Chapter 1: Introduction TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................... 1 1 Introduction......................................................................................................... 2 1.1 MANET Characteristics ................................................................................... 2 1.2 Mobile Ad-hoc Network ................................................................................... 3 1.3 History of Ad-hoc Network: ............................................................................. 4 1.4 Routing ............................................................................................................ 6 1.5 Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc networks ................................................................. 7 1.6 Factors Affecting MANET ............................................................................... 7 1.6.1 Lifetime ......................................................................................................... 7 1.6.2 Data Loss ...................................................................................................... 8 1.6.3 Communication Delay ................................................................................... 8 1.6.4 Routing ......................................................................................................... 8 1.7 Routing Techniques for MANET ...................................................................... 9 1.7.1 Lower ID Cluster Algorithm .......................................................................... 9 1.7.2 Distributed Clustering Algorithm [4] ............................................................. 9 1.7.3 Weighted Clustering Algorithm ................................................................... 10 1.7.4 Distributed Weighted Clustering Algorithm ................................................. 11 2 Literature Survey ...................................................................................12 2 LITERATURE SURVEY.................................................................................. 13 2.1 Highest degree of neighbor node based selection of CH: ................................ 13 2.2 Energy Based ................................................................................................. 13 2.3 Lowest ID Based Routing Algorithm .............................................................. 14 2.4Node ID Based Clustering Algorithm .............................................................. 14 2.5 Weighted Based Clustering Algorithm For MANETs: .................................... 15 2.6 Distributed Weight Based Clustering Algorithm For MANETs ...................... 15 2.7 Distributed Weight Based [IMP] Clustering Algorithm................................... 16 2.8 Entropy Based Weighted Clustering Algorithm: ............................................. 17 2.9 Distributed Score Based Clustering Algorithm: .............................................. 18 2.10 Dynamic Clustering Algorithm for MANETs ............................................... 18 2.11 Passive Cluster Based Routing Algorithm..................................................... 19 2.12 Entropy Weighted Based Clustering Algorithm and its Optimization: ........... 19 2.13 Multi-Hop Weighted Based Clustering Algorithm ........................................ 20 2.14 Lowest Mobility based selection of Cluster Head ......................................... 21 vii Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 1: Introduction 2.15 Least Clustering............................................................................................ 21 3 PROBLEM Definition ...........................................................................23 3.1 Problem Background ...................................................................................... 24 3.2 Existing Solution For Selection of Cluster Head ............................................. 24 3.3 Problem Definition: ........................................................................................ 24 3.4 Problem Scenarios-I ....................................................................................... 25 3.5 Problem Scenario-II ....................................................................................... 26 3.6 Problem Scenario III....................................................................................... 26 3.7 Communication Overhead .............................................................................. 27 3.8 Battery Power Decrease.................................................................................. 27 3.9 Packet loss...................................................................................................... 27 3.10 Delay ............................................................................................................ 27 4 Solution and methodology .....................................................................28 4.1 Proposed Method............................................................................................ 29 4.2 Pending Request Table (PRT)....................................................................... 30 4.3 Solution Scenario ......................................................................................... 30 4.1.1 Solution Scenario 1 .................................................................................... 31 4.1.2 Solution Scenario 2: .................................................................................... 32 4.1.3 Solution Scenario 3: .................................................................................. 32 5 Simulation Details ..................................................................................34 5.1 Network Topology ......................................................................................... 35 5.2 Network Deployment Simulation Scenario ..................................................... 35 Figure: 5.2 Network Deployment Scenario II ....................................................... 36 5.3 Simulation ...................................................................................................... 36 5.5 Simulation Process of Proposed Solution ...................................................... 37 5.6.1 Parameters ................................................................................................... 38 5.7 Delay.............................................................................................................. 39 Figure: 5.4 Delay Comparison .............................................................................. 39 5.8 Packet Loss .................................................................................................... 40 5.6 Network Life Time ......................................................................................... 41 6 Conclusions and Future Work ..............................................................42 6.1 Conclusions .................................................................................................... 