Al-Hijrah School GCSE Exam Guidance We have tried to give you all the information you might need to help you sit your GCSE Examinations. The booklet includes: GCSE Summer 2015 Examination Timetable Information for students including revision tips, examination conduct, return of school books and results. Information for parents 1 GCSE Exam Timetable May/June 2015 Date Time Subject Tuesday 5 May (BY11) Wednesday 6 May(BY11) Thursday 7 May(GY11) Friday 8 May(GY11) Monday 11 May Tuesday 12 May Tuesday 12 May Wednesday 13 May Thursday 14 May Thursday 14 May Friday 15 May 9.00 - 3.30 9.00 - 3.30 9.00 - 3.30 9.00 - 3.30 9.00 - 10.30 1.30 - 3.30 1.30 - 2.30 9.00 - 10.30 9.00 - 11.00 9.00 - 10.00 2.00 - 3.30 Monday 18 May 9.00 - 11.00 Tuesday 19 May Wednesday 20 May Wednesday 20 May 2.00 - 3.30 1.30 - 3.30 1.30 - 2.30 Friday 22 May 9.00 - 11.00 Monday 1 June Tuesday 2 June Tuesday 2 June Tuesday 2 June Wednesday 3 June Thursday 4 June 9.00 - 11.00 9.00 - 10.00 10.00 - 11.00 2.00 - 3.30 1.30 - 3.15 9.00 - 10.45 Friday 5 June 2.00 - 3.00 Friday 5 June Monday 8 June 2.00 - 3.00 9.00 - 10.45 Tuesday 9 June 2.00 - 3.00 Tuesday 9 June Wednesday 10 June 2.00 - 3.00 9.00 - 10.30 Wednesday 10 June 2.00 - 2.25 Art Art Art Art RE Biology Science ICT Chemistry Science PE English Literature Geography Physics Science English Literature History English/Lang English/Lang RE Geography Maths Additional Science Biology Maths Additional Science Chemistry History Urdu Listening F 2 Unit Duration Unit 4 1B B1 Unit 1 1C C1 1hr 30min 2hr 1hr 1hr 30min 2hr 1hr 1hr 30min Unit 1 2hr B561 1P P1 1hr 30min 2hr 1hr Unit 2 2hr Paper 1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 11 B563 Paper 1 2hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 30min 1hr 45min 1hr 45min B2 1hr 2B 1hr Paper 2 1hr 45min C2 1hr 2C 1hr Paper 2 1hr 30min 25min Wednesday 10 June 2.00 - 2.35 Wednesday 10 June 2.35 - 3.10 Wednesday 10 June 2.35 - 3.25 Friday 12 June 2.00 - 3.00 Friday 12 June 2.00 - 3.00 Monday 15 June 1.30 - 2.15 Monday 15 June 2.15 - 3.10 Wednesday 17 June 2.00 - 3.00 Monday 22 June 9.00 - 11.00 Urdu Listening H Urdu Reading F Urdu Reading H Additional Science Physics Arabic Listening Arabic Reading Arabic Writing Product Design 35min 35min 50min P2 1hr 2P 1hr 45min 55min 1hr 2hrs Check your statement of entry. If there are any errors, inform SrNaila Make sure you know your candidate number You will need to attend lessons as normal during the exam period unless told otherwise Ensure you arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the exam. 3 Exam Preparation The most important part of sitting an examination starts with the correct preparation. This includes revision. By now, you should have been creating revision timetables and be following them! Before starting your revision, think about: Which times suit you best, day or evening Being comfortable – which surroundings and conditions help you to concentrate How to vary the work you are doing and how you are doing it Which is the best way to revise? Here are some golden rules to help your revise. Start with “O my Lord, increase me in knowledge!” Try not to stare at notes, papers or books – have a break and start again Break up revision and study periods where you can. It’s easier to remember information from a few shorter study sessions that one long one. Use practical memory aids where relevant: tapes, photographs, pictures, mind maps Read your revision notes out loud. You will remember twice as much Test yourself and ask someone else to test you Practise past exam papers under timed conditions 4 Give yourself targets, rewards and breaks (but not too many!) Avoid situations that irritate you, prevent you from concentrating or distract you Get down to work, rather than wasting time thinking about how much you have to do Make your room a revision sanctuary – no phones, TVs, Facebook etc WORK HARD and PRAY HARD If you have any concerns about your revision, exam preparation of the exam itself – your teachers are there to help you. At the back of the booklet there is a list of revision websites which may help. 5 Exam Countdown Before each exam, make sure you: Get enough rest and sleep Go through your revision notes Active brains need a balanced diet – eat sensibly, don’t skip meals or make do with snacks Check on the starting time and allow plenty of time to get there. If you have to travel by bus/car ensure you have leave early. Check you have everything you need. Make yourself a checklist. Check the examination conduct requirements and ensure you have left all electronic equipment at home. 6 Examination Conduct You must attend all the examinations with the correct school uniform. Pupils that do not wear the correct uniform can be excluded from the examination. You should arrive in plenty of time for your examinations. You should be waiting by the Main hall at least 15 minutes before the stated starting time. No electronic equipment such as mobile phones, ipods and mp3 players are allowed in the examination room. Pupils found with such devices will be reported to the Exam Board and he/she will be disqualified from the exam. You should be properly equipped with BLACK pens or biros, pencils, rulers and other such items as you may need and as allowed by the examining boards. This needs to be contained within a see through pencil case. The school will not provide equipment. Students involved in any misconduct or causing any disturbance to other candidates in the examination room will be excluded from that examination and the Exam Board informed. This could mean that the candidate excluded is disqualified from all examinations entered. Candidates were issued with the regulations regarding conduct at the start of the academic year. A copy can be found on the school website. 