ב"ה SHAVUN Emor ב"ה Dear Friends, This relationship is established at the outset when God informs Moshe at the burning bush: “And this is your sign that I have sent you: when you take the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.” WHY DO WE COUNT THE OMER? Immediately after the commandment concerning the Omer offering (a barley offering in the Temple which marks the beginning of the harvest and allows the use of that season’s grain), the following mandate is found: “And you shall count for yourselves – from the day after the Sabbath, from the day you bring the waved offering of the Omer – seven weeks; complete shall they be. Until the day after the seventh Sabbath, shall you count fifty days; and you will offer a new meal offering to the Lord.” On a deeper level, our counting consequently affirms that the physical freedom of the Exodus is incomplete without the spiritual freedom granted by God’s law; a truth mirrored in the famous rabbinic dictum: “No one is truly free other than he who is involved in the study of Torah.” By counting the days between Pesach and Shavuot, many scholars continue, we also are meant to re-experience the sense of excitement and anticipation that marked this period for the Israelites, newly redeemed from Egypt. Just as we would “count the remaining days” towards an extraordinary event in our personal lives, so too we should feel a real sense of anticipation each year as we again approach the holiday that marks the Revelation at Sinai. As codified by the rabbis, this mitzvah, known as the mitzvah of Sfirat Ha’Omer, the Counting of the Omer, obligates each Jew to verbally count the days and weeks from the second day of the holiday of Pesach until the first day of the holiday of Shavuot. What possible purpose can there be in verbally counting the days and weeks between Pesach and Shavuot? Shabbat Shalom and kindest regards from Israel, Rabbi N Friedler The Torah offers no explanation for this mitzvah. Most obviously, the Counting of the Omer is perceived by many scholars as a link between the two holidays that border the mitzvah, Pesach and Shavuot. Through the act of counting we testify that the Revelation at Sinai (commemorated on Shavuot) was the goal and purpose of the Exodus from Egypt (commemorated on Pesach). Rabbi’s Discussion Group Every second Thursday of the month. Next meeting: 10:30am; 21 May 2015 @ St Vincent’s thereafter at Shalom Court Artscroll Torah: Haftorah: Pg. 672 Pg. 1176 Soncino Torah: Haftorah: Pg. 513 Pg. 528 AHC Contact Details: Office: 09 373 2908 [email protected] www.ahc.org.nz Rabbi Friedler: 021 714 157 Mikveh Bookings: 021 714 158 Aviad Cohen: 021 488 030 Yaira Cohen: 021 488 050 AHC BoM 5775 Chair Bronwen Klippel Treasurer & Kashrut Certification Garth Cohen Religious & Head Gabbai: Gavin Berman Social: Mark Kantor Ben Rose Security: Sara Nevezie GAD: Henri Eliot Youth & Young Marrieds: Steven Hofman Mark Kantor Property: Joshua Arieli Strategy & Future Planning: Rachel Lerner Contents 1 CSG needs volunteers to ensure the overall security of Auckland’s synagogues, communal organizations, and events. Please consider donating time or money or both towards this important organization. Shlichim’s Message 3 Event Page 3 Yahrzeits 4 Calendar 4 Message from Aviad & Yaira Shabbat Shalom! Last Shabbat the 2014 B-Mitzvah class got together for a reunion Kiddush and group bonding activity! This is the first of many Post B-Mitzvah activities, the next event - Tikkun Leil Shavuot! New Programs: This week we kicked off two programs - Sunday was the first Pre B-Mitzvah session for 10-year old girls and 11-year old boys. In the first half we learned ( איך להכין פיתהhow to make Pita) using the Hebrew words for the ingredients and different actions, and in the second half we learned the structure of the different Tefillot. On Monday the Parsha Potato Heads got together for the first time this year! We learned about counting the Omer, a Mitzvah in this week’s Parsha, and gave the kids a Parsha Riddle. The answer will be announced during Tefillah on Shabbat morning. Young Adults: On Saturday night the community young adults, together with AUJS, got together for a Yom