Monday, April 27, 2015 9:30 a.m. Shotgun Start

In 2014, it is estimated that 26.390 South Carolinians
were estimated to be diagnosed with cancer. It is
also estimated that 9,550 people in South Carolina
will lose their battle with cancer.
Thank you for your support of this event and please
visit or call 1.800.ACS.2345 if you
have any questions about cancer.
If you are not a golfer and would like to volunteer
for this event or any other ACS event, please call
your local American Cancer Society Representative
at 1.877.227.9398
In Memory of Dennis Bartholomew
and all those we have loved and lost
Monday, April 27, 2015
9:30 a.m. Shotgun Start
The Reserve Course and Hollow Creek Course
at The Reserve Club in Woodside Plantation
3000 Reserve Club Drive, Aiken, SC
ph: 803.648.2442
Get more information at our website:
Welcome to the Ninth Annual “Aiken Golf Classic!”
Last year’s event raised over $39,000 for the Aiken
Relay For Life which benefits the American Cancer
Society. Thanks to the compassion and generosity
of our volunteers, sponsors, and players, we have
raised almost $250,000 since our inception eight
years ago.
As many of you know, last year’s new format combined the 10 holes of the Fuzzy Zoeller designed
Hollow Creek course with the 18 holes of the Jack
Nicklaus designed Reserve course for a 28 hole layout. This year, once again, teams will play 18 consecutive holes. Winning scores will be calculated by
the number of strokes teams are under par.
With great golf holes, numerous team prizes and
Hole in One prizes (that include a new car), the
Aiken Golf Classic continues to be one of the area’s
most popular events. We hope you will join us!
For more information, please contact your
local American Cancer Society at
Schedule of Events
8:30 a.m. – Registration and range opens
9:30 a.m. – Shotgun start, scramble format
Beverages and lunch will be served on course
Immediately following play
19th Hole Cocktail Reception
(cash bar and complimentary hors d’oeuvres)
Sponsorship Levels
Presenting Sponsor $5,000*
Platinum Sponsor $2,500*
(Sponsors both Golf Classic & Relay For Life event)
Platinum Sponsor $2,000*
Diamond Sponsor $1000*
Gold Sponsor $600
• Range balls, greens and cart fees for one foursome
• Gift package for each player
• Recognition on Corporate sponsorship banner
Tee Sponsor $200
 Recognize your business or a loved one who has
been touched by cancer
Individual Sponsor $125
 Range balls, greens and cart fees for one player
 Complimentary gift package
*Contact Steve Behnke at (803)270-1937 for more details.
Forms/payment should be mailed to:
Aiken Relay Golf Classic
P.O. Box 5353
Aiken, SC 29804
Checks payable to Aiken Relay Golf Classic.
Participants will receive a letter for their tax
deductible donation.