! The Business Newsletter of the American Killifish Association May, 2015 In memory of The AKA Roger Langton See page 4 2015 Convention is almost here! See you in Detroit! More from the KAB 2014 Photo Competition. With permission. 1 VOL. 54 No. 5 ! 2015 A.K.A. BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHAIRMAN Richard Pierce (2014-2016) 171 Broad St. North Attleboro, MA 12060 508-643-4603 [email protected] SECRETARY Art Leuterman (2014-2016) 742 Bison Dr Houston, TX 77079-4401 281-493-0363 [email protected] Ron Harlan (2013-2015) 3837 Cedarbend Dr. Glendale, CA 91214-3244 (818) 248-7133 [email protected] Russ McCabe (2013-2015) 14027 Silver Valley Rd Maple Ridge, BC V4R 2R3 Canada (604) 463-5570 [email protected] Chris Weatherford (2013-2015) 408 Mt. Moriah Rd. Bonnerdale, AR, 71933 (501) 520-1093 [email protected] David Hemmerlein (2014-2016) 5028 Old Colony Road Portage, MI, 49024 269-350-5674 [email protected] Rick Ivik (2015-2017) N2905 Tindell Road Monroe, WI 53566 608-325-5327 [email protected] Bill Logue (2015-2017) 54 Lorimer Rd. Belmont MA 02478 617-489-0777 [email protected] Ken Normandin (2015-2017) 814 Ibis Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32216 904-233-2377 [email protected] BOT ADVISOR Charles Nunziata [email protected] 2 Chairman’s Message Hello Everyone, Spring is finally upon those of us in the Northeast, and the convention is only a couple of weeks away! I hope to see many of you in Detroit at the end of the month. It is never too late to sign up for the convention, so even if you haven't already made plans, it is not too late to reconsider. If you have never been to a fish convention, you don't know what you are missing! There is a fantastic speaker lineup, there will be hundreds of pairs of killifish to see and purchase, and the camaraderie that can only be found in a room full of people who share a common interest in colorful, little, ditch fish! Even if you can't make the convention in person, you can enter the Photo Competition. The rules are on the AKA home page, but hurry. The deadline is May 20th. If you are interested in participating in the AKA, it is now time to consider nominating yourself to run for the Board of Trustees. Every year, three positions open up on the Board and we need 8 or so volunteers who are willing to run. Our Founding Members were wise enough to require more nominees than there are seats so that we have a real election each year. It is not a large time commitment and you would have a voice in directing how the AKA operates. If you are interested, please contact Charlie Nunziata and let him know. I would like to welcome Bob Meyer to the position of Membership Chair. Our long-time Membership Chair, Jim Randall, has asked to retire and Bob was kind enough to volunteer. Jim will be continuing in the position until the Convention where he will pass the torch to Bob. I cannot thank Jim enough for his service to the AKA. When an update to our web site software last Autumn required us to change the way we handle memberships and renewals, Jim was indispensable in keeping memberships up to date and answering all your needs. The transition has not always been easy but Jim has always been there to help. There is still work to do to make everything work as seamlessly as it should, but I don't think that we would have gotten this far without Jim's patience and caring for each member. Thank you. I would like to thank AKA member Joe Ferdenzi and the members of the Greater City Aquarium Society in New York. They invited me to speak at their May meeting and were most gracious hosts. Greater City Aquarium Society is a very active club and I saw a lot of friends at the meeting. They also produce one of the finest newsletters in the hobby, Modern Aquarium, back issues of which are available on their web site. I would also like to thank Joe and his wife, Anita, for their hospitality. I should also mention that Joe is the Chair of the Beginner's Committee, so if any new members have questions, please feel free to contact him. Joe is a true Renaissance Man and even advanced aquarists can learn a lot from him. I know I did! Finally, I have been given a large number of old aquarium hobby periodicals. The copyright has expired on many of them. I plan to scan some of the killifish-related articles and put them in the Member's Library for all AKA members to enjoy. One of these articles is from William T. Innes' "The Aquarium". I found a 1932 article on keeping the Blue Gularis, then known as Fundulopanchax coeruleus, by Allen S. Moody. Interestingly the article states "This is one of our most gorgeously colored aquarium fish. It is still classed as a rarity, as few breeders have mastered the difficulties of spawning it in captivity." That was 83 years ago and still, few breeders have mastered the emblem fish of the AKA! I will add more articles as time permits so keep checking the Member's Library periodically for the latest additions. Best wishes, Rich Pierce, Chairman ! Calendar and News Events Details 22-24 May AKA 2015 National Convention page 17-22, May BNL 23-24 May 23rd Convention of the Italian Killifish Association page 14-16, May BNL 18-20 September Northeast Weekend (NEW), Albany NY More to come 9-11 Oct British Killifish Association 36th Annual Convention http://www.bka.webeden.co.uk/ 31 Oct - 1 Nov Egg laying Toothcarp Jamboree page 11, April BNL Current Key Standings 1 Jim Kostich Caribbean Killifish Weekend, the last show before the convention showdown, is in the books (details, page 11). Though there weren’t many people entering fish there, the Puerto Rico was a pretty big show. The following are the standings going into the National Convention. 