Ha’Atzmaut BBQ hosted by the Hofmans. Thank you to everyone involved, to the Hofmans for their house, time and effort, to AUJS & AHC for sponsoring the event, and to Oren Meizeles for the initiative and preparing the Israel activity. A big thank you to ZFNZ Shlicha Roni Israeli for pulling together a great Yom Ha’Atzmaut event!!! Kol HaKavod to the Bnei and Habo Madrichim for the fun Israel Carnival. The Yom HaZikaron ceremony was dedicated to Lone Soldiers in the IDF. On Yom Ha’Atzmaut Kadimah’s Years 3-4 wrote letters to soldiers, which are now in Israel and will be delivered to Israeli soldiers, including the communities Lone Soldiers, Sam Gosling and Alon Kruger. L&P is back on track! This week we held the first of two sessions that will talk about Jerusalem, and why we celebrate the upcoming Yom Yerushalayim. Stay tuned for details on next week’s L&P!!! Shabbat Shalom, Yaira & Aviad Sydney Szusterman Daniella Haver Leslie Sanders Lavi Abitbol Keren Cook Sascha Newland Eleanor Shenkin Jacqueline Knight Frances Levy-Leigh Alon Brokensha Esther Haver Benjamin Steiner Gerti Blumenfeld Both Greys Ave & AHC Stiebel need support from postBarmitzvah boys & men to help make up Minyanim on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings. Without a Minyan, families are unable to say Kaddish for their loved ones. If you can help with a regular commitment to attend a Shabbat service at either venue, please contact either the Office, the Rabbi or Raymond Abel for the AHC Stiebel. DAVENING DINOSAURS 2 DON'T MISS IT! 11am (after Torah reading) @ AHC. Save the Date Special Graduation Mazel Tovs: Its graduation season and many congregants have donned their academic regalia in order to celebrate their achievements. We wish them all Kol Hakavod, Mazel Tov and much success with their future endeavours. Special mention to the following achievers: Sam Bookman graduated with BA LLB (Hons) and a recipient of a Law School Scholar’s Award. Jocelyn Benatar who received her PhD from the Auckland School of Medicine. 3 Mazel Tov to Carli Davis who graduated from Rollins this month in Florida, USA and received academic achievement awards in maths and science and was named outstanding senior in environmental studies. She received the Crummer student-athlete scholarship, awarded to a student athlete that demonstrates high academic success to study towards a two year postgraduate MBA at Crummer University, Florida. 16 May Volunteers Kiddush & Jono Baker’s Aufruf 23 May Tikkun Leil & Dinner 24 & 25 May Shavuot 6 June: Farewell Kiddush: Malindy YAHRZEITS FOR THE WEEK: We wish you Long Life… Name: Remembered by: Frieda Buetow Gerald David Davimes Tibor Erdos Julia Fenyves Liesl Green Eva Korpus Felix Manskleid Suzanne Pollak Freda Sanders Eleanor Shieff Mark Shor Cyril Walter Silverman Leber Tablis Relationship: Diane Buetow Isadore Davimes George Erdos Lilla Wald Kathi Keys Valerie Levy Adrian Korpus Lynn Porus Martha Manskleid Karen Boyd Garry Pollak Leslie Sanders David Shieff Vivien Cornell Larissa Liebman Malcolm Silverman Mikhail Tablis Mother-in-Law Brother Father Father Grandmother Mother Mother Father Husband Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Father Father Father SAT 19 Iyar 8 1 9 Omer: 34 Refuah Shleimah: Our thoughts are with congregants who are unwell at the moment. We wish you a full and speedy recovery. LOOKING AHEAD: FRI Care Comfort Compassion Community 20 Iyar SUN 10 Omer: 35 21 Iyar MON 11 Omer: 36 Shacharit: Greys Ave & AHC Stiebel: 9:15am 22 Iyar TUE 12 Omer: 37 23 Iyar WED 13 Omer: 38 24 Iyar THUR 14 Omer: 39 25 Iyar Omer: 40 Shacharit: Greys Ave 9am Davening Dinos @ 11am Parsha Potato Heads @ 3:15pm Kabbalat Shabbat Greys Ave & AHC Stiebel 6pm 5:11pm 6:10pm 26 Iyar 15 Omer: 41 16 1 27 Iyar Omer: 42 Shacharit: Greys Ave & AHC Stiebel: 9:15am 17 28 Iyar Omer: 43 Kabbalat Shabbat 6:03pm Omer: 44 19 1 Sivan Omer: 45 Rosh Chodesh Sivan Yom Yerushalayim Greys Ave & AHC Stiebel 6pm 5:04pm 29 Iyar 20 2 Sivan Omer: 46 21 3 Sivan Omer: 47 Shacharit: Greys Ave 9am Davening Dinos @ 11am Volunteers Kiddush 18 4 Parsha Potato Heads @ 3:15pm 10:30am Rabbi’s Discussion Group
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