Vol. XLI I No. 8 THE NEWS OF DELAWARE’S APRIL 2015 FIRST CONGREGATION PASSOVER 2015/5775 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Thursday, April 2 Deadline for Authorization for Sale of Chametz Search for Chametz after 8:08 PM Friday, April 3 –Erev Pesach Morning Service & Siyum for the first born -7:30 AM Chametz may be eaten until 10:58 AM Latest Time to burn Chametz: 12:02 PM Mincha - Ma’ariv - 6:30 PM Candle Lighting - 7:10 PM First Seder begins after 8:11 PM Saturday, April 4 First Day of Pesach Morning Service - 9:00 AM Mincha - Ma’ariv - 7:00 PM Candle Lighting after Havdallah time of – 8:11 PM Second Seder, in the evening after 8:11 PM Sunday, April 5 Second Day of Pesach Shacharit - 9 AM Mincha - Ma’ariv - 7:30 PM Havdallah - 8:11 PM Monday April 6 through Wednesday April 8, Chol Hamoed No Community Minyan Shacharit - 7:00 AM Mincha - 5:30 PM Thursday, April 9 Chol Hamoed Shacharit - 7: 00 AM Mincha - Ma'ariv - 6:30 PM Candle Lighting - 7:16 PM Friday, April 10 Shacharit - 9: 00 AM Mincha - Ma'ariv - 6:30 PM Candle Lighting - 7:17 PM Saturday April 11, Shabbat Service begins 9: 00 AM Yizkor Service about 10:45 AM Torah Study 6:30 PM Mincha Ma’ariv 7:15 PM Havdallah 8:18 PM Do not eat any Chametz sold for you by Rabbi Saks prior to 9:15 PM HOLD THE DATE SUNDAY, MAY 17 6:30 PM APRIL, 2015 9:00 AM SHOFAR 1 ADAS KODESCH SHEL EMETH 4412 Washington Blvd. Wilmington, DE 19802-1226 Synagogue Office (302) 762-2705 E-mail to [email protected] FAX (302) 762-3236 Delaware Community Hebrew School (302) 762-3618 AKSE Website www.akse.org Steven Saks, Rabbi Yehoshua Redfern, Cantor Gail Weinberg, Educational Director OFFICERS Jonathan Jaffe, President Max Rosenberg, Executive VP Marty Zukoff, Acting VP Finance Harriet Ainbinder VP Education Vivian Goldberg VP Religious Affairs Wendy Shlossman, VP Administration Dan Berry, VP Facilities Lena Elzufon & Dianne Seidel Mark VP Membership Wagman, VP Community Affairs Brad Glazier VP Ways & Means Jeff Seidel, Treasurer Sharon Berry & Eleanor Weinglass Secretary Dan Berry & Len Seltzer Men’s Club Presidents Sylvia Wagman Sisterhood President STAFF Sharon Marshall, Office Manager Arlene Mac Laren, Office Assistant Carol Burg, Bookkeeper Cliff Packer Andrew Davis Maintenance The Shofar is published 11 months: September through July/August. Jonathan Jaffe, Shofar Editor E-mail to [email protected] From the electronic keyboard of Rabbi Saks Shalom Chaverim, One of the most dramatic scenes recorded in the Torah is the smashing of the tablets by Moshe as a response to the sin of the Golden Calf. The people built the calf after they saw that Moshe had been “delayed in descending the mountain.” But why had the people not accompanied Moshe up Sinai in the first place? It is often suggested that the people did not go up because G-d commanded them not to. However, a careful reading of the text reveals that G-d did want them to ascend after the blast of the Shofar that occurred almost at the beginning of the revelation process. In other words, G-d had hoped that the nation would have ascended to engage in the revelation process. However, the people were afraid and sent Moshe in their place while they waited at the foot of the mountain. Our ancestors’ lack of readiness to climb Sinai culminated in the building of the infamous Golden Calf. Since we were freed from Egypt and stood at Sinai, much Jewish history has transpired. We just celebrated our victory over the evil Persian, Haman of Amalekite descent, who sought to destroy us. We were not as fortunate during the Shoah as one third of the world’s Jewish population was destroyed by the Amalek of the day, the Nazis. Why were the Jews saved in Persia but not in Europe? In a word, access. When Haman came for the Jews, Esther was there to intervene. When the Nazis came for the Jews of Europe, we were not in a position to intervene on our own behalf and halt Hitler’s genocidal plans. Hitler realized that the world by and large did not care about what happened to the Jews of Europe. In fact, when 400 rabbis marched on the White House demanding to speak with President Roosevelt about assisting Europe’s Jews, he simply avoided meeting them by slipping out the back door of the White House. Again, we find ourselves threatened by the Amalek of the day who again resides in Persia. Today’s Haman is the modern state of Iran. The situation is ominous as Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of terror, works towards the attainment of nuclear weapons. However, we are in better shape than the Jews of Europe and even of the Jews of Persia who were saved. Why? Unlike the Jews of Persia, we have something they did not: a Jewish state and the leader of the Jewish state, who was able to use his position to make Israel’s case to Congress and the American people. But Israel needs your help as well. Why? As we know, regrettably, the Prime