PRASAR BHARATI (India’s Public Service Broadcaster) O/o Additional Director General (E)(WZ) All India Radio & Doordarshan, 9th Floor, TV Project Section, Doordarshan Complex, P. B. Marg, Worli, MUMBAI-400 030. No. ADG/TVP/TRANSPORTATION OF RF CABLE /2015-16 Date: 11/05/2015 To, …………………………………… …………………………………… INVITATION TO e-TENDER On behalf of DG Doordarshan, e-tenders are invited by this office in the prescribed Bid Performa. The details of tender are given in the schedule below: 1. Tender No. : No. ADG(E)/TVP/TRANSPORTATION OF RF FEEDER CABLE /2015-16 2. Description : Tender for Custom Clearance, De-stuffing & Inland transportation of the consignment comprising of 4” & 5” RF feeder cable drums, its accessories (Estimated weight of the consignment is 51,391 Kg) from Nhava Sheva Port to different Doordarshan Kendras as per details. 3. Delivery Period : The consignment to be immediately custom cleared, de -stuffed as soon as it arrives at the Nhava Port, so to avoid any demurrage charges/ port holding charges etc. Thereafter inland transportation of the consignment to different Doordarshan Kendras to be completed within 2 months from the date of order. 4. Tender Fee : Rs.1,000/- 5. EMD : Rs.40,000/- 6. Bid Validity : 180 days from the date of opening of Tender. 7. Warranty :: As per Terms & Conditions. 8. Performance Security Deposit : As per General Terms & Conditions. (i) Amount : 5% of the order value in form of Demand Draft / Bank Guarantee / FDR 9. Address for Correspondence : 10. Paying Authority : The Addl. Director General (E)(WZ) All India Radio & Doordarshan, Mumbai-400 030. 11. Tender Opening Date : Th e Addl. Director General (E) (WZ) All India Radio & Doordarshan, TVP section, 9th floor, ASF Building, Worli, Doordarshan Mumbai-400030. 01.06.2015 at 15.00 hrs. 1 12. Terms of Delivery : Delivery at different Doordarshan Kendras as per Annexure-C 13. Important Instructions: a. The tenderer will be governed by the“Instructions to the Bidder” as per Annexure-A; and “Terms & Conditions” as per Annexure- B. b. Tenderers should take due care to submit tenders online in accordance with requirement as specified in clause 2 of “Instructions to Bidders” Annexure- A. c. The tenderer while submitting their bid, must adhere to the following Instructions of Central Vigilance Commission, otherwise their offer is likely to be ignored. “ One Agent / Dealer / Supplier shall not represent two Transporter or quote on their behalf in a particular tender.” NOTE : The following documents must be submitted along with the tender failing which the offer may be liable to rejection and no further correspondence will be entertained in this regard. (a) Past Performance along with the user certificate in respect of execution of similar type of work. [R. SEKAR] Dy. DIRECTOR(ENGG.) forADDL.DIRECTOR GENERAL (E)(WZ) 2 PRASAR BHARATI (India’s Public Service Broadcaster) O/o Additional Director General(E)(WZ) All India Radio & Doordarshan, 9th Floor, TV Project Section, Doordarshan Complex, P. B. Marg, Worli, Mumbai-400 030. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E-TENDER TEL : 022-24928773 No. ADG (E-WZ)/TVP-works/E-TENDERING/2015-16 Date: 11.05.2015 Sub : Inviting Tender for custom Clearance, De-stuffing & Inland transportation of 4” & 5” RF feeder cables & accessories (Estimated weight of 51,391 Kg) from Nhava Sheva Port to various Doordarshan Kendras. Sir, On behalf of the DG, Doordarshan, New Delhi, this office is inviting tenders for the works cited in the subject above. The consignment from M/s. Andrew LLC, 270 Ellis Road, Joliet, IL USA 60433 is expected to reach Nhava Sheva Port tentatively by June-July 2015. The consignment consists of 4” & 5” Diameter RF Feeder Cable drums, its accessories and being transported to Nhava Sheva Port in 5 nos. of 40 feet flat racks, 6 nos. of 20 feet flat racks and 1 no. of 40 feet Standard container. The total value of this consignment is about US $ 5, 03,877/- , as per the Invoice. The consignment after custom clearance, de-stuffing etc. is to be transported from the Nhava Port to the respective Doordarshan Kendras (Total 9 places). The loading of consignment at Port and unloading at respective Doordarshan Kendras is to be done by the Tenderer. Further details of the work to be carried out by the tenderer is as under:WORK TO BE CARRIED OUT BY TENDERER: (SCOPE OF WORK) Sl.No. Description of works 1 Custom clearance as per the bill of laden including filling of documents for clearance & transferring the consignment to the Trailer for transportation after re-arrangement of goods/handling (segregating the items from the container location wise). Please note that, the RF feeder cables are the property of Government of India and customs duty (as per actual / invoice generated) will be paid by the Department. The firm should submit original copy of filled invoice generated for this purpose. 2 Transportation of Cable Drums along with accessories from Nhava Sheva Port to the following Doordarshan locations /consignee : (i) Name & Address of Consignee:Dy. Director (Engg.) Doordarshan High Power Transmitter, Abohar Road, FAZILKA - 152123 (Distt. Ferozpur) Punjab Details of Materials:RF Feeder cables (Length – 360Mtrs) – 2 nos. on reel size : 146” x 81” x 146” each Total Weight: 7631 Kg including Clamps, Dehydrator & accessories. 