2 Art Leuterman 513 3 David Mikkelsen 455 4 Rick Ivik 347 5 Keith Cook 223 6 Gary Pack 207 The final show of the season will be the national convention in Detroit. Make your reservations now as it’s sure to be a great time. 7 Paul Christ 200 8 Jim Gasior 152 9 Ruth Warner 131 10 David Hemmerlein 121 Keith Cook KEY Chairman 3 702 ! In memory of Roger Langton Roger Langton passed on April 25, 2015 It is with great sadness to report that Roger Langton, a long time stalwart of the A.K.A. passed away on April 25th after a long illness. He was 80 years old. The members and officers of the American Killifish Association extend their profound sympathy to the Langton family for their loss. Roger can never be replaced, and he will remain in the hearts of family and friends throughout their lives. Roger was a major factor in the growth of the A.K.A. as an international organization, and remained involved in the hobby throughout his adult life. A member of the first generation succeeding the founders, Roger held a prominent role in A.K.A. operations for six decades. He held a number of offices throughout the years, served several BOT terms and a number of years as JAKA Editor. He authored nearly 50 articles for JAKA and became widely known as a talented killifish breeder who brought a number of innovations and discoveries to the killifish hobby. Even more importantly, he was a visionary, seeing the role of diversity and conservation in the survival of the hobby, and had a strong sense of the challenges the hobby would face in the future. He founded several conservation efforts and projects, culminating in the organization of the Killifish Conservation Committee and the innovative core species approach to maintaining representations of the enormous variety within the killifish complex. Roger’s proudest achievement was his founding of the George Maier Fund, now the only tax exempt entity exclusively devoted to funding the study of killifish. He worked tirelessly to assure its success, and facilitated major contributions that allowed the Fund to flourish. In this spirit, the family has requested that in lieu of honoraria, donations be made to the George Maier Fund. He will be missed by all those who had the pleasure of knowing him, working with him, and benefiting from his counsel. Mentor, teacher, friend, God’s speed Roger. 4 - Charlie Nunziata ! News 2016 BOT Nominations are now due 2016 Board of Trustees Nominations All members support our organization in any of a number of ways. One of the most important contributions, perhaps the most important one can make, is to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees. The importance of this position cannot be overstated. It provides an opportunity to directly influence the operations of the club and determine our future course. We urge all members to consider contributing in this way, and to lend their experience and knowledge to the benefit of all. The Board manages all the affairs of the organization, appoints committee heads and audits the performance of all club functions. The Board consists of nine (9) members. Three members are elected each year for a three year term. We are accepting nominations through May 31, 2015 for the term 2016-2018. The election will take during the month of September. The three Board-Elect members will assume office on January 1, 2016. Please review the Bylaws, Article IV for board member duties and responsibilities, and the BOT Procedures Manual for detailed operating methods. You may find both on the website at: www.aka.org. The AKA Bylaws are available in the Public Library section and both the Bylaws and the BOT Manual are available in the Member's Library. Any member in good standing can nominate one’s self, or any other member in good standing. Names are to be submitted to the Nominations Committee via e-mail or telephone, and the committee will discuss some additional steps to complete the nomination process. Final approval rests with the current Board. The only limitation to the process relates to the geographic disposition policy provided by the bylaws. Specifically, no more than three board members may reside in the same region, defined below, and no more than two in