Minister’s speech became highly politicized and Democratic members of Congress were forced to choose between displaying their support for Israel and their loyalty to the administration, an unenviable predicament. It is unclear how Netanyahu’s speech will impact U.S. Israel relations and how those Democratic members of Congress who chose to attend it will be impacted. But I can tell you of the immediate impact of Congressman Carney’s decision not to boycott the speech. As he returned from the speech and entered his office, Congressman Carney received a standing ovation from approximately twenty Delawarean AIPAC delegates (Continued on page 4) 2 SHOFAR APRIL, 2015 LAST CALL MINYANAIRES (past and present) On May 17 2015 AKSE will celebrate and host the 70th anniversary of Minyanaires! The reunion, beginning at 9 am, will feature the morning service led by current minyanaires, sumptuous breakfast, and former minyanaires speaking of their experiences. Over 100 former minyanaires attended the last reunion held in May of 2005. The reunion will also feature the recognition of the oldest Minyanaire and two and three generation Minyanaire families. We ask all former Minyanaires to call 302 762 2705 or email ([email protected]) the AKSE office with your up-to-date contact information to ensure that you receive an invitation to the celebration. Anyone else interested in attending should call and register. If you have specific questions, please contact Joel Panitz at 302 478 4726. A.K.S.E. GIFT SHOP "PASSOVER SALE" EVERYTHING 30-50 % OFF.... NOW IS THE TIME TO DRESS UP YOUR SEDER TABLE, BUY A HOSTESS GIFT, OR FULFILL YOUR OTHER HOLIDAY NEEDS. COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION. SALE ONLY ON ITEMS IN STOCK, (NOT ON SPECIAL ORDERS,CANDLES OR PARCHMENTS) SEE YOU SOON.... DIANNE.. APRIL, 2015 SHOFAR 3 (Continued from page 2) (including several congregants from AKSE) who were there to thank him for his support. Senator Coons received a similar greeting from our AIPAC Delaware delegation. Our representatives in Washington are good men and want to do the right thing, but even good men need to be encouraged and deserve to be thanked. In other words, we were able to take advantage of our access to say thank you and encourage them to continue their good work. However, the threat from Iran is not over by a long shot, and we will again have to speak up on behalf the U.S Israel alliance. So I ask you to do two things, and the first is easy. Pay close attention to the emails I will forward to you that will enable you to easily email our Senators and Congressman asking them to support proIsrael legislation. My second request is more involved and extremely rewarding. I would like to invite you to climb with me. Our ancestors may not have been ready to climb but we must be ready to. I am not asking you to climb Sinai, but I am asking you to climb Capitol Hill and speak up. When Esther appeared reluctant to act on behalf of her people, Mordechai stated to her, “And who knows but that you have come to your elevated position for such a time as this.” You can almost hear Mordechai saying, “Esther, this is why I encouraged you to become Queen. Now step up to the plate and send us home a winner. Stand up and save your people!” We too must step up to the plate and intervene in this time of danger, for history will judge us. Let me just add that the AIPAC conferences are also inspiring and a lot of fun. If you are interested in attending next year’s AIPAC policy conference (March 20 -22, 2016), please speak to me or visit http://www.policyconference.org/ May G-d bless the United States and Israel! Hag Kosher V’Sameach, Rabbi Steven Saks Delaware delegation to AIPAC conference w Congressman John Carney 4 SHOFAR Photo supplied by Rabbi Yair Robinson APRIL, 2015 Sale of Chametz and Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Passover Appeal The Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund is an important vehicle for tzedakah within AKSE. Numerous requests appealing for funds are received throughout the year, especially before the holidays. Many of the requests are from extremely worthwhile organizations, as well as from individuals who find themselves in need. We turn to you each year at this time, Erev Pesach, to support the Discretionary Fund as part of the Mechirat Chametz process. The Discretionary Fund’s approach to tzedakah is to make a significant gift. In most cases $36 is the minimum contribution given by this fund and checks have been issued for as high as $500 when the need arises. Please give careful consideration to this vital instrument of tzedakah within AKSE and the charities it supports when selling your Chametz this year. Best wishes for a Happy and Kosher Pesach. Rabbi Steven Saks Authorization for the Sale of Chametz 5775/2015 Please return by mail or in person by April 2, 2015 I(we) _______________________ hereby authorize Rabbi Steven Saks or his agent(s) to be my (our) agent to sell all chametz that may be in my (our) possession at the locations listed below or such other locations as my (our) chametz may be. Chametz is defined as any food (at a minimum fit for a dog to eat) that contains one or more of five types of grain (wheat, barley, oats, spelt, rye), which has come in contact with water and was not baked within the amount of time prescribed by Jewish law. I (we) further authorize Rabbi Steven Saks or his agents to rent the areas and/or properties designated below for purposes of storage of the chametz which is sold until such time as the buyer should come to pick up the chametz, or Saturday, April 11, 2015 whichever comes earlier. I (we) understand that at the time the chametz is sold, it will cease to be my property unless and until the chametz is bought back on my behalf and that the buyer has the right to take the chametz which is sold. Locations of chametz: (please be specific, including address and area where the chametz will be stored. Include home and business addresses as appropriate). Please sign and print your name(s) below: Name____________________________________ Date _________________________ APRIL, 2015 SHOFAR 5 A big Todah Rabah to the following members of our AKSE family who chose to contribute so that every AKSE member would receive a Mishloach Manot bag!! Dawn, Eyal, Simon, Jordan and Devon Abukasis Judy and Howard Berlin Sharon and Dan Berry Matt, Rhonda and Juliana Castillo Joel Chodos and Melinda Randall Eileen Cohen Mitzi and Elliott Echt Lisa Elliott & Tom Leitch Lena and John Elzufon Ellen and Michael Feingold Shirley Fisch Brad, Michelle & Jenna Glazier Helen and Paula Gordon Marlene & Mitchell Greenberg Lolly and Kevin Gross Ann and Ed Jaffe Jonathan Jaffe Ken Kamm June Kleban Rhonda and Neil Lattin & Family Rhonda and Jim Lehr The Leviton Family Sophie and Michael Longwill & family Jay, Israel, Laila and Yoma Luft Ron and Mollie (Epstein) Makar The Moss Family Libby Plafker Judi and Max Rosenberg The Russell Family Josh, Gina, Sophie, Barbara, & Geoff Schoenberg and Bea Hirshout Linda and Noah Schreiber Howard and Pam Schwartz and family Jeff and Dianne Seidel Judy, Len and Larry Seltzer Phil and Wendy Shlossman and family Kerry, Ehyal, Ariel, Adin, Arynn and Alek Shweiki Andrea and Lloyd Tinianow and family Gail and Gene Tolpin Sandye and Jerry Turnauer Cathy and Moshe Vinograd Sylvia & Mark Wagman & family Ella, Martin and Ed Zukoff Wishing everyone a Chag Pesach Sameach V'Kasher... Have a wonderful Passover! Sylvia A Contribution Has Been Made to AKSE Sisterhood In Honor o f t h e S p e c ia l B ir t h da y of Happiness has many different sources S hir l e y Fisc h A nd in r ec og nit ion of h er dedic a t ion t o A da s K odesc h S h el Em et h S ist er h ood a nd S yna g og u e Ma z e l T ov S h a r on B e r r y, El l e n Fe ing ol d, A de line Hol ob , S a ndy R ose n a nd C a t hy V inog r a d 6 SHOFAR Purchased AKSE gift card Won the lottery APRIL, 2015 AKSE Sisterhood Purim Thank You’s We had a very successful Purim season this year, thanks to many women and men who worked together to make it a success, both spiritually and financially. We were able to raise $9,000, which Sisterhood will use for kitchen projects and towards our annual contribution to our synagogue. This project of making approximately 3,000 Hamantashen and 200 Shalach Manot bags could not be accomplished without the help of many people. First the dough makers: Shirley Fisch, Lolly Gross, Sandy Rosen, Maurice Linett, Jim Lehr and Chair, Rhonda Lehr. The next step is making the Hamantashen. This activity takes place on 6 or 7 Sundays and is led by Judy Berlin as the lead roller. She is assisted by Elizabeth Davis, Sheila Goldlust, Lolly Gross, Harriet Jacobs, Ann Jaffe, Sharon Murphree, Huguette Piha, Libby Plafker, Judi Rosenberg, Sylvia Wagman, Wendy Shlossman, Betty Slomowitz, Cathy Vinograd, Mel Zussman, Dan and Sharon Berry. Please forgive me if I left out any names. It is such a wonderful group, and we have a wonderful time baking and catching up on all our personal news. I still think it is the Jewish version of a quilting bee. The next step is organizing the Hamantashen into bags for sale or to put in the Shalach Manot gift bags. During this step I was assisted by Morris Freschman, Shirley Fisch and Dan Berry. The last steps are shopping for the Shalach Manot and assembling the bags. The shopping was done by Dan Berry and me in Baltimore, Delaware and Pennsylvania. We gathered on the Tuesday before Purim to assemble the bags and had a great crew including Wendy Shlossman, Lolly Gross, Elizabeth Davis, Sandy Rosen, Maurice Linett, Carol Brown, Dan and Sharon Berry. Special thanks to our Chief of Maintenance, Cliff Packer, who was extremely helpful throughout the whole Purim process. He went above