3 (ii) Name & Address of Consignee:Director (Engg.) Doordarshan High Power Transmitter R.B. Prakash Chand Road, Near Police Lines, AMRITSAR - 143001 (Punjab) Details of materials:RF Feeder cables (Length-350Mtrs) - 2 nos. on Reel Size: 146” x 81” x 146” each Total Weight: 7631 Kg including Clamps & accessories. (iii) Name & Address of Consignee:Director (Engg.) Doordarshan Kendra, Opposite Police Station, Jawahar Nagar, RAJOURI - 185131 (Jammu & Kashmir) Details of materials:RF Feeder cable (Length - 85 Mtrs) -1 no. on Reel Size : 129” x 74” x 129” Total Weight: 1799 Kg. including Clamps, Dehydrator & accessories. (iv) Name & Address of Consignee:Dy. Director (E), Doordarshan, High Power Transmitter, Katanga, JABALPUR - 482002 (M.P.) Details of materials:RF Feeder cables (Length - 310 Mtrs) -2 nos. on Reel Size : 129” x 74” x 129” each Total Weight: 5340 Kg. including clamps, Dehydrator & accessories. (v) Name & Address of Consignee:Dy. Director (E)(WZ), AIR & DD, HPT Complex, Malad Godown, Marve Road, Malad (West), MUMBAI-400 095. (Maharashtra) Details of Materials:RF Feeder cable (Length:-380 Mtrs) - 1no. on Reel Size : 146” x 81” x 146” Total Weight: 7555 Kg. including Clamps & accessories. (vi) Name & Address of Consignee:Director, Doordarshan Kendra, Near MIT Collage, Paud Road, Kothrud, PUNE-411003 (Maharashtra) Details of Materials:RF Feeder cables (Length-170 Mtrs) - 2 nos. on Reel Size: 129” x 74” x 129” each Total Weight: 4203 Kg. including Clamps & accessories. (vii) Name & Address of Consignee:Director, Doordarshan, High Power Trasnsmitter, Near Sanskar Nagar Sqare , BHUJ-370001 (Gujarata) Details of materials:RF Feeder cables (Length -355 Mtrs) -2 nos. on Reel Size : 146” x 81”x 146” each Total Weight: 7554 Kg. including Clamps, Dehydrator & accessories. (viii) Name & Address of Consignee:Director, Doordarshan Kendra, West Garo Hills, Dakopgiri, TURA-794001 (Meghlaya) Details of Materials:RF Feeder cables (Length -220 Mtrs) - 2nos. on Reel Size :129” x 74” x 129” each Total Weight: 4624 Kg. including clamps, Dehydrator & accessories. (ix) Name & Address of Consignee:Dy. Director General (Engg.), Doordarshan Bhavan, 18/3,Udayshankar Sarani, Golf Green Kolkatta, KOLKATA -7000095 (West Bengal) Details of Materials:RF Feeder cables (Length:-215 Mtrs) - 2 nos. on Reel Size :129” x 74” x 129” each Total Weight 5252 Kg. including clamps, Dehydrator & accessories. 4 The tenderers are requested to submit the lowest competitive rate after carefully going through the Scope of works on or before 29.05.2015, 3.00 PM. Please note that the quotation will be opened on the 01.06.2015 at 3.00 PM. 1. The Quotations should be firm and should include and cover the charges for all the following works. Custom Clearance, Transportation, De-stuffing & Inland transportation of all the material contained in 5 nos. of 40 feet flat racks, 1 no. of 20 feet flat rack and 1 no. of 40 feet Standard Container from Nhava Sheva Port to Doordarshan Kendras Fazilka, Amritsar, Rajouri, Jabalpur, Malad (Mumbai), Pune, Bhuj, Tura and Kolkata. Loading, unloading and stacking of material including hamali to be done by transporter only. The entire work is to be planned and carried out by tenderer to avoid any demurrage charges/ penalty by the custom/port authority. If any demurrage charges/penalty imposed by the custom/port authority, it will be paid by the tenderer. However, in exceptional circumstances, if demurrage charges/penalty imposed due to unavoidable reasons, same will be considered for payment by the department. Decision of ADG (E) West Zone will be final and binding to the tenderer in this regard. a) The stores to be transported would be 4” & 5” RF feeder cables and accessories for Broadcasting, electronic goods, hardware, etc. Copy of the packing slip with cost details will be provided by this office. The approximate cost of full truck load of stores as per annexure attached. The total value of the equipment/stores to be transported will be intimated at the time of dispatch and will be as per Packing slip. b) The same truck loaded at port (the number of which is entered in the LR) should reach the destination without any transshipment. 2. Following conditions will apply: a) The stores/goods are the property of Doordarshan. b) It may however be noted that the agency / transporter will be entirely responsible for the safe custody of the packages once they are handed over to them for loading on the truck and during transit till they are delivered at destination and for any loss/damages during loading/unloading and transportation as early as possible at destination and to settle any claims with the insurance arising out of any losses /damages to the packages. The packages are to be transported at the contractor’s risk (i.e. your risk not the owner’s risk). Compensation will have to be paid by the Contractor for any damage sustained during loading/unloading or transportation, the decision of the O/o The Addl. DG(E)(WZ), All India Radio & Doordarshan, Mumbai-20 regarding assessment of a damage will be final in all such matters. The contractor will also be responsible for any loss caused to Doordarshan property at both the ends. 3. The entire work should be carried out with extreme care and expert supervision, in consultation with Doordarshan Staff/Officials at either ends. 4. The speed of the truck should not be allowed to exceed 40 KM/hr. and there should no transshipment enroute anywhere. 