Page 1 of 7 Chem 370 - Spring, 2015 Assignment 8 - Solutions 10.1 a. All tetrahedral complexes are high spin. For Td d 6 the configuration is e3t23: t2 Y 4 unpaired electrons e 2+ 7 b. Co(H2O)6 is d high-spin Oh because H2O is a weak-field ligand. (Do not confuse Co2+ with Co3+, which tends to be low-spin, even with H2O.) eg Y 3 unpaired electrons t2g c. Cr(H2O)63+ is d3 Oh. eg Y 3 unpaired electrons t2g d. Square planar complexes have the following splitting scheme, filled in a low-spin manner. (The middle two levels may be reversed in some cases, but that does not generally affect the overall configuration or number of unpaired electrons.) b1g (x2 - y2) b2g (xy) a1g (z2) Y 1 unpaired electron eg (xz, yz) e. 10.2 Y n = 4.2 . 4 a. To have M3+ with 3d1, the neutral atom would need to be 3d24s2, which is Ti. b. The most unpaired electrons is d5. [MBr4]– has a M3+ ion. These two facts make it Fe. c. Diamagnetic [M(CN)6]3– would be a low-spin d6, because CN– is a high-field ligand. The M3+ ion with a 3d6 configuration is Co. d. If CFSE = –0.6Δo with no pairing terms, there are no paired electrons. The high-spin configuration t2g3eg1 would have a CFSE = (–0.4)(3)Δo + (0.6)(1)Δo = –0.6Δo. This would be the configuration for Cr2+. If pairing energy is ignored, the configuration d9 = t2g6eg3 would also fit this description, but with pairing energy CFSE = (–0.4)(6)Δo + (0.6)(3)Δo + 4P = –0.6 + 4P. This would be the configuration for Cu2+. Page 2 of 7 10.7 This is {[Fe(H2O)6]2+}2{[Fe(CN)6]4–}. The cation is high-spin d 6 with μ = 4.89 B.M., and the anion is low-spin d 6 with μ = 0. Thus, μ = (2/3)(4.89 B.M.) = 3.27. For 2.67 electrons, , which is close to the expected average of two paramagnetic cations and one diamagnetic anion. 10.8 Co2+ is d 7. Tetrahedral would be 3 unpaired electrons with μ = 3.87 B.M. Octahedral high-spin would also be 3 unpaired electrons with μ = 3.87 B.M. Square planar would be 1 unpaired electron with μ = 1.73 B.M. A d 7 low-spin octahedral complex would also be 1 unpaired electron with μ = 1.73 B.M. 10.21 a. When compression occurs on the z axis, those orbitals with a z component (dxz, dyz, dz2) are destabilized, and those with an xy component (dxy, dx2–y2) are stabilized. The degeneracies of Oh are split on descent to D4h. The effect is the opposite of stretching along z (see below). b. Stretching along z destabilizes those orbitals with an xy component (dxy, dx2–y2) and stabilizes those orbitals with a z component (dxz, dyz, dz2). The splitting of the octahedral t2g and eg levels is shown below. Oh D4h b1g (dx2-y2) +*1/2 eg -*1/2 a1g (dz2) )o )o b2g (dxy) +2*2/3 t2g -*2/3 increasing stretch along z eg (dxz, dyz) Page 3 of 7 10.23 a. The answers below also include the pairing energy (P) contributions, which the authors ignore in their answers (as do many other sources). Each electron in a t2g orbital contributes –0.4Δo to CFSE, and each electron in an eg orbital contributes +0.6 to CFSE. * Complex Config . n μ (B.M.) CFSE [Co(CO)4]– d 10 0 0 0 [Cr(CN)6]4– t2g4 2 2.83 –1.6Δo + P [Fe(H2O)6]3+ t2g3eg2 5 5.92 0 [Co(NO2)6]4– * t2g6eg1 1 1.73 –1.8Δo + 3P [Co(NH3)6]3+ t2g6 0 0 –2.4Δo + 3P MnO4– d0 0 0 0 [Cu(H2O)6]2+ t2g6eg3 1 1.73 –0.6Δo + 4P The authors’ answer book has [Co(NO2)6]4– as a high-spin d 7 case, but from the position of NO2– in the spectrochemical series you would predict this to be low-spin with 1 unpaired electron, as shown here. b. Both [Co(CO)4]– and MnO4– have no CFSE. The octahedral ions (except [Fe(H2O)6]3+) have CFSE values that favor octahedral coordination. The tetrahedral ions are stabilized by π bonding, with CO as an acceptor and O2– as a donor. Fe3+ would have no CFSE, either as an octahedral or tetrahedral complex. c. Compare the CFSE values (ignoring pairing). Recall that Δt = (4/9)Δo. Ion Spin State Oh CFSE Td CFSE Co(II) d 7 high spin –0.8Δo –1.2Δt = (4/9)(–1.2)Δo = –0.53Δo