North Dakota State University Nitrogen Evaluation Trial-Sugar Beet Effect of NZONE MAX® on Sugarbeet Yield and Soil Nitrogen Availability during 2014 Growing Season Amitava Chaterjee, Norm Cattanach, Soil Science, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND AgXplore fertilizer nitrogen management product, ‘NZONE MAX’, has demand to save nitrogen loss and increase nitrogen use efficiency. This is the third year of the trial. This year, field experiment was again established on a Colvin silty clay loam location near Ada, MN in 2014. Planting was arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Individual treatment plots measured 11 feet wide and 30 feet long. Even though conditions were cool and wet this spring and early summer. Germination, plant stands and plant growth was good. Sugarbeet variety Crystal 985 Roundup Ready (rhizomainia disease resistant), was planted on May 20/2014 with a John Deere MaxEmerge II planter. Sugarbeet was placed 1.25 inches deep with 5-inch in-row spacing. A 22-inch row spacing was used. Roundup herbicide was applied twice for weed control, plots were not cultivated. Quadris was applied at the four to six leaf stage and again three weeks later to help control rhizoctonia root rot. Two fungicide applications, Supertin/Topsin and Headline were applied for Cercospora leafspot control. Soil nitrogen levels were adjusted with fertilizer to approximately 130 lbs/acre of available residual soil test plus added fertilizer N. Initial soil test value of the experimental site is presented below in table 1. All plots were supplemented with potassium fertilizer according ND sugarbeet recommendation. Treatments and rates included in the experiment were (1) Untreated Check (2) 100% recommended N (3) NZONE MAX + 75% recommended N (4) NZONE MAX + 100% recommended N (90 lb N/a) (5) NZONE MAX + 130% recommended N (6) 75% recommended N + 25% N with NZONE MAX @ V3. The trials were planted into wheat residue and a moist, firm soil seedbed. In-spite of excessive amounts of rainfall in June and early July, minimal amounts of moisture received in mid-July, August and September, good sugarbeet yield and quality were still obtained. Four of the six rows of in-furrow treatment plots were treated and then two of the middle four rows of each plot were harvested on September 24/2014. Yield determinations were made and quality analysis performed at American Crystal Sugar Quality Tare Lab, East Grand Forks, MN. Table 1. Residual soil nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Soil samples were collected 1st May, 2015 Soil Depth (inches) 0-6 6-24 24-48 NO3-N (lb/ac) 6 18 20 Olsen-P (ppm) 10 K (ppm) 50 Table 2. Monthly weather data during 2014 growing season are reported from NDSU NDAWN station for field location, Ada, MN Month Max Air Temp (°F) Year Ada Min Air Temp (°F) Avg Avg Bare Air Soil Temp Temp (°F) (°F) Avg Turf Soil Temp (°F) Avg Wind Spd (mph) Max Wind Spd (mph) Avg Solar Rad (Lys) Avg PET Penma n (inch) Total PET Penma n (inch) Total Rain fall (inch) Avg Dew Point (°F) Avg Wind Chill (°F) 2014 5 66 43 55 55 52 10.0 25.2 411 0.21 6.41 2.15 43 53 2014 6 75 56 65 67 66 9.2 24.7 426 0.20 5.91 7.12 57 65 2014 7 78 54 66 75 71 7.6 21.6 531 0.23 7.03 1.77 58 67 2014 8 78 56 67 74 69 5.8 16.7 391 0.16 4.90 1.74 61 67 2014 9 71E 47E 59 62 59 8.7E 22.6E 330E 0.15 4.63 1.67E 50E 57E 2014 10 57 35 46 48 47 9.8 24.2 219 0.12 3.66 0.51 71E 48E 60 64 61 8.5E 22.5E 385E 0.18 Averages: Totals: 35 42 51E 59E 32.54 14.95E Max: 78E 56E 67 75 71 10.0E 25.2E 531E 0.23 7.03 7.12E 61E 67E Min: 57E 35E 46 48 47 5.8E 16.7E 219E 0.12 3.66 0.51E 35E 42E Std. Dev.: 8E 8E 8 11 10 1.6E 3.1E 104E 0.04 1.25 10E 10E Table 3. Sugarbeet yield and quality in response to NZONE MAX application during 2014 growing season. Treatments 1. Control 2. 100% N 3. NZONE MAX + 75% N 4. NZONE MAX + 100% N 5. NZONE MAX+130% N 6.75%N + 25% N with NZONE MAX at V3 LSD (p=0.05) Significance Sugar % Slm% Tons/ac RSA 16.89 ± 0.29 c 17.06 ± 0.25 abc 16.98 ± 0.14 bc 17.21 ± 0.16 ab 16.88 ± 0.15 c 0.88 0.94 0.93 0.91 0.93 19.69 ± 0.41 b 24.19 ± 2.40 a 22.82 ± 2.52 ab 24.22 ± 2.76 a 26.16 ± 1.73 a 6301 ± 222 b 7802 ± 806 a 7328 ± 858 ab 7893 ± 875 a 8345 ± 574 a 17.31 ± .33 a 0.91 26.07 ± 4.24 a 8540 ± 1317 a 0.32 Sign 0.09 NS 3.88 Sign 1253 Sign RST 320 ± 6 bc 322 ± 3 abc 321 ± 2 bc 326 ± 4 ab 319 ± 2 c 328 ± 6 a 6.41 Sign NZONE MAX with 130%N (Trt 5) had the highest yield but increasing nitrogen rate significantly reduced yield. Treatment 6 (75%N + 25% N with NZONE MAX at V3) had higher yield and sugar content than 100%N indicating split application with NZONE MAX had better management option than pre-plant N application but differences are not significant besides control treatment. Table 4. Soil inorganic nitrogen (NH4+NO3) concentration in response to different treatments (N= 4). Soil samples were collected on 1st and 30th July, 2014. Treatments 1. Control 2. 100% N 3. NZONE MAX + 75% N 4. NZONE MAX + 100% N 5. NZONE MAX+130% N 6.75%N + 25% N with NZONE MAX at V3 LSD (p=0.05) Significance July1_0-12” 6.36±1.98C 13.1±2.01A 7.60±1.78BC 9.32±3.63B 13.86±7.64A 12.98±2.59A July 1_12-24” 3.24±1.10 4.67±3.52 4.02±1.59 3.31±0.58 2.96±0.90 3.92±1.32 July30_0-12” 4.50±0.42 7.19±1.52 4.89±1.03 6.15±3.92 7.75±4.48 6.37±3.50 July 30_12-24” 1.49±.24BC 2.42±1.18A 1.93±.75AB 1.23±.50C 2.37±.75AB 1.87±1.07ABC 2.75 Significant NS NS 0.69 Significant We did not find significant difference in inorganic soil N content within 0-12” depth but within 12-24’ depth, treatment 4, NZONE MAX+100%N, had significantly lower N content than treatment 5, 3, and 2; this may be due to higher N uptake or loss or just spatial difference. *Results conducted and submitted by: Dr. Amit Chatterjee, North Dakota State University
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