5. Precaution should be taken by you covering the truck to protect the equipment from rain, dust etc., during handling and transport enroute and also to avoid damage due to knocking etc. 6. After award of the contract, if the contractor denies to execute the work, he will be summarily disqualified thereafter. 7. The instruction for safe handling and the transport of equipment shall have to be followed very strictly and no claim for extra payment or compensation will be entertained on account of adherence to such instructions. 8. It may be noted that the responsibility of any accident while handling and transporting will rest solely with contractor. 5 a) Permits, passes etc. from competent authorities for running trucks along the route, if necessary will have to be arranged by the contractor. b) This office will not be held responsible for any unlawful deeds or mistakes on the part of the contractor. 9. The unloading of the trucks/trailers at the destinations will not be possible after office hours. On Saturday / Sunday and holidays prior intimation of arrival of trucks / trailers at destination should be given and it should be mutually agreed by the consignee. 10. This tender is being issued for transportation of stores, which could take place within two months from the placement of order depending on the priority. Hence the quotation should be invariably valid till such time. Normally, a week’s time / notice will be given prior to transportation of truckloads and it will be the responsibility of the transporter to adhere to the schedule and be in readiness to execute the work / transportation just on receipt of the materials at the Port. Disobeyence in this regard will disqualify the Tenderer from further award of contract, along with the cancellation of the said order and imposition of penalty thereof as per Annexure ‘B’ Terms & Conditions. 12. Since the requirement is for full truck load, there should not be any loading of materials pertaining the third parties in the truck. Failing to adhere this, strict action will be taken against the transporter. 13. The amount should be indicated in figures and words also. NOTE: 1. This office will provide the insurance cover to the goods. Hence, transporter will not be required to arrange for insurance separately. However, in case of any accident, he will be required to take further action. 2. All the pages of tender should be signed along with official seal. And should be submitted along with Commercial Bid in the format given in the Annexure ‘C’. ( R. SEKAR ) Dy. Director (E) For Addl. Director General (E) (WZ) Tel No. 022-24985617 6 ANNEXURE-A INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. PREPARATION OF TENDER: a. The scope of work or stores to be tendered are available in the complete bid documents which can be viewed/downloaded from e-tender portal b. Both Technical Bid and Financial Bid if applicable will be submitted concurrently duly digitally signed in the website c. No claim shall be entertained on account of disruptions of internet service being used by bidders. Bidders are advised to upload their bids well in advance to avoid last minute technical snags. d. All Corrigendum/Amendment/Corrections, if any, will be published on the website e. All documents/papers uploaded submitted by the bidder must be legible. f. It is mandatory for all the applicants to have Class-III Digital Signature Certificate (in the name of person who will sign the bid document) from any of the licensed certifying Agency. g. To participate in the e-tendering submission, it is mandatory for the applicants to get registered their firm/joint venture with the e-tendering portal to have user ID & Password from M/s ITI Ltd. h. Bid document contains certain conditions for Manual submission of tender and are now redundant. Document shall be deemed to have been modified to that extent. i. Page No. shall be given on each and every paper/documents serially uploaded in the technical bid. j. Bidders shall ensure to quote rate of each item. If any cell is left blank and no rate is quoted by the bidders, the rate of such item shall be treated as “0” (Zero). k. Tender fee can be deposited through Account payee Demand Draft/Pay Order of Banker’s Cheque from any Indian scheduled Commercial Bank drawn in favour of Prasar Bharati O/o Chief Engineer (WZ) AIR & DD, Mumbai. The tender documents fee is not refundable. (Tender fee, if applicable, is not exempted to NSIC registered firms) l. The Earnest Money shall be in the form of FDR/Bank draft/Bank Guarantee from an Indian scheduled Commercial Bank in favour of Chief Engineer (WZ) AIR & DD, Mumbai. However, exemption will be given to the firms registered with NSIC. m. Tender Fee/Fee receipt and EMD deposit’ shall be placed in a single sealed envelope superscribed with tender reference no and date of opening so as to reach The Addl. Director General(E)(WZ), All India Radio & Doordarhsan, TV Project Section, 9th floor, ASF Building, Doordarshan, Worli, Mumbai-30 before the scheduled time on the prescribed tender opening date. EMD received late shall be summarily rejected. Hard copy of any other tender document shall not be accepted. n. Bidders are advised in their own interest to ensure that all the points brought out in the tender are complied within their offer, failing which, the offer is liable to be rejected. o. The tender papers filled-in and completed in all respects shall be submitted together with requisite information and Annexures. It shall be complete and free from ambiguity, change or interlineations. 