APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS *NEW* All High School students MUST include a copy of the most recent report cards (in the case of multiple schools attended in 2014-2015), or a copy of their DAR – Detailed Academic Report from Alberta Education. *Your application will be considered INCOMPLETE (and not processed) if not received* To create a myPASS account, you will need an Alberta Student Number (ASN), and an updated address at your most recent school (students myPass access is mailed to this home address from Alberta Education). Then please visit: What is myPass? myPass is Alberta Education’s new secure self-serve website for High School students to: View and print diploma exam results statements View and print Detailed Academic Reports (DAR) Order transcripts View your progress towards a credential (diploma or certificate) Application Checklist ONLINE GR 10-12 2015-2016 Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools PLEASE PRINT IN PEN STUDENT NAME:________________________________________ GRADE 2015-2016: __________ DATE RECEIVED Are you planning to obtain an Alberta High School Diploma? YES NO Will you be attending another school while taking courses with us? YES NO If Yes, please provide name of School and list of course(s) _________________________________ You can fax or mail these documents to our office. If you wish to scan and email these documents to us, please ensure low resolution and file size is not more than 5 Megabytes. EMAIL COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: [email protected] You will receive an email confirming our receipt of your application. YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE PROCESSED IF THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS ARE MISSING RETURNING STUDENT REQUIRED () NEW STUDENT REQUIRED () 1. Application Checklist 2. Application Form (MUST BE SIGNED BY BOTH PARENTS/ LEGAL GUARDIANS) 3. Questionnaire 4. Course Selection, CTS and High School Planning Sheets 5. Diploma Course Contract 6. Events Permission Form (MUST BE RETURNED WITH SIGNATURE FOR ALL STUDENTS) 7. Student Cumulative/Confidential Records Release Form 8. Copy of Psychoeducational Assessment (IF APPLICABLE) 9. Copy of Individual Program Plan (IPP) if one exists, from last school attended 10. Copy of most current progress report/assessment/report card 11. Copy of student Birth Certificate (MUST ACCOMPANY APPLICATION FOR NEW STUDENTS) 12. Citizenship Documents: If student is not a Canadian citizen, a copy of a valid visa or other document by which the student is lawfully admitted to Canada for permanent or temporary residence MUST accompany the Birth Certificate 13. Guardianship/Custody documents (MUST ACCOMPANY APPLICATION, IF APPLICABLE) PARENT CHECK LIST OFFICE USE OFFICE USE ONLY: FM #______________________________ NUMBER OF STUDENTS:___________ CRCS ONLINE 5372 _____ INTAKE (FM) NEW BLENDED 1482 _____REGISTRAR RETURNING FULLY ALIGNED TRADITIONAL _____PS _____RECORDS 01/14/15 APPLICATION CHECKLIST ONLINE HS 10-12 2015-2016 FINALCFL Mailing Address: Box 137, Okotoks, AB T1S 1A4 Physical Address: 261, 200 Southridge Dr. Okotoks, AB T1S 0B2 Phone: (403) 938-4119 or 1-800-659-1945 ~ Fax: (403) 938-8563 Physical Address: 100, 10634-178 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1H4 Phone: (403) 938-4119 or 1-800-659-1945 ~ Fax: (403) 938-8563 Application Form ONLINE GR 10-12 2015-2016 COPY OF BIRTH CERTIFICATE MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION (FOR NEW STUDENTS) Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools STUDENT LIVES WITH: BOTH PARENTS MOTHER FATHER OFFICE USE ONLY: LEGAL GUARDIAN INDEPENDENT STUDENT OTHER (specify) ___________________ ____________________________ Legal Student Last Name _______________________________ ________ Legal Student First & Middle Name(s) M/F __________________________________ Preferred Last Name _______________________________ Preferred First Name _________________________________________________________________ Student’s Mailing Address FM#:___________GR:_____ CRCS ______________ Grade 2015/16 _________________________ Citizenship ____________________________ City/Town & Province NEW RETURN ____________________ Birthdate: (yyyy/mm/dd) Catholic? Yes No ___________________ Postal Code ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Student’s Street Address (or if Rural (911), Legal Land Description) City/Town & Province ____________________________________ (Area Code) Home Phone Number _____________________________________________ EMAIL _____________________________ Alberta Education ID Number _____________________________ ________________________ Mother/Legal Guardian Last Name First Name ____________________ ___________________ (Area Code) Home Phone Work Phone ______________ Cell/Other _____________________________ Father/Legal Guardian Last Name ____________________ ___________________ (Area Code) Home Phone Work Phone ______________ Cell/Other ________________________ First Name _________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address of parent if different than student __________________________________________________________ Name of Resident School Board _____________________________ City/Town & Province __________________ Postal Code ________________________________________________________ Name of school attended in 2014-15 1. Does your child have special learning needs and/or an Individualized Program Plan (IPP) and/or a Psychoeducational Assessment? Yes No 2. Does your child have any medical challenges that would impact his/her schooling? Yes No If you answered Yes to either of the above questions, please provide details. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ According to Section 10 of the School Act and Section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a student is eligible to receive instruction in French if: - Either parent’s mother tongue is French (French was the first language learned & understood by one of the parents) - Either parent was educated in French in Canada - One or more children in the family have received primary or secondary school instruction in French in Canada Is the child eligible to receive French language education? Yes No If so, do you wish to exercise this right? Yes No If you are an Aboriginal person, please specify: Status Indian/First Nations Non-Status Indian/First Nations Metis Inuit (Alberta Education is collecting this personal information pursuant to Section 33(c) of the F.O.I.P.P. Act as the information relates directly to and is necessary to meet its mandate and responsibilities to measure system effectiveness over time and develop policies, programs and services to improve Aboriginal learner success. For further information or if you have questions regarding the collection activity, please contact the office of the Director, Aboriginal Policy, Alberta Education, 10155-102 Street, Edmonton AB, T5J 4L5 (780)427-8501.) I hereby certify that: 1. The above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and the student is a resident of Alberta; 2. I have read and understood the “School Division Use of Personal Information” section in this registration package; and 3. I will comply with the technical requirements as outlined in the 2015-2016 Information Handbook. _______________________________________ Signature of Mother/ Legal Guardian (Independent Student if applicable) ____________________________________ Signature of Father/ Legal Guardian ____________________ Date *NOTE: BOTH PARENTS / LEGAL GUARDIANS MUST SIGN THIS APPLICATION ______________________________________________ Approved by The Centre for Learning@HOME Principal ___________________ Date The information requested on this form is being collected pursuant to the School Act, the Student Records Regulation AR 71/99 and pursuant to Section 33(c) of the F.O.I.P.P. Act for the establishment of a student record as the collection is related directly to and is necessary to a school board’s obligation to provide a school environment (e.g., program placement, determination of eligibility and/or suitability for provincial or federal funding). Personal information may also be provided to the Minister of Education for the purpose of carrying out programs, activities, or policies under his administration (e.g., research, statistical analysis). If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the F.O.I.P.P. coordinator at Box 1318, 1 McRae Street, Okotoks, AB T1S 1B3 or telephone (403)938-2659/1-800-737-9383. 01/14/15 Application HS FULL TIME ONLINE 10-12 2015-16 FINALCFL Mailing Address: Box 137, Okotoks, AB T1S 1A4 Physical Address: 261, 200 Southridge Dr. Okotoks, AB T1S 0B2 Phone: (403) 938-4119 or 1-800-659-1945 ~ Fax: (403) 938-8563 Physical Address: 100, 10634-178 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1H4 Phone: (403) 938-4119 or 1-800-659-1945 ~ Fax: (403) 938-8563 Questionnaire 2015-2016 NEW APPLICANT ONLY PLEASE PRINT In order to better serve your family and to best meet the educational needs of your student, please complete this questionnaire. STUDENT NAME:________________________________________ GRADE:__________ (2015/16) 1. Why have you selected The Centre for Learning@HOME? 2. What was your child’s schooling program for 2014-2015 (home education, blended, online, distance education or traditional school)? 