Intra-Union Trade in Cats, Dogs and Ferrets

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
March 2015
Intra-Union Trade in Cats, Dogs and Ferrets - Checklist
Intra-Union Trade in Cats, Dogs and Ferrets - Checklist............................................................ 1
Certificate Reference number:………………........................... ............................................... 2
Name of owner and address of holding/establishment: .......................................................... 2
Checklist ................................................................................................................................. 2
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Certificate Reference number:………………...........................
This checklist / support document should be completed by the Official Veterinarian for each
consignment after the Notes For Guidance, Cats-Dogs-Ferrets-NFG, have been read.
Number of animals: ……………………………………
Species: …………………………………………………
The address of the holding/establishment to which this checklist refers should be the same as appears
at section I.12 of Part I of the Intra-Trade Animal Health Certificate (ITAHC).
Name of owner and address of holding/establishment:
Name: ……………………………………………………….
Address: …………………………………………………….
Registration number: ………………………………………
I hereby certify that I have made due enquiries and that the answers to the following questions are as
follows (please tick):
At a clinical examination of the animals identified in Box I.31 of Part I
of the ITAHC carried out within 48 hours of the intended time of
departure, were the animals:
in good health and fit to be transported on the intended journey
in accordance with the provisions of Council Regulation (EC)
No 1/2005?
individually identified by implantation of transponder
(microchip) or by a clearly readable tattoo if applied prior to 3
July 2011 - Article 6 (a) of Council Regulation (EC) No
accompanied by completed and valid identification document
(pet passports) - Article 6 (d) of Council Regulation (EC) No
(see paragraphs 4(a), (b) and (c) of Cats-Dogs-Ferrets-NFG)
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Article 4 of the Balai Directive 92/65/EEC
Do you have evidence from the owner confirming that the holding
from which the animals will be exported has been registered in
accordance with the requirements of Article 4 of the Balai Directive
92/65/EEC as amended?
(see paragraph 4(d) of Cats-Dogs-Ferrets-NFG)
Article 6 (c) of Council Regulation (EC) No 576/2013
as amended and Council delegating Regulation (EU)
Are the dogs:
(a) directly destined for Norway, Finland, Malta or Ireland. They do not
require treatment for Echinococcus multilocularis;
(b) destined indirectly for Norway, Finland, Malta or Ireland) If so have
they been treated for Echinococcus multilocularis if arriving in the 24
-120 hour window?
(see paragraph 4(e) of Cats-Dogs-Ferrets-NFG)
Article 6 of Council Regulation (EC) No 576/2013 as
* For dogs and cats and ferrets
Rabies Vaccination
You must answer YES to one of the following options:
have the animals been given a primary vaccination against
rabies which was completed on or after 12 weeks of age and at
least 21 days before the intended departure date? Ensure the
date of vaccination is later than or the same as the date of
have the animals been given a valid booster vaccination
against rabies within the validity period of a previous
vaccination or are they being dispatched within the validity
period of a previous vaccination against rabies?
in the case of unvaccinated animals which will be under 12
weeks old at the time of dispatch has the receiving EU Member
State and any transiting country authorised the movement?
(see paragraph 4(f) of Cats-Dogs-Ferrets-NFG)
d) in the case of animals under 16 weeks old with a valid vaccination
but no 21 day wait, has the receiving EU Member State and
any transiting country authorised the movement?
(see paragraph 4(f) of Cats-Dogs-Ferrets-NFG)
Delete as appropriate
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Official Veterinarian Stamp
Signed: ....................……………………….........MRCVS
Name in
block letters: .....……………………………….............
Official Veterinarian
Date: .....………………......
Address: ...........…………………………..............…......
Before signing the final ITAHC, the Official Veterinarian must ensure that he/she has duly
completed Cats-Dogs-CKL. This Checklist MUST NOT accompany the ITAHC but should be
retained by the Official Veterinarian on file for a period of 12 months.
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