7 p. The tender submitted by bidders and any annotations or accompanying documentation submitted along with the tender, shall be in English/Hindi language. q. Bidders should indicate at the time of quoting against this tender their full postal/ fax / E-mail addresses. r. Bidders shall clearly indicate their legal constitution and the person signing the tender shall state his capacity and source of his ability to bind the bidder. s. The Power of Attorney or authorization, or any other document consisting of adequate proof of the ability of the signatory to bind the bidder, shall be annexed to the tender. This organization may reject outright any tender unsupported by the adequate proof of the signatory’s authority. t. The purchaser may, at his discretion extend the deadline for the submission of the bids by amending the bid document , in which case all rights and obligations of the purchaser and bidders previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended. 2. Submission OF TENDER i. The tender will be on the basis of "Single Bid System” and offers are to be submitted through e-tender. ii. The “Bid” will contain all details including the list of material to be transported including loading ,unloading & custome clearance . EMD will be sent to ADG(E)(WZ),AIR & DD, Mumbai by post in a cover super- scripted with tender number, item description and due date. iii The bid will a l s o contain the price schedule and contain all the commercial details of the bid. Bid will be submitted duly digitally signed. iv. The right to ignore any offer, which, fails to comply with the above instructions is reserved. v. Your offer shall be submitted online upto 15:00 hrs on the notified date of closing of the tender. vi. Any change in quotation after opening of tender will not be considered. vii. MANUAL/TELEFAX/E-MAIL offers, received directly by this organisation, will not be considered. LIST OF DOCUMENTS (to be scanned and uploaded with the tender) 1. Copy of EMD. 2. Copy of Demand Draft/Pay Order of any Scheduled Bank or fee receipt towards tender fee. 3. Tender Document complete along with all Annexures. 4. Past Performance along with the user certificate in respect of similar works. 5. Registration of the firm with NSIC for exemption of EMD. The bids not complied with the above shall be summarily rejected. 8 ANNEXURE ‘B’ Terms & Conditions Works to be carried out at: Nahav Sheva Port and nine Doordarshan Kendras ( Fazilka, Amritsar, Rajouri, Jabalpur, Mumbai, Pune, Bhuj, Tura, Kolkata). 1. The quotation should specifically mention works to be carried out, completion date, terms and condition of works. The prices given should be firm and as under. (a) The prices quoted shall remain fixed during the entire period of supply/contract and shall not be subject to variation on any account. A bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation is likely to be treated as non-responsive and rejected. (b) The ‘Unit’ Price should be for the Unit as indicated in the tender enquiry. (c) Prices quoted should be for F.O.R. Station of destination in India and Inclusive of charges as packing customs, etc., wherever applicable. (d) The quotation should specifically mention rates for specified works & Taxes separately. 2. In case of Quotation of F.O.R Station of dispatch basis, the purchaser will not pay separately transit insurance and the supplier will be responsible until the stores arrive in good condition at the destination. Tender/quotation in which transit insurance has been specified as an additional item of expenditure is liable to be ignored. 3. The tender shall consists of namely: (a) EMD: Earnest Money amounting to Rs.40,000/- [Rupees forty thousand Only] in the form of Demand Draft on Nationalized Bank / Commercial Bank drawn in favour of Prasar Bharati, CE(WZ), AIR & DD, Mumbai should accompany the tender. Tenders without EMD shall be summarily rejected and their bid will not be opened at the time of tender opening and shall be rejected as non-responsive at the bid opening stage and returned to the bidder unopened [EMD exemption is applicable for those who are registered with the Central Purchase Organization, National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) or the Concerned Ministry or Department [ MIB / DG:AIR / DG:DD]. Tenderer should quote for all the required items. Partial tenders will be rejected. (b) SECURITY DEPOSIT: the successful Tenderer shall furnish the Security Deposit within 2 weeks after placement of order at the rate of 5% of the Order Value, failing which the EMD will be forfeited automatically, to Prasar Bharati, without any notice. The security deposit shall be furnished in the form of Demand Draft / Bank Guarantee drawn in favour of Prasar Bharat, CE(WZ), AIR & DD, Mumbai. The Security Deposit will be returned in full on completion of successful Guarantee/Warranty Period. 