the same state. Regions defined: Region 1: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington. Region 2: Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Wyoming. Region 3: Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, and Wisconsin. Region 4: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont. Region 5: Alabama, Arkansas, DC, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia. Region 6: Canada (all provinces) and all other areas of the world not covered in Regions 1-5 The Board Members returning in 2016 are distributed as follows, in Region Order: BOT Member Art Leuterman Dave Hemmerlein Rick Ivik Rich Pierce Bill Logue Ken Normandin Term Ends 2016 2016 2017 2016 2017 2017 State TX MI WI MA MA FL Region 2 3 3 4 4 5 As a result of the current distribution, no additional member from the state of Massachusetts is allowable, and only 1 more member from Region 3 or 4 is electable. Currently regions 1 and 6 will be unrepresented so it is especially desirable for people from these regions to run so all regions have representation on the Board of Trustees. Now is the time to step up: Please send nominations to Charlie Nunziata at [email protected], (T) 727-393-3757. 5 ! AKA Committee Reports AKA Committees! Affiliate Clubs:! Audio-Visual:! Beginners:! Breeders Award:! Conservation:! Convention Assistance:! George Maier Fund:! Internet Committee:! JAKA Editor:! Judging:! KEY Chairman:! KHY Chairman:! Membership:! Nomenclature:! Nominations:! Publications:! Publicity Committee.:! Wild Collections:! ! Mike Jacobs! Lowell Patrick! Joe Ferdenzi! Bill Shenefelt! Charlie Nunziata! Jack Heller! Charles Nunziata! Tom Grady! Robert Goldstein! Art Leuterman! Keith Cook! Kent Russell! Jim Randall! Ken Lazara! ad hoc! Dick Martino! Currently Open! David Mikkelson! [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] The Business Newsletter is the official monthly publication of the American Killifish Association, Inc. All contents are property of the AKA and cannot be reproduced without written permission of the BNL Compiler. Redistribution of the BNL or any information contained within without expressed permission is strictly prohibited. Send F&E listings to the Fish & Egg Listing Chairperson by the 25th of the month, KEY show announcements to the KEY Chairperson by the 25th of the month. Send letters or business announcements for publication to the BNL Compiler by midnight the last day of the month prior to publication. The Members Letters Section is an opportunity to voice concerns, propose agendas, solicit participation or question authority in a democratic forum. Letters for this section should be marked as “AKA BNL Letter” and sent to the BNL Compiler. Please note that unconfirmed letters cannot be considered, but names will be withheld upon request. Letters may be edited due to space considerations. Access the AKA on-line: http://aka.org . Many of the AKA’s goods and services can now be ordered on-line from the website at www.aka.org . Send all BNL submisions to: Gary Haas [email protected] Board of Trustees Business Update Art Leuterman -- AKA Secretary The BOT had two discussions topics to wrestle with this month: #1 - Awards and Honors - a lively discussion of the qualifications of potential recipients and the various criteria needed to reach qualifying levels occurred. The recipients will be announced at Nationals. #2 - Committee Chair Replacement - the BOT was notified that long time Membership Chair, Jim Randall, wishes to retire. Bob Meyer volunteered to replace him and was unanimously approved by the BOT. Killifish Conservation and Species Maintenance Committee Convention (KCC) Display Visit our convention display and take a species Maintenance Survey at the upcoming convention. A committee update, activity displays and other facts about conserving killifish and maintaining species in the hobby will be presented. Look over our breeder teams, join in or consider starting a team of your own. If you were ever interested in the conservation process, all the KCC information is there in one place. Join us, and remember our motto; “the only failure is not to try” 6 ! AKA Committee Reports Membership Committee Membership Renewals for May 2015 Al & Collette Malinak Alfredo Edward Rackauskas Andrew Thompson Anthony Stanco Brian Gregory Bruce & Sally Cameron Buzz Allen Carl A. Johnson David J. Ramsey David Nicholson Frans Vermeulen Frederick Strough Henri De Bruyn Ignacio Jaramillo Jack L. Heller James Iffland Jeremy Basch Jim Robinson Keith Menotti Ken Normandin Larry Waybright Lawwrence H. Kawasaki Louis Kinney Marc Weiss Martin Greenwell Matthew Wolter Michael A. Trzonkowski Michael McNamee Michael O'Brien Michael Pidwirny Michel Perbost Monty Lehmann Paul Christ Paul Donohue Paul Ellis Robert Kulesa Robert Tornatore Samuel Weinschenk Stephen Kalish Steve Jones Tom Roche Vern Treat Warren J. Hubbard Wayne Duncan Wayne Morrow Yuriy Frenkel 7 Chairman: Jim Randall [email protected] -- 518-729-5360 The following memberships are due for renewal in the month of May. If you have recently renewed your membership, you can ignore this reminder. Members that have a current (active) subscription with Pay Pal should check to make sure it was paid. Also it is for the correct amount. The fees for US memberships are: $29. (US funds). All of the membership fees are listed on the AKA web site. Because the AKA takes advantage of the electronic version of the BNL only, this helps to keep costs down to the AKA, and thus keeping dues at the current rates. And it is also good for the environment! You can renew your membership on line at the AKA web site or you can send me a check made out to the AKA to this address: Jim Randall (AKA membership), 823 Park Avenue, Albany, NY. 12208. If you are mailing your dues and have internet access please send me a note that you are doing so at: [email protected] You may also use that address to pay using Pay Pal. If you have an exchange membership that is on this list contact the person you are doing the exchange with and let them know it is due and whether you will be paying for it. If you are paying for an exchange please let us know exactly who the payment is for. The same applies to a “gift” membership .We need to know exactly who the payment is for. If you have any questions, please contact me. PLEASE NOTE ALL PAYMENTS NEED TO BE IN US FUNDS! Thank you, Jim Randall membership committee If you are not going to renew your membership please inform me. It will save you getting reminders emailed to you. Also if you have a pay pal subscription canceling it will not tell me if you are not renewing. Please inform the membership committee in any changes in your mailing address or your email address. Please check your mailing information on the new web site for accuracy. It is used for all AKA mailings. New & Reinstated Members Here is a list of new and reinstated members. If you live near any of them or your local club is nearby please contact them. Welcome them to the AKA, in the club instance, invite them to your next function or meeting. We all can use new members! Scott Tetzlaff, Greenville, MI 48838 [email protected] Mahlon Wood, Tuscon, AZ 85745 [email protected] Scott Jacobson, Cottonwood, AZ 86326 [email protected] Frank Lev, Farmingville, NY [email protected] Tony Sangster, Hectorville, SA 5073 Australia [email protected] Shawn Christian, McKinney, TX 75070 [email protected] Herman Wang, Washington, DC 20016 [email protected] Angelina Holcom, HONOLULU, HI 96825 [email protected] Douglas Millard ,Pompton Plains, NJ 07444 [email protected] Ed Wilson, Hillsboro, OR 97124 [email protected] David Barnes, Monterey, CA 93940 [email protected] Ian Lowers, Owosso, MI 48867 [email protected] ! AKA Committee Reports AKA Digital Presentation Program April 2015 Update Talks continue to be downloaded; have you taken a look yet? Clubs are starting their spring show season, now’s the time to give that killie talk you always wanted to give. How it works: To obtain the presentation, simply e-mail your name and e-mail address to [email protected]. The coordinators will send you a link you can use to download the presentation, in Powerpoint format. A typical presentation is around 30-40 megabytes, so you'll need a little free space on your computer for the download. Once you have the contact information for the new member, send that to [email protected]. Please be sure that the contact information contains the recipient's name, address and email address. If you present at a club, you are eligible for KHY points. Please e-mail Kent Russell, [email protected], for details of the KHY program. Introducing the 4th edition of the Florida Collecting Guide Interested in collecting killies and other native fish in Florida ? The Florida collecting Guide is produced by the Florida members of the Suncoast Killifish Society and the Central Florida Region of NANFA. It is the definitive source guide to collecting the fish and plant species both native and exotic to Florida. 15 years in the making, the 4th. edition provides a hands-on guide to the collecting process as well as reference data, regulations and maintenance data that cannot be found elsewhere in one easy to use publication. 156 pages, 8-1/2” x 11”, printed on high quality 32 lb semi-gloss stock, plus ten 11” x 17” large format map and data foldouts. 230 Fully documented and located collecting sites, with lists of species collected at each. GPS data for every species at every site collected, in genus/species order. 