HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH OFFICE Macquarie University NSW 2109 Australia T: +61 (2) 9850 1893 [email protected] AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF HEALTH INNOVATION and CAPITAL MARKETS COOPERATIVE RESEARCH CENTRE (CMCRC) PhD Scholarship in Patient-Centric Care AUD$50,000PA TAX-EXEMPT NOW OPEN The Australian Institute of Health Innovation at Macquarie University has recently joined the Health Program of the Capital Markets Cooperative Research Centre (CMCRC). We have a PhD scholarship available for an outstanding candidate who will undertake research related to patient-centric care. It is proposed that the project will study the case for patient-centric care, the role to be played by primary health initiatives and the case for engagement. About the AIHI and CMCRC AIHI and CMCRC offer the opportunity to perform applied and valuable work in the health field, to work with leading scientists from an array of Australian universities, to interact with industry partners such as government agencies and health insurance funds, and translate research findings into tangible outcomes. The scholarship is placed within AIHI in the Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science (CHRIS), formerly the Centre for Clinical Governance Research. CHRIS has a successful track record of undertaking research and evaluation projects on health sector issues since 1991. Our core interest is to investigate issues of policy, governance and leadership in the health sector. We are involved in conducting original research providing a scholarly capability by which to evaluate health sector policies, programs and projects, and contributing to undergraduate medical, postgraduate health services management, and public health and doctoral education. The CMCRC Health Program is highly interdisciplinary and combines elements of health policy, health economics, epidemiology, public health, data mining, predictive analytics and simulation modelling. CMCRC research is about providing a better understanding of the efficiency of the health care system and conducting research that can inform both policy makers and industry stakeholders. CMCRC research is also about realising commercial benefits from innovation, and the CMCRC provides direct participation in commercial results for PhD Students. Criteria Prospective PhD applicants should have completed the equivalent of Macquarie University’s Master of Research (MRes) degree, MPhil or other 2 year Masters degree with a major research component with excellent results. An exceptional academic record, strong written and verbal communications skills, and an ability to work in a team environment. Candidates will have strong research skills in either or both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. An understanding of the Australian health care system and a background in health research is preferred, but is not a strict requirement. What Does the Scholarship Provide? Scholarships of $50,000 per annum tax-free for up to three years will be offered. The scholarship is a living allowance and does not cover tuition fees. Domestic students are currently awarded funded places in the degree program under the Research Training Scheme. How to Apply Applicants should direct enquires and submit an EOI in the first instance to: David Greenfield Associate Professor of Health Improvement Research Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science Australian Institute of Health Innovation Phone: + 61 2 9850 2414 Mobile: + 61 (0) 419 462 847 Email: [email protected] Further information can be found online at http://www.hdr.mq.edu.au/information_about/Scholarships/scholopportunities/hdr_scholarships_domestic_and_international.
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