43 6.2 Future Work ................................................................................................... 43 REFERENCES .........................................................................................45 viii Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 1: Introduction LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1: Overview of Mobile Ad-hoc Network [2] ................................................. 5 Figure 1.2: Mobile Ad-hoc Network [2] .................................................................... 6 Figure1.4: Cluster Identified..................................................................................... 11 Figure 2.1: Initial node configuration and final node connectivity [12] ..................... 15 Figure 2.3: Node in cluster with cluster id ................................................................ 19 Figure 3.1 During RREQ destination node move ...................................................... 25 Figure 3.2: destination move during RREP ............................................................... 26 Figure 3.3: problem scenario-III ............................................................................... 26 Figure 4.3: Solution Scenario-I................................................................................. 31 Figure 4.4: Solution Scenario-II ............................................................................... 32 Figure 4.5: Solution Scenario-III .............................................................................. 32 LIST OF Abbreviations Abbreviations Explanation MANET Mobile Ad-hoc Network CH Cluster Head PRNET Packet Radio Network ALOHA Areal Location of Hazardous atmosphere CSMA Carrier Sense Multiple Access SURAN Survivable Adaptive Radio Network LANLocal Area Network MANMetropolitan Area Network WANWide Area Network IDIdentity LIDLowest Identifier WCAWeighted Cluster Algorithm ECWAEntropy Cluster Based Weighted Algorithm PCBRPPassive Cluster Based Routing Protocol ix Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 1: Introduction MACMedia Access Control LCCLeast Cluster Algorithm RREQRoute Request RREPRoute Reply PRTPending Request Table x Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 1: Introduction 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Chapter 1: Introduction 1 Introduction Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is achievement a lot of researchers as user attention because of their easy deployment and many other advantages. There are so numerous application in MANET containing military communication, Rescue missions, Commercial use, Education, Personal area networks (Bluetooth) . due to the importance of routing protocols in active multi-hop networks, a lot of mobile ad hoc network routing protocols have been proposed in the last few years. Here in this area there are certain challenges that make difficult the design of mobile ad hoc network routing protocol. In mobile ad-hoc networks, initially node movement causes regular topology changes and network dividers. Second issue is packet losses may happen regularly because of the flexible and random capacity of wireless links. Furthermore, the broadcast nature of wireless medium introduces the hidden terminal and uncovered terminal difficulties. Moreover, mobile nodes have limited power, computing and bandwidth resources and require effective routing schemes)) [1]. 1.1 MANET Characteristics o In MANET, each node performances as both host and router. That is it is sovereign in behavior. o Multi-hop radio communicating- When a source node and destination node for a message is out of the radio range, the MANETs are proficient of multi-hop routing. o For security distributed nature of, host and routing. Here a centralize firewall is absent. o Anytime node can leave or join the, building the network topology dynamic in nature. o Mobile nodes are categorized with less memory, light weight and power features. 2 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 1: Introduction o The reliability, efficiency, stability and capacity of wireless links are regularly inferior when compared with wired links. This shows the shifting link bandwidth of wireless links. o Mobile and unstructured behavior which demands lowest human intervention to configure the network. o All nodes have same features with similar responsibilities and capabilities and hence it forms a totally symmetric environment. o Large level of user mobility and high user density. o Nodal connectivity is irregular. 1.2 Mobile Ad-hoc Network It is a form of wireless networks which do not need a base station for providing network connectivity. In this networking conception, mobile devices form a temporary community without any scheduled installation, or human interference. At the same each node acts as a host and router. This funds that each node joining in a MANET requires itself to forward data packets from a neighboring node to another until a final destination is reached. Mobile ad-hoc networks have many characteristics which differentiate them from other wireless networks. These factors are: no stable network infrastructure, active network configuration, node mobility and numerous node failure, low battery power etc. which make routing in MANETs quite ainspiring task. Numerous routing protocols have been proposed for MANETs with varying performance in changed network conditions [18].Cluster based routing is one of the routing schemes for MANETs in which various clusters of mobile nodes are formed with each cluster having its own cluster head (CH) which is responsible for routing between clusters. Clustering of nodes saves energy and communication bandwidth in ad-hoc networks. 3 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 1: Introduction 1.3 History of Ad-hoc Network: The whole life-cycle of ad-hoc networks could be measured into the first, second, and the third generation ad-hoc networks systems. Present ad-hoc networks systems are deliberated the third generation. The first generation drives back to 1972. At the time, they were called PRNET (Packet Radio Networks). In combination with ALOHA (Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres) and CSMA (Carrier Sense Medium Access), tactics for medium access control and a kind of distance-vector routing PRNET were used on a test basis to provide changed networking abilities in a conflictsituation.In 1980s, the second generation of ad-hoc network is developed, when the ad-hoc network schemes were further improved and realized as a portion of the SURAN (Survivable Adaptive Radio Networks) platform. This providing a packet-switched network to the mobile battleground in situation without infrastructure. This program verified to be positive in improving the radios' performance by building them smaller, inexpensive, and strong to electronic attacks. In the 1990s, the awareness of marketable ad-hoc networks reached with notebook computers and other feasible communications tools. At the same time, the knowledge of a gathering of mobile nodes was planned at certain research conferences. Planned Network such as armed communication and operation and programmed battleground. Emergency facilities like examine and rescue operation, disaster recovery, controlling and firefighting and also supporting doctors and nurses in hospitals. Commercial and citizen environment like E-commerce, Vehicular facilities, road or accident management, transmission ofweather and water conditions, taxi cab network, inter-vehicle networks. Education such as university and campus setting, virtual class room, ad-hoc communication during meeting or lecture. 