4. TAXES: a. As per Govt. of India’s circular regarding payment of Service Tax following Reverse Charge Mechanism, Service Tax No. is mandatory to be quoted in Quotation/Tenders/Bills/Invoices. Without which Tender is liable for rejection. The amount Service Taxes should be shown separately in their quotation/ invoices. b. Payment o f E n t r y T a x / O c t r o i D u t y and Toll T ax (on ultimate products). As the material, which is to be transported to the consignee, belongs to the Government of India / Prasar Bharati and therefore is exempted from Entry T ax / O ctroi D uty / T oll T ax. However, if the State Governments / Statutory Local Bodies are bound to levy such taxes, the taxes will be paid by supplier / contractor. Supplier / Contractor may raise its claim, for reimbursement of such duties / taxes paid, with Organisation, along with original receipt of the payment. c. Sales Tax / Service Tax leviable and intended to be claimed from the purchaser should be distinctly shown along with prices quoted. Where this is not done no claim for Sales Tax / Service Tax will be admitted at any later stage and on any ground whatsoever. * Please note that this Office will not issue any Form such as ‘C’, ‘D’ etc. 9 5. Printed terms and conditions of tendering firms will not be considered as forming parts of their tender. 6. The contractor shall make his own arrangement for storage of all equipment and Materials bought to site from time to time and their safe custody at site till they are taken over by the indenter/his representative. The contractor shall make his own arrangement for providing accommodation for his workmen at site. 7. The contractor shall make his/her own arrangements for procuring necessary labour, skilled and unskilled. He should confirm to all local government laws and regulations covering labour and their employment. 8. The contractor and his employees shall comply with the regulation in force for controlled entry into premises where work is being carried out. 9. Contractor liability for damage caused during installation work and imperfections noticed: If the contractor or his/her workmen or servants shall break, deface, injure or destroy any part of the building in which they may be working or building road kerb, fence, enclosure, water pipe, cable, drain, electric or telephone posts or wires, trees, grass or grasslands or any Technical Equipment in the premises on which the work or any part of it as being executed, or if any defect, shrinkage or other faults appear in the work the contractor shall make good at his/her own expense, or in default, the indenter may get the same rectified and deduct the expense from any amount that may be than due or at any time thereafter may become due to the contractor. 10. The contractor shall take insurance for his men while working at DD, site, against any injury, accidents death etc. Similarly the equipment, instruments, tools etc. Belonging to the constrictor shall be insured against damage, loss, theft etc. 11. While engaging labour for carrying out obligations under the contract, the contractor shall satisfy the conditions laid down under contract labour (Regulation and Audition Act 1970 and (Central)Rules 1971 as amended from time to time and Observe all formalities required as per said Act/Rules. The contractor shall also observe the provision under minimum wages Act 1948 (Central)Rules 1950 amended from time to time while engaging labour. 12. The contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the purchaser against all claims in respect of injury to any person howsoever arising out of the work in the course of such installation. The contractor shall discharge his entire obligation under the Indian Workmen Compensation Act in as for as it affects workmen in his Employment. 13. GUARANTEE / WARRANTY PERIOD: The Works shall be guaranteed against any defects till it is completed from the date of loading of material. 14. COMPLETION PERIOD: The entire works at Doordarshan site shall be completed within Two Months from the date of placement of order. The Contract will be treated as terminated automatically unless otherwise extended in writing. 15. TERMS OF PAYMENT: 100% payment will be released on satisfactory completion of entire works as specified and Handing over. A contractor/supplier/firm should submit all Bank details alongwith bill for online payment such as : i) Name of Bank, ii) Branch, iii) Account No., iv) IFC code & v) MICR No. (if possible, a cancelled cheque leaf enclose with the bill). No advance / part payment is admissible. Copy of the L.R. duly certified by the consignee must be enclosed with bill. 16. The quotation should be uploaded to the undersigned, by name, on or before 29.05.2015 03.00 P.M. below mentioned address: PRASAR BHARATI (India’s Public Service Broadcaster), O/O ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR GENERAL (E) [WZ], ALL INDIA RADIO AND DOORDARSHAN, 9TH FLOOR, TV PROJECT SECTION, DOORDARSHAN KENDRA, P. B. MARG, WORLI, MUMBAI-400 030. 19. QUOTATIONS NOT PROPERLY SUPERSCRIBED WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. 