3. Was the last program you followed successful? Why or why not? 4. Are you planning to be away from your permanent address for any extended period of time? If yes, please explain. 5. What are your child’s interests and hobbies? 6. Who is the parent/guardian primarily responsible for the child’s program? Does this person work outside of the home? If so, please explain the supervision in place. 7. If your child attended a traditional school in 2014-2015, please check the box that best describes your child’s attendance: Missed between 5-10 days of school Yes No Missed between 11-20 days of school Yes No Missed over 20 days of school 8. Has the student completed any online course with St. Paul’s Academy or The Centre for Learning@HOME previously? Yes If so, what course(s) and when? 9. Has your child ever received a special education code from Alberta Education? If yes, which code: ________________________________________________ Yes No 10. Has your child ever had a Psychoeducational or specialized Assessment? If yes, please attach a copy of any Individualized Program Plan(IPP) or Psychoeducational Assessment. Yes No 11. Does your child have any medical challenges that would impact on his/her schooling? If yes, please explain Yes No 12. Has your child ever received extra help outside of the classroom or participated in a Learning Support Program or Resource Program? Yes No If so, please provide details. 13. Is the student intending to be employed during the school year? If so, how many hours per week? _____ 14. If your child has not been attending a school program this past year, please explain the circumstances. Yes No No 01/14/15 Questionnaire - NEW Students 2015-16 Mailing Address: Box 137, Okotoks, AB T1S 1A4 Physical Address: 261, 200 Southridge Dr. Okotoks, AB T1S 0B2 Phone: (403) 938-4119 or 1-800-659-1945 ~ Fax: (403) 938-8563 Physical Address: 100, 10634-178 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1H4 Phone: (403) 938-4119 or 1-800-659-1945 ~ Fax: (403) 938-8563 Grades 10 -12 Instructions for Guidance Counselling 2015-2016 Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools Guidance Counselling Instructions for New and Returning High School Students Please note that all new and returning high school students must speak with a Guidance Counsellor to review course selections. During this conversation, parents and students can expect to review such items as: • • • • • • Suitable course selection Balancing of courses by semester Alberta High School Graduation requirements Post-secondary goals Career planning Any other questions about our high school you may have Please call our office soon after submitting your application to make an appointment with our high school guidance counsellor. Mr. Leonard Quilty High School Guidance Counsellor ext 2237 Ms. Caroline St-Pierre Student Services Administrative Assistant ext 2236 Mailing Address: Box 137, Okotoks, AB T1S 1A4 Physical Address: 261, 200 Southridge Dr. Okotoks, AB T1S 0B2 Phone: (403) 938-4119 or 1-800-659-1945 ~ Fax: (403) 938-8563 Physical Address: 100, 10634-178 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1H4 Phone: (403) 938-4119 or 1-800-659-1945 ~ Fax: (403) 938-8563 CORE COURSE PROGRESSION & PRE-REQUISITES Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools Online - Full Time Grades 10 - 12 2015 — 2016 CHANGING PATHWAYS: Teacher recommendations are made with great care and attention. They are based upon ensuring students have the necessary foundation in place to achieve success in their registered course. Changes to this process can only be achieved through the following steps: Consultation with the subject teacher and Student Services Guidance Consellor approval prior to any changes made LEGEND: < Typical progression Possible stream change (With guidance approval) > Less Than Greater Than ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS ================================================================ ELA 10-1 ELA 20-1 >65% <65% >75% ELA 30-1 >65% <65% >75% ELA 10-2 ELA 20-2 >50% >75% >50% ELA 30-2 SOCIAL STUDIES ================================================================ Social 10-1 Social 20-1 >65% <65% >75% Social 10-2 <65% >75% >75% >50% Social 30-1 >65% Social 20-2 >50% Social 30-2 Mailing Address: Box 137, Okotoks, AB T1S 1A4 Physical Address: 261, 200 Southridge Dr. Okotoks, AB T1S 0B2 Physical Address: 100, 10634-178 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1H4 Phone: (403) 938-4119 or 1-800-659-1945 ~ Fax: (403) 938-8563 Phone: (403) 938-4119 or 1-800-659-1945 ~ Fax: (403) 938-8563 CORE COURSE PROGRESSION & PRE-REQUISITES Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools Online - Full Time Grades 10 - 12 2015 — 2016 MATHEMATICS ================================================================ Math 20-1 >75% Math 30-1 >75% >60% Math 10C >80% University programs requiring calculus >80% <74% Math 20-2 >75% Math 31 (optional for most programs) >75% >65% Math 30-2 University programs NOT requiring calculus Math 30-3 Trades <60% <65% >80% >65% Math 10-3 >50% Math 20-3 >50% <64% Math Foundations SCIENCE ================================================================ Science 10 Science 14 Biology 20 >65% Biology 30 Chemistry 20 >65% Chemistry 30 Physics 20 >65% Physics 30 Science 20 >65% Science 30 >60% >59% Science 24 Mailing Address: Box 137, Okotoks, AB T1S 1A4 Physical Address: 261, 200 Southridge Dr. Okotoks, AB T1S 0B2 Physical Address: 100, 10634-178 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1H4 Phone: (403) 938-4119 or 1-800-659-1945 ~ Fax: (403) 938-8563 Phone: (403) 938-4119 or 1-800-659-1945 ~ Fax: (403) 938-8563 Tentative Course Selection Planning Sheet- Subject to Guidance Counsellor Approval High School Program Plan 2015-2016 Student Name: ___________________________________________ Grade 2015-2016: _________________ Credits: ________ PROGRAM - 4yr___ 3yr___ 2yr___ GRADE 10 Crdts SEM GRADE 11 1=Semester 1 2=Semester 2 Crdts SEM GRADE 12 Crdts SEM English 30-1 5 1, 2 English 30-1 Learning Strategies 3 1, 2 English 30-2 5 1, 2 English 30-2 Learning Strategies 2 1, 2 Math 30-1 5 1, 2 Math 30-1 Learning Strategies 3 1, 2 Math 30-2 5 2 Math 30-2 Learning Strategies 3 2 Math 30-3 5 L Math 31 5 2 Science 30 5 2 Science 30 Learning Strategies 3 2 Biology 30 5 1, 2 Biology 30 Learning Strategies 3 1, 2 Chemistry 30 5 2 Chemistry 30 Learning Strategies 3 2 Physics 30 5 1 Physics 30 Learning Strategies 3 1 L=Linear/Full Year CORE COURSES English 10-1 English 10-2 Math 10-C 5 5 5 1, 2 L 1, 2 English 20-1 English 20-2 Math 20-1 5 L Math 10 Foundations 3 1 Science 10 5 1, 2 5 1 Social Studies 10-1 5 1,2 Social Studies 10-2 Physical Education 10 5 5 1, 2 L L 1, 2 5 Math 20-3 1 5 Science 20 L 5 1 Biology 20 5 1, 2 Chemistry 20 5 1, 2 Physics 20 Science 14 1, 2 5 5 Math 20-2 Math 10-3 5 5 1, 2 Science 24 5 2 Social Studies 20-1 5 1, 2 Social Studies 20-2 5 1, 2 Physical Education 20 5 L CALM (Career and Life Management) 3 1, 2 Social Studies 30-1 5 1, 2 Social Studies 30-1 Learning Strategies 3 1, 2 Social Studies 30-2 5 1, 2 Social Studies 30-2 Learning Strategies 3 1, 2 Physical Education 30 5 L 5 L COMPLEMENTARY COURSES Art 10 Green Certificate 5 L Art 20 5 L Art 30 Varies L Green Certificate Varies L Green Certificate Varies L French 10 - 3Y 5 1 French 20 - 3Y 5 2 French 30 - 3Y 5 1 Performing Arts 15 5 L Performing Arts 25 5 L Performing Arts 35 5 L Religion 15 3 1, 2 Religion 25 3 1, 2 Religion 35 3 1, 2 Spanish 10 - 3Y 5 1, 2 Spanish 20 - 3Y 5 2 Spanish 30 - 3Y 5 2 Special Projects 10 5 L Special Projects 20 5 L Special Projects 30 5 L Work Experience 15 Up to 10 L Work Experience 35 Up to 10 L 6 2 Varies L Varies L Up to 10 L Work Experience 25 Reading 15 5 L Personal/General Psychology Creative Writing and Publishing 15 5 L RAP (Registered Apprenticeship Program) RAP (Registered Apprenticeship Program) Tentative Course Selection Planning Sheet- Subject to Guidance Counsellor Approval High School CTS Selection 2015-2016 Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools Student Name: ___________________________________________ Grade 2015-16: _________________ CTS - CAREER & TECHNOLOGY STUDIES Cosmetology Agriculture AGR3000 - Agriculture Safety AGR1040 - Animal Husbandry *AGR2020 - Anml. Husbandry & Welfare AGR1040 & AGR3000 Pre-Req Community Care Services CCS1080 - Community Volunteerism 1 *CCS2080 - Community Volunteerism 2 CCS1080 Pre-Req *CCS3080 - Community Enhancement CCS2080 & HSS2080 Pre-Req CCS3110 - Early Learning & Child Care 1 *CCS3120 - Early Learning & Child Care 2 CCS3110 Pre-Req *CCS3130 - Early Learning & Child Care 3 CCS3120 Pre-Req *CCS3140 - Early Learning & Child Care 4 CCS3130 Pre-Req *CCS3150 - Early Learning & Child Care 5 COS1010 - Prsnl. & Professional Practices Credits: ___________________________ Human & Social Services HSS1010 - Health Services Foundations HSS1020 - Nutrition & Wellness Fashion Studies FAS1030 - Sewing Fundamentals HSS1050 - Introduction to Mentorship FAS2110 - Creating Home Décor HSS1080 - Leadership Fundamentals 1 FAS1030 Pre-Req Financial Management HSS2040 - Family Foundations *HSS2050 - Becoming a Mentor FIN1010 - Personal Financial Info. FIN1015 - Accounting Prep HSS1050 Pre-Req *HSS2080 - Leadership Fundamentals 2 *FIN1020 - Accounting Cycle 1 FIN1015 Pre-Req *FIN1030 - Accounting Cycle 2 HSS1080 Pre-Req HSS3050 - Becoming a Mentee *HSS3060 - Extending the Mentoring Relat. FIN1020 Pre-Req *FIN2020 - Retail Accounting 1 FIN1030 Pre-Req *FIN2030 - Retail Accounting 2 FIN2020 Pre-Req Foods *(FOD1010 is a pre-req for all foods modules) HSS2050 Pre-Req Information Processing INF1030 - Word Processing 1 INF1050 - Database 1 INF1060 - Spreadsheet 1 INF1070 - Digital Presentation *FOD1010 - Food Basics INF2020 - Keyboarding *FOD1020 - Contemporary Baking INF2050 - Word Processing 2 *FOD1030 - Snacks & Appetizers INF2070 - Database 2 CTR1010 - Job Prep *FOD1040 - Meal Planning 1 INF2080 - Spreadsheet 2 *CTR2010 - Job Maintenance *FOD1060 - Canadian Heritage Foods INF2090 - Correspondence CCS3140 Pre-Req Career Transition *FOD2030 - Food Decisions and Health INF2100 - Reports CTR2310 - Career Directions *FOD2040 - Cake and Pastry INF2910 - Project B *CTR3010 - Preparing for Change *FOD2090 - Creative Cold Foods INF2920 - Project C *FOD2150 - Food Safety and Sanitation INF3010 - Hardware/Software Analysis *FOD2180 - Vegetables & Fruits *INF3060 - Word Processing 3 CTR1010 Pre-Req CTR1010 Pre-Req CTR3310 - Career Direction Transitions *FOD3020 - Nutrition & Digestion Communication Technology *(COM1005 is a pre-req INF2050 Pre-Req *FOD3030 - Creative Baking INF3080 - Project Management Tools *COM1005 - Visual Composition *FOD3060 - Food Presentation INF3910 - Project D *COM1025 - Typography *FOD3100 - Entertaining with Food *COM1035 - Graphic Tools *FOD3160 - Regional Cuisine for all ComTech modules unless otherwise specified) *COM1205- Photography Intro *COM1215 - Photography Exposure *COM1275 - Photo. Digital Processing *COM2025 - Electronic Layout & Pub. 1 *COM2035 - Raster Graphics 1 COM1035 Pre-Req *COM2045 - Vector Graphics 1 COM1035 Pre-Req *COM3025 - Electronic Layout & Pub. 2 COM2025 Pre-Req *COM3035 - Raster Graphics 2 COM2035 Pre-Req *COM3045 - Vector Graphics 2 COM2045 Pre-Req Healthcare Services *HCS1050 - Musculoskeletal System HSS1010 Pre-Req *HCS1080 - Cardiovascular System HSS1010 Pre-Req HCS2020 - First Aid/CPR with AED INF3920 - Project E Legal Studies LGS1010 - Private Law LGS1020 - Public Law LGS2010 - Family Law LGS2020 - Employment Law LGS2050 - Law & the Traveller LGS3010 - Property Law HCS3000 - Workplace Safety LGS3020 - Dispute Resolution HCS3010 - Workplace Safety Practices LGS3040 - Negligence HCS3000 Pre-Req LGS3070 - Landmark Decisions LGS3080 - Criminal Law Marketing and Management Recreation Leadership Tourism *(TOU1010 is a pre-req for all Tourism modules unless otherwise specified) MAM1010 - Marketing and Management REC1020 - Injury Management 1 *TOU1010 - The Tourism Sector MAM1010 - Marketing and Management *REC1030 - Tech. Found. For Injury Mgmt. *TOU1120 - Adventure & Ecotourism 1 Wildlife HCS1050 Pre-Req *TOU3000 - Tourism Essentials WLD1010 - Introduction to Wildlife REC1040 - Foundations of Training 1 *TOU3040 - Accmds. Operations WLD1020 - Wildlife Diversity REC1050 - Sport Psychology 1 *TOU3060 - Destination Management WLD1070 - Hunting & Game Mgmt. Theory REC2010 - Nutrition for Rec. Atvs.&Sprt *TOU3080 - Air Transportation WLD1075 - Bowhunting Education REC2120 - Coaching 1 *TOU3090 - Surface Transportation WLD1080 - Angling & Fish Mgmt. Theory *REC3010 - Human Movement WLD1090 - Boating Safety HCS1050 Pre-Req Each CTS module is worth 1 high school credit. Each module is designed to be completed within 4-6 weeks. The modules are self-paced and students may start at any time throughout the year. Pre-Req = Pre-Requisite *A pre-requisite module must be completed before this module can be accessed. Course numbers distinguish the module level: introductory modules begin with a 1, intermediate modules begin with a 2, and advanced modules begin with a 3. For a description of the modules please refer to this Alberta Education website: 1 Year High School Planning Worksheet Year 1: Semester 1 Courses Year 1: Semester 2 