SAINTS ALIVE! The Parish Magazine of All Saints’ Church, North Hillingdon Consecrated on 16 July 1933 by The Right Reverend Bertram Fitzgerald Simpson, Bishop of Kensington. JUNE 2015 Peter-tide edition 55p (suggested minimum donation) Simply proclaim the Lord Christ holy in your hearts, and always have your answer ready for people who ask you the reason for the hope that you have. 1 Peter 3:15 THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND Diocese of London & Deanery of Hillingdon THE PARISH OF ALL SAINTS, NORTH HILLINGDON THE PARISH MISSION STATEMENT All Saints’ Church aims to be a welcoming Anglican community, a place of prayer and worship, providing a ministry to all, and where people gather to share the love of Jesus Christ. SUNDAYS • Said Eucharist • SUNG PARISH EUCHARIST WITH SUNDAY SCHOOL followed by refreshments in the Church Hall next door, at which all are very welcome. • On the 3rd Sunday of each month: Sung Parish Eucharist in a less formal style: • On the 1st Sunday of each month: Evening Service; normally Choral Evensong (BCP) 8.00 am 10.00 am 10.00 am 6.00 pm HOLYDAYS & WEEKDAYS The Parish Eucharist on Holydays & Feastdays On weekdays Wednesday Thursday Saturday (Vigil Eucharist of Sunday) 7.30 pm 10.00 am 6.45 pm 6.00 pm Please see the Parish Website or the weekly Parish Bulletin on the church porch notice-board for full details (or notes of any occasional changes) or telephone the Vicarage (01895 239457). Enquiries concerning Baptisms, Banns, and Marriages can normally be made during Vestry Hour in church on Saturday mornings between 9.30 and 10.30. Parish Website: Facebook: Twitter: @ASHillingdon 2 SAINTS ALIVE! is the Parish Magazine of All Saints’ Church, North Hillingdon UB10 9BT and is published eleven times annually, with a two-month month edition over the summer. summer . The members of this month’s production team are John & Carol Clarke, Loralene Bain (the Area Dean’s Administrative Assistant) and Father Desmond Banister. More items are needed for the summer edition,, please. please Copy for the July/August ly/August 2015 issue needs to reach John Clarke no later than Friday, Fri 19 June: [email protected] [email protected]. Please don’t forget to mention SAINTS ALIVE! when you contact those who have advertised in this month’s edition. FOR DECORATING... Wall Wall-papering a speciality. Competitive rates. Small garden maintenance. Telephone R Badhams on (01895) 233487. Special rates for Senior Citizens. This space could be working for your business, especially as the Magazine also appears on our Parish Website! For the current advertising rates please contact the Magazine Editor: (01895) 239457 or [email protected] We are most grateful to our advertisers for their tangible support of our Parish Magazine. 3 FATHER DESMOND’S MISCELLANY THIS MONTH PETERTIDE The month of June seems to have quite a number of saints’ days, both ancient and modern, including our own S Alban, the first martyr in these islands, and S Boniface (pictured here), who hailed from the West Country, took the message of Jesus Christ to the Frisians (living just across the North Sea) and was murdered on 5 June AD754 in North Holland. We also keep the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ (Corpus Christi). These days, this celebration tends to be transferred to the nearest Sunday and so it will be at All Saints’ this year. So on 7 June, we shall celebrate and give thanks to God for the institution of the Holy Eucharist by Jesus himself at the Last Supper. Given the circumstances of Jesus’ death on the day following the Last Supper, such a celebration is hardly fitting during Holy Week and Easter itself, so it is delayed until after the Easter season is over. Towards the end of June, we celebrate the Birthday of S John the Baptist, cousin of Jesus and his forerunner. Normally, Christian saints are remembered on the day they went to heaven, but S John the Baptist played such an important part in the history of man’s salvation, that we celebrate his Birthday too. We shall remember his death at the end of August. Almost at the very end of June, we shall anticipate another Solemnity, namely Ss Peter & Paul, hence the name of this season: Petertide. Studying the Gospels makes us aware of how very human the followers of Jesus were and how difficult it was for them to realise, really, that Jesus was God’s Son. Peter, who claimed to be ready to die for Jesus, curses and says before the crucifixion that he never knew the man. In many ways, he seems to have been the least dependable of the apostles, yet from the Gospel accounts we learn that Jesus makes him the rock on which he builds his Church. From the earliest Christian times, Peter and Paul were remembered together in Rome, the place of their martyrdom, as they are still to-day. It was only over time that Rome became identified so much