6445 Camden Avenue, San José, CA 95120 Almaden (408)268‐1133 Active Adults 50+ http://www.almadenseniors.org Center Staff Amy Jewett, Recreation Specialist Hal Spangenberg, Recreation Supervisor Come join the ALmaden Senior Players as they present their original musical comedy, “Life’s Little Moments”, a play about senior life and all those little moments that happen to us. Sunday, June 28th—Dinner Show Monday, June 29th—Popcorn Show Tuesday, June 28th—Ice Cream Show Marissa Roberts, Recreation Specialist Edwin Cortez, Youth Specialist Gloria Marroquin, Youth Specialist Alexandra Martinez– Rental Coordinator Jackelyn Anaya, Kitchen Manager (Bateman) ***Tickets will be sold in the main Lobby from 8:30am—10am on June 1st, 3rd, 5th, 8th, 10th, and 12th. Wednesday, July 8th at 2pm $10 members/$12 non-members In celebration of our nation’s 239th birthday, we will be hosting our annual BBQ event! We will be serving catered BBQ (pork and chicken) with fruit and potato salads, baked beans, and corn bread, with delicious lemon cake for dessert. We will also have live Country Western music to take you back to the days of the Wild West! Don’t forget to wear your cowboy hat and cowboy boots! Yee-Haw!! Tickets will be sold from 8:30am-10am on June 19, 22, 24, 26, 29, and July 1st. ALMADEN SENIOR PROGRAM INFORMATION & SERVICES OFFICE HOURS The Community Center front desk hours are Monday through Thursday from 8am-8pm, Fridays from 8am-3pm, and Saturdays from 9am-1pm. Call ahead if you need assistance from a specific staff person. Amy typically works Mondays—Fridays from 7am-3pm. NUTRITION @ Almaden Cafe A delicious lunch is served Monday through Friday at 12 noon. Reservations & cancellations are required 24 hours in advance. Walk-ins are no longer accepted. Any walk-ins will only be served lunch if there is a cancellation or no-show. Lunch is a suggested donation of $3.00 for those 60 years old and older, and a required cost of $6.00 for all others. For reservations or cancellations, call (408) 268-1133. If you are a walk-in and there are no extra meals available, we do have frozen TV-style lunches that can be served. MEMBERSHIP Sign up for the 2015 year. It only costs $10 for the entire year and you’ll get many great perks. Your membership includes early registration dates, discounted tickets on events, free haircuts, and better rates on classes and programs. Membership is valid through December 31, 2015. Memberships will be available Saturday, November 1st. HAIR STYLIST Every Wednesday & Thursday from 9:30 a.m.-11:15 a.m., our hair stylist takes appointments. This service is for members only. Call the front desk at (408) 268-1133 to set up your appointment. SALA (Senior Adult Legal Assistance) ~ FREE 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., Assistance available the second Friday of every other month. SALA provides free legal advice, brief consultations, and representation in a wide variety of matters to residents of Santa Clara County who are 60 years of age or older. Please call ahead to schedule your appointment. (408) 268-1133. BREAD DELIVERY THURSDAYS ONLY ~ FREE Please call (408) 268-1133 to check on the availability of baked goods. Please bring your own bag. Before 8:25 a.m., bread is for seniors only. Bread will be limited to the discretion of the volunteers and Senior Specialist. Bread will be given out on a first come first serve basis. HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling Advocacy Program) ~ FREE 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. every third Tuesday of the month. Please call ahead to schedule your appointment at (408) 268-1133. Recycle Your Batteries at Almaden! Did you know that the Almaden Community Center will recycle your old batteries?! Simply bring them to the front desk and we will do the rest. Batteries contain heavy metals that, when disposed of improperly, can leak out to the environment and be harmful. It is important that they