and beyond with every step. Also, thanks to our office staff, Sharon Marshall and Arlene MacLaren, who helped distribute bags during the week after the Megillah readings. Also a special thank you to anyone who volunteered to help deliver Shalach Manot bags. You did a special Mitzvah. Thanks to everyone who donated ingredients and for making special monetary contributions towards the Hamantashen ingredients. Because of your donations all our Hamantashen were made cost free. We are grateful to the 77 families who donated to the Sisterhood Purim Shalach Manot Project, including 42 who donated $180 each in order to give Shalach Manot to all of our members. It was especially rewarding to get thank you’s, either verbally or in writing, from some of our older members who aren’t able to participate in our activities and were so grateful that we thought of them. Our Jewish calendar tells us that it’s time to move on to Passover, but my Purim good feelings will last through the spring. Hag Sameach, Sharon Berry Purim Project Chair APRIL, 2015 SHOFAR 7 Rescheduled MEN’S CLUB/SISTERHOOD PROGRAM BREAKFAST and DISCUSSION Sandy Barth presents Medicare ABCs and Fraud & Abuse new Date April 26, 2015 Breakfast and Registration: 9:00 am Presentation 9:45 am The cost is $6.00 if you make a reservation in advance by calling the AKSE office at 302 762 2705. At the door, the cost is $8.00. Dr. Barth currently serves as an educator and consultant on health care topics and issues. He has done work for the federal government on and frequently talks about Medicare Fraud and Abuse to senior groups. Formerly, he served roles in third party payment, healthcare administration and delivery, and university level education. Dr. Barth has over 40 years of experience in health care delivery and financing. His analysis of employer, provider, and payer markets in the late 1970s to mid1980s resulted in publication of his predictive model on the health financing changes that now define today’s market. He is the founder and managing director of SMB Strategic Health System Solutions, a private educational and research initiative. Dr. Barth has served consultative roles for Johns Hopkins University Health System, The Hispanic Physicians Network, the Northern Virginia Health Care Purchasing Alliance, Sara Lee Corporation, Parker-Hannifin, Campbell Soup, PECO Energy, and the Chattanooga and Memphis Business Coalitions on Health; as well as managerial roles for the Mid-Atlantic Medicare Market for Aetna Insurance Co., Independence Blue Cross/Keystone Health Plan East, and AmeriHealth. He was Partner and Managing Director of the CBIZ Strategic and Health Care Solutions Group. Dr. Barth currently serves as adjunct faculty for the Health Policy Program at Thomas Jefferson’s Program in Health Care Administration. He teaches courses on The Evolution and Structure of Health Care in the United States, Health Insurance and Financing, and Health Care Economic Policy, Dr. Barth holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics, a Master of Arts in Health Care Administration, and a Doctorate in Health Policy. He is widely published and a frequent speaker at meetings on health issues. He has served on the Advisory Board of the National Managed Health Care Congress and American Society of Quality Control. He has been an appointed member of the Pennsylvania Economy League Task Force on Health. Dr. Barth’s areas of research interest include health system reform and process improvement, relational assessments of health care financing and delivery, and Medicare Fraud and Abuse issues. 8 SHOFAR APRIL, 2015 ONE ITEM, AMONG MANY POSSIBILITIES, A NOTE RE HEBREW SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Below is a note; explained by the text, of what Gail Weinberg, AKSE Community Hebrew School Principal, sent to the parents of our school’s students. Just wanted to share with you the beautiful thank you I received from Ruth Goodman. Everyone was outstanding and the mitzvah of honoring the elderly was an extra bonus. Shabbat shalom! Gail Dear AKSE Community: Are transportation issues preventing you from attending synagogue events? We may be able to resolve that problem. There are members who might be able to provide transportation. Please call the office at 302 762 2705 or email [email protected] and explain your situation and or transportation need. We will try and line up someone to help. This is not envisioned as a short notice or immediate problem solution, but rather a foreseen situation, where with phone calls and some planning a solution might be possible. Please let us know if we can help. AKSE Board of Governors APRIL, 2015 SHOFAR 9 PURIM Photos by Gail Weinberg Hebrew School Singing Lakota sheli with Mrs Moss Photo by Gail Weinberg 10 SHOFAR APRIL, 2015 Please remember AKSE in your will or estate plan. If you have already provided for AKSE in your