with Peter. As we remember and give thanks for Peter & Paul, these two pillars of the Church, it is good to reflect on what the Church should mean to us. Her purpose – the structures, the sacraments, the bishops and so on – is to provide the place, the space, the time and the opportunity for us, her members, to become more united with Jesus Christ, her head, to enable the Kingdom of God to be visible and audible on earth, to allow God’s presence and love to be evident in our daily lives and to ensure that God’s word is preached and heard. The Church is not the Kingdom of God, the situation where God is the centre 4 and guide of every life, but she exists to point us in that direction. All of us, potentially at least, play a part in maintaining the proper function of the Church by keeping our eyes and our hearts on her real purpose, namely to enable us to become more like Jesus Christ as we journey through this world. Petertide is also the season when the Church makes new deacons and ordains new priests. Wee pray for all those being made deacon or being ordained priest in churches and cathedrals up and down this country in the coming weeks, but especially for those soon-to--be be deacons and priests in this Diocese of London. PARISH PASTORAL ASSISTANT Our new Parish Pastoral Assistant, Mrs Julie Rochelle, a long-standing long parishioner and former PCC Secretary, has now reached the end of the first part of her training and has received Bishop Pete’s formal permission to help me in the parish as Pastoral Assistant. Assistant This will begin shortly, as Julie assists with visiting, Home & Hospital Communions and with visiting the bereaved. This additional support will enable more pastoral work to be done across the parish and we welcome her in this new and important rôle. THE SUMMER FÊTE... ...takes takes place on Saturday, 4 July. It is not too early to begin thinking about how you might contribute to this annual parish event. Might you be able to bake a cake (or two; large or small) or grow some plants for sale on the day ? Do you have any saleable toys which you might donate to our Children’s Table (which which will be a new venture this year) year ? Above all, please make a note in your diary now and come along on the day with your family, your friends and your neighbours (and your money). money). FINALLY... The Magazine is a bit thin this time in terms of articles. We need some more items for the next edition. Could you write a review or account of a journey or visit you have made for f possible inclusion in the summer edition ? With all good wishes for June. Father Desmond 6 OUR ‘THIRD’ SUNDAYS IN 2015 : As Sunday School happens during the school terms only, it may sometimes happen on a ‘Third’ Sunday; please check the termly Sunday School schedule on the Parish Website); we hope very much that the Sunday School children, their parents and members of the Sunday School team will come along at 10 o’clock when there is no Sunday School. Date: Sunday: 21 June 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time & Fathers’ Day 19 July 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time No ‘Third’ Sunday in August 20 September 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time & Harvest Thanksgiving 18 October 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 15 November 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 13 December Advent III OAK FARM LIBRARY, LONG LANE, NORTH HILLINGDON UB10 9BP (01895) 556242 Opening Hours: 0900 to 1600 Monday to Saturday (Sometimes these hours are extended.) extended Regular activities include the Monthly Reading Group, Computer Taster Sessions and the Friday Coffee Mornings (1100-1200). (1100 Please telephone to find out more. MEMBERS OF THE ALL SAINTS’ AFTER EIGHT CLUB are travelling to Hythe in Kent on Saturday, Saturday 27 June 2015. Hythe is a small town on the Channel Coast and an a ancient Cinque Port. Full details of the departure time and the total cost will appear in Saints Alive! as soon as we can confirm them. If you are interested in joining us, please advise the Secretary, Margaret Brown, Brown by telephone: (01895) 231537). We need to have definite numbers as early as possible to confirm the size of coach we shall need. need We would also like payment as soon as possible and at least a week before our departure. THOUGHT FOR JUNE "We can observe the Fourth Commandment by loving visits to our aging grand-parents." A Pope Francis ‘Tweet’ 7 MEMBERS OF THE ALL SAINTS’ AFTER EIGHT CLUB are organising another outing. This one is on Monday, Monday 10 August 2015 and they are going to visit Marlborough in Wiltshire. Marlborough is a lovely place with quaint shops & eating places to rest your legs after after a look round in what is a wonderful High Street. After that, we shall leave for Kintbury, Kintbury where we have booked a trip