Accutrack Relays - ALSTOM Signaling Inc

Type B Series Vital Relays
Solid-State Vane Relay
Type B Series Vital Relays
B1&B2 Neutral, direct current track
and line relays, normal release
B1&B2 Biased-Neutral, picks up only
with proper polarity voltage
B1&B2 Neutral Slow Acting,
direct current, time-delay determined
by copper or aluminum slugs or
copper washers on the cores
B1 Magnetic-Stick, remains in its last operating position when energy is removed
B1 Light Out, neutral relay with a
low resistance winding when used to
check continuity of a hot lamp
B1 Flasher Direct Current, flashing rates for highway crossing and track
side signals using flasher module
B1 Lamp Control Direct Current highway crossing flashers lamp control
B1 Power Transfer, neutral relay,
using rectified AC module
B1 Switch Machine Control
Direct Current, available as neutral and biased-neutral, with heavy duty and extra heavy-duty contacts
Alstom plug-in relays combine the tradition
of excellence established by GRS with the
innovation of Alstom to perfect the technology, first introduced nearly 80 years ago.
Today, Alstom relays are considered to be the
standard in the industry. Available in a wide
range of types and configurations, Alstom
relays improve reliability, reduce maintenance, and maximize operating life. B Series
Vital Relays can be rack-installed in equipment rooms, wayside cases or housings.
B1 Relay
Alstom Type B Vital Circuit Relays are available in two sizes – B1 and B2. Two B1 relays occupy
the same space as a single B2 relay. Type B Relays install quickly and easily, making positive
mechanical and electrical connections to plugboard terminals.
The contact and coil structures terminate at the base of the relay as prongs. The plugboard has
wedge-shaped plug insulators. Guide rods ensure that the prongs and plug insulators make
proper contact. Registration plates prevent improper installation of non-compatible relays onto
a plugboard. Some Type B relays are energized by DC voltage, others by AC voltage. All are
designed to meet the important requirements of safety, reliability, low maintenance, and long
operating life. A vital Type B relay is designed to ensure a low probability of failure to return to
a prescribed state de-energized.
For more information refer to
manual P1457.
B1 Switch Machine Overload,
neutral relay with built-in thermal slow-pickup and make-before-break contacts
B2 Vane, two position, 50/60/100Hz, AC Track Relay
B2 Vane Relay
Electronic Relays
Alstom’s line of Electronic Relays is the most versatile making it a direct replacement for mechanical relays in the market. Alstom
is the leader in form, fit and functional replacement of mechanical relays with the new Electronic versions. Typically, mechanical
units can be removed and an Alstom Electronic version can be used in its place without any need for field wiring changes.
The Alstom Solid State Vane Relay replaces a number of different vane relays.
Pick-up and drop-away performance is greatly improved and does not vary over
the life of the product. Phase angle settings are more easily accomplished than
is possible with mechanical counterparts. Mechanical adjustments and periodic
inspections are simplified by the use of standard B relay structure. For more information refer to manual P2522.
The Alstom Solid State Code Transmitter is a complete replacement for all
variations of the mechanical code transmitter relay. Absolutely no maintenance
or adjustments are required over the life of the device. Code rate timing accuracy
is greatly improved and will not vary over the life of the product. One Solid State
Code Transmitter can replace multiple mechanical code transmitter relays, greatly
reducing customer inventory. For more information refer to manual P2514.
The Alstom Microchron™ II Timer is a drop-in replacement for a number of different timer relays. Timing accuracy is greatly increased and will not vary over
the life of the product. Time duration settings are more easily accomplished then
is possible with mechanical counterparts. Mechanical adjustments and periodic
inspections are simplified by the use of standard B relay structure. Both AC and DC
versions are available. For more information refer to manual P2519.
For more information
please contact Alstom Signaling:
Alstom Signaling
1025 John Street
West Henrietta, NY 14586
Phone: 1-800-717-4477
Visit us online:
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