Ni(II) d8 –1.2Δo –0.8Δt = (4/9)(–0.8)Δo = –0.36Δo As these results show, for Co(II) Oh CFSE is better than Td CFSE by only 0.27Δo. For Ni(II), Oh CFSE is better by 0.84Δo. The smaller octahedral advantage with Co(II) makes it more likely that tetrahedral complexes may be stable, whereas with Ni(II) the octahedral advantage is so great that tetrahedral complexes are less likely. Page 4 of 7 10.26 a. A square pyramid is C4v. L L L L L M From the direct product transformation properties listed in the C4v character table, we can determine that the five-fold degeneracy among d orbitals in the free ion is lifted as follows: dz2 = a1 dx2–y2 = b1 dxy = b2 (dxz, dyz) = e The dxy orbital is lowest, because its lobes lie between ligands, which are actually in a plane below. The degenerate (dxz, dyz) orbitals with their lobes oriented between all ligands are next in order. The dz2 orbital is next higher in energy, because it points directly at the axial ligand and its annular part is in the xy plane. The dx2–y2 orbital is the highest in energy, because its lobes point directly at the four basal ligands. The following CFT splitting scheme results: _____ dx2–y2 (b1) _____ dz2 (a1) _____ _____ dxz, dyz (e) _____ dxy (b2) With the preceding CFT results, we can construct an MO scheme, using five σ-SALCs from the ligands to interact with the d orbitals, whose symmetries we have already determined. C4v E 2C4 C2 2σv 2σd Γσ 5 1 1 3 1 G G/8 A1 5 2 1 6 2 16 2 A2 5 2 1 –6 –2 0 0 B1 5 –2 1 6 –2 8 1 B2 5 –2 1 –6 2 0 0 E 10 0 –2 0 0 8 1 Γσ = 2 A1 + B1 + E All SALCs have same-symmetry matches with d orbital symmetries and will form bonding and antibonding MOs. There are two A1 SALCs and only one A1 AO (dz2), so we can form only three MOs of this symmetry. For simplicity, the scheme below assumes two bonding and one mixed antibonding MO. We do not have a B2 symmetry SALC, so the dxy AO on the metal will be nonbonding. Electron pairs from the five ligands will fill the bonding MOs. Electrons from the metal will result in partial filling of the nonbonding b2 MO, then the antibonding e MO, the antibonding a1 MO, and finally the antibonding b1 MO, depending on the metal ion’s d n configuration. There is no simple way of predicting the order of the bonding MOs, so the order shown below is just a reasonable guess. However, as seen with octahedral and tetrahedral cases, the ordering of MOs filled from metal electrons is the same as predicted by CFT considerations. Page 5 of 7 M 5L ML 5 b1* a1* M d n filling starts here e* b2n a1 + b1 + b2 + e e a1 2a 1 + b 1 + e b1 a1 11.11 a. d 8 (Oh) is t2g6eg2. There is only one configuration for this, so it is 3A1g. b. d 5 high spin is t2g3eg2, for which there is only one configuration, so it is 6A1g. d 5 low spin is t2g5eg0. The unpaired electron can be in any of the three t2g orbitals, making this a triply degenerate T terms. The Tanabe-Sugano diagram shows this as 2T2g. c. d 4 (Td) is e2t22. Recall that all Td ML4 complexes are high spin. Here, the hole can be in any one of the three t2 orbitals, so this is a triply degenerate state. The d 4 Td Orgel diagram is the same as the d 1, d 6 Oh diagram, so this is a 5T2 state (no subscript g). d. d 9 square planar (D4h). The highest orbital, b1g (dx2–y2), has one electron in it, so this is a nondegenerate state. In D4h this would be 2B1g. 11.13 [Ni(H2O)6]2+ is d 8 Oh. This case is covered by the left side of the second Orgel diagram, the diagram for d 2, d 7 Oh and related cases. For d 8 Oh, the lowest energy transition, 3A2g ÷ 3T2g, is equivalent to Δo, so from Figure 11-8 for [Ni(H2O)6]2+ Δo is ~8,700 cm–1. The other two bands arise from the transitions 3A2g ÷ 3T1g(F) and 3A2g ÷ 3T1g(P). The splitting of the bands is a result of Jahn-Teller distortion of the triply degenerate excited states in each case. Note that the ground state (3A1g) is immune from Jahn-Teller distortion. 