168 full color high resolution fish photos, 71 plant photos, 50 habitat and Florida wildlife photos, and several instructional graphics. All organized for periodic updates and housed in a three ring view binder. An update package for 3rd. edition owners is also available. All profits from the sale off this publication are donated to NANFA and other like non-profit organizations. Shipped via media mail to U.S. destinations; allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. New 4th. edition: $40 ppd*, Update package $20 ppd*. Check, MO or Paypal Charlie Nunziata, 6530 Burning Tree Drive, Seminole, FL. 33777, Paypal to: [email protected]. *Write for shipping costs outside the U.S. 8 ! AKA Committee Reports The George Maier Fund The annual fund-raiser at the annual A.K.A. convention will feature the following silent auction items: Limited Edition Photographs: Three (3) limited edition photographs from master photographer Tony Terceira. 8” x 10” matted and signed, these full color photos will be one each of a very limited run, only issued by Tony. This year’s offerings include a magnificent photo of displaying maleFundulopanchax arnoldi Ughellia NG MM14, an intensely colored Fundulopanchax deltaensis Bolouangiama, and a wonderful native, a wild caught melanistic male Fundulus chrysotus. Original Art: Three (3) original paintings, donated by well known artist Ken McKeighan are significant works each presenting a group of six species. One depicts our southwest pupfish of the genus Cyprinodon, another of a sampling of Fundulopanchax paraphyosemion species, and the last of the “Bivittatum” Aphyosemion chromaphyosemion species. The retail value of these original works exceeds $1,500. Books: As has become our custom, we once again offer three (3) books for the silent auction: “American Aquarium Fishes” is perhaps the best book ever published about North American native fishes. It is the work of our JAKA Editor, and world renowned scientist, Dr. Robert J. Goldstein. This marvelous book covers most aquarium friendly native fishes in 428 indexed pages, includes a number of color plates and provides a compilation of maintenance and breeding information now where else available. A “must have” for the native fish library. “Killis of the Lost World”, the first of a 4 volume set by noted author, collector and breeder, Frans Vermuellen was published just last month and contains not only an excellent review of South American species, but is sprinkled with personal observations and vignettes that are both interesting and informative. A unique volume, signed by the author. “The Florida Collecting Guide, 4th. ed. Another publication just released is the Florida Collecting Guide, produced by the members of the Suncoast Killifish Society. This updated and autographed edition of this popular and useful book contains nearly 300 color photos and over 160 pages that include 230 fully documented sites, GPS and species data for each, collecting techniques and other information of use to the collector of killifish and other native and exotic fishes in Florida. Come by and look at our display – bid on one of these wonderful items and support the George Maier Fund, the only tax-exempt charity that exclusively supports the study of killifish. 9 ! The AKA Fish & Egg Listing RUTH WARNER 151Lilac Lane Machesney Park, IL 1115 (815) 877-8847 e-mail: [email protected] New website address: www.killiesbyruth.com AVAILABLE FISH: Austrolebias Nigripinnis Aphyosemion Gardneri Albino Akure Aphyosemion Bivittatum Splendo Ikondo Titi Aphyosemion Celia Mamdanba 69 Nothobranchius Kilomberoensis Ifracara tan 95-4 Photo © Richard Pierce Photo © Charles Nunziata Gary Haas Havre de Grace, MD 21078 [email protected] $15.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 Shipping $12.00 for the 1st pair and $1.00 for every pair thereafter. List substitute fish. I do not sell eggs. Fish shipped weather permitting only, and USA only. Ed’s book “Success with Killifish” $12.00 postpaid I want to acquire a male(s) of Adinia xenica. (To my chagrin, six unsexed juveniles did not GUARANTEE a pair.) Eggs or juveniles are also acceptable -- I'll roll the dice again. A.K.A. Fish and Egg Listing Guidelines Fish and egg listings are due on the 25th of the month before publication by e-mail to Eric Beyer at [email protected] Postage must be added to all orders. Use the shipping rates described in the seller’s listing, or contact the seller in advance to agree on the amount of postage to include with your order. Ads are limited to killifish, killifish eggs, spawning media, plants, food cultures and killifish-related items. All fish are sold by pairs and all eggs are sold per dozen (12), unless otherwise noted. Week’s spawn (WS) means an undetermined number of eggs laid usually into peat over a period of at least one week. Please return boxes promptly unless noted. Live Delivery is GUARANTEED during the months of April through October. Genus and species in italics conform with KMI 4 (or descriptions published thereafter), and may have been edited to standardize these listings. The use of the BNL F&E Listings is restricted to members only. Adherence to the Code of Ethics is mandatory. The Code of Ethics can be found in the Roster and on the AKA Website. Wild Killifish Collection Committee Seeks Latest Updates David Mikkelson is requesting anyone who does a collection of killifish anywhere in the world contact him with their latest information. The Killifish Collection Committee plans to update the listings. Dave can be contacted through Facebook (Killifish Wild Collections) or his NEW email address [email protected] 10 ! =============================================== Caribbean Killifish Weekend =========================================== Puerto Rico Killifish Club’s Caribbean Killifish Weekend 2015, held in Dorado, PR on April 25th Show entries and results CLASS -- JUDGED BY Entry Genus Species P.R.K.C. Population name affiliate/city, state Points (place) CLASS 1 NORTH AMERICAN/EUROPEAN – Ricardo Hernandez 1. 