7 Attendance ttendance at Examinations Students must attend for all the examinations for which they have been entered. The school will telephone the parents of any absent pupil. If the pupil fails to attend the examination, without valid reason, then parents will be liable for the examination fees which are approximately £40. In the case of illness or other genuine problems, please inform the Examinations Officer, SrNaila as soon as possible. In all cases of illness, please obtain a medical certificate where possible. This is necessary, since in certain cases the examinations boards will give special consideration to a candidate who misses part of an examination through illness. 8 In the exam Everyone gets nervous in exams. Take a deep breath before you go in and remember these guidelines: Start with Even though you may be nervous or worried, listen to what the teacher in charge tells you to do. If it is a written exam, read the instructions on the question paper carefully before you start writing Read the questions slowly, then read them again – it’s all too easy to misread when you are nervous Choose the questions you think you can answer best, where there is a choice Compare the marks allocated to each question and use this as a guide to the time you spend on each Allow enough time to answer all the questions and to check back over your work Try not to panic if you are unable to answer a question. Move on to the next question and come back to a difficult one later Take care with your presentation – the examiners can only mark it if they can read it! 9 After the exam Try not to talk to fellow candidates after the exam about how you think you did. Even though you may have found it harder than other people, you may have answered the question better. Talk to SrNaila if you were unwell, or you think there were circumstances that affected your performance Don’t let exams get you down; talk to your teachers, family or friends Don’t dwell on your performance – concentrate on preparing for the next exam. 10 AFTER THE EXAMS HAVE FINSIHED RETURN OF SCHOOL BOOKS & EQUIPMENT Before leaving school, all students must return any school textbooks, library books or other equipment in their possession. EXAM RESULTS GCSE results are expected in school on Thursday 20th August 2015. They will be available from 10.30am. Please ensure that the results are picked up at this time. Results need to be signed for. Results will only be issued to a student’s family member, if accompanied by a note. If you are away and wish your results to be posted, YOU MUST PROVIDE A STAMPED ADDRESSED ENVELOPE MARKED “GCSE” AND LEAVE IT WITH SrNaila. 11 A Page for the Parents All the information contained within the booklet so far, is aimed at the student. The following guidance is for parents: A dedicated quiet space with good natural light or lighting is best for studying, with no distractions. If you have other children who are not studying for exams, make sure that they know the importance of revision time. Ensure there are no distractions in your child’s room – no phones, TVs, Facebook etc. Ensure that your son or daughter has one evening a week away from their studies. It’s also important that they take regular breaks during the study periods. Be around as a 'feeding station' – feed your child lots of healthy food and proper meals - not too many sugary snacks and junk food. Offer to help with testing or ask if there is something that you can do for them – reassure them you are concerned about their welfare more than the results. Know your son or daughter's revision timetable. Encourage them to tell you about what they are studying. If you know that they are not at their best first thing in the morning, encourage them to rest then and work when they are more alert. They should choose their weakest/sleepiest time of day to be sociable and relax at those times. Know exactly the date, time and location for each exam and incorporate this into the revision plan and make sure that they have the correct equipment they need for the exam (calculators, rulers etc.). Know what they are not allowed to take in to the exam (mobile phones, iPods etc.). If your son or daughter has a medical condition, e.g. Diabetes, hay fever etc. make sure that the school knows about it. There are special considerations for some conditions. If there is a family crisis, for example bereavement, again ensure that your son or daughter's teacher knows about it since the additional stress can affect your child's exam performance. Make sure that your child is using the internet to study and not as a resource to give the appearance of study! Tell them that they can only try their best 12 GCSE Revision Websites The following are websites specifically designed to help you with various aspects of revision for your GCSEs. You may well wish to use them combined with other methods of revision. General • • • • • • • 13
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