4 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 1: Introduction Entertainment such as multiuser game, wireless peer to peer network, out door internet access and robotic animals. Sensor network like home applications smart sensors and actuators embedded inconsumer electronics, body area network, animal movement and body tracking on environment condition. Context alert use mobile ad-hoc network like location exact service, mobile workstation and chemical/biological detection. Coverage allowance like outspreading cellular network access, linking up with the internet and intranet. Figure 1.1:Overview of Mobile Ad-hoc Network[2] In MANET every node connects with other node and all nodes work as a host and router at the same time. In every node there is limited battery power and low transmission range. 5 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 1: Introduction Figure 1.2: Mobile Ad-hoc Network [2] There is no base station in Mobile ad-hoc network. All nodes are connected with each other in a group. If one wants to communicate with other node then generate route request message and when destination received route request message then generate route reply message. 1.4 Routing Routing is grown from route which means path, way, course etc. Routing is selecting paths between one node to another in a network on which information is to be sent. Routing has a key role in all kinds of networks, but each network has its own requirement and priorities for routing. LAN, MAN, WAN are under the umbrella of electronic data networks that use packet switching, while telephone networks use circuit switching. In packet switching networks, data is sent in the form of logically addressed packets from source toward their ultimate destination either direct or through intermediate nodes. The routing process is based on the routing tables which maintain a record of the routes to a variety of destinations in the network. Router’s memory has energetic role in functionality of Routers. Constructing of routing tables is performed in it, by which efficient routing is desired, normally most of the routing 6 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 1: Introduction algorithms utilize only one network path at a time, but by the help of multipath routing techniques multiple alternative paths can be used for routing. 1.5 Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc networks Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Network is to find and sustain routes between nodes in aenergetic topology with possibly uni-directional links, using minimum resources.Two central type of routing in mobile ad-hoc network is proactive (table driven) and reactive routing. In proactive (table driven) routing the complete list of link is kept with each node, but in reactive node request for route on demand. Different type of routing technique in mobile ad-hoc network from previous some time. Now a day the technique which is work in mobile ad-hoc network is first source node generate route request and send to cluster head, the cluster head check the destination if available then send route reply to source node. If destination node is not available then resend the route request packet to next cluster head, and so on until destination find or after time expiry existing request has been discarded and repeat the process again. 1.6 Factors Affecting MANET Here are few important factors which can affect the MANET seriously, which include lifetime, data loss, delay,security, and effective sample rate. The lifetime of a network is at the highest priority;therefore it is discussed in detail. 1.6.1 Lifetime Lifetime of any network is the time from the start, of any network, till the death of its first node in that network. MANET nodes are mostly placed unattended in open area there no charging facility.The majorissue affecting the lifetime of a mobile ad-hoc network is the energy level. Each node must be designed in an organized way to properly utilize its local 7 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 1: Introduction energy tomaximize the network lifetime. It is noticed that 80% of energy is utilized during communication. Therefore our research work focus on the same issue. We designed a routing mechanism to minimal the energy consumption during communication. 1.6.2Data Loss In mobile ad-hoc network when communication is not compatible then data loss is high. So in proposed research we focus on data loss and during communication minimal packet is loss as compare to existing research. Due to data loss network traffic is high and maximum battery used so the life time of network is minimal, so for extending life time of network it must be necessary to prevent data loss or packet loss. 1.6.3Communication Delay In all network when data send from one location to another location then some time due to some cause occur delay and the performance of network is degrade so for efficient network reduce or minimal delay is necessary. A system should be design to minimize the communicationdelay and efficient network communication. 1.6.4Routing Routing is evolved from route which means path, way, course etc. Routing is selecting paths between one node to another in a network on which information is to be sent. Routing has a key role in all kinds of networks, but each network has its own requirement and priorities for routing. LAN, MAN, WAN are under the umbrella of electronic data networks that use packet switching, while telephone networks use circuit switching. In packet switching networks, data is sent in the form of logically addressed packets from source near their final destination either direct or through intermediary nodes. The routing process is based on the 8 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 1: Introduction routing tables which preserve a record of the routes to a variety of destinations in the network. Router’s memory has energetic role in functionality of Routers. Making of routing tables is achieved in it, by which well-organized routing is desired, normally most of the routing algorithms consume only one network path at a time, but by the help of multipath routing techniques numeroussubstitute paths can be used for routing. Description of above mentioned routing models are discussed in literature review. 