10 20. The quotations submitted shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 180 (One Hundred Eighty) days from the date of opening of the Tender. If any Tenderer/ Suppliers withdraws his Tender/Quotation before the said period or makes any modifications in the Terms & Conditions on the Tender/Quotation which are not acceptable to the Department, then the Government shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at the liberty to forfeit 50% of the Earnest Money as aforesaid. 21. Both your PAN - Permanent Income Tax Account Number and Income Tax Circle & your TIN - Tax Identification Number and the Tax circle should be definitely indicated in your quotation in addition to Service Tax Number. 22. RIGHT OF ACCEPTANCE: The undersigned reserves the right to reject the lowest tender or all the tenders without assigning any reasons whatsoever. Further, the undersigned reserves himself the right to increase or decrease upto 50% of the quantity of goods and services specified in the schedule of the requirement without any change in the unit price of the order quantities or other term conditions at the time of award of contract. All Quotations/Tenders in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or are incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected. The competent authority on behalf of Prasar Bharati reserve himself the right of accepting the whole or any part of the Tender shall be bound to perform the same at the rate quoted. 23. Canvassing whether directly or indirectly, in connection with Tender/quotation is strictly prohibited and the Tender/quotation submitted by the Contractors / suppliers who resort to canvassing will be liable to rejection. 24. LANGUAGE / UNITS: All information supplied by the Tenderer & all markings, notes, designation on the drawings & associated write-ups shall be in “English/Hindi language" only. All dimensions, units on drawings, all references to weights, measures & quantities shall be in MKS. 25. In case this is second enquiry, your Quotation in response to the first enquiry should be presumed to be valid up to 180 days from the last date mentioned in para 11 above unless we hear from you. 26. Eligibility Criteria: The tenderer should attach documentary proof (min. 1 certificate) for having successfully completed similar type of work. The tenders without qualification criteria will be rejected on date of opening without further intimation. 27. FAILURE AND TERMINATION CLAUSE Time and date of delivery shall be essence of the contract. If the Contractor / Supplier fails to deliver the stores / execute SITC / SETC, or any installment thereof within the period fixed for such delivery in the schedule or at any time repudiates the contract before the expiry of such periods, the purchaser may without prejudice to any other right or remedy, available to him to recover demurrages for breach of the contract:(a) Recover from the Supplier/Contractor as agreed, liquidated demurrages including Administrative expenses and not by way of penalty, a sum equivalent to 0.5% per week up to maximum limit of 10% of the contract value for such delay or part thereof (this is an agreed, genuine pre-estimate of demurrages duly agreed by the parties) which the supplier/contractor has failed to deliver thereof is accepted after expiry of the aforesaid period, provided that the total demurrages so claimed shall not exceed 10% of the contract price of the stores / SITC / SETC. After full period of extension (Maximum 3 months after the normal delivery period), the contract will be automatically treated as terminated, unless otherwise extended in writing and the Security deposit will be forfeited. (b) Purchase or authorize the purchase elsewhere on the account and at the risk of the contractor/supplier, of the stores not so delivered / SITC / SETC not carried out or other of a similar description (where stores exactly complying with the particulars are not in the opinion of the purchaser, which shall be final, readily procurable) by serving prior notice to the contractor/supplier without cancelling the contract in respect of the installment not yet due for delivery or, (c) Cancel the contract or a portion thereof by serving prior notice to the Contractor/Supplier and if so desired purchase or authorize the purchase of the stores not so delivered / SITC / SETC not carried out, or others of a similar description (where stores not delivered / SITC / SETC not carried out, exactly complying with particulars are not in the opinion of the purchaser, which shall be final readily procurable) at the risk and cost of the Contractor/Supplier. If the Contractor/Supplier had defaulted in the performance of the original contract, the purchaser shall have the right to ignore his tender for risk purchase even though the lowest, where the contract is terminated at the risk and cost of the firm under the provisions of this clause, it shall be in the discretion of the purchaser to exercise his discretion to collect or not, the Security deposit from the firm on whom the contract is placed, at the risk and expense of the defaulted firm. 11 (d) Where action is taken under sub-clause (b) or sub-clause (c) above, the contractor shall be liable for any loss which the purchaser may sustain on that account, provided the purchase or if there is an agreement, to purchase, such agreement is made in case of failure to deliver the S tores/Services, within 6 months