are disposed of correctly and safely to prevent harm to humans and the environment. Important Monthly & Special Events Almaden Senior Association Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015 9:45am in Room 4 The Almaden Senior Association, a group of five elected officers and any interested members, is primarily responsible for organizational direction. This group meets the first Wednesday of the month to discuss, plan, and authorize current and future activities. A representative from our San Jose District 10 Councilmember’s office will be in attendance. All members are invited to join this meeting to offer your thoughts and help to make our programs even better. Senior Peer Advocate (SPA) Appointments Wednesday Mornings, Appointment Only The Almaden Community Center is now offering Senior Peer Advocate appointments! Got questions about social security, medicare/medicaid, housing, etc. that you need help with? Our SPA Volunteer Can help!! Cat Atkinsons, our volunteer, has attended trainings through the Health Trust to provide you with a variety of questions and problems. Cat will be here Wednesday mornings starting at 9am in the Conference Room. Appointments are made at the front desk. Table Tennis—Drop-in Program and Workshop Due to continual difficulties with the Table Tennis program, we will now be switching to a Drop-In program for Table Tennis. This will be a first-come, firstserve program where you pay for each class. This system will allow people to come when they want and free participants up to take vacations. This will hopefully eliminate the attendance/enrollment issues we have been facing. A complete drop-in schedule is available at the front desk. We will also be offering a Table Tennis Workshop this summer, where experienced participants will have a chance to practice their shots as well as singles play. This workshop will meet Mondays from 4-6pm, and registration for this is required. Thursday, June 11th, 11:30AM Fish Market—1007 Blossom Hill Rd, San Jose, CA 95123 Every second Thursday of the month members of the center are invited to lunch outside of the Almaden Community Center. This month we will be going to the Fish Market on Blossom Hill. We will have separate checks for this event. Please make your reservation early by noon on Monday, June 8th, at the Front desk (408-268-1133), or call Bev at 408-2682630. The Restaurant phone number is 408-269-3474 in case you had menu specific questions. Hope to see you there! Summer Registration Now Open! Sign up at the Front desk or online www.sanjoseca.gov/almadencc 2015 Membership now available! Sign-up as a member for $10 and get an $8 discount on classes! See the front desk for more information. Activity ActivityName Dates Time Day(s) Mem/Non Ballroom Dance Begin251.1.1901 ners 6/13-8/15 1:00PM-3:00PM Sa $12.00/$20.00 251.1.1910 Bridge 6/11-7/30 9:00AM-Noon Th $8.00/$16.00 251.1.1913 Bridge Beginning Class 6/25-7/30 1:00PM-3:00PM Th $21.00/$29.00 251.1.1813 Bridge Intermediate 6/23-7/28 1:00PM-3:00PM Tu $28.00/$36.00 251.1.1911 Bridge Intermediate 6/9-7/28 8:30AM-11:30AM Tu $12.00/$20.00 251.1.1920 Creative Writing 6/9-8/11 1:15AM-2:45PM Tu $11.00/$19.00 251.1.1892 Dance Fit 6/9-6/11 8:00AM-9:00AM Tu Th $4.00/$12.00 251.1.2125 Handwork for Others 6/5-7/31 10:00AM - Noon F Free 251.1.1922 History Club 6/10-7/29 10:00AM - Noon W $6.00/$14.00 251.1.1924 Line Dance 6/3-8/19 10:00AM-11:00AM W $12.00/$20.00 251.1.1818 Line Dance 6/15-8/17 1:00PM-2:30PM M $32.00/$40.00 Line Dance Advanced 251.1.1821 Beginner 6/25-8/13 7:30AM-9:00AM Th $10.00/$18.00 Morning Stretch/Body 251.1.1835 Conditioning 6/8-8/21 8:00AM-8:40AM MWF $25.00/$33.00 Morning Stretch/Body 251.1.1836 Conditioning 6/8-8/21 8:50AM-9:30AM MWF $25.00/$33.00 251.1.1982 Quilters 6/23-8/18 6:00PM-8:00PM Tu $7.00/$15.00 251.1.0505 Table Tennis Workshop 6/1-8/10 4:00PM-6:00PM M $7.00/$15.00 251.1.1985 Weekly Dish 6/8-8/17 10:00AM - Noon M $8.00/$16.00 251.1.1990 Yuan Ji