1.7Routing Techniques for MANET In MANET there are a lot of algorithm, here we discuss about these algorithms. The history of mobile ad-hoc network is included routing algorithm which one better understand then another here below we discuss one by one. 1.7.1 Lower ID Cluster Algorithm Here in this algorithm that nodenominated as a cluster head which have leastnumber of neighbor nodes. Thus, the id of neighbor nodes is higherthan cluster head. Gate way node isthose nodes which present within the transmission range of two or more nodes. In lowest id scheme distress only with the lowest id which are arbitrarily assigned without considering any other constraint of a node for selection of a cluster head. The id of node can’t change with time[3]. The draw backs of lowest ID algorithm is that certain nodes are suffer from power drainage due to serving cluster head for long time. 1.7.2 Distributed Clustering Algorithm [4] The Distributed Clustering Algorithm is a improved version of the Lowest Identifier algorithm. Here in this method for each cluster, it chooses a node with locally lowest ID 9 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 1: Introduction among all the neighbor nodes as a cluster head. Every node can determine its cluster and transmits only one message during the algorithm [4]. For the selection of cluster head it uses node ID, it inherits the drawbacks of the Lowest Identifier heuristic (increase batter lifetime spam of CH) . 1.7.3 Weighted Clustering Algorithm ##The Weighted Clustering Algorithm(WCA)is based on the use of a joint weight metric that takes into account numerous system parameters like the amount of node, distances with all its neighbors, node speed and the time spent as a cluster head. Each node acquires the weight values of all other nodes and information of other cluster heads in the system through rebroadcasting. As a result, the overhead encouraged by WCA is very high. If a node moves into anarea that is not covered by any cluster head, then the clusterset-up procedure is raised throughout the whole system [5,6]. Figure 1.3: Initial configuration of node 10 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 1: Introduction Figure1.4: Cluster Identified 1.7.4 Distributed Weighted Clustering Algorithm This algorithm is an enhanced version of WCA to achieve distributed clustering set up and to extend lifetime span of the system. This algorithm differs from WCA in which it localizes configuration and reconfiguration of clusters and poses restriction on the power requirement on the cluster heads. This algorithm offers better performance than WCA in rapports of the number of affiliations, end-to-end throughput, overheads during the preliminary clustering set up phase, and the minimum lifetime of nodes [7]. 11 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 2: Literature Survey 2 LITERATURE SURVEY 12 Chapter 2: Literature Survey 2 LITERATURE SURVEY Mobile Ad hocNetwork is a key research area since a decade, a lot of research has been made and still the research is going on to make this field more and more effective. Still there are many un-discovered areas in this field to be exposed. We have studied some of latest work finished published in this area, which is for knowledge, to know about the updated research work and better understanding in this specific area. 2.1 Highest degree of neighbor node based selection of CH: Highest Degree heuristic awell-known routing protocol, it is developed by S. Das [08]. It’s a very typical protocol. Author discussed and examineddifferent routing protocols and there network traffic.Later on, proposed a new idea to make cluster head in cluster. One node between the nodes will be selected as Cluster Head.This cluster is selected in based of node degree. Observing analytically it is proved that by this rotation of CH role better routing then another node;in result best routing is possible.By simulation it is calculated that highest degree heuristiccan have factor of 8 in reductions in communication overheadas compared to other protocols. The author focuses the selection of cluster head andcommunication overheads are controlled by selection of cluster. This paper focuses on the routing techniques and fro reduction of communication overheads. If ordinary nodes increase then throughput drops and performance of system degrade. 2.2 Energy Based Bandyopadhay [9] presented another methodfor cluster formation;in this paper the author has presented analgorithm by which sensor nodes are arranged into clusters randomly. Energyhas been saved by preventive the CH advertisement to definitenumber of hops. 13 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 2: Literature Survey The model proposed by the author [9] decreases the use of energy and proposed the idea of clusters but here author again declared that within the cluster, either Multihop or Direct routing will be used. So the combination of the two routing techniques is out of latitude of this paper which results in reducing the network lifetime. 2.3 Lowest ID Based Routing Algorithm: M. Gerla [10] proposed lowest identifier routing algorithm, researcher focus on life time spam of node and throughput. In this research [10] choose the node with minimum identifier as a cluster head. In this method cluster head selection made on id. The node with smaller id is selected as a cluster head. The system performance is better than highest degree heuristic. More efficient than highest degree heuristic in term of throughput, but still the problem of battery power. The node with lowest id choose as a cluster head so the drawback of lowest ID algorithm is that certain nodes are prone to power drainage due to serving as a cluster heads for longer periods of time. 2.4Node ID Based Clustering Algorithm Here in this research S. Basagni proposed Distributed Clustering Algorithm [11] which is aimproved version of the lowest identifier algorithm. In distributed clustering algorithm for every cluster, it selects a node with nearbylowermost ID between all the neighbor nodes as a cluster head. Allnode can govern its cluster and send only one message during the algorithm [11]. Since for selection of cluster head it uses node id, it solve the drawbacks of lowest identifier heuristic. In term of battery power it is more efficient then lowest identifier. Here in distributed clustering algorithm [11] cluster head work should be minimal therefore work will be efficient as compare to lowest identifier algorithm. Control overhead is the limitation of this scheme. 