plan, please let us know so we can welcome you into our Legacy Society. Discounted Hershey Park Tickets! Tickets are valid for any day in the 2015 season. Regular (ages 9-54) $33.50 (Regularly $63!); Junior/Senior (ages 3-8 & 55-69) $28.50; Senior Plus (ages 70+) $21.95; Meal ticket $14; (includes a souvenir cup with 99 cent refills, 2 hot dogs and chips at Central PA's Kosher Mart. Deadline extended to April 6. Contact Anne Saks at [email protected] to order your tickets! Yes, you! Please consider sponsoring a Shabbat Kiddush to share fellowship and friendship with your AKSE family and friends. Please call the office at 302 762 2705 or contact Judy Berlin at 302-762-3649 to discuss your special requests SAVE THIS DATE – April 25, 2015 On Saturday, April 25, 2015 at 8:30pm the Wilmington BBYO chapter will be hosting the Havdallah service at AKSE. We encourage all members of AKSE and the community to come and join this service. Post Havdallah treats will be provide following the service. APRIL, 2015 SHOFAR 11 TORAH STUDY WITH RABBI SAKS RETURNS IN APRIL-11, 18 at 6:30 PM APRIL 25, 6:45 PM PIZZA & PARSHA Hebrew School Wednesdays— APRIL 15, 22, 29 Discussion led by Rabbi Saks 6-7 pm 12 SHOFAR APRIL, 2015 NISAN NISAN--IYAR 5775 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Friday Evenings Candle Lighting Saturday Evening Mincha Ma’ariv Havdallah Times 1 2 APR 3 APR 10 APR 17 APR 24 7:10 PM 7:17 PM 7:24 PM 7:31 PM APR 4 APR 11 APR 18 APR 25 7:00 PM 7:15 PM 7:25 PM 7:30 PM 8:11 PM 8:18 PM 8:25 PM 8:32 PM Pizza & Parsha 6 pm to 7 pm Deadline for sale to office of First Seder Chametz Second Seder Search for Chametz after 8:08 pm Passover 3 12 NISAN 13 NISAN 4 14 NISAN 15 NISAN 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Passover Chol Hamoed Chol Hamoed Chol Hamoed Chol Hamoed Passover Passover Torah Study 6:30 pm 16 NISAN 12 17 NISAN 13 18 NISAN 14 19 NISAN 15 20 NISAN 16 Pizza & Parsha 6 pm to 7 pm 21 NISAN 17 22 NISAN 18 Wagman Sponsored Kiddush Mark’s Bar Mitzvah 47th Anniversary Yom Ha Shoah Torah Study 6:30 pm 23 NISAN 24 NISAN 19 20 ROSH CHODESH ROSH CHODESH 30 NISAN 26 25 NISAN 22 23 Board of Governors Meeting 7:30 pm Pizza & Parsha 6 pm to 7 pm Yom Haatzma’ut Observed 2 IYAR 28 APRIL, 2015 4 IYAR 30 Pizza & Parsha 6 pm to 7 pm 8 IYAR 9 IYAR 10 IYAR 28 NISAN 24 3 IYAR 29 Men’s Club Sisterhood Breakfast Dr Barth 9 00 am 7 IYAR 27 NISAN 21 1 IYAR 27 26 NISAN 29 NISAN 25 Birthday Kiddush Torah Study 6:45pm BBYO Havdallah Service 5 IYAR 6 IYAR Request: Those who are willing to host a seder please notify the office as well as those who need a place for either of the seders, thank you. First Passover Seder: Friday, April 3rd 11 IYAR SHOFAR 13 WHAT'S COOKING IN YOUR KITCHEN? Are you poring over your cookbooks for Passover recipes that are easy and delicious? I try to plan ahead, that means pen and paper, cookbooks, magazines, recipe box and hand written recipes from the days gone by are on the kitchen table waiting for me to start thinking what would be a great dessert this year. I am not sure if I am the cook on the second evening of holiday, although it never seems to stop me from looking for something different to make for a sweet ending to a great Pesach meal. I just found a great recipe for Chocolate Dipped Fruit. I think it would be an eventful dessert to keep everyone occupied at the end of the meal dipping assorted fruits and nuts. Holidays are about family and sitting around the table chatting, and dipping sounds like a Passover event to me. Chocolate Dipped Fruit 6 ounces semi-sweet or bittersweet chocolate (up to 70% cocoa) Assorted fruits Nuts Matzo Afikomon Sponge cake Pesach cookies Potato Chips Dried prunes or other dried fruits Macaroons And whatever you can find that is kosher for Passover and dippable. Melt chocolate over a double boiler by placing a heatproof bowl over a pan filled with one inch of simmering water. Make sure the bowl does not touch the water. You will find this is the best way to heat the chocolate. Microwaving the chocolate works, as well. Once the chocolate is melted, remove from the heat and dip fruit as desired into chocolate. Place the dipped items on parchment or wax paper. Once chocolate has set you can put it into a container, cover and refrigerate until ready to serve on a doily covered platter If you have a fondue pot that you have never used or purchased one for Pesach you could just use that at the dinner table and enjoy the dipping right there instead of making this ahead of time. Don't forget to dry the fruit after you wash it and before you dip so the chocolate covers it and the quality of your dessert is a lovely presentation. Kitchen stores carry skewers and you can make fruit kabobs to dip or single pieces work well, too. When it is not Passover you can dip pretzels, crackers, etc. for a wonderful treat. ****I came across another recipe for the chocolate dip that