2. 3. 4. Aphanius farsicus ‘Lake Mahariu, Iran’ Cyprinodon veronicae ‘Chaco de Azul’ Fundulus lineolatus Cyprinodon veronicae ‘Chaco de Azul’ D.Mikkelsen D. Mikkelsen D. Mikkelsen D. Mikkelsen CLASS 2 RIVULUS – Javier Perez 1. Rivulus hildebrandti A. Leuterman 2. Rivulus hartii A. Leuterman 3. Rivulus paryagi ‘Kammarang’ GUY 95-5 D. Mikkelsen 4. Rivulus igneus ‘Cascade Fourgassier’ S-FG 04 D. Mikkelsen 5. Rivulus mazaruni D. Mikkelsen 6. Rivulus tenius ‘Tacotalpa’ D. Mikkelsen 7. Rivulus xiphidius ‘Crique Boulanger‘ G. Greenwood 8. Rivulus hartii ‘Rio Aripo’ Trinidad R. Ivik 9. Rivulus cryptocallus ‘Martinque’ B. Gallagher CLASS 3 SOUTH AMERICAN ANNUAL – Michael Caban Soto 1. Pterolebias phasianus D. Mikkelsen 2. Rachovia splendens D. Mikkelsen 3. Rachovia sp Monteria VEN 2014 D. Mikkelsen 4. voided entry 5. voided entry 6. Nematolebias papiliforus G. Greenwood 7. Austrolebias nigripinnis ‘Villa Soriano’ J. Kostich 8. Simsonicthys santanae J. Kostich 9. Opthalmolebias constanciae BSJ J. Kostich 11 PRKC PRKC PRKC PRKC TAKO TAKO PRKC PRKC PRKC PRKC WAKO WAKO BAKA 97 (2) 94 (3) 98 (1) 89 86 79 97 (2) 98 (1) BOS 93 96 (3) 85 92 89 PRKC PRKC PRKC 93 (3) 79 91 WAKO WAKO WAKO WAKO 80 98 (1) MP 96 (2) 88 ! CLASS 4 AFRICAN ANNUAL – Juan Delgado 1. Nothobranchius jubbi 2. Notho. korthausae “yellow” 3. Notho. korthausae “red” 4. Notho. palmqvisti ‘Pangani‘ J. Kostich J. Kostich J. Kostich J. Kostich WAKO WAKO WAKO WAKO 66 92 (1) 83 (2) 82 (3) CLASS 5 FUNDULOPANCHAX – Orlando Ferrer 1. Fundulopanchax fallax CI 98 D. Mikkelsen 2. Fundulopanchax sjoestedti ‘Loe’ D. Mikkelsen 3. Fundulopanchax sjoestedti ‘Blue’ D. Mikkelsen 4. Fundulopanchax arnoldi D. Mikkelsen 5. Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi R. Ivik 6. Fundulopanchax filamentosum ‘Ijebu Ode’ R. Ivik 7. Fundulopanchax ndianus B. Gallagher 8. Fundulop. sjoestedti ‘Loe’ G. Greenwood 9. Fundulop. sjoestedti ‘Niger Delta’ J. Kostich 10. Fundulop. sjoestedti ‘Loe’ J. Kostich 11. Fundulop. deltaense D. Mikkelsen PRKC PRKC PRKC PRKC WAKO WAKO BAKA WAKO WAKO WAKO PRKC 97 (3) 96 96 96 85 70 93 96 91 99 (1) 98 (2) CLASS 6 APHYOSEMION – Joseph Caban 1. Aphyosemion watchersi D. Mikkelsen 2. Aphyosemion campomaanense D. Mikkelsen 3. Aphyosemion australe EBT 96-27 D. Mikkelsen 4. Aphyosemion australe ‘Orange’ D. Mikkelsen 5. Aphy. primigenium GEB 94-21 R. Ivik 6. Aphy. australe ‘Cape Estaries’ BSWG 97-24 G. Greenwood 7. Aphy. exiguum ADK 10-305 G. Greenwood 8. Aphy. fulgens LEC 93-7 G. Greenwood 9. Aphy. cyanostictum ‘Makoukou’ G. Greenwood 10. Aphy. striatum ‘Lambarene’ J. Kostich 11. Aphy. raddai ‘Mode’ D. Mikkelsen PRKC PRKC PRKC PRKC WAKO WAKO WAKO WAKO WAKO WAKO PRKC 99 (1) 87 93 95 (3) >70 94 75 80 85 91 98 (2) CLASS 7 APHYOSEMION (CHROMAPHYOSEMION) – Michael Caban Soto 1. Aphyosemion bitaeniatum ‘Ijebu Ode’ D. Mikkelsen PRKC 2. voided entry 3. Aphyosemion loennbergii ‘E. Kribi’ D. Mikkelsen PRKC 4. Aphyosemion riggenbachi D. Mikkelsen PRKC 5. Aphy. splendopleure ‘Tiko Green’ G. Greenwood WAKO 6. Aphy. bitaeniatum ‘Ijebu Ode’ G. Greenwood WAKO 7. Aphy. bitaeniatum ‘Ijebu Ode’ J. Kostich WAKO 8. Aphy. splendopleure ‘Ekondo Titi’ J. Kostich WAKO 12 97 (1) 65 76 82 94 (2) 77 91 (3) ! CLASS 8 CALLOPANCHAX, SCRIPTAPHYOSEMION, NIMBAPANCHAX – Javier Perez 1. Callopanchax occidentalis ‘Malai’ D. Mikkelsen PRKC 97 (1) 2. Scriptaphyosemion brueningi D. Mikkelsen PRKC 88 (2) 3. Scriptaphyosemion etzeli ‘Lungi Lol’ D. Mikkelsen PRKC 71 4. Script. schmidti ‘Juarzon’ D. Mikkelsen PRKC 74 5. Script. Schmidti Juarzon A. Leuterman TAKO 0 CLASS 9 EPIPLATYS, APLOCHIELUS, LAMPEYES – Michael Caban Soto 1. Epiplatys fasciolatus zimiensis ‘Perie’ SL 89 D. Mikkelsen PRKC 2. Epiplatys olbrechtsi D. Mikkelsen PRKC 3. voided entry 4. Epiplatys bifasciatus bifasciatus D. Mikkelsen PRKC 5. Epiplatys spyligerius D. Mikkelsen PRKC 6. Pachypanchax playfairii D. Mikkelsen PRKC 7. Aplochielus lineatus “red” R. Ivik WAKO 8. Epiplatys dageti ‘Monroviae’ J. Kostich WAKO 9. Pachypanchax playfairii J. Kostich WAKO 10. Aplochielus lineatus “red” J. Kostich WAKO CLASS 10 MATCHED BREEDING PAIRS – David Mikkelsen 1. Procatopus sp. Similis D. Mikkelsen 2. Rachovia sp. Monteria VEN 2014 D. Mikkelsen 3. Rivulus ornatus ‘Santa Rosa’ 2008 D. Mikkelsen 4. Aphyosemion ogoense GHP 80-24 B. Gallagher PRKC PRKC PRKC BAKA 85 78 98 (1) RES 78 94 (2) 87 79 86 89 (3) 95 (2) 86 96 (1) 87 (3) BOS = Best of Show RES = Reserve BOS MP = Most Popular Class 8 – no third place awarded, score under 75 points 0 points – not judged See also: PRKC Facebook Public Forum https://www.facebook.com/groups/612529705558393/ 13 ! 