14 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 2: Literature Survey 2.5 Weighted Based Clustering Algorithm For MANETs: M. R. Brust in [12] proposed Weighted Clustering algorithm, here the author focus on cluster formation and choose some parameter for selection of cluster head. These parameter are node degree, distance with all its neighbors, speed of node and the last parameter is the time spent as a cluster head. Here in this method allnodefinds the weight cost of all additional nodes as well as info of other cluster heads in the system over broadcasting. Here the node which changes into a region of cluster that is not enclosed by any cluster head, the entire procedure of cluster setup is invoked throughout the whole system. More efficient than the distributed clustering algorithm, cluster stability, comparatively more network life time than distributed clustering algorithm. Figure 2.1: Initial node configuration and final node connectivity [12] 2.6 Distributed Weight Based Clustering Algorithm For MANETs: M. Woo proposed distributed weighted clustering algorithm for MANET [13]. In which done some enhancement in weighted cluster algorithm[12] and achieve distributing clustering setup of the system. In the above research localize configuration and reconfiguration of 15 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 2: Literature Survey clusters and poses restriction on the requirement on the cluster heads. In the above research cluster setup are distributed and good results. In previous schemes clusters are creating not distributed and when procedure repeat to create cluster heads then whole system are busy therefore performance not well. In the above mentioned paper, author achieves the energy efficiency, end-to-end throughput and number of affiliation due to distributing clustering setup. No doubt, energy efficiency can be achieved through less traffic in mobile ad-hoc network, but if some efficient and adaptive routing is used along with this model it can give far better results. 2.7 Distributed Weight Based[IMP] Clustering Algorithm: Naveen Chauhan in [14] proposed amended distributed weighted cluster based routing protocol for mobile ad-hoc network. In this research some parameter based weight calculated every node and at the one node is selected as a cluster head. The parameter of weight is ideal node degree, transmission range, energy and mobility of the node. These are depending on specific application some of this parameter can be used in the metric to determine the cluster head. More efficient than previous in sense of cluster head formation and control message overhead, thus improve performance and reduce utilization as compare to previous one. But there is no mechanism defines for mobility of destination node in route request and route reply process. 16 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 2: Literature Survey Calculate Weight of each Node Check Neighbors of each Node CH=0 No Yes Maximum weight CH=1 Find node with maximum weight Broadcast CH Message to Neighbor Node Neighbor Node Received Message from Selected CH Weighted Node become the CH Member Node start the Communication with CH Again a Random value between 0 and 1 to each Node and a Threshold Value Mentioned No Value>T Continue Yes Yes CH Node is Mobile 2.8 Entropy Based Weighted Clustering Algorithm: Wang and Bao in [15] proposed entropy-based weighted clustering algorithm for mobile adhoc network. Here the researcher focus entropy based clustering which overcomes stability of network. In WCA high mobility of nodes leads to high frequency of reaffiliation which 17 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 2: Literature Survey escalation the network overheads. Higher reaffliation frequency pointers to more recalculation of the cluster task resulting in augmented communication overhead [24]. More efficient than WCA and forms a more unchanging network and higher stability of network owed to entropy based model for evaluating the route stability in ad-hoc network and choosing cluster head. So it is a better indicator of the stability and mobility of the ad-hoc networks. 2.9 Distributed Score Based Clustering Algorithm: Addabi and jabbehdari [16] suggested distributed score based clustering algorithm for mobile ad-hoc network. Here same like distributed clustering algorithm changed parameter are used for calculating cluster head. The value based parameter which is taken and battery remaining, number of neighbors, numbers of members and stability of node. Here in this algorithm each and every node calculates its score by using a formula that considers all the above parameter which is used in selection of cluster head. This algorithm performs better than weighted clustering algorithm(WCA) and distributed weighted clustering algorithm (DWCA) [14]. In score based algorithm the network life time spam is long then previous research. But the disadvantage is high computation cost during selection of cluster heads. 2.10 Dynamic Clustering Algorithm for MANETs: S. Muthuramalingam in [17] proposed a dynamic clustering algorithm for MANETs by changing weighted clustering algorithm through mobility calculation. In this research the joining between nodes and the cluster head variationsquickly in a mobile ad-hoc network.An important amount of energy is used every time a signal is sent and received by a mobile node. Prediction of mobility based cluster preservation involves the process of discovery out the nextposition that a mobile node might take based on the previouslocations it visited. 18 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 2: Literature Survey In this paper author propose to decrease the overhead in communication by calculating mobility of nodeusing direct auto regression and cluster creation. Figure 2.3: Node in cluster with cluster id 2.11 Passive Cluster Based Routing Algorithm: In AjaRangaswamy[18] research passive cluster based routing protocol (PCBRP) for MANET. In these protocol considerable advantages provides in the form of cheap overhead in time of flooding, less or no setup time and formation of more stable mobile device clusters. So this is not suitable for scalability and computation cost is more in this research. More efficient than previous in sense of overhead during flooding, no setup time here in this protocol or minimal and formation of more stable device clusters. 2.12 Entropy Weighted Based Clustering Algorithm and its Optimization: Yu-Xuan Wang and Forrest Sheng Bao in [19] proposed An Entropy-based Weighted Clustering Algorithm and Its Optimization for Ad hoc Networks. This research can prompt the stability of network. In the meantime in order to facilitate the optimal operation of the MAC protocol and to additional stabilize the network structure, this research applies tabu search onto EWCA to select a near optimal dominant set. Subsequently, less cluster head are required to manage the network. In this research simulation study specifies that the revised 19 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 2: Literature Survey algorithm (EWCA-TS) has improved performance with respect to the original WCA, specially on the number of clusters and re-affiliation frequency. In this paper [19] author focus to solve the problem of reaffiliation and due to mobility of nodes which can occur in weighted clustering algorithm. In the above research solve two problems. Initially replace one term in the original weight formula, average nodes speed, by the entropy of local network. Here more equitable and comprehensive measure of the mobility of the network, reduced reaffiliation of frequency can be possible. Secondly, tabu is a powerful search technique to solve difficult combinatorial optimization problem and was proved to be more effective than other approximation algorithm in solving the problem of the selection of minimum dominating set [20] 2.13 Multi-Hop Weighted Based Clustering Algorithm: T.N. Janakiramanand A. SenthilThilak in [20] proposed a multi-hop weighted clustering of homogenous MANETs using combined closeness index. The author of this research focus on multi-hop weighted clustering procedure for homogenous mobile ad-hoc networks. Double star embedded non-overlapping cluster structure generates by this algorithm, where each cluster is accomplished by a leader node and aadditional for the leader node (in case of failure of leader node). In linear combination the weight of a node of six different graph theoretic parameters which deal with the communication capability of a node both in term of quality and quantity, the relative closeness association between nodes and the maximum an average distance navigated by a node for effective communication. Here in this research discussed design and analysis of the algorithm and some of the graph theoretic/structure properties of the cluster obtained. 