calls for about a tablespoon of olive oil while melting. I have not tried that recipe, but it might make the chocolate velvety smooth. Whatever you cook for your family or make for hostess gift will be an expression of love and I hope you all enjoy the food, the company and the Seder. Sweet Pesach to all of you Until Next Time....... Meryl 14 SHOFAR APRIL, 2015 Have a “sole” full Seder! As you make your final preparations for your Passover Seder plans please consider adding one more Mitzvah by having a Seder full of “sole”. As you may know for the past month AKSE has been involved with a program to recycle your no longer used shoes. We have been collecting no longer used shoes for recycling. The shoes we recycle stay out of our local landfills, and are sent to those in need in communities throughout the world as well as to areas in the USA. For each container of shoes that we recycle, a small donation is made to AKSE---it’s a win-win-win-win (The environment wins, those in need of shoes win, AKSE wins, and you get some extra closet space). So, if you are hosting a Seder, why not ask your guest to bring their used shoes with them? Then you can drop them off at AKSE for recycling—or call the AKSE office (302762-2705) and arrangements will be made to pick them up from you. If you are going to attend a Seder at a friend or relatives, why not suggest to them that they ask their guests to participate in this program by bringing used shoes to their Seder. What a wonderful way to add one more Mitzvah during Passover….and have a Seder with SOLE ! Thanks and Happy Passover. Roasted Shank Bone * A hard-boiled Egg * Horseradish * Charoset * Karpas * Bitter Herbs * Used Shoes ! APRIL, 2015 SHOFAR 15 April Anniversaries 6 10 19 30 Melvyn and Roberta Woloshin Marlene and Mitchell Greenberg Rhonda and Mario Castillo Judy and Lester Jacobs Special Anniversaries 14 Amy and Michael Leviton Speedy Recovery Refuah Shlaimah. Good wishes and prayers for a complete recovery to: April Birthdays ● Dan and Hinda Tanzer on the 3 7 8 9 12 15 18 19 21 22 23 25 26 27 29 30 E. Sheila Berman Judy Berlin Lester Jacobs Barbara H. Schoenberg Richard Plotzker Daniel E. Berry Ronald J. Makar Eleanor B. Weinglass Gail Weinberg Julie Pezzner A. Lionel Clingman Brian Gottesman Carol S. Brown A. Stephen Novick Cynthia H. Armstrong Josef Baruch Rhonda B. Lehr Harriett K. Engel Sally Lazar birth of a grandson, Judah Lev Tanzer. Judah is the son of Matthew and Lauren Tanzer. ●Cynthia Kauffman upon the B’nai Mitzvah of her greatgrandchildren, Jack & Olivia Levithan. ●Cynthia Kauffman upon her great-grandson Alec Fisher, being accepted to Dartmouth Medical College. IN MEMORIAM With deep regret we record the passing of David Freschman Loretta Augenbraun May the Lord our G-d send a perfect healing from heaven to all his sick children. Amen. Mazal Tov Special Birthdays 1 7 13 24 Sandra E. Turnauer Judith K. Seltzer Mark E. Wagman Vivian H. Limmina Were you born in April ? Son of Ray and Morris Freschman Batia Vinograd Mother of Moshe Vinograd May the Lord comfort the families among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem and may they know of sorrow no more. Come and join us at our monthly birthday 25th of April and enjoy our delicious birthday cake. Donations appreciated. 16 SHOFAR APRIL, 2015 Received during the month of February, 2015 .IN MEMORY OF Max Berkman, father of Gail Weinberg: Ruth & Al Goodman, Sharon & Dan Berry, Sheila & Perry Goldlust, Howard, Deborah, Nathan & Eva Stromwasser, Vivian and Alan Goldberg & Family, Faith & Lou Brown, Barbara & Charles Keil, Huguette & Rex Piha, Judi & Max Rosenberg & Family, Sharon, Arlene & Carol, Wendy & Phil Shlossman, Carol & Barry Brown & Family, Shirley Fisch, The Zukoffs, The Wagman Family, Dianne & Jeff Seidel, Judy & Howard Berlin, Lena & John Elzufon, The Zussman Family Maurice Jacobs, Father & Grandfather: Ralph Jacobs & Family Lea Leapman, mother of Ira Horden: Harriet Ainbinder Dr. Herb Marton: Harriett & Eddie Engel Husband Bart, to Mrs. Eileen Schwartz & Family: Sandy Rosen & Maurice Linett Elliott Waxman, Brother of Seymour Waxman: Flossie Miller, Selma Barshay Elliott Waxman, brother of Lillian Balick: Selma Barshay, Flossie Miller Elliott Waxman, Husband, Father, Grandfather and Great-Grandfather of Elaine Waxman & Family: Flossie Miller, Selma Barshay, Iris Olen Uncle Sam Slomowitz, to Betty Slomowitz & Family: Simone & Bob Schnidman MAZEL TOV Rabbi Steven Saks, in honor of your Birthday: Sharon, Arlene & Carol. Dianne & Jeff Seidel Clara Mattes & Family, on the upcoming marriage of your grandson in Australia: Shirley Fisch Dianne & Jeff Seidel, in honor of Adam's Engagement: The Zussman Family Edward Kauffman: Beth Poole Mary Bloom Thomas, Sister: Freda Jacobs Leonard H. Rosenblatt: Barbara & Howard Bell Ryback Arnold: Marina Rutitskaya Rutitskiy Mund: Marina Rutitskaya Lillian