on a horse-drawn horse barge down the Kennet & Avon Canal. The cost is £25, inclusive of canal trip,, which costs £9. We leave from the Dentist in Long Lane opposite All Saints’ Church at 9 am sharp. All are welcome. Please lease advise if you wish to join us as soon as possible by telephoning the Secretary, Margaret Brown: (01895) 231537 or contact her through any member of the After Eight Club. 8 DONATION PLEA We urgently need more donations of good quality toys for this year's Summer Fête. This stall has the potential to raise a good amount of money and yet we have struggled to create a good display in the past few years. Last year I trialled selling some brand new toys and football merchandise, but seemingly this wasn't what people attending the Fête wanted. If your house is due to have a declutter of old toys in good repair and good quality teddies, please consider doing it in time for our Fête. Any donations can be brought to church on Sunday or passed to Father Desmond. I'll try to ensure that they all get good homes! Thank you. Anne Robinson TO BE OR NOT TO BE: NATIONAL SERVICE We were famously urged to re-introduce National Service last month and, as with such banner headlines, comes lots of anecdotal evidence, hindsight, rose-tinted specs and dwindling actual memories involved. The world is so very different now, but what hasn’t changed are the numbers. Since the 1960’s around 500,000 people reach the old 18 years of age qualification every year, so, with a two-year period of service, a million people would need to be available. This would include both young men and women, for in to-day’s world we can hardly “select out” only young men. Our current numbers in uniform are around 150,000, so you can see the problem. Where would we send, keep or place another 1,000,000 ? Next to nobody in the world wants or is suitable to absorb a larger British fighting force. The Army said years ago that they had no wish to fill the rôle of social corrector or educator and the logistics are insurmountable. Back when I was a young man, every boy knew he was in for two years’ “call-up” and, as it had been going on for twenty-five years, it was pointless fearing it or trying to avoid it. It was authorised total conscription. No mother to-day would welcome its return any more than mining-village mothers would welcome their sons’ toiling at the coal-face. So such a return is impractical and too gut-wrenching for families. However, those of us who did complete our time, seemed to benefit from it and even enjoy most of it. The strange thing is that if we could have been released early from our time, most would have 9 gladly caught the first train home. Having said that, people like me had a fulfilling time for two years; I was abroad, spent time living in the Arctic Circle, north of Finland. I remember the winter arctic starlit sky at night with distant mountain peaks being tear-jerkingly beautiful; you could not buy it; skiing for months each year in three countries and spending summers competing in rifle-shooting competitions. Easy promotion gave for early responsibility and authority. I can’t speak for the corps and any attached servicemen, but the county regimental system in the Army was totally family and close. The care and concern they exercised was, on reflection, comforting, as they usually stepped in between the foreign civil power and us with persuasive understanding, should any friction occur. Countless kindnesses were commonplace. It’s like seeking a return to a better, more stable and ordered past; I’m afraid that is where it always is: in the past. Brian Rockell THE ALL SAINTS’ AFTER 8 CLUB PROGRAMME : MID 2015 Our meetings usually take place at 8 pm on Thursdays in the Small Hall at All Saints’. New members are always welcome. 14 May 28 May 11 June 25 June 9 July 23 July Ann Morisy: Age on the Agenda Becky Haggar: Fun Account of life with a tumour mixed with work as a Borough Councillor Fiona Castle: Visit to Burma and other places Mr T Smith: Bee Keeping Past Mayor & Mayor: Councillor Allan Kauffman: Our Mayoral Year Farewell Meal Please telephone the Secretary, Margaret Brown, for any further information: (01895) 231537. RAF NORTHOLT 100 Year Anniversary Open Day SATURDAY, 13 JUNE 2015 th Tickets now available from: or telephone: 0208 842 6066; no tickets for sale on the day. 10 ALL SAINTS’ SOCIAL CALENDAR : 2015 FURTHER INFORMATION FROM THE CONTACTS BELOW. Saturday, 20 June Saturday, 20 June Saturday, 4 July Saturday, 21 November 12 noon to 2.30 pm: Table-Top Table Sale. Set up in the Hall from 11.15 am. Contact: Daniel Kornish: 07776 197 390 7.30 pm for 7.45 pm: Quiz Night (in the Hall) Contact: Carol Clarke: (01895) 812374 12 noon to 3 pm: Summer Fête F 12 noon to 3 pm: Christmas Bazaar • Please delete your earlier copies of this list. Further dates will be published in due course. • You can now book a table at our Table-Top Sales through the Parish Website. • Offers of help or suggestions to Carol Clarke, please: (01895) 812374. 