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..... shows you
what to eat and
when in order
to speed up your
metabolism for
easy weight loss
and improved
Julie Rennie is an authorative and
inspirational mentor and speaker
encouraging thousands of people to
transform themselves, teaching them how
to live with optimal wellness. Due to the
popularity of her first book The Metabolic
Clock she has released her second book.
The Metabolic Clock Cookbook is filled
with recipes that are designed to speed
up your metabolism and improve your
health. This is an inspiring cookbook
filled with nourishing and delicious meals
covering breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks
and treats.
•Discover what to eat and when, to
speed up your metabolism and lose
weight easily.
•Turn your bad habits into healthy habits
and feel more energised.
•Get in sync with nature’s rhythms and
live a more balanced lifestyle.
•Delicious vegetarian meals included.
The Healthy Life Plan - 6 Week Course
Commences March 3rd
Julie is about to launch The Healthy Life Plan
6-week online course, which has everything
you need to get started and keep you on
track with your new healthy lifestyle.
Start Living Healthier! Workshops that
will have you feeling better……..It’s time
your mind and body, live a healthy,
positive life you deserve. Based on the
best selling book Metabolic Clock by
Julie Rennie the Healthy Life Plan six
week course has everything you need to
get started and keep you on track with
your new healthy lifestyle. Week by week
implement the tools and strategies that
will become the foundation for a happier
and healthy you.
This six-week course has simple strategies
to get organized and create healthy daily
practices. It includes powerful motivation
techniques that make it easy to maintain a
healthy lifestyle. It has a complete eating
plan that shows you what to eat and when
in order to speed up your metabolism for
easy weight loss and improved health. It
also includes coaching support from her
Lifestyle Coaches.
Keeping healthy and vital is made easy
with the simple and nutritious recipes
that are family friendly and for those who
want to improve their health and energy
The Healthy Life Plan addresses
sustainable lifestyle changes, rather than
dieting, and helps people change lifelong
patterns that are preventing them from
living full lives. This system focuses on
digestive health and the benefits of an
efficient metabolism for weight loss and
wellness, explains the connection between
a lack of good sleep and weight gain and
shows you what foods to eat in order to
overcome tiredness.
The Metabolic Clock Cookbook is
available at all good bookstores.
Published by Rockpool Publishing it
retails for $24.99.
This six-week course will inspire and guide
you week by week to make permanent
healthy lifestyle changes in the comfort of
your own home.
The Health Life Plan. ‘It really works and
has provided me with weight loss of (11
Kilos in 6 weeks). More importantly it has
changed my life, given me the knowledge
for a healthy lifestyle and given me
confidence back!. Best of all it was easy
to follow. Everyone should try this.”
Jenny Middleton.
Tuesday Evening commencing March 3rd,
7pm till 8.30pm Cost: $295 (payment
plan available) Includes Coaching,
Handouts, Online access to plan, recipes,
tools to change your life and more.
Phone: 9500 8220 or 0411 260 358 or
visit www.metabolicclock.com
An Empowering Weekend of Deep
Discover the simple but profound reason
& unhappiness are merely cries from you
purpose & 2) love, honor & value yourse
Summer & Autumn 2015
Mastery Series
with bestselling author Blake D. Bauer
Preventative Medicine | Natural Healing | Vital Health & Happiness
Unconditional Self Love Mastery –
Byron Bay Weekend Retreat for the
Heart, Mind, Body and Soul
For more information
or tickets please visit
March 28 – 29th 2015 • Byron Bay, NSW
A Deeply Nourishing & Empowering Weekend of
Self-Love, Healing, Organic Food, Spiritual Practice,
Mindfulness Meditation & Qi Gong Healing Exercises
Please join bestselling author Blake D. Bauer for a weekend
retreat focused on how to practically love, accept, forgive, honor,
value and be true to yourself in every moment and situation.
Discover why all suffering, anxiety, depression & illness are cries
from your soul asking you to love, value & be true to yourself now.
The weekend will also include deep mindfulness meditation and qi
gong healing exercises, all designed to unlock stuck energy, blood
and emotion so you can move forward in fulfilling your life purpose
and enjoying your life to the fullest – without regret and without
feeling guilty for wanting to happy or healthy.
“Blake Bauer’s You Were
Not Born To Suffer is one
of the best books on the
planet for emotional healing
and transformation. Apply
these brilliant suggestions
and enjoy the benefit of your
life changing in beautiful,
harmonious and loving ways.”
- Dr. Darren R Weissman, Developer of The
LifeLine Technique & Best Selling Author
Available on: