Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs March 2015 Intra-Union Trade in Psittacines Notes for Guidance of the Official Veterinarian (OV) and Exporters Page 1 of 8 Contents Intra-Union Trade in Psittacines ...................................................................................... 1 Notes for Guidance of the Official Veterinarian (OV) and Exporters ............................... 1 1. Key Documents ........................................................................................................ 3 2. Notifiable Disease Clearance ................................................................................... 3 3. Scope ....................................................................................................................... 3 4. Completion of ITAHC: Specific Guidance ................................................................ 4 5. Notification to CIT Exports, carlisle office of Completion and Signature / Amendment of ITAHC .................................................................................................... 7 Certified Copies of ITAHCs .......................................................................................... 7 Notification of cancellation or changes ........................................................................ 7 Page 2 of 8 1. Key Documents The following key documents must be read and understood prior to completing and signing the Intra-Trade Animal Health Certificate (ITAHC) for Animals from Holdings (Ungulates, Birds, Lagomorphs, Dogs, Cats And Ferrets), in respect of psittacines. Psittacines-NFG - this document Psittacines-CKL - checklist procedures 2. Notifiable Disease Clearance Official Veterinarians may certify the following paragraphs of the Checklist on behalf of the Department provided written authority to do so has been obtained from Animal and Plant Health Agency, Centre for International Trade (CIT) Exports, Carlisle on form TRACES-NDC: Paragraphs 1, 2(a) and 2(b) of Psittacines-CKL The TRACES-NDC must bear the same certificate reference number as the ITAHC to which it relates. 3. Scope 3.1 This ITAHC covers intra-union trade (i.e. commercial movements) of birds of the Psittacidae family (parrots, macaws, cockatiels, conures, lovebirds, budgerigars etc) which are being dispatched from premises which have been registered under Article 4 of the Balai Directive, 92/65/EEC. Exporters who wish to apply for their premises to become registered should contact CIT Exports, Carlisle. Before signing the export health certificate, the Official Veterinarian must be satisfied that all of the relevant requirements of the Directive 92/65/EEC (as amended) have been met. These requirements are covered in the checklist, Psittacines-CKL. If all the answers on the checklist are “YES” the relevant requirements of the Directive will be satisfied. 3.2 Birds of prey, perching birds and other captive birds do not require official veterinary certification under the Balai Directive. Commercial movement of these birds may therefore take place on the basis that the premises of origin is registered under Article 4 of the Balai Directive, 92/65/EEC as amended, and the birds are accompanied by a statement issued by the seller or exporter stating that the birds: do not show any obvious signs of disease at the time of export; do not come from a holding on which avian influenza has been diagnosed in the past 30 days; Page 3 of 8 do not come from a holding or an area covered by restrictions due to an outbreak of Newcastle disease. have completed quarantine under the Captive Bird Import Directive 2000/666/EC as amended (only for birds imported from a country outside the EU). 3.3 Although this TRACES ITAHC is not legally required for non-psittacine birds, we are aware that some destination EU Member States erroneously insist on its use for birds of prey and other non-psittacine birds. In these cases, Question 3 of Psittacines-CKL may be deleted by the certifying Official Veterinarian to allow the ITAHC to be signed as normal. 4. Completion of ITAHC: Specific Guidance (a) Completion of Part I, box I.31 - identification of the animals Exporters must complete Box I.31 of Part I with the following information: species age and sex individual identification and method (microchip, leg ring, etc) The Official Veterinarian must be satisfied that the bird(s) is/are suitably and individually identified in accordance with the details recorded in Part I.31 of the health certificate. The “Official Veterinarian practice” (NOT someone in the employ of the exporter, transporter or agent) is responsible for verifying the identification marks and other details of each animal included in the certificate. (b) Welfare in Transport: Part II.1 (option 1) of the ITAHC The examination should take place within 48 hours of the intended time of departure.Council Regulation 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport Article 3 (a) lays down the provisions with respect to fitness of animals to be transported on the intended journey. Annex I, Chapter I states that: No animal shall be transported unless it is fit for the intended journey and all animals shall be transported in conditions guaranteed not to cause them injury or unnecessary suffering. Animals that are injured or that present physiological weakness or pathological processes shall not be considered fit for transport. However, sick or injured animals may be considered fit if they are: (i) slightly injured or ill and transport would not cause unnecessary suffering; (ii) transported for scientific research purposes approved by the competent authority; (iii) transported under veterinary supervision for or following veterinary treatment or diagnosis. (iv) however, such transport shall be permitted only where no unnecessary suffering or ill treatment is caused to the animals concerned. The Welfare of Animals (Transport) (England) Order 2006 and parallel legislation in Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland implement the Regulation in the Page 4 of 8 UK. Guidance on the legislation issued by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) gives the following advice on the fitness to travel of animals for transport: Every animal should be fit for the journey that is planned. Animals should be in good health, free of illness, free of significant wounds and able to walk without pain on all legs. Animals that are in sufficiently good health, should be able to withstand the stress of a journey without experiencing any unnecessary pain or distress, and should arrive at their destination in good health. Animals that are injured or that present physiological weaknesses or pathological processes shall not be considered fit for transport. Exporters must comply with the British welfare laws relating to the export of animals. If transported by air, animals should be transported in accordance with International Air Transport Association (IATA) standards. Further information about the necessary requirements may be obtained from the Animal Welfare Team at any of the offices mentioned below. England, Scotland and Wales Welfare in Transport Team at the APHA Specialist Service Centre – International Trade – at Carlisle, via the link below: Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Northern Ireland, Dundonald House, Upper Newtowards Road, Ballymiscaw, Belfast, BT4 3SB. DARD helpline number 0300 200 7852. DARD helpline email – [email protected] DARD Textphone 028 9052 4420 This paragraph may be certified if the answer to Question 5(b) of the checklist, Psittacines-CKL, is “YES”. Page 5 of 8 (c) Part II.2 (option 2) of the ITAHC Part II.2 of the ITAHC refers to Article 4 of Council Directive 92/65/EEC. If the answer to Question 1 of the checklist, Psittacines-CKL, is “YES” then the conditions of Article 4 of Council Directive 92/65/EEC have been met and this paragraph may be certified. (d) Part II.2 (option 2) (for birds other than those referred to in Council Directive 2009/158/EC) of the ITAHC Part II.2 (a) and (b) for birds other than those referred to in Council Directive 2009/158/EC of the ITAHC refers to Article 7 of Council Directive 92/65/EEC (as amended) and also requires that they show no clinical sign of disease on examination. Article 7 of the Directive covers the disease status of the holding of origin in relation to avian influenza, Newcastle disease and psittacosis, and lays down that psittacine birds must be identified. These requirements are reflected in Questions 2, 3 and 4 of the checklist, Psittacines-CKL. In order to answer “YES” to Question 3 of Psittacines-CKL, the OV must either have personal knowledge of the conditions in the premises of origin during the past 8 weeks, or must obtain a support statement from another veterinary surgeon who does have such knowledge. The requirement for the clinical examination is reflected in Question 5 (a) of Psittacines-CKL. If all of the answers to Questions 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the checklist, PsittacinesCKL are “YES”, then the birds satisfy the requirements of Article 7 of Council Directive 92/65/EEC and of the clinical examination, and this paragraph may be certified. If the ITAHC is being used for non-psittaccine birds, Question 3 of the checklist, Psittacines-CKL does not apply and may therefore be deleted. See also paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3 above. (e) Part II.3 of the ITAHC This does not currently apply to psittacines and should be deleted. (f) Stamp and Signature Having completed all the checks, ensuring the ITAHC is fully completed and all the appropriate deletions and/or additions have been made, the Official Veterinarian must sign and stamp the ITAHC with the Official Veterinarian’s official stamp in ink of any colour other than black. The completed ITAHC will accompany the consignment to its final destination. Page 6 of 8 5. Notification to CIT Exports, carlisle office of Completion and Signature / Amendment of ITAHC In order to meet the requirement for notification of animal movements to other Member States, Official Veterinarians must notify CIT Exports, Carlisle that an ITAHC has been completed and signed. Completed copies of the following documents must be emailed (preferred option) or faxed to CIT Exports, Carlisleon the same day the ITAHC is signed: Part I of the ITAHC (indicating any amendments); completed Part II of the ITAHC. Any amendments to Part I of the ITAHC, must be clearly indicated, and endorsed with Official Veterinarian stamp and initials, so that the necessary amendments can be made by CIT Exports, Carlisle, prior to sending the TRACES movement notification to the destination Member State. Certified Copies of ITAHCs Official Veterinarians should make at least one photocopy of the completed (i.e. signed and stamped) ITAHC and endorse the front of each copy with “Certified copy” and their initials. One copy should be retained by the Official Veterinarian for record purposes for a minimum of one year. Where it is not possible to email or fax a copy of the ITAHC to CIT Exports, Carlisle, on the same day on which the ITAHC is signed, the Official Veterinarian should make an additional photocopy and ensure this is delivered to CIT Exports, Carlisle on the same day on which the ITAHC is signed. However, where this requirement for photocopying is likely to give rise to considerable practical difficulties, the OV should contact CIT Exports, Carlisle for advice. Notification of cancellation or changes If the consignment is cancelled, or its date/time of departure has changed significantly, or a different vehicle is used, or all the animals are not loaded, the exporter must notify CIT Exports, Carlisle by email or fax, giving details of changes, so that a replacement TRACES message can be sent. Page 7 of 8 © Crown copyright 2011 You may re-use this information (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or e-mail: [email protected] This document/publication is also available on our website at: Page 8 of 8
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