Dance 6/1-7/13 1:00PM-3:00PM M $4.00/$12.00 251.1.1991 Yuan Ji Dance 7/20-8/17 11:00AM-1:00PM M $4.00/$12.00 And now, some comedic relief provided by the Comic Strip... June 2015 Su Mon 1 7 8 8:00 & 8:50 Morning Stretch 9:45 Table Tennis 10:00 Feldenkrais 1:00 Spanish Intermediate 1:00 Yuan Ji Dance 4:00 Table Tennis Workshop 8:00 & 8:50 Morning Stretch 10:00 Weekly Dish 4:00 Table Tennis Workshop Tue 2 Wed 8:00 Dance Fit 8:00 San Jose Striders 8:30 Bridge Intermediate 9:00 Line Dance 9:15 Enhance Fitness 1:00 Bridge Intermediate Class 1:00 Creative Writing 6:00 Quilters 9 8:00AM Dance Fit 8:30 Bridge Intermediate 1:15 Creative Writing 6:00 Quilters M O V I E 3 8:00 & 8:50 Morning Stretch 9:45 Senior Association Meeting 10:30 Tai Chi 1:00 Mah Jongg 1:00 On Our Own 11:45/1:00 Line Dance 1/2 1:30 Table Tennis 10 8:00 & 8:50 Morning Stretch 10:00 History Club 10:00 Line Dance 1PM 14 15 8:30 Bridge Intermediate 1:15 Creative Writing 6:00 Quilters 8:00 & 8:50 Morning Stretch 10:00 Weekly Dish 1:00 Line Dance 1:00 Yuan Ji Dance 4:00 Table Tennis Workshop 21 22 8:00 & 8:50 Morning Stretch 10:00 Weekly Dish 1:00 Line Dance 1:00 Yuan Ji Dance 4:00 Table Tennis Workshop 17 16 8:00 & 8:50 Morning Stretch 10:00 History Club 10:00 Line Dance 24 23 8:30 Bridge Intermediate 1:00 Bridge Intermediate 1:15 Creative Writing 6:00 Quilters M O V I E 8:00 & 8:50 Morning Stretch 10:00 History Club 10:00 Line Dance 1PM 28 8:00 & 8:50 Morning Stretch 10:00 Weekly Dish 1:00 Line Dance 1:00 Yuan Ji Dance 4:00 Table Tennis Workshop 29 8:30 Bridge Intermediate 1:00 Bridge Intermediate 1:15 Creative Writing 6:00 Quilters 30 8:00 & 8:50 Morning Stretch 10:00 History Club 10:00 Line Dance Almaden Senior Program Thu 8:00 Dance Fit 8:30/10:00 Line Dance 9:15 Enahnce Fitness 9:00 Bridge 10:00 Painting Group/Open Studio 1:00 Bridge Beginning Class 1:30 Table Tennis 1:30 Arthritis Exercise Program 5:00 Hula Dancing 8:00 Dance Fit 9:00 Bridge Fri 4 11 Sat 5 8:00 & 8:50 Morning Stretch 9:30 Piano Keyboarding 1A 9:20 Golf at RDP 9:40 Feldenkrais 10:00 Creative Arts 10:00 Handwork for Others 10:30 Piano Keyboarding 1B 10:50 Gentle Yoga 12:30 Happy Singers 6:00 Ballroom Dance Beginners 8:00 & 8:50 Morning Stretch 10:00 Handwork for Others 6 8:00 San Jose Striders Walking Group 1:00 Ballroom Dance 1:45 Bowling at CB 12 13 8:00 San Jose Striders Walking Group 1:00 Ballroom Dance 1:45 Bowling at CB B I N G O 1PM 18 9:00 Bridge 8:00 & 8:50 Morning Stretch 10:00 Handwork for Others 19 8:00 San Jose Striders Walking Group 1:00 Ballroom Dance 20 1:45 Bowling at CB 25 7:30 Line Dance Advanced Beginner 9:00 Bridge 1:00 Beginning Bridge 8:00 & 8:50 Morning Stretch 10:00 Handwork for Others 26 27 8:00 San Jose Striders Walking Group 1:00 Ballroom Dance 1:45 Bowling at CB Bingo! Meets second Friday of the month at 1pm in Room 2. Come play Bingo at Almaden! No entrance fee. Prizes include $5 gift cards and free lunch vouchers. Bowling at Cambrian Bowl Meets Saturdays at 1:45pm. Have you bowled in the past and would like to take it up again? Never bowled before but want to give it a try? Then the sport of bowling is right down your alley!! Bowlers meet weekly to play three games and have a good time. All are welcome. Call Dennis for more information 408/997-9539 Golf at Rancho del Pueblo Meets Thursdays at 9:20am at the Rancho del Pueblo Golf Course. $10 for members, $13 for non-members. Softball at DeAnza Park Meets Fridays at 9:30am for a game of Softball. Free! San Jose Striders (formerly Quicksilver Walking Group) Meets Tuesdays and Saturdays at 8am at the entrance to the Los Alamitos Creek Trail (corner of Camden and Mt. Forest). Come join this free walking group and get active! Starting the last week of September, participants will receive prizes (including pedometers!) for their participation. Call Arden for more information 408/997-0744. Are you interested in learning a new and exciting activity!? If so, Pickleball is for you!! According to