11.14 a. [Cr(C2O4)3]3– has Cr3+ d3. Either from the Orgel diagram or the Tanabe-Sugano diagram, we expect the following transitions: ν1 [4A2g ÷ 4T2g], ν2 [4A2g ÷ 4T1g(F)], ν3 [4A2g ÷ 4T1g(P)]. In d 3 Oh cases, Δo corresponds to the energy of the first transition, ν1. For this complex, ν1 = 17,400 cm-1 = Δo. b. [Ti(NCS)6]3– has Ti3+ d 1. The single band arises from the transition 2T2g ÷ 2Eg, as predicted from the right side of the first Orgel diagram. Thus, Δo = 18,400 cm–1. Both the ground state and the excited state are subject to Jahn-Teller distortions, but only the 2Eg state will have appreciable splitting, because it arises from an imbalance in eg orbitals directed at ligands. This is the probable cause of the band splitting. Page 6 of 7 c. [Ni(en)3]2+ has Ni2+ d 8. The Orgel diagram for d 8 is the same as d 3 (see above), so we expect three bands: ν1 [3A2g ÷ 3T2g], ν2 [3A2g ÷ 3T1g(F)], ν3 [3A2g ÷ 3T1g(P)]. As with the d 3 Oh case, for d 8 Oh Δo is the energy of the single band, here ν = 11,200 cm–1 = Δo. 11.16 a. b. c. d. e. t2g4eg2 – T t2g6 – A t2g3eg3 – E t2g5 – T eg1 – E The pair in t2g orbitals can be in any of the three. There is only one way of assigning the electrons. An excited state; the pair in eg (or the unpaired electron) can be in either orbital. The unpaired electron can be in any of the three t2g orbitals. An excited state; the electron can be in either orbital. 11.17 Configurations corresponding to nondegenerate states will not have distortions. Those that are eg1 and eg3, which lead to E states, will have large distortions, because eg orbitals are directed at ligands. Configurations that correspond to triply degenerate states arise from an imbalance among t2g orbitals, which lie between ligands. These have only small distortions. 11.23 a. At 80 K, At 300 K, State Distortion Distortion t2gxegy 1 t2g 1 2 T2g small 2 t2g 2 3 T2g small 3 t2g 3 4 A2g none 4 t2g 3eg1 5 Eg large t2g 4 3 small 5 t2g 3eg2 6 A1g none t2g 5 2 T2g small 6 t2g 4eg2 5 T2g small t2g 6 1 A1g none 7 t2g 5eg2 4 T1g small t2g 6eg1 2 large 8 t2g 6eg2 3 A2g none 9 t2g 6eg3 2 large Eg t2gxegy State dn T1g Eg , from which n = 0.19 . 0. , from which n = 4.3 . 4. b. The complex appears to be d 6 low-spin at 80K and d 6 high spin at 300 K. Looking at the TanabeSugano diagram, we would expect as many as five bands arising from the 1A1g ground state of the low-spin complex at 80 K. More realistically, there are probably only two or three bands, because the upper 1Eg and 1T2g states are nearly degenerate, and the transition to the highest state (1A2g) probably falls in the uv. The transition to the accidentally degenerate 1Eg and 1T2g states may also fall in the uv. By contrast, the d 6 high-spin complex should have only one band, 5T2g ÷ 5Eg. This band may show some spitting, owing to strong Jahn-Teller distortion in the excited state. Page 7 of 7 11.27 Adding NH3 causes replacement of the H2O ligands, and adding ethylendiamine (en) causes replacement of NH3 ligands with en. [Ni(H2O)6]2+ Color: green Complement: red NH3 [Ni(NH3)6]2+ blue orange en [Ni(en)3]2+ violet yellow In the spectrochemical series, H2O is weaker than NH3, which is weaker than en. Thus, through the series of substitutions, the value of Δo increases. Treating all of these as octahedral (the en complex is actually D3), from the d8 Orgel diagram we predict three absorption bands, arising from the transitions 3 A2g÷3T2g, 3A2g÷3T1g(F), 3A2g÷3T1g(P). As Δo increases, the frequencies of all of these transitions increase, which means the absorbed region of the visible spectrum shifts toward the blue end of the visible spectrum. The absorbed regions are the complements of the colors we perceive. These complements change from red to orange to yellow, a shift toward higher frequencies, consistent with increasing Δo.
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