Greenwald, Mother: Irene & Richard Plotzker Belle Feibus, Mother: Phyllis Feibus Meyer Feibus, Father: Phyllis Feibus Morris Levine: Robert Levine Anna Barshay: Selma Barshay Samuel Weintraub: Dorette & Sheldon Weintraub Gloria Gross: Kevin & Lolly Gross Rebecca Levy: Melvin Levy Edna Greenberg: Lolly & Kevin Gross Louis Stromwasser, Father: Dr. Howard Stromwasser Vivian Plotzker: Richard & Irene Plotzker Dr. Harold L. Chason: Annette Chason Frank Rosen & Beatrice Rosen: Neil & Shay Rosen Aaron Concors: Sandy Concors Bessie Sandel: Nancy & Lionel Sandell & Family Nettie Tomases: Helen & Norman Schutzman Max Berlin, Minnie Berlin: Judy & Howard Berlin APRIL, 2015 Sylvia Granite Bella S. Granite Rose Shapiro Mother, Grandmother & Great Grandmother "We Miss you So Much" Bella Granite, Jodi, Larry, Adam, Samantha, Jack & Lev Yahrzeit of Rita Krigstein Alan Krigstein REFUAH SHLAYMAH (SPEEDY RECOVERY) Jeff Seidel: Vivian & Alan Goldberg David Freschman: Roberta & Morton Brown Betty Slomowitz: The Zussman Family Ella Zukoff: Barbara & Joel Roisman, The Zussman Family, Lena & John Elzufon, Roberta & Morton Brown, The Cabelli Family, The Wagman Family, Marilyn Harwick OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS YAHRZEIT Dr. Morton Greenwald, Father: Irene & Richard Plotzker Rose Miller, Mother: Fred Miller Ed Kauffman: Cynthia Kauffman & Family Sarah Chesler: Keith Chesler Rafael Perel, Father: Sylvia Wagman Muriel Dorph: Dr. Marvin Dorph Louis H. Griff, Father & Zayde: The Cabelli Family Myra Silberman, Mother-in-Law: Rita Silberman Rose Miller: Joseph and Doris Miller Edward Kauffman: Martin & Harriet Pinsky Yahrzeit of With Thanks & Appreciation to Deb Zussman: Jonathan Jaffe Misheberach for our son David: Ray & Morris Freschman Library Fund: Samuel Kursh Thanks to Congregation for Minyan for Mother's Yahrtzeit: Phyllis Feibus Thanks to Hashem for no injuries to me with a fender bender: Phyllis Feibus Thanks to Hashem for recovery from heart attack/cardiac arrest of dear friend, Francis Mieczkowski: Phyllis Feibus The gift of time also has value KESHER COMMITTEE: The Kesher Committee consists of AKSE members who willingly give of their time to help other members in need. If an AKSE member needs meals prepared, a ride to an appointment, an errand done, or just a friendly visit, those on the committee are there to help. Debra Zussman is the chairperson and can be reached at (302) 5291054. If you would like to participate or if you know someone in need of help, please call. SHOFAR 17 Received during the month of February, 2015 Continued Yahrtzeit of Edward Kauffman Ellen & Alan Levin Family Foundation We Invite You to Sponsor a Shabbat Kiddush Dear Fellow AKSE Congregants: The members of the Kiddush Fund Committee invite every family to sponsor at least one regular Shabbat Kiddush every year for $36. Your name will be posted in the Shabbat newsletter as the sponsor of the Kiddush that morning. Please think of a Simcha that is coming up that you would like to share with your congregational family such as a birthday, anniversary, retirement or any other happy occasion. Our goal is for each family to annually show support for the Kiddush fund which enables us to come together to celebrate and share happy occasions on Shabbat. Please contact the office at 302-762-2705 to find out if your desired Shabbat date is available for sponsorship. Please contact Judy Berlin at 302-762-3649 to discuss your special requests. Additional items like a special cake or kugels can be included for an additional charge. Thank you in advance, The Kiddush Fund Committee 18 SHOFAR APRIL, 2015 Received during the month of February, 2015 Continued We fondly remember our Father, Grandfather, and Great-Grandfather In Appreciation for all the Support and Kindness AKSE has shown to me: Murray Kaye On his first Yahrzeit Barbara and Joel Roisman Ari and Elisheva Devora and Esther Roisman Richard Kaye and Susan Strickler Zach and Alix Kaye Elizabeth A. Davis In appreciation of, and well being toward, the wonderful family that is AKSE Jonathan Jaffe APRIL, 2015 SHOFAR 19 BUY GIFT CARDS AND SUPPORT AKSE AN EASY WAY TO SUPPORT AKSE IT COSTS YOU NOTHING (ZIP, ZERO, ZILCH, NADA) YOU GET A GIFT CARD IN THE EXACT AMOUNT … AKSE GETS 5% NO SERVICE CHARGES … NO FEE … NO EXCUSES!!! Three (3) ways to purchase: one way: Come to the synagogue during normal business hours and purchase them directly from our friendly office staff and on Sundays from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. another way: Call AKSE Members: MARTY ZUKOFF - (302) 478-4734 (CHALFONTE) OR DIANNE SEIDEL - (302) 479-0490 (GREEN ACRES) and yet another: Call the AKSE office (302) 762-2705. Tell them what you want. They will mail them to you that day. You pay for them (by check) within seven (7) days. CARDS AVAILABLE: Shop Rite, Super Fresh, Acme, Super G ($50, $100 cards) Walgreens ($100 