the USA Pickleball Association, Pickleball is, “A paddle sport created for all ages and skill levels. The rules are simple and the game is easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a quick, fast-paced, competitive game for experienced players.” It is similar to tennis, table tennis, and badminton, with triple the fun! We are excited to bring this program to Almaden Fall 2015. More information to follow! Are you confused about Windows 8 or not sure what to do with your iPad or iPhone? The SeniorNet Learning Center of Almaden offers courses tailored for adult learners that are taught in a knowledgeable, friendly manner. You’ll learn how to get the most out of your iPad or iPhone. Students in the beginning course learn to use a mouse and keyboard, send and receive email, look up interesting web sites and enjoy other computer activities. The Greeting Card Magic! series teaches how to use The Print Shop software to create greeting cards and much more. Other courses cover Microsoft Word and Excel, Photoshop Elements, Picasa, iTunes and other skills that make using a computer a pleasure. SeniorNet’s mission is to provide older adults with computer education that enhances their lives and enables them to communicate with others. Course information is available at www.snlcsj.org/almaden, or call (408) 677-7698. Registration and classes are held at the Almaden Community Center, 6445 Camden Ave., San Jose; the classroom is on the second floor. Let It Be—NR 6/09 This documentary records the lives of several old farmers (peasants) in Chheⁿ-liâu Village, Āu-piah (i.e., Houbi Township), Tainan County (now part of Tainan City). It generated discussion and debate in the Taiwanese civil societyabout the impact on agriculture due to its membership in the World Trade Organization. Winner of many awards and specially requested by our members in honor of San Jose’s sister city, Tainan, Taiwan, and as a late celebration of Taiwanese Heritage Week. Hector and the Search for Happiness—R 6/16 Based on the novel "Le Voyage d'Hector ou la recherche du bonheur" written by Francois Lelord, a psychiatrist travels the world in search of the key to happiness. The Rewrite—NR 6/23 THE REWRITE tells the story of screenwriter Keith Michaels (Hugh Grant), who was, once upon a time, on top of the world – he had an Oscar and a hit movie to his name and a beautiful wife by his side. But that was fifteen years ago: now, he’s divorced, broke, approaching fifty and hasn't written a hit film in years. So when his agent arranges a job teaching screenwriting at an off the beaten track University in upstate New York, a desperate Keith can’t say no. Hoping to give minimal attention to his duties and focus on writing a new script, his attitude slowly begins to turn as he gets to know his students, including Holly (Marisa Tomei), a single mom looking to start a new chapter in her life. Starring: Hugh Grant and Marissa Tomei 2014 Senior Association Board Members President– William (Bill) Hubka Vice-President - Ralph Butterworth Treasurer– Marlene Duffin Secretary– VACANT! Highlights of Almaden Senior Association Meeting from May 6, 2015 1. We are still in need of a new secretary!! 2. It has been requested of the Almaden Youth Advisory Council that the Almaden Senior Association become its own 501(c)3. 3. Moving forward, financial reports from the City and Association will clearly reflect the cost of all events as well as the revenue. 4. Vince Tarpey’s term is up for the San Jose Senior Commission. Councilmember Khamis will interview and select a new representative by the end of June. 5. A motion was moved to donate $500 to the Councilmember’s Fourth of July Fireworks show. How this $500 is to be used will be decided at the next Association Board meeting. 