AMERICAN ICONS - American Corners Hungary

Call for competition
American Corner Veszprém is announcing the
drawing competition for the elementary and secondary school students of Veszprém and its
You can enter the competition in the following themes and age groups:
National symbols of the USA
Iconic people in American history
Iconic places and sights in the USA
Age group I.: elementary school, grades 5-8
Age group II.: secondary school
Each applicant can submit a maximum of two works of art, made by hand, in size A/4
(any drawing technique can be applied)
The works will be digitalized and then displayed in the online exhibition “American
Icons” (on the websites and Facebook pages of American Corner Veszprém and Eötvös
Károly County Library), organized for American Corner Veszprém’s 10th birthday
The exhibition will be available from June 2, 2015. The drawings will be evaluated by a
professional jury, who will pick the two best entries in each age group.
The audience will be able to vote for the drawings in the online gallery at American
Corner Veszprém’s and Eötvös Károly County Library’s Facebook pages. The drawings
that get the most “LIKE”s between June 2 and 5, 2015, will get the audience award.
American Corner Veszprém will award the creators of the best entries in each category
with valuable prizes.
Please indicate the title of the work, the name of the creator and his/her age group on the
back of the entries. When submitting the entries, please also indicate the name of the
creator, his/her age group, the name of his/her school and the title of the entry on a
separate sheet of paper.
The entries can be submitted in American Corner Veszprém (Eötvös Károly County Library,
H-8200 Veszprém, Komakút tér 3.) until 2:00 pm, June 2, 2015.