from the date of such failure and in case of repudiation of contract the Contractor/Supplier shall not be entitled to any gain on such the entire discretion of the purchaser to serve a notice of such purchase on the Contractor/Supplier. (e) It may further be noted that clause (a) above provides for recovery of liquidated demurrages on the cost of contract price of delayed supplies (whole unit) at the rate of 0.5% per week up to maximum limit of 10% of the contract value for such delay or part thereof. Liquidated demurrages for delay in supplies thus accrued will be recovered by the paying authority on instruction as specified in the supply order, from the bill for payment of the cost of materials / works submitted by the supplier / contractor in accordance with terms of supply order on instruction from Purchaser regarding liquidated demurrages amount. (f) 28. Notwithstanding anything stated above, equipment and materials will be deemed to have been delivered / SITC / SETC will be deemed to have been carried out only when all its components, parts are also delivered. If certain components of stores are not delivered in time / SITC / SETC not carried out in time, the stores / SITC / SETC will be considered as delayed until such time all the missing parts are also delivered. ARBITRATION OF CONTRACTUAL DISPUTES: If a dispute arises out of or in connection with the contract, or in respect of any defined legal relationship associated therewith or derived there from, the parties agree to submit that dispute to arbitration under ICADR Arbitration Rules, 1996.The Authority to appoint the arbitrator(s) shall be the International Centre for Alternative dispute resolution. The International Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution will provide administrative services in accordance with the ICADR Arbitration Rules, 1996. a) The number of arbitrator(s) shall be one who has legal as well as Technical Background. b) The place of arbitration proceedings shall be Mumbai only. 29. FORCE MAJEURE: a. If any time during the continuance of the contract the performance in while or in part by the contractor shall be prevented or delayed by reason of any war, hostility acts of the public enemy. Civil commotion, sabotage, fires, floods, explosions, epidemics, Quarantine restrictions, strikes, lockouts or acts of God (therein after restrictions refer to as events and provided notice of happenings of any such eventuality is given by the contractor within 21 days from the date of occurrence thereof, the purchaser shall by reason of such event, neither be entitled to cancel this order not shall have any claim for damages against the contractor in respect of such non-performance or delay in performance and delivery shall be resumed as soon as practicable after such events have come to an end or ceased to exist. b. Provided further that if the performance in whole or part or any obligation under this order is prevented or delayed by reasons of any such event for a period exceeding 180 days, the purchaser and the contractor shall meet to find a neutral agreement to any effect resulting the reform or the purchaser may at his option cancel order provided also if the order is cancelled under this clause, the purchaser shall be at liberty to take over from the contractor at order prices all unused, un-damaged and acceptable material bought out components and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the supplier at the time of such cancellation or such portion thereof as the purchaser may deem fit accepting such material, bought out components and stores as the supplier may with the concurrence of the purchaser elect to retain. 30. GENERAL:- All the pages of the tender document should be duly signed, stamped and serially numbered on submission, failing which the tender may not be considered as qualified tender. 31. Tenderer are requested to enclose the Check List duly filled in as per Pro-forma attached Annexure-D. Incomplete Check List or non-compliance may result in rejection of the tender. Web Site: ( R. SEKAR ) DY DIRECTOR(E) for ADG (E-WZ) Tele: 022 -24985617 e-mail:[email protected] 12 ANNEXURE-C COMMERCIAL BID Sl. No. Description of works 1 Custom clearance as per the bill of laden including filling of documents for clearance & transferring the consignment to the Trailer for transportation after rearrangement of goods/handling (segregating the items from the container location wise). Please note that, the RF Cables & accessories are the property of Government of India and customs duty (as per actual/invoice generated) will be paid by the Department. 