Airport Learning Tree P Director: Penny Haakinson Assistant Director: Ru Coyne Front Desk: Debbi Alger & Deby Waldner May 2015 Mothering Heights by Penny Haakinson Contents Mothering Heights 1 Upcoming Events 1 Front Desk News 2 Happy Mother’s Day! We are looking forward to our spring program where we take a moment in time to honor Mothers, as well as all the people who have an influence on the growth and care for your children. My mother always said that the hardest job you will have and the one you might be least Snuggle Bunny News 3 prepared for is that of being a Mother. Even though you may feel overwhelmed as the Wobbly Lambs News 3 when they are grown and gone. But on a good note the rewarding times continue as well. Tiger Cubs I News 4 Tiger Cubs II New 4 Fuzzy Duck News 5 Bouncy Bear News 5 Kangaroo News 6 Panther News 7 Family Matters 8 Menu Attachment Our Theme This Month Let’s Pretend Upcoming Events 5/8 Mother’s Day Tea 5/15 PNO Hosted by McKenzie & Ru 5/25 Memorial Day CENTER CLOSED parent of an infant or preschooler, I will tell you that the job never really feels done even I really want to take a moment to honor working Mothers and the impact you make on the world in so many ways. Not only do you provide a nurturing environment for your children, but you help them to build the confidence to go out and face the world. Sometimes it seems easy to buckle under the pressures of responsibilities and time in this busy world we live in, but as mothers we all know that our job is to grow “tough kids” with a strong set of values and a resilient self-esteem so that their path in this world is just a little bit easier. I honor that strength in all of you. I don’t know how many of you take advantage of all the parenting support groups that are available today, but I think they can offer many financial and time consuming benefits for the working Mom. There are a number of groups on Facebook that are made up of groups that have a common thread. My daughter is currently using a garage sale group in which she did all her Christmas shopping and is buying most of her children’s clothes. The mother’s in this group just meet on their lunch hours to make exchanges, saving everyone a great deal of time. The other group she uses is a support group where you toss out a question from everything to which pediatrician to use to who cleans your carpets. A great and quick resource for all the things that need to get done. Having a tough day? Toss out an idea and see how many people are ready to give you that little extra boost you need. As my daughter is getting ready to end her maternity leave she has set a number of goals to get herself back in shape. The other night she was 300 steps away from hitting her 10,000 steps and she posted a question, “Should I just call it a day and not worry about the last 300 steps?” Four people responded instantly saying, “Get out of bed and get it done!” She did and feels much better for having stuck to her goals. So hang in there you wonderful Moms and lean on others around you when the going gets tough. Every tough parenting decision you make today pays multiple dividends in the years to come. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!!! Page 2 Front Desk News May Newsletter Dear Parents… Coming Up Looking ahead, we will be having our Mother’s Day Tea Friday, May 8th. The performances will begin at 3:30pm and will be followed by refreshments. Also, the center will be closed for Memorial Day – Monday, May 25th. Vacation Credits With summer coming up, we’re sure you have vacations planned. This is a great time to use your vacation credits as they expire at the end of August. Ask the front desk for a vacation voucher form when you’re ready to apply some to your account. Spring Cleaning If your family is doing any spring cleaning, we would love to take any old toys, books, and maybe even clothes for any ages off your hands. If we can’t find a use for them, we will give them to families in need or donate them to the Goodwill. Referrals Boy has our attendace sky rocketed in the past few months and much of that we owe to our wonderful families referring us to family, friends and coworkers. Remember that if you refer a child to our center, you get $75 off once they attend for a month. Not only will this give you a bit of a break, but keeping our building full also keeps your montlhy costs down. Now is a great time to be talking to school-age parents as well with summer break coming up. Keep up the good work! Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear… Abram Dallas Mikal Makenzie Aiden Gavin LaGhea Mason Atagabe Daniel and Teacher Alicia Happy Birthday to you! Page 3 May Newsletter Classroom News Snuggle Bunnies loved by Char & Joy We would like to welcome Evelyn and Rhys to our classroom and say goodbye to Kaysa and Ryker. We wish both families luck on their next adventures. Faben and Mason A. have been with us for a long time and have grown tremendously. They’re on to their next adventure in the Wobbly Lambs classroom. So many of our friends are busy bodies now. Kate and Preston are rocking on all fours and Jaxin is pulling up and scaling everything. Tummy time has done these bunnies justice. We strongly encourage families to continue with tummy time. Many of our little ones are now on food so we do ask that you introduce foods for at least five days at home before bringing them for breakfast or lunch at school. When eating with your child, this is an awesome time to introduce sign language. Give it a try and your little one will be communicating with you in no time. Feel free to ask the teachers for a few signs if need be. Summer is just around the corner so for our older babies, we will take them outside to the playground. Please provide sun hats and sunscreen as well as sign the sunscreen permission slip as the time gets closer. Lastly, a runny nose could be a sign of many things. Some are a cold, allergies, or teething so look for other cues and also the duration of your baby’s symptoms. Wobbly Lambs loved by Jan & Denae We want to thank all of our parents that have taken the time to label their child’s belongings and for restocking your child’s belongings. Please make sure to look for your bunnies socks as our collection is growing by the week. time off to Toddlers – Mason W. and about Dalton, and Faben, Mason A. and time! The children love their letters, numbers, and colors Daniel will be joining Ellie to time outside! We talk about and songs with finger play and round the birds, trees, trucks, and body movements. classroom. Yay! We are excited Oh my things are warming up! activities We have so much outside where airplanes. They are also learning about safe playground are they circle learn We have had frequent visits out our Wobbler for all of them. Ryker, We are wishing all the moms and Kaysa, Faben and Mason A. grandmas a very Happy Mother’s just from the infant room. Dalton Day! We hope you will join us for exploding with new words and has been visiting the Toddler the tea! are absorbing everything like room. It makes the transition little sponges. Their favorite much play. The children are from change our friends smoother is when made. We that are sending most of our Wobblers Classroom News Page 4 May Newsletter Tiger Cubs I loved by Jen, Denae, & Chela We are excited this month to consists of two different toy beginning of this month we also welcome Mason W. and Dalton activities and all the toys on the look forward to celebrating from the wobbler classroom to shelves. We also have fun playing Mother’s Day. Please join us for our class. We had two new outside and enjoying our inside the Mother’s Day Tea, even if students, Aiden and Corbin, join music and dance time. this us in April as well. This month we look forward to welcoming these new students and for them to get to know us and our routines. We mix our day between free play activities and group activities. We have the kids join together for our circle time, our reading, time. vocabulary eating, Our more and time, sensory free play This month for circle and art time, we will be talking about the letters R, S, T, and U. For letter R, we will talk about “Raccoons and Rabbits.” For letter S, look for “Snakes and Suns.” For letter T, we will talk about “Trees and Trains.” Lastly, for letter U, we may is not your regular scheduled day. The kids have been preparing some special songs to share with you. Plus, there is a special gift to pickup after the show. We wish all our wonderful mothers a very special day. Thanks for letting us care for your child. decorate “Umbrellas and Unicorns.” The Tiger Cubs II loved by Kim & Caitlyn April has come and gone and all the Toddlers have been watching the trees turn green, played outside in the wonderful spring weather, and had so much fun in our class. The month really flew by and we’re looking forward to welcoming more warm weather and sunshine. For the month of May, we’ll be learning the letters R, S, T, and U and the numbers 8, 9, 10, and 1. We’ll be spending the beginning of the month practicing for the program for the Mother’s Day Tea. The toddlers are so excited to show all their mommies how much they care and how hard they have worked. We’ll also be exploring outside a lot, checking out all the flowers and bugs that the warm spring weather brings to us. This month, we’ll also be saying goodbye to our friends Sylvia, Ethan, Lily, and Sean. They will be moving up to their new class in pre-school. We’ll miss them a lot, but they will do great on their next adventure. Last, with the weather warming up, we want to remind you to make sure to dress your Classroom News Page 5 May Newsletter Fuzzy Ducks loved by Deby, Amber, Karissa, & Stacey We can’t believe another month We will be painting a branch as a Sylvia, Sean and Lily from the has come and gone! We had so group project. That should be Toddler classroom. Welcome to much fun doing Easter projects fun! We will find one over in the them all! and participating in the egg hunt. field and bring it back. We will Deviled eggs were a big hit. We also plant Marigold flowers and also tried making a special kind of mix mud but it didn’t work. We had question what happens when you fun mix red and white? trying though! We also learned about bunnies and what they do and eat. paint colors asking the Just a few quick reminders. Please remember to check your child’s art file. Also our Mother’s Day Tea will be Friday, May 8th at 3:30pm. Please join us for We have a big change happening