20 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 2: Literature Survey Figure: 2.4 Star and double star graph 2.14 Lowest Mobility based selection of Cluster Head In [21] p. basu proposed MOBIC(Abbrevation) in cluster formation take aggregate local mobility. In this algorithm each node broadcasts two hello packets in different time interval to its neighbors. Every node calculates the relative mobility of each of its neighbors using the signal strength of the hello packets received from each of node. After that each node calculates its aggregate mobility as the average of the relative mobility of its neighbors and then broadcasts it to the other neighbor nodes. Here the node is chosen as a cluster head which has lowest aggregate mobility. The focus of this paper is to save the energy by minimizing selection process of cluster head that is caused by mobility of node. But require larger communication overhead and higher latency in cluster formation. 2.15 Least Clustering In [22] C-C Chiang proposed least cluster algorithm (LCC) which has significant improvement over least identifier clustering and highest degree clustering as for as the cost of cluster maintenance is consider. Hence LCC significantly improve the cluster stability by relinquishing the requirement that a cluster head should have with some important features in its local area. But the clustering second case in LCC show that a single node movement may 21 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 2: Literature Survey still invoke the complete cluster structure computation and the communication overhead is large. In this paper focus cluster maintenance so to improve the performance and save battery life time due to stability of cluster. But the drawbacks of this research are large communication overhead. 22 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 3: Problem Definition 3 PROBLEMDEFINITION 23 Chapter 3: Problem Definition 3.1Problem Background After going through all of the upstairs research works, few issues and deficiencies are discovered which are important to be addressed; Effective use of energy, lifetime, scalability, union and maintenance of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. Most important of all above is the “Energy” issue which is the central concern as has direct influence on the network lifetime. So an energy efficient routing protocol is compulsory as energy consumption is the focal issue in WSN 3.2Existing Solution ForSelection of Cluster Head Existing method for selection of cluster head is weight based in which every node calculate its own parameter value such as (i) node degree (ii) distance of neighbor nodes (iii) battery power and mobility of node. After calculate its own value the node broadcast value to other neighbor nodes and select that node as a cluster head which have maximum weight.If new node join a cluster then it will calculate its own weight if weight is maximum than another it can’t selected as a cluster head. Every node calculate its own weight by the formula W= w1*c+w2*e-w3*M+w4*d. 3.3 Problem Definition: In existing technique if node want to communicate with another node which available in other cluster then send route request message (RREQ) to cluster head and CH check if the destination node is available then send route reply message to sender node otherwise send to next cluster and so on until destination node find or after time expiry RREQ message will be discarded and new one is generated and repeat the same process so due to this repeating process decrease the battery power, increase communication overhead, packet loss. In 24 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 3: Problem Definition existing method [18] routing mechanism is defined on the basis of node weight but no mechanism define for mobile destination node during route request process route reply or during communication and extra liability on source node for tracing destination node. This cause extra communication overheads, network delay, packet loss and decrease whole network life time span. 3.4 Problem Scenarios-I During route request process: Figure 3.1 During RREQ destination node move Here in figure the sender node located in cluster1 wants to communicate With the destination node which is in cluster4. The source node sends RREQ to its own CH (cluster head) and if destination not present then send RREQ to next CH and so on until destination found. The problem face when route request arrive to cluster 4, this time destination shift from cluster4. So cluster head 4 check the destination node but not accessible so resend the route request to cluster5 after time expire the same procedure repeated. 25 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 3: Problem Definition 3.5Problem Scenario-II During RREP(Route Reply) process: Figure 3.2: destination move during RREP Here the route request reach to cluster4 and destination is available, so the route reply go back to sender, after receiving the route reply, sender node communicate with destination, but here the problem face when route reply in way the destination move from cluster4. 3.6Problem Scenario III Packet Optimization over neighbor to neighbor for destination discovery: Figure 3.3: problem scenario-III 26 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 3: Problem Definition In this scenario if between source and destination high cluster distance and source node send RREQ for destination discovery and destination move and join another cluster during RREQ message then communication overhead increase. 3.7 Communication Overhead During route request message every cluster head receive it and check the destination node if available then generate route reply message otherwise send to next cluster head. After time expiry RREQ message discarded and new one will be generated. The repetition of this process causes communication overhead. 3.8 Battery Power Decrease Every message consumed some energy of battery and if same process repeat then number of message will be increase and battery power of node will be decrease. So in existing research during communication route request process repeat, when destination node not find, so the battery power will be decrease and the whole network life time will be decrease. 