2 Transportation of cable drums & accessories from Nhava Sheva Port to the following locations: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Name & Address of Consignee:Dy. Director (Engg.) Doordarshan High Power Transmitter, Abohar Road, FAZILKA - 152123 (Distt. Ferozpur) Punjab Details of Materials:RF Feeder cables (Length – 360Mtrs) – 2 nos. on reel Size : 146” x 81” x 146” each Total Weight: 7631 Kg including Clamps, Dehydrator & accessories. Name & Address of Consignee:Director (Engg.) Doordarshan High Power Transmitter R.B. Prakash Chand Road, Near Police Lines, AMRITSAR - 143001 (Punjab) Details of materials:RF Feeder cables (Length-350Mtrs) - 2 nos. on Reel Size: 146” x 81” x 146” each Total Weight: 7631 Kg including Clamps & accessories. Name & Address of Consignee:Director (Engg.) Doordarshan Kendra, Opposite Police Station, Jawahar Nagar, RAJOURI - 185131 (Jammu & Kashmir) Details of materials:RF Feeder cable (Length - 85 Mtrs) -1 no. on Reel Size : 129” x 74” x 129” Total Weight: 1799 Kg. including Clamps, Dehydrator & accessories. Name & Address of Consignee:Dy. Director (E), Doordarshan, High Power Transmitter, Katanga, JABALPUR - 482002 (M.P.) Details of materials:RF Feeder cables (Length - 310 Mtrs) -2 nos. on Reel Size : 129” x 74” x 129” each Total Weight: 5340 Kg. including clamps, Dehydrator & accessories. Name & Address of Consignee:Dy. Director (E)(WZ), AIR & DD, HPT Complex, Malad Godown, Marve Road, Malad (West), MUMBAI-400 095. (Maharashtra) Details of Materials:RF Feeder cable (Length:-380 Mtrs) - 1no. on Reel Size : 146” x 81” x 146” Total Weight: 7555 Kg. including Clamps & accessories. Name & Address of Consignee:Director, Doordarshan Kendra, Near MIT Collage, Paud Road, Kothrud, PUNE-411003 (Maharashtra) Details of Materials:RF Feeder cables (Length-170 Mtrs) - 2 nos. on Reel Size: 129” x 74” x 129” each Total Weight: 4203 Kg. including Clamps & accessories. 13 Qty./ Unit 1 Job 1 Job 1 Job 1 Job 1 Job 1 Job 1 Job Unit Rate Amount (vii) (viii) (ix) 3 Name & Address of Consignee:Director, Doordarshan, High Power Transmitter, Near Sanskar Nagar Sqare , BHUJ-370001 (Gujarat) Details of materials:RF Feeder cables (Length -355 Mtrs) -2 nos. on Reel Size : 146” x 81”x 146” each Total Weight: 7554 Kg. including Clamps, Dehydrator & accessories. Name & Address of Consignee:Director, Doordarshan Kendra, West Garo Hills, Dakopgiri, TURA-794001 (Meghlaya) Details of Materials:RF Feeder cables (Length -220 Mtrs) - 2nos. on Reel Size :129” x 74” x 129” each Total Weight: 4624 Kg. including clamps, Dehydrator & accessories. Name & Address of Consignee:Dy. Director General (Engg.), Doordarshan Bhavan, 18/3,Udayshankar Sarani, Golf Green Kolkatta, KOLKATA -7000095 (West Bengal) Details of Materials:RF Feeder cables (Length:-215 Mtrs) - 2 nos. on Reel Size :129” x 74” x 129” each Total Weight 5252 Kg. including clamps, Dehydrator & accessories. 1 Job 1 Job 1 Job Other charges, if any, specify to above works, may be quoted separately. Total Add : Service Tax Grand Total 1. The THC, B/L Fees, Delivery Order (DO) Fees and other local charges will be paid by Doordarshan. 2. The Custom Clearance etc. to be completed at the port in case the containers are moved to the CFS for Custom Clearance purpose, the CFS charges as per respective CFS will be paid by Doordarshan. 14 ANNEXURE-D CHECKLIST FOR ELIGIBILITY OF Sl. No. Checklist Point Compliance by Tenderer Yes/No 1. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Demand Draft 2. Copy of PAN Card. 3. Copy of TIN Card and VAT or C.S.T. amount to be mentioned in quotation. 4. Copy of Service Tax Registration No. & Service Tax amount to be mentioned separately in quotations. (if firm’s turnover is not more than Rs.10 Lakhs annually then Service Tax No. is not required. In this case the firms must submit the undertaking that firm’s turnover is not more than Rs.10 Lakhs along with the SARAL ITR-5 of last 3 years) 5 Eligibility Criteria, documentary proof of having completed similar type of work /supply. 6 All the pages of Tender submitted signed, stamped & serially numbered TENDER Supporting Documentary Evidence Yes/No Remark Note: - Service Tax Amount @12.36% or applicable on Service charged amount viz. On work and insurance Tax etc. And VAT/CST Amount should be shown separately in the quotations. If it is not complied, quotations must be rejected with above reasons. If firm’s turn out is less than Rs.10 Lakh annually, then in comparative statement proportionate amount of Service Tax, as per the Rules should be added. As Service Recipient is liable to pay the Service Tax due to partial Reverse charge Mechanism of Service Tax. Octroi Duty should not be included in the quotations or comparative statement. It should be paid on production of original receipt only. Signature of Tenderer with Seal 15 PRASAR BHARATI (India’s Public Service Broadcaster) O/o ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR GENERAL[E] WZ ALL INDIA RADIO & DOORDARSHAN DOORDARSHAN KENDRA COMPLEX 9TH FLOOR, P.B. MARG, WORLI MUMBAI-400 030. PRESS TENDER NOTICE On behalf of Director General ,Doordarshan New Delhi , this office invites e-tender for the works cited below from reputed contractors/transporters who fulfill the qualification criteria as per Tender . The e-tender documents will be available on website “ .w.e.f 12.05.2015. The tender document can also be viewed on “” and “” SHORT DESCRIPTION 1 NAME OF WORK 2 ESTIMATED COST 3 4 Inviting Tender for custom clearance ,De-stuffing & Inland Transportation of 4” & 5” RF feeder cable Drums & accessories (Estimated weight of 51,391 Kg) from Nhava Sheva Port to different Doordarshan Kendras Rs. 20,00,000/- EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT COST OF TENDER 4 LAST DATE OF UPLOADING OF TENDER 5 DATE OF Rs. 40,000/Rs.1000/29.05.2015 at 15.00Hrs 01.06.2015 at 15.00Hrs OPENING OF TENDER 7 CONTACT TEL.NO 022-24928773 ,022-24985617 16
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