIP FLETCHER (1 Notes and 0 Attachments) - This issue requires an amendment to the Land Development Code; therefore, the County Attorney’s Office is anticipating that this code amendment will be heard at the May 21st LDC Amendment Public Hearing. (Gavittd @ 25-FEB-15) Final BOCC Agenda Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Page 17 HTV22 Cablecasting Information (L) Live Programming (T) Taped (CC) Captioned for the hearing impaired For playback times call 272-5362 SUNDAY 15 22 March 15, 2015 – April 18, 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 16 17 18 10:00 ITS Department Meeting** 9:00 Public Transportation Commission + * (L) (CC) 9:00 BOCC Mtg + (L) (CC) (all day) 1:30 Land Use Hearing Officer ** 9:30 Port Authority * 1101 Channelside Drive 6:00 Zoning Hearing Master ** (L) (CC) 23 24 1:30 Tourist Development Council Work Shop * (L) (CC) 29 BOCC MASTER CALENDAR 30 9:00 BOCC Land Use Mtg / Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Adoption, 4th Cycle (2014) Public Hearing and Comprehensive Plan Amendments, 1st Cycle Work Shop + (L) (CC) 31 9:00 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate – Burglar Alarms** 25 9:00 BOCC Mtg + (L) (CC) (all day) 1:30 Tourist Development Council Budget Work Shop * (L) (CC) 5 4:00 Tampa Sports Authority* @ Raymond James Stadium 6 9:00 HART * 1201 E. 7th Avenue FRIDAY SATURDAY 20 21 9:00 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate – Community Codes ** 10:00 BOCC Replay on HTV 10:00 Unveiling Ceremony for West Shore road section Designation for Al Austin Corner of West Shore & Cypress 27 28 9:00 Code Enforcement Board ** 10:00 BOCC Replay on HTV 2 3 Passover begins at sundown 4 Passover 9:00 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate – Red Light Cameras ** 8:30 Clerk’s Office – Monthly Director’s Meeting ** 10:00 BOCC Replay on HTV 10 11 26 FAC Legislative Day in Tallahassee 9:00 Aviation Authority * @ HCAA 7 8 9:00 BOCC Land Use Mtg and Land Development Code Work Shop + (L) (CC) 9:00 Public Transportation Commission + * (L) (CC) 9:00 Affordable Housing Advisory Board * (26th FL) THURSDAY 19 9:00 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate – Community Codes ** Hillsborough Day in Tallahassee 1 April Meeting Information BOCC Board Room, 601 East Kennedy Boulevard, County Center-2nd Floor (unless indicated) *Meeting requires only partial BOCC participation ** Meetings of other Boards – No BOCC participation + Security Screening 9 10:00 BOCC Replay on HTV 1:30 W/S Comprehensive Plan Amendments, 2nd Cycle + (L) (CC) 1:30 Tourist Development Council * (L) (CC) 1:00 Land Use Appeals Board ** 1:30 Land Use Hearing Officer** 12 6:00 Zoning Hearing Master ** (L) (CC) 13 6:00 Charter Review Board ** (L) (CC) 14 15 16 17 18 9:00 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate – Community Codes ** 9:00 Metropolitan Planning Organization + * (L) (CC) 9:00 BOCC Mtg + (L) (CC) (all day) 9:00 Environmental Protection Commission + (L) (CC) 8:30 Public Safety Coordinating Council – Executive Comm * (18th FL) 10:00 BOCC Replay on HTV 1:30 W/S 9:00 Code Enforcement Special Magistrate – Community Codes** 2:00 Planning Commission ** (18th FL) (L) (CC) 6:00 P/H Land Development Code + (L) (CC)
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