3.9 Packet loss Although it is assumed, when route request discarded after time expiry and regenerate the same packet again and again so this cause the loss of packet. When after time expiry route request packet is discarded and new one is generated it is loss of packet. 3.10 Delay when source node want to communicate with destination node RREQ send to cluster head and cluster head check if destination node available then RREP send to source node otherwise RREQ send to next cluster head and so on until destination find or after time expiry RREQ discard and regenerate RREQ and repeat the same process, so this cause delay. 27 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 4: Solution and Methodology 4 SOLUTION ANDMETHODOLOGY 28 Chapter 4: Solution and Methodology 4.1 Proposed Method The model define by Naveen chauhan[14] is adopted that is distributed weighted cluster based model. Here in this model network has been divided in cluster of homogenous node. The maximum weighted node has become a cluster head, other node instead of cluster head of the cluster is called member node. The nodes which hire two or more cluster become the gateway. To increase the life time spam of network the weight is calculated by each node. Cluster Head (CH) It is assumed that cluster head is suitable with respect to resource such as battery life time, mobility, degree of neighbors node and distance with other neighbors nodes. Member Node The member node of cluster has high mobility, less battery power, minimal neighbors of nodes and high distance from other neighbor nodes. Gateway Node The node which hires two or more cluster is called gateway node. It is located in mid position of clusters. 29 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 4: Solution and Methodology Figure 4-1 Cluster Head and member nodes in MANET in distributed weighted clustering model weight is calculated by each node and after calculation of weight each node broadcast itsweight to other neighbors node and the maximum weight node select as a cluster head. 4.2 Pending Request Table (PRT) A pending request table is a table which contains route request number, source id and destination id. Every cluster head keep it and when new node join the cluster then cluster head check if request pending for the same node then send notification message to source node for communication. 4.3 Solution Scenario In this research we propose a new mechanism, every cluster head keep route request table which contain information about request like request No, sender id and destination id. Every request has been deleted after predefine time. In proposed solution every node send route request only once, no repetition of route request process. Figure 4.2: Cluster head have pending request table 30 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 4: Solution and Methodology Here the destination node moves during route request process and after some time join cluster4. So the cluster head of cluster4 check the request list if request is available then send the RREP notification message to sender, communication start after receiving the notification message. One another problem face in existing system [18] we also discus above in problem domain section. When route reply in way and the destination move and join other cluster after some time. In proposed research handle this type of problem, destination node keep the sender id until communication completed. If during route reply process or during communication destination move and join new cluster then send the route recovery notification message to sender and start communication. 4.1.1 Solution Scenario 1: Figure 4.3: Solution Scenario-I Inproposed methodology we use pending request table shown in figure. Here we show only cluster head for simplicity. When new node join the cluster then the cluster head send RREP notification message to sender if any request is pending of new node in route request table. In MANET’s maximum nodes moving continuously from one place to other place or from one cluster to other cluster. If the destination node moves during RREQ or RREP process then repeat the same process. In proposed method we try to solve this type of problem. 31 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 4: Solution and Methodology 4.1.2 Solution Scenario 2: Figure 4.4: Solution Scenario-II Here in scenario 2 if destination node out from cluster during RREP or during mid of communication, in this situation when it join new cluster then destination send RREP notification message to sender. The destination keeps the source ID until communication finished. 4.1.3 Solution Scenario 3: Figure 4.5: Solution Scenario-III Here in this scenario use pending request table (PRT). Those cluster head which hold destination node but shift destination node in the time of RREQ message arrival and after some time join new cluster. The responsibility of destination discovery is now of that cluster 32 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 4: Solution and Methodology head from which recently shift destination node. In this proposed scenario minimal communication overheads due to prevention of RREQ repetition. 33 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 5: Simulation Details 5 SIMULATION DETAILS 34 Chapter 5: Simulation Detail In this chapter, we will discuss the implementation scenarios and decorative the acquired results in detail. The implementation scenario is dividing into, network model, and mathematical model, communication delay, packet loss, battery power, addition of new node in cluster. 5.1 Network Topology The network is mobile ad-hoc network consisting of three types of nodes: Member node: The member nodes are those nodes which are connected with cluster head after calculating weight • Cluster head are those node which have maximum weight • Gate way are those nodes which heir two cluster head or cluster. In cluster weight mobile ad-hoc network every node act as a host a router. Every node send receive and send message to other node. 5.2 Network Deployment Simulation Scenario CH Member node Figure : 5.1 Network Deployment Scenario I Here we take six clusters with different number of nodes the blue node represent cluster head and the black node represent member nodes of cluster in mobile ad-hoc network. We check communication of these clusters in simulation environment. The cluster head having more 35 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 5: Simulation Detail battery power and low mobility. These all nodes are in mobile position some have low mobility and some have high mobility such as real environment. Sometime node move from one cluster to other cluster and join with cluster head. C4 C3 C1 C2 Figure: 5.2 Network Deployment Scenario II Here in this environment we take four clusters which is label as C1, C2, C3 and C4 respectively. We check our work with different number of clusters. every node has unique id for identification of node. The member node and cluster head is located in communication range. 