cards) 20 SHOFAR APRIL, 2015 APRIL YAHRZEITS 1 Rose Glass Frieda Grossman Irvin M. Jacobs Mollie Plafker Jane Surrey 2 Morris Sharp 3 William Goldstein Gloria Hoffman Clara Kushner 6 Samuel Hirshout Evelyn Woloshin 7 Pauline Brodat Sigmund Goldlust Mae Heims Leonard A. Korr 8 Nathan Blume Sidney Gross Bella Moses 10 Earl Erdman Maurice Kaye Samuel William Wilde 11 Helen Goldstone 12 Bernard Bleiberg Jacob Goldberg Lea Kruger Louis Leibowitz 21 13 Irving Kursh Gloria Gorin 22 Roseamond Levering Selma Schwartz Anna R. Seidel George Slonsky Benjamin Simon 23 14 Myrtil Hanau Irving Schwedelson Rose Sitzer Miriam Swerdlow Bernard Weiler 15 24 Jack Gold Reba Harris Albert Golden Samuel Rubinstein Robert Lattin 25 Nathan Schwartz Bessie Brodat Howard Simon Rheva Cook 17 Ester Goldberg Nathan Michlin Philip Leblang Pauline Potter Paul Popper Dorothy Kessler Weinberg 18 26 Irving Freiberg Ada Goldberg Maurice Kauffman Louis Kunin Lea Kruger Benjamin Silberman 19 Anne Solomon Rebecca Bank Milton Jacob Stiebel Pauline Fisher 27 Louis Miller Miriam Brown Irene B. Russell Esther Seidel Isadore Dorph Max Sitzer Moses Sussman Rosalyn Weiss 28 20 Milton Lemberger Harry Cherrin 30 Albert M. Jacobs Louis Black Molly Kagen Freida Geller Ruth Pratt Selma Goldstein Ruth Inden PLEASE NOTE:Yahrzeit dates listed represent the English dates which correspond to the Hebrew dates of death. PLEASE NOTE:Yahrzeit dates listed represent the English dates which correspond to the Hebrew dates of death. AKSE Daily Service Times: Sunday 8:00 a.m. Monday,Tuesday,Thursday 7:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Wednesday 5:30 p.m. Friday Evening 6:00 p.m. Community Minyan Wednesdays 7:30 a.m. at Beth Shalom Fridays 7:30 a.m. at AKSE Excluding Rosh Chodesh and other special days. Shabbat Services at 9:00 a.m. SEE CALENDAR for Mincha Ma’ariv times. HOLIDAY TIMES MAY DIFFER. An Adar II Yahrzeit March date that was inadvertently not listed in March Shofar. March 12 Helen L Winslow SCHOENBERG MEMORIAL CHAPEL In the hallowed tradition of our faith . . . a dignified setting with reverence for customs and observances in strict accord with family wishes. 519 Philadelphia Pike 762-0334 APRIL, 2015 SHOFAR 21 HARRIET JACOBS Realtor Home 302 655 5600 Direct Dial 576 6816 Residential Real Estate 3711 Kennett Pk. Ste. 130 Greenville, Delaware 19807 Office 302 429 4500 E-mail [email protected] SCHOENBERG MEMORIAL CHAPEL In the hallowed tradition of our faith . . . a dignified setting with reverence for customs and observances in strict accord with family wishes. 519 Philadelphia Pike 762-0334 BOSCOV’S Ala Carte CATERING SERVICE From a small, intimate gourmet dinner to a banquet for several hundred . . . from a cocktail party to a formal dinner . . . Boscov’s A La Carte makes entertaining easy. We’ll bring the party to you . . . or prepare it in your kitchen, if you prefer . . . perfectly tailored to your specifications, and very affordably priced. The best party you ever gave is just a phone call away. 610-370-3718 WHEN PATRONIZING OUR ADVERTISERS, WHO HELP PAY FOR THE SHOFAR, PLEASE MENTION YOU SAW THEIR ADS IN THE AKSE SHOFAR. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING IN THE SHOFAR, please contact AKSE at [email protected] or call (302) 762-2705. 22 SHOFAR APRIL, 2015 APRIL, 2015 SHOFAR 23 ADAS KODESCH SHEL EMETH 4412 WASHINGTON BLVD. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19802-1226 Bayshore Ford 23 Harriet Jacobs Realtor 22 Boscov’s Catering Service 22 Schoenberg Memorial Chapel 21 ShopRite 22 AKSE FAMILY NEWS 16 CALENDARS AND SCHEDULES AKSE Calendar APRIL 13 Daily Service Times 21 EVENTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, ETC. Have you been to the new web site yet? BBYO COMMUNITY HAVDALLAH SERVICE 11 BIRTHDAY KIDDUSH UPDATE 16 BRING YOUR SHOES TO SHUL PROGRAM 15 DONATIONS 17-19 GIFT SHOP SALE INFO 3 GIFT CARD PURCHASING PROCEDURES 20 HEBREW SCHOOL PHOTOS www.akse.org Updated daily with current info and news for you! DEADLINE FOR MAY SHOFAR IS APRIL 17, 2015 Submissions due ON or BEFORE the DEADLINE in order to publish the Shofar in a timely fashion. Only items submitted on time can be guaranteed inclusion in the Shofar (subject to editorial discretion). Submissions MUST be in WRITING! Email to [email protected] or mail, Fax or hand deliver to the synagogue office. 24 SHOFAR 9,10 HERSHEY PARK DISCOUTNED TICKETS INFO 11 JCC ISRAEL TRIP FLYER 12 JEWISH LEGACY REMINDER 11 MENS CLUB/SISTERHOOD BREAKFAST INFO 8 MINYANAIRES MAY REUNION INFO 3 PASSOVER SCHEDULE & TIMES 1 PURIM THANK YOUS AND PHOTOS 6,7,10 RABBI’S LETTER & CLASS INFO 2,4,12 RABBI’S PASSOVER APPEAL & SALE OF CHAMETZ FORM 5 SHABBAT KIDDUSH SPONSORSHIP REQUEST 11,18 SILVERMAN CAMP SCHOLARSHIP INFO 11 THANK YOU NOTE TO AKSE HEBREW SCHOOL 9 WHATS COOKING IN YOUR KITCHEN 14 APRIL YAHRZEITS 21 APRIL, 2015
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