Crdts Courses Total Credits Summer School- Optional You may choose: Crdts a) two option courses b) one core course c) one option and one core course. Total Credits Crdts Total Credits This worksheet is for preliminary planning purposes only. We will make every effort to accommodate your course requests, pending availability of courses. Your guidance counsellor will assist you in selecting the appropriate courses and pathways, and making sure you have the correct credits to graduate. It is recommended that students take an average of 35 credits per year, although some years may be lower or higher, depending on the program you are planning to pursue. A minimum of 100 credits are required to graduate with an Alberta High School Diploma. ** You can select up to 50 credits per school year if you are applying for the '2-Year Accelerated Program'. Your guidance counsellor or an administrator can discuss this option with you. High School Planning Worksheet High School Completion Path: 3 Year Year 1: Semester 1 High School Completion Path: 2 Year Year 1: Semester 2 Crdts Courses Courses Total Credits Crdts Courses Year 1: Semester 2 Crdts Courses Year 2: Semester 2 Crdts Courses Crdts Total Credits Total Credits Year 2: Semester 1 Courses Year 3: Semester 1 Courses Year 2: Semester 2 Crdts Courses Crdts Year 3: Semester 2 Crdts Courses Total Credits Crdts Total Credits Year 2: Semester 1 Courses Year 1: Semester 1 Crdts Total Credits Total Credits Total Credits This worksheet is for preliminary planning purposes only. We will make every effort to accommodate your course requests, pending availability of courses. Your Guidance Counsellor will assist you in selecting the appropriate courses and pathways, and making sure you have the correct credits to graduate. It is recommended that students take an average of 35-40 credits per year, although some years may be lower or higher, depending on the program you are planning to pursue. A minimum of 100 credits are required to graduate with an Alberta High School Diploma. ** You can select up to 50 credits per school year if you are applying for the '2-Year Accelerated Program'. Your Guidance Counsellor or an Administrator can discuss this option with you. Diploma Course Contract 2015-2016 Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools PLEASE PRINT Please complete ONLY if student is enrolled in any of the 30 Level courses listed below. Agreement to the terms and conditions of this contract forms part of your registration with The Centre for Learning@HOME. Students will not be enrolled in a diploma course if this form is not completed and verified by the Principal. Please check () the diploma courses you plan on taking for the 2015-2016 school year: Biology 30 Chemistry 30 Physics 30 Science 30 English 30-1 English 30-2 Math 30-1 Math 30-2 Social 30-1 Social 30-2 Terms of registration and enrollment in these courses: 1. A student accepts the general guidelines and conditions as set out for registration in The Centre for Learning@HOME High School Handbook. 2. A student enrolled in diploma courses will demonstrate a consistent effort in each course by completing all assignments, quizzes, projects, tests, etc. as assigned by the teacher. 3. Students will ensure all work assigned by the teacher is completed by the assigned due dates in order to be in good standing in the course; otherwise they may be removed from the course. 4. If the student is not demonstrating the required effort to pass the course, he/she may be removed from the specific course in question (in essence, if the student is failing the course because the student is not doing all of the required work, the school reserves the right to withdraw the student from the course). 5. All students who have a mark below 65%, in a Diploma-level course must attend the mandatory Learning Strategies class. I, (print student name) ______________________________ have read and understand the standards established by The Centre for Learning@HOME in regards to diploma courses. __________________________________________________________ Student Signature ___________________________________________ Date __________________________________________________________ Legal Guardian Signature ___________________________________________ Date __________________________________________________________ The Centre for Learning@HOME Principal Signature ___________________________________________ Date 01/14/15 Diploma Contract 2015-16 Mailing Address: Box 137, Okotoks, AB T1S 1A4 Physical