performances and refreshments in to follow. We hope to see you preschool. Max, Abby W., May is going to be filled with lots Rylan, and Adriana are all moving of fun art and adventurous walks. up to Jr. K. They will be missed The letters of the month will be but will have tons of fun in their C and D. Our shapes will be circle new class! With them moving up, and diamond and we’ll be focusing we will be welcoming there! Ethan, on the colors pink and red. Bouncy Bears loved by Kayla & Lisa April has already come to an a thank you to all of the moms. With a new teacher and new end. We enjoyed all of the We are also going to learn classmates, we will not be bored sunshine, and we learned a lot about manners, Cinco de Mayo, in May. We have many activities about and Police for police week. and art projects planned and bugs, butterflies, and flowers. We also had some fun painting with water colors. We welcomed a new teacher in our classroom. Her name is teacher Lisa. Please feel free to say hi and introduce yourselves. She has lots of exciting and new ideas for our classroom. There is a lot planned for May. We have the Mother’s Day Tea on May 8th. We have prepared two songs to sing, and we have a special Mother’s Day project as We are also welcoming Max, Adriana, Rylan, and Abby to our classroom from preschool. We are excited to see what kind of personality they add to our class. Please remember that we wash sheets once a week, but the blankets are for you to take home and wash. Please check your child’s cubby as well because they tend to fill up fast. new friends to play with. Another Kangaroos loved by Ru & McKenzie gorgeous month has passed us by and we are getting near the end of our school year! April brought us a quick celebration of Easter, followed by exploring the farm and nutrition. Following nutrition, we jumped right into learning about recycling and Earth Day. As a class, this was one of our favorite themes! Thank you for all the recycling items that our families brought in. We spent a fair amount of time sorting them into different groups depending on what they are made from. Finally, we put all the recyclables to good work and created interesting some creations! We very had quite a few pairs of goggles, some rocket ships, a volcano, and plenty of others. Not only did we spend time building these objects, we then did a “museum walk” around the class to visit each child’s creation while the creator discussed what they made. It was quite an exciting and engaging day! Following the Earth Day excitement, we shifted our focus to some of Earth’s creatures as we began learning about bugs. We will continue this study in May. For our first week of bugs, we brainstormed a list of bugs and sorted them into bugs that fly or bugs that crawl. We kept this poster posted in our class so we could add more bugs to the lists as we came upon them. We also learned about the butterfly life cycle May Newsletter Classroom News Page 6 and discussed the similarities and differences between moths and butterflies. We have been really focusing on sight word practice – learning a new one each morning after morning work, and practicing with them throughout the day. Any practice families do at home will really help too! We are quickly becoming readers as we read sight words we recognize in a book or magazine, start to read simple sentences, and some of us even are starting to read books. We’ve also been doing a lot more writing now that we know all of our letters and are starting to learn sight words. Some of us write a sentence each morning for morning work and there are times when all bit of time discussing adjectives as we think of nice words to describe our mommies. Of course there will be song practicing and craft making as we prepare for our Mother’s Day Tea. We hope to see everyone there! Frog week will bring us plenty of exciting information about tadpoles and frogs – we will focus on the life cycle. And finally dinosaurs, a class favorite, will be somewhat child directed by them giving Teacher Ru input about the things they would like to learn about dinosaurs. It will be a busy month and is sure to fly right by! Along with all of our class work, we will be getting outside as much as possible. of us are expected to write a With the weather changing, we are sentence or two depending on the often able to get out first thing in lesson we are participating in. We the morning so a light jacket or make sure our sentences start with layers would be helpful. Also, we a capital letter, have finger spaces, are getting near to our summer and appropriate punctuation. Ask program, and we will be joining the your child about these things and school-agers out on field trips. It see how much they have learned! might be a good idea to start It’s a very exciting time in the talking to your child about the kindergarten classroom as all of our importance of being safe when hard work starts to come together! we’re away from the building. Any Looking ahead to May, we will continue our learning about bugs, celebrate Mother’s Day, learn about frogs, and enjoy our final theme of dinosaurs. Before we know it, it will be June and we will be preparing for Kindergarten Graduation (keep your eyes peeled for more information towards the