6. The Events Master Calendar is continuously being updated and can be found on the website. ***The next meeting will be held Wednesday, June 3rd, at 9:45am in Room 4. THANK YOU to everyone that helped make the Cinco de Mayo Event a huge success!!! Thank you to RoseMary McDiarmid for planning such a joyous celebration!! The catering vendor RoseMary chose, Taco Bar Catering, provided a delicious meal and a truly exciting experience. Rich and Jeanne Sanders, as well as our Recreation Leader Megan Magahiz, did a wonderful job cleaning the back area up to make room for the catering truck. A huge thank you to everyone that helped with set up, clean up, ticket sales, serving, raffle tickets, greeting, and other miscellaneous tasks that come up along the way. We couldn’t do these events without you!! Laura and Art Randall, Valerie Klaus, Josie Supencheck, Margaret Inglese, Betty McGowan, Bev Temkin, Sharon Dunn, Donna Smith, Pat Eagan, Ernie and Joanne Sadler, Del Marklein, Cherrie Murray, Rich DeMoss, Cathy and Mitch Michelon, Chickie Nemeth, Miriam Atlas, Ralph Stevens, Barbara Kristal, Marti Degutis, May and Hugh Miller, Arden Weiner, Jack Campbell, Nancy Koppel, and Darrilyn Cooper. Almaden Community Center 6445 Camden Ave. San Jose, CA 95120 408-268-1133 Libra You’re very popular and you’re lucky or skillful enough to find protectors, supporters and friends willing to help you out with whatever you intend to do, to back you up and promote you. Leo Luck seems to come your way without you making any effort. Opportunities for development and success arise, people with interesting project proposals come your way, your bosses hold you in high regard. Virgo If unpleasant situations should arise, they will probably happen in the first part of the month, and are most likely caused by your own excesses or imprudence. Aries Financially, it would be better to dwell carefully on every decision and always have something saved up. That’s due to Saturn, now in retrograde, that returns in Scorpio for a few months during which Arians might encounter some complications, delays or financial setbacks. Scorpio It’s an excellent time for fame and prestige. Achievements are aided by connections you have in high circles, by collaborators, by your spouse or lover. You might be commended, appreciated or even awarded, win something, or enjoy resonating success. Taurus Taureans focus on investing in their home or real-estate initiatives for the duration of June 2015.You’ll most likely want to make your home more beautiful, more comfortable, more refined. Maybe you’ll buy a painting or some furniture, or a long-lasting item. Capricorn With the Sun, Mars and Mercury in Capricorn’s house of work, June 2015 is a busy month. You have a lot of work to do, you’re burning a lot of energy, you have to face some emergencies or situations that force you to make quick decisions. Gemini Mars is in Gemini, and it brings you drive, courage and ambition. The Sun is also in Gemini, and its transit gives you the chance to shine and assert yourself, to be commended and rewarded. Aquarius With Venus and Jupiter in Pisceans’ house of work, favorable situations present themselves, which bring you to the fore, consolidate your prestige and give you financial satisfactions. The month of June 2015 looks like a prolific, richly rewarded one. Sagittarius You take charge and go for it to get what you want. But sometimes you might be too impulsive, generating tensions or, the other way around, your loved one might be too impulsive. Cancer You have to take care of yourself, keep close watch on your affections and stay away from indiscretions, excesses and risky situations, especially in the first half of the month, or, better yet, for the first two decans. Pisces June 2015 a lot of Pisceans will invest effort, energy and financial resources into an activity that might have to do with a house, a plot of land, headquarters, maybe something involving agriculture, horticulture or stock raising. It’s an area where things had gone stale for a while, but now they’re looking up again.
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