Address: 261, 200 Southridge Dr. Okotoks, AB T1S 0B2 Phone: (403) 938-4119 or 1-800-659-1945 ~ Fax: (403) 938-8563 Physical Address: 100, 10634-178 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1H4 Phone: (403) 938-4119 or 1-800-659-1945 ~ Fax: (403) 938-8563 EVENTS PERMISSION FORM 2015 – 2016 Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools PLEASE PRINT I ___________________________________________ give permission for __________________________________________ (PARENT/ LEGAL GUARDIAN NAME) (STUDENT'S NAME) to participate in extra–curricular programs with The Centre for Learning@HOME. I am aware that the extra-curricular activities will center on the educational experience of my child. I am also aware that I will be responsible for the transportation of my child to and from The Centre for Learning@HOME activities unless otherwise stated. Students behaving in an inappropriate or unsafe manner will not be allowed to continue in the event or participate in future events. Please indicate below any medical conditions (e.g. asthma, seizures, heart/cardiovascular conditions, allergies, chronic medical conditions, muscle and joint, etc.), medications being taken or medic-alert needs that the supervising teachers should be made aware of or that may hinder your child’s ability to participate in activities: Medical Condition/Injury Details (medication or date of injury) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Proper supervision and safety procedures must be followed to reduce the risk of injury. Injury resulting from participation includes, but is not limited to, all manner of injury resulting from falling and impacting against the ground or other objects, and injuries resulting from the action of others. The risk of sustaining these types of injuries result from the nature of the activity and can occur without fault of the student, the school board or its employees, or employees/agents of the facility where the activity is taking place. The chance of an injury occurring can be reduced by carefully following instructions at all times while engaged in the activity. Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools provides basic accident insurance for students participating in this event. Parents may wish to purchase additional insurance if more coverage is desired. I acknowledge having read all of the information contained within this document. I understand that by participating in events and extra-curricular activities, I assume the risks associated with doing so. I also accept that photos/videos of school activities that are open to the general public may be taken and used for purposes within and outside The Centre for Learning@HOME. The Centre for Learning@HOME is NOT able to restrict such activity at public events. If required by court order, all Parents/Legal Guardians are required to sign this form NAME OF STUDENT:____________________________________Student Alberta Health Care#:____________________________ NAME OF PARENT/ LEGAL GUARDIAN:___________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF PARENT/ LEGAL GUARDIAN:____________________________________DATE:_____________________________ Name(s) of Person to contact in an emergency: NAME: ________________________________________ Contact Numbers: (home/cell/work):______________________________ NAME: ________________________________________ Contact Numbers: (home/cell/work):______________________________ Mailing Address: Box 137, Okotoks, AB T1S 1A4 Physical Address: 261, 200 Southridge Dr. Okotoks, AB T1S 0B2 Phone: (403) 938-4119 or 1-800-659-1945 ~ Fax: (403) 938-8563 Physical Address: 100, 10634-178 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1H4 Phone: (403) 938-4119 or 1-800-659-1945 ~ Fax: (403) 938-8563 Student Cumulative/Confidential Records Release Form 2015-2016 Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools PLEASE PRINT Student Information (to be filled out by Parent or Legal Guardian) ______________________________________________________________ School/Home School Attended in 2014-2015 ___________________________________________________ City/Town ______________________________________________________________ School Phone Number (include area code) ___________________________________________________ School Fax Number Student Name: Grade Birthdate: 2014-2015 Student Name: Grade (y/m/d) Birthdate: 2014-2015 Student Name: Grade (y/m/d) Birthdate: 2014-2015 Student Name: Grade (y/m/d) Birthdate: 2014-2015 Student Name: Grade (y/m/d) Birthdate: 