11 THE PARISH OF ALL SAINTS, NORTH HILLINGDON SUNDAYS, SOLEMNITIES, FEAST DAYS & COMMEMORATIONS IN EARLY SUMMER 2015 Date: Sunday: Solemnity/Feast Remarks, if any: Day: JUNE 7 The Body & Blood 6 pm: Choral of Christ (Corpus Evensong Christi) (transferred) th 14 11 Sunday in O/T Saturday, 20 S Alban, first Martyr of Britain, +cAD209 th 21 12 Sunday in O/T ‘Third’; Sunday & Fathers’ Day Wednesday, The Nativity of S 10 am: Said 24 John the Baptist Eucharist 28 Ss Peter & Paul, Apostles, +AD64 & AD67 (anticipated) JULY Friday, 3 S Thomas, Apostle, +AD72 th 5 14 Sunday in O/T 6 pm: Choral Evensong Saturday, 11 S Benedict, CoPatron of Europe, +AD543 th 12 15 Sunday in O/T Sea Sunday 19 The Dedication of ‘Third’ Sunday All Saints’ Saturday, 25 S James, Apostle, +AD44 th 26 17 Sunday in O/T ADVANCE NOTICE IN AUGUST th 2 18 Sunday in O/T 8 am is BCP Rite. No Choral Evensong to-day. 12 13 14 15 16 17 ADDITIONAL/WEEKDAY SERVICES & EVENTS AT ALL SAINTS’, IN JUNE & EARLY JULY 2015 (The Eucharist will be celebrated unless otherwise shown.) JUNE (The week-day celebrations of the Eucharist return this month to the North Chapel.) Wednesday, 3 1000 S Charles Lwanga & Companions, Martyrs of Uganda, +1885-1887 Celebrant: Father Michael Bedford from S Mary’s, South Ruislip Thursday, 4 1845 Feria in Ordinary Time Vestry Hour; later to-day than the usual time Saturday, 6 1100-1200 Baptism of Arthur Bernard Paul Stacey 1330 1800 Vigil Eucharist of the Sunday Sunday, 7 1800 Choral Evensong for Corpus Christi Tuesday, 9 1930 Standing Committee meets in the Sacristy. Wednesday, 10 1000 Feria in Ordinary Time 1900-2100 PCC Members’ Training Evening at Holy Cross Church, Greenford UB6 9JT Thursday, 11 1845 S Barnabas, Apostle, +AD61 Saturday, 13 No Vestry Hour to-day. Tuesday, 16 1915 Hillingdon Deanery Synod meets at S Anselm’s, Hayes Town UB3 4DF Wednesday, 17 1100 Feria in Ordinary Time (not 1000) Celebrant: Father Clive Pearce from S Anselm’s, Hatch End Saturday, 20 1800 Vigil Eucharist of the Sunday Wednesday, 24 1000 Birthday of S John the Baptist Thursday, 25 1845 Feria in Ordinary Time ADVANCE NOTICE FOR EARLY JULY Wednesday, 1 1000 Feria in Ordinary Time Thursday, 2 1845 Feria in Ordinary Time Saturday, 4 1800 Vigil Eucharist of the Sunday Sunday, 5 1800 Choral Evensong on the 14th Sunday in O/T Wednesday, 8 1000 Feria in Ordinary Time 18 ALL SAINTS’, NORTH HILLINGDON PARISH DIRECTORY (Unless otherwise indicated, the area code is 01895.) New members are always welcome at our organisations. Parish Priest Father Desmond Banister SSC 239457 [email protected] & Area Dean of All Saints’ Vicarage, Hillingdon Ryefield Avenue, North Hillingdon UB10 9BT Churchwarden Mr Ken Marriott 238368 95 Windsor Avenue, UB10 9AX Churchwarden Mrs Lesley Thompson 233509 1 Sedgwick Avenue, UB10 9DF Honorary Deputy Mrs Lynn Taylor 258393 Churchwarden 213 Windsor Avenue, UB10 9BD Parish Pastoral Mrs Julie Rochelle 460955 Assistant 87 Victoria Avenue, UB10 9AJ PCC Treasurer Mr Martin Dawe 238149 22 Floriston Avenue, UB10 9DZ PCC Secretary Mrs Anna Hillier 253815 8 Harthill Close, UB10 9LH Stewardship Secretary Mrs Lesley Turner 236301 85 Victoria Avenue, UB10 9AJ Hall Bookings’ Mrs Anna Hillier 253815 [email protected] Secretary 8 Harthill Close, UB10 9LH Electoral Roll Officer Mr Bryan Child 462588 43 Floriston Avenue, UB10 9EB Sunday School Mrs Sara Rainbird 904744 Mrs Mary Ratchford 258991 Mrs Kerry Stonely 231501 Sacristans Mr Ken Marriott 238368 Miss Anne Robinson 235400 Altar Servers Mr John Clarke 812374 Music Co-ordinator Mr Brian Rockell 239749 Guides, Brownies & Mrs Carolyn Green 253316 Rainbows (Contacts) Miss Claire Murphy 234022 All Saints’ After 8 Club Mrs Margaret Brown, Secretary 231537 19 Parish Priest & Area Dean of Hillingdon: Father Desmond Banister SSC All Saints’ Vicarage, Ryefield Avenue, North Hillingdon UB10 9BT Telephone: (01895) 239457; e-mail: [email protected] + • Father Desmond gladly takes Holy Communion to the sick and the housebound. Please tell him if you are unwell - by telephone, through another member of the congregation or by e-mail. He will also visit; please tell him if you would like him to call. • When at home or in church, he will normally make himself available to see anyone at any time, though an advance telephone call is always appreciated. • Anointing of the sick and of the dying can be arranged with Father Desmond. • Father Desmond will hear confessions by appointment or can put you in touch with another priest outside the parish. • To book Banns of Marriage, Weddings or Baptisms or to deal with other parish business, please come to Vestry Hour in church on a Saturday between 9.30 and 10.30 am. +AMDG+ 20
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