5.3 Simulation We have simulated the enhanced proposed solution on .Net simulations has been completed with the help of well-known and worldwide framework. It includes a large library and offers languageinteroperability (each language can use code written in other languages) across some programming languages.Programs engraved for the .NET Framework execute in software environments as juxtaposed to hardware environment), known as the common 36 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 5: Simulation Detail language runtime(CLR), an application virtual machine virtual machine that provides service such as security, memory, management, and exception handling. The library class and the CLR together establish the .NET Framework.The Microsoft .NET Framework is the largest implementation of .NET technologies. Other implementations for portions of the framework exist.The GC used by .NET Framework is actually generational. Objects are assigned a generation anew created objects belong to Generation 0. The objects that continue a garbage collection are tagged as Generation 1, and the Generation 1 objects that survive another throng are Generation 2 objects. The .NET Framework uses up to Generation 2 objects. Higher generation objects are garbage collected less habitually than lower generation objects. This helps growth the efficiency of garbage collection, as older objects tend to have a longer lifetime than newer objects.The .NET Framework CLR exempts the developer from the load of managing memory (allocating and freeing up when done); it handlebars memory management itself by detecting when memory can be safely freed. Memory is allocated to instantiations of .NET types (objects) from the managed heap, a pond of memory managed by the CLR. 5.5 Simulation Process of Proposed Solution Here we discuss the facts of simulation of our proposed solution. For implementation of proposed idea we used 30 nodes in a cluster with node IDs from 1 to 30..The proposed algorithm of distributed weighted cluster algorithm for MANET runs between 30 member nodes having IDs 1-30 of the cluster. Our simulation screenshot see in Figure 5.2d 37 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 5: Simulation Detail Figure: 5.3 Network Deployment Scenario 5.6 RESULTS Here the simulation assumption, simulation mechanism and simulation results have been discussedand clarified by graphs.The efficiency of advised solution and objective of research are obtained through the result. In proposed solution simulation we used .Net simulator and the results are deeply observed then compare them with the existing solutions and found it more results sloping in term of energy consumption. We used 30 mobile nodes for the simulation of our proposed technique. After that we evaluated the proposed mechanism with different techniques to demonstrate the efficiency of proposed algorithm using following performance metrics. 5.6.1 Parameters We considered the following metrics of performance: 1. Number of Packets sent in the network 2. Total packets sent to the Cluster Head 3. Energy consumed by the network at a certain time tn 4. Energy left at a node after a certain time tn 5. Network lifetime 6. Packet loss 7. Delay 38 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 5: Simulation Detail 5.7 Delay Thed elay measured by transmitted packet route request RREQ and destination node send back route reply to sender node for communication, so the time elapse during RREQ and RREP.The majority of energy consuming process in mobile ad-hoc networks in communication.Therefore, it is substantial that communication be used thriftily. Figure: 5.4 Delay Comparison Here every cluster head check the PR table so if any request exist in table then send notification back to sender for communication. In existing technique if RREQ time expires then generate new request and repeat the same process but in proposed research the responsibility is not only of sender but divide the responsibility into different node and possibly quickly communication so therefore the delay became minimal.In our technique no repetition of route request but after given time route request has been generated which we put on respect to network. 39 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 5: Simulation Detail 5.8Packet Loss It is necessary to minimal loss of packet in every network, here in mobile ad-hoc network we focus on packet loss. During communication if packet loss then it affect network life time and delay occur specially in mobile ad-hoc network it is necessary to minimize loss of packet because in mobile ad-hoc network battery power is limited so if packet loss is high then network performance degrade so therefore we focus on packet loss. Figure: 5.5 Packet Losses In proposed research packet loss is less as compare to existing because RREQ process not repeated again and again. In proposed technique if RREQ send and destination not find then this request save in pending request table. Here some node communicate with each other, we keep maximum ratio of loss for one node is 15. We take different number of nodes and packet loss ratio in every number out technique is good as compare to existing technique. 40 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 5: Simulation Detail 5.6 Network Life Time In mobile ad-hoc network life time is important without battery mobile ad-hoc network are not able to do work. In simulation we take different number of nodes and each node having battery from 0% to 100%. In mobile ad-hoc network this factor is very important therefore our research show that the network life time is better than existing technique. Existing Vs. Proposed Figure: 5.6 Battery Performance Comparisons 41 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 6: Conclusion and Future Work 6 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK 42 Chapter 6: Conclusion and Future Work 6.1 Conclusions This research work is a new technique for routing and communication among the nodes of cluster. This reduces communication overhead, energy efficient, minimal loss of packet,energetic, etc. it reduce communication overhead and prolongs the lifetime of network. In our solution pending request table is used.The route request RREQ message will be discarded one time and after receiving the route request message every cluster head keep it in pending request table. The regeneration of route request and route reply is a problem so here we solve the problem through pending request table.So decreased the overall energy consumption and increased the network life. 6.2 Future Work We have proposed pending request table for distributed cluster weight based protocol for mobile ad-hoc network.The simulation results of our scheme shown better and efficient having, low communication overhead, increase battery power, minimal loss of packet. In future we want to test the performance of this scheme for different static scenario of ad-hoc network. . 43 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 6: References REFERENCES 44 Communication Overhead Reduction Using Pending Request Table in MANETs Chapter 6: References REFERENCES 1. N. 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