end of May). For our Mother’s Day theme, we will spend a front loading of this information you can do at home will make the transition that much smoother when the time comes! Thank you for your continued support throughout this school year! We hope to finish it out with a bang! Page 7 May MayNewsletter Newsletter Classroom News Panthers loved by Robin, McKenzie, Alicia & Ashley April showers bring May cute egg shaped bunnies. We Tea. After Mother’s Day, we had made bunny ears and bunny will be spending some time Easter and Earth Day. All the noses with whiskers. We then learning science experiments. kids made and decorated little had a hoppy good time having One that comes to mind is how bunny a to clean pennies then turn flowers. In April, we baskets. We then parade for the other waited to see if anything classes. For Earth Day, we dimes into the color of would happen. Woohoo! The learned about recycling and pennies. Stay tuned for more! Easter Bunny came and filled up cycling. We made crayon them up with goodies the melt earths. Friday before Easter. We really went all out with other Easter projects. Three dimensional Easter eggs and Shhh…we have been doing a lot of Mother’s Day preparation and hope to see you all at our Mother’s Day Life Touch Portraits We hope you all enjoyed the spring photos taken by Life Touch. The kids took some really great photos this time around! Please remember that the picture packets (pictures you aren’t purchasing) and payment are due back as soon as possible! Page 7 Classroom News May Newsletter May Newsletter Just For Fun Home Depot: Kids Workshop When: First Sat., 9-12pm Where: Various Home Depot Locations Description: Free, monthly hands-on, “how-to” craft* workshops designed for kids ages 5-12. 5/2 Learn How to Build a Picket Fence Photo Frame Lowe’s Build & Grow Workshop When: Sat. 10am Where: Various Lowe’s Locations Description: Free, monthly hands-on, “how-to” craft workshops designed for kids 5/9 Mother’s Day Planter Lakeshore Learning When: Every Sat, 11am –3pm Where: Lakeshore Learning Store, 16901 SW 65th Ave., Lake Oswego Description: FREE fun craft activities for ages 3+ Information: 503-620-9888 or 5/2 Thank-A-Teacher Tote Bag 5/9 Garden Blooms Photo Frame 5/16 Fly Away! Hot Air Balloon 5/23 Memorial Day Flag 5/30 Hello, Sunshine! Mobile $2 Days at OMSI When: First Sun. of every month, 5/3 Where: OMSI 1945 SE Water St., Portland, OR 97214 Description: Enjoy discounted $2 admission to OMSI. $4 Zoo Second Tuesday When: Tue. May 12th, 10am – 4pm Where: Oregon Zoo, 4001 SW Canyon Rd. Portland, OR 97221 Description: Enjoy all of the fun wildlife and adventure at the Oregon Zoo for a fraction of the cost with $4 admission per person. Children 2 and under are, as always, admitted free of charge. Ride transit and receive an additional $1.50 off with proof of ridership. There is a fee for parking a well. Wondrous Wednesdays When: Wed. May 6th 10am – 5pm Where: World Forestry Center 4033 SW Canyon Description: Tour the World Forestry Center for the discounted price of $3 per person. Ride the wetfree rapids, try your smoke jumping skills, and discover interesting things about forests all over the world. There is a fee for parking as well. Guided Nature Hike When: Saturdays, 10-11:30am Where: Tyron Creek Park 11321 SW Terwilliger Blvd. Description: Free guided nature hikes exploring the forest and stream ecosystems and natural history at Tryon Creek State Natural Area. Topics will vary from week to week but will be appropriate for all ages. Parents must accompany kids on all hikes. No pre-registration required. For more specific information or if bringing groups larger than 10, call (503) 636-9886 ext. 225. 5/2 Amazing Amphibians 5/9 Urban Wildlife 5/16 Ethnobotany 5/23 Slugs: More than Slime Second Saturday at WREC When: Sat. May 9th, 1pm – 3pm Where: Water Resources Education Center, 4600 SE Columbia Way Description: Second Saturdays at the Water Resources Education Center are not only fun, they're free! Each second Saturday of the month, from 1 to 3 p.m., kids and their families are invited to explore a different topic through hands-on activities, games and stories. Kids and families are invited to celebrate Public Works Week. Learn about and explore some of the amazing things the City of Vancouver’s Public Words Department does for you! The 2015 National Public Works Week theme, “Community Begins Here,” recognizes that Public Works supports our community’s everyday quality of life. Kids Morning Skate at Oaks Park When: Saturdays, 10:30am - 12pm Where: Oaks Park, 7805 SE Oaks Park Way, Portland OR 97202 Description: Get your family's weekend rolling at Kids Morning Skate! This session is specifically designed for kids ten and younger and features music chosen by kids for kids, a 15 minute group lesson taught by a USA Roller Sports certified instructor, and cool skating games like "Dead Bug", "Roller Limbo" and, of course, "The Hokey Pokey"! Includes conventional skates. Ages 0-10, with family. $6 per child, grown-ups free. Check out these great sources for more family fun activities… Multnomah County Library ms Metro Parent Vancouver Family Magazine lendar.html PDX Kids Calendar mer-fun-events/
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