14 ! 23° Convention of AIK Italian Killifish Association 23th and 24th May 2015 Centro Educazione Ambientale dei Gessi Messiniani Reggiani Via Chierici 2 - 42020 Borzano di Albinea (RE) Italy Saturday 23th May 09.00 Fish reception 11.00 End of Fish reception 11.00-12.00 Fish Judging 12.30 Open exhibition room 15.30-16.30 “Secrets tips & trick breeding South American Annual Killifish” by Didier Pillet 18.00 Closing exposition room 20.30 Dinner and festivities with awarding Sunday 24th May 09.00 Open exhibition room 10.30-11.15 “Bolivia 2015” by Didier Pillet 12.00 Closing exhibition room 13.30-15.00 Fish auction 15.00-16.00 Equipment lottery 16.30 See you next year!!! Note: The fish hall is open Saturday 12.30-18.00 and Sunday 9.00-12.00 15 ! Rules of AIK show and killi auction 2015 All killikeepers are invited to contribute with fishes to make a great show. This year the fishes are classed in 7 groups: 1) European and North American species 2) South American seasonal and non seasonal species 3) African seasonal 4) Fundolopanchax and “Roloffia” 5) Aphyosemion 6) Epiplatys, Aplocheilus, Pachypanchax, Lamp-eye 7) Breeding groups For each group there will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The prize for a “Best in show” is planned. The judges are nominated by the AIK organization. All fishes from show will be offered at the auction. Fish registration Last limit to register the fishes is the 20th of May at this email address: [email protected] The fishes must be shipped to: Stefano Valdesalici C/O RAMEX SRL Via Salvo d’Acquisto 4/A 42020 Albinea (RE) Italy And have to arrive absolutely before Friday 22th May, if later they’ll be excluded from show. You can take your fishes with you to the convention before Saturday at 11:00 AM. If not previously registered the fishes are accepted only if there’s space. All fishes arriving too late may be accepted but not judged. For any question you can contact: Stefano Valdesalici [email protected] Bidding starts at 3,00 Euro ad increase by 1,00 Euro until 20,00 Euro then increase by 5,00 Euro. For breeding groups the start is 10,00 Euro. 16 ! 17 ! MAIL-IN ENTRIES FOR SHOW & SALE FISH ALL MAIL-IN ENTRIES MUST BE SENT TO MARK HLAVATY 817 MAGNOLIA ROYAL OAK, MI 48073 248.961.1244 [email protected] TO ARRIVE NO LATER THAN THURSDAY, MAY 21ST WE WILL TANK AND FEED MAIL-INS. FISH SALE ROOM RULES Fill out the appropriate form (Fish Sale Submittal Form) and deliver it to the registration table. It must be clearly printed and legible or it will not be accepted. Fish Sale proceeds = 100% to seller with the exception of $1 per bag donation (non-refundable) Any unsold items will be either returned to the seller or accepted as a donation to the grand auction. We will accept Blue-Eyes and small Native American Species (such as pygmy sunfish) this year. NO Cichlids, Catfish, Characins, Anabantids or any oddball fish are allowed. 18 ! FISH SHOW INFORMATION We will be accepting donations if you would like to contribute to the AKA, simply mark the species on the Fish Show Entry Form as a donation-only. No more than 2 entries of a single species will be allowed. Show Classes 1. All Other Varieties New World 2. Non-Annual Rivulus 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19 THESE FISH MAY NOT BE BROUGHT TO THE CONVENTION The following species are on the U.S. Fish South American Annuals & Wildlife Endangered List and are illegal Nothobranchius to own or sell without permits. We will Fundulopanchax (exept refuse to accept these fish in any aspect Paraphosemion) of the convention. Fundulopanchax Crenichthys baileyi baileyi (Paraphyosemion) Crenichthys baileyi grandis Blue Gularis Crenichthys nevadae Aphyosemion (ogoense, Cyprinodon bovinus cameronense, striatum) Cyprinodon diabolis Aphyosemion (calliurum) Cyprinodon elegans Aphyosemion Cyprinodon macularius (Chromaphyosemion) Cyprinodon nevadensis mionectes Callopanchax, Aphyosemion, Cyprinodon nevadensis pectoralis Scripaphysemion Cyprinodon radiosus All other varieties Aphyosemion Empetrichthys latos Epiplatys All other varieties Old World Matched Breeding Pairs Photography – Digital Submissions Photography – Slide and Prints ! 