2014-2015 (y/m/d) NOTICE TO PREVIOUS SCHOOL Please forward the cumulative record for the above-named student(s), to include academic history, any grant coding, assessment information, and any other pertinent information about the student(s) such as health information necessary to provide appropriate programming. Note that Section 2(1) of the Student Record Regulation for the Province of Alberta stipulates the information required to be included on the student’s record. Section 2(6)(b) further permits the release of personal information related to the student where inclusion of the information would “be necessary to ensure the safety of students and staff.” Section 6(1) of the Student Record Regulation provides for the transfer of student records, specifically, “the board from which the student transfers shall, on receipt of a written request from that school, send the student record...” If you have any questions regarding this request, please direct them to the undersigned. Please send files for the student(s) listed above to: The Centre for Learning@HOME Mailing Address: Box 137, Okotoks, AB T1S 1A4 Fax: (403) 938-2657 Attn: Student Records _______________________________________________ Signature/Approval of Parent/Legal Guardian ________________________________________________ Signature/Approval of Principal The Centre for Learning@HOME 0114/15 Cume File Release 2015-16 (2) Mailing Address: Box 137, Okotoks, AB T1S 1A4 Physical Address: 261, 200 Southridge Dr. Okotoks, AB T1S 0B2 Phone: (403) 938-4119 or 1-800-659-1945 ~ Fax: (403) 938-8563 Physical Address: 100, 10634-178 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1H4 Phone: (403) 938-4119 or 1-800-659-1945 ~ Fax: (403) 938-8563 Addendum to the Student Registration Form(s) for all programming with The Centre for Learning@HOME School Division Use of Personal Information Once the information is collected and compiled, Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools believes the uses listed below are part of a vital, healthy and functioning school and participation of all students is important and encouraged. Here are examples of activities where the information may be used: the taking of individual, class, team or club photos for school purposes. the use of student name, photo and comments for school publications. the use of students’ names in honour rolls, work ethic (listings), graduation ceremonies, scholarship or other awards within the school or school board. the use of students’ names and academic information necessary for determining eligibility or suitability for provincial, federal or other types of awards or scholarships in the event the board applies on a student's behalf. the taking of photos and/or videos at field trips, sporting events, and workshops, and their use by the media or other organizations where students are not interviewed or identified by name or face. Where individual students are identified or interviewed and the materials will be used outside the school, a separate and specific consent will be required. You will be contacted prior to this event taking place. Please note that photos and/or videos of school activities that are open to the general public may be taken and used for purposes within and outside of the school. the use of students’ names on artwork or other creative work or material of students displayed at school or school board site or at a school board sponsored display in the community, provided the copyright release form is properly completed. (Note: this relates to the Copyright Act (Canada), NOT the F.O.I.P.P. Act) Notice to Parent or Guardian of Religious Permeation The Alberta Human Rights Act requires a school board to give notice to a parent or guardian when courses of study, educational programs, institutional materials, instruction or exercises include subject matter that deals primarily and explicitly with religion. All of the schools in this district are Catholic Separate Schools, the essential purpose of which is to fully permeate Catholic theology, philosophy, practices and beliefs, the principles of the Gospel and teachings of the Catholic Church, in all aspects of school life, including the curriculum of every subject taught, both in and outside of formal religion classes, celebrations and exercises. Every course of study and educational program, all institutional materials, instruction and exercises may include subject matter that deals primarily and explicitly with religion.
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