2015 AKA Convention Registration Form Please print out this form and mail it to: Eric Beyer, 23455 Republic Ave. Oak Park, MI 48237 You may also register online at http://aka.org Name________________________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________________ City____________________State_______________ZIP_________________Country_________________ Email______________________________________Phone_____________________________________ Make checks payable to MKA REGISTRATION: (please circle) $20 individual or family Please add any addition family names: FRIDAY ITALIAN BUFFET: $10 PER PERSON SATURDAY AWARDS BANQUET BUFFET: $25 PER PERSON T-SHIRTS: Small, Medium, Large, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL 1 free T-shirt with each paid registration. Additional shirts available at the convention SHOW CLASS SPONSORSHIP: Please indicate three choices. We will accept multiple sponsorships if classes fill up. $40 CONVENTION PROGRAM ADVERTISING (please circle size) Full Page - $60.00, ½ page - $35.00, Business Card - $25.00 Send information to [email protected] by April 25, 2015 Donation to the “Arcadio Valdez Fund” Donation to the “George Maier Fund ” TOTAL PAYMENT DUE ($US) 20 How Many Sub-Total ! ID#__________ Show Fish Entry Form We strongly encourage you to pre-register show fish, as this will speed up registration. The following form is to be used when entering fish in the convention show. On-site entries will be accepted 6pm-9pm on May 21 (Thu) and 12pm to 9pm on May 22 (FRI) with a break for the dinner buffet. All show entries will be auctioned on Sunday. Conditions for mail-in entries have been stated in the registration information. Use multiple copies of this form if needed. WE WILL ASSIGN THE SHOW NUMBER TO EACH ENTRY # CLASS GENUS SPECIES POPULATION/LOCATION LAST NAME___________________________FIRST NAME___________________________ EMAIL________________________________PHONE_______________________________ STREET____________________________________________________________________ CITY_________________________________STATE/ PROV___________________________COUNTRY_____________________________ POSTAL CODE__________________________ 21 ! ID#_________ Fish Sale Submittal Form We strongly encourage you to pre-register fish for the Fish Sale as this will expedite registration. On-site submissions for the Fish Sale will be accepted between 6PM to 9PM May 21st (Thu) and 12PM to 9PM on May 22 (FRI) with a break for the dinner buffet. Limit 5 pairs of a particular species or location. Fish Sale proceeds = 100% to seller with the exception of $1 per bag donation (non-refundable) to the “George Maier Fund.” Make sure all fish are properly labeled with species information and price. # GENUS SPECIES/ POPULATION LAST NAME ____________________FIRST NAME____________________ EMAIL_________________________PHONE_________________________ STREET_______________________________________________________ CITY__________________________STATE/PROV_____________________ COUNTRY______________________POSTAL CODE____________________ 22 PRICE ! American Killifish Association APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Send to: Jim Randall, 823 Park Ave., Albany, NY 12208 [email protected] Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________! State/Province: _______ Country: ___________ Zip (+4 if known): _______ Phone:! __________! email address:! ____ ____________________________ Age Group: [ ] Decline; [ ] < 18; [ ] 18-25; [ ] 26-35; [ ] 36-45; [ ] 46-55; [ ] 56-65; [ ] >65 New Member: [ ] Renewing Member: [ ]! AKA # (if applicable): ________ Payment by [ ] check; [ ] money order; [ ] or credit card Check membership type: US Membership:! ! US Membership !! ! US Contributing:! ! US Contributing!! ! Canada, Mexico! ! Canada, Mexico! ! Foreign membership ! ! Foreign Membership ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 year! 5 year! 1 year! 5 year! 1 year! 5 year! 1 year! 5 year! $29! $137! $45! $200! $35! $166! $45! $215! [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Donation to George Maier Fund for Research & Conservation: $______ Payment total: $________ Credit Card information (if applicable):! Card type: [ ] Visa; [ ] Mastercard Card Number:_________________ Sec. Code _____ Exp. Date:____________ Signature: _________________________________________ All prospective members must agree to abide by the AKA Code of Ethics and will be governed by its Bylaws. Membership is subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. AKA dues provide the following: ! ! ! ! ! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Monthly issues of the Business Newsletter delivered by email A one-year subscription to the Journal of the American Killifish Association Access to members-only section of the web site http://aka.org The privilege of posting in the AKA online forum. Access to all other rights, services, products and discounts provided through this organization. Membership dues are subject to change without notice. Your dues must accompany this application. Payment should be made in US funds and checks be made payable to the “American Killifish Association, Inc.” Allow 1-2 weeks for processing. You may also Join the American Killifish Association online at: http://.aka.org We accept online payment through PayPal and credit card processing through PayPal 23
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