the washington conclave for democracy

The Washington
for Democracy
Conclave de Washington pela Democracia
Saturday March 21, 2015
1 to 5 pm
The Washington Conclave for Democracy
We must support restoring freedom by repealing
any form of Authoritarianism that demands strict
obedience to despotic rule, especially that of totalitarian
governments, at the expense of personal freedom.
Devemos apoiar a restauração da liberdade, revogando
qualquer forma de autoritarismo que exige rigorosa
obediência de governo despótico, especialmente a de
governos totalitários, em detrimento da liberdade pessoal.
Take Metro to Metro Center
Take the 13th Street Exit, take escalator to 13th Street
You should be at the corner of 13th and G Streets
Walk one block south to F Street
Turn right (West) and walk one block to 14th Street
Turn left and walk downhill to the National Press Building lobby
Enter and take the elevators to the 13th Floor
From Montgomery County
Take River Road south to Goldsboro Road and turn Right
Turn Left onto Massachusetts Avenue
Follow Massachusetts Avenue to 14th Street NW and turn right
From 14th Street turn left onto G Street - the PMI Garage is halfway
down the block on the left at 1325 G Street
Walk out of the garage and turn right. At 14th Street turn left. Walk
1 1/2 blocks to the entrance to the National Press Building
Enter and take the elevators to the 13th Floor
ress Club
The N
et NW
529 14th Stre
C 20045
Washington, D
rch 21, 2015
Saturday Ma
1 to 5 pm
From VirginiaI - 395 North
Follow signs to 14th Street Bridge; Exit to 14th St
Continue north on 14th St past Washington Monument past
Freedom Plaza and Pennsylvania Ave
The National Press Building is in the next block, next door to the J.W.
Marriott Hotel
The Washington Conclave for Democracy
Take I-66 east across the Roosevelt Bridge into D.C.
This becomes Constitution Ave.
Left on 15th St
Right on F
The National Press Building is at the corner of 14th and F St
next to the J.W. Marriott Hotel
Memorial Bridge
Cross Memorial Bridge to D.C.
Bear left at the Lincoln Memorial
Right on Constitution Ave
Left on 15th St
Right on F St
The National Press Building is at the corner of 14th and F St
next to the J.W. Marriott Hotel
From Baltimore
Take the Baltimore - Washington Parkway south and exit
at New York Ave (Route 50)
Follow New York Ave all the way to 14th St and turn left (south)
The National Press Building is at the corner of 14th and F St
next to the J.W. Marriott Hotel
The Washington Conclave for Democracy
Prezados amigos, bem-vindos ao nosso fórum, criado para apoiar a democracia e
as eleições livres e justas na América Latina! Meu nome é Dalmo Accorsini, e tenho
a honra de servi-los como organizador do Conclave/Fórum.
Nossa missão é reunir mentes brilhantes de toda a América Latina e dos EUA e proporcionar
um espaço para a discussão sobre as questões mais desafiadoras, urgentes e relevantes,
que a democracia enfrenta hoje em nosso continente, seja por meio do debate acalorado
sobre a imparcialidade das eleições ou representando as vozes de milhões de pessoas que
enfrentaram bravamente a violência, a intimidação e outros obstáculos para exigir o direito
a eleições livres, honestas e justas sem a ameaça ou possibilidade de fraude.
Para que a democracia funcione, é preciso que todos concordem em aceitar os resultados
de uma eleição, mas o processo eleitoral deve ser honrado e verificável. Quando qualquer
possibilidade de fraude ou manipulação está presente, a legitimidade de uma eleição
diminui e o sistema político pode ser marcado por conflitos e instabilidade!
As ditaduras frequentemente abusam do termo “democracia”. Assim como o ditador
venezuelano Nicolas Maduro e o regime comunista em Cuba, outros países da região,
incluindo o Brasil, também estão sob suspeita de fraude eleitoral, com base na presença
documentada de uma empresa venezuelana (Smartmatic). A prova científica da fraude
no Brasil, assim como testemunhos, será revelada neste fórum.
Hoje, no contexto de instabilidade política, as eleições validaram o regime despótico de
Nicolas Maduro na Venezuela, que já detém o controle sobre o poder legislativo nacional
mas que ainda não permitiu nenhuma auditoria em seu sistema eleitoral. O mesmo está
acontecendo no Brasil, onde a legislatura é corrupta e as eleições foram manipuladas.
Nenhum desses países cumpre os princípios democráticos em nenhum grau.
A ditadura ou cleptocracia reivindica a realização de eleições genuínas, mas ao invés disso
as manipula e distorce, impondo resultados fraudulentos que criam um consentimento fictício.
Em tais casos, as eleições não são um sinal de democracia, apenas servem como uma
fachada para mascarar estruturas políticas autoritárias.
The Washington Conclave for Democracy
Welcome to our forum to support democracy and free and fair elections in Latin America!
My name is Dalmo Ac-corsini, and I am honored to serve you as the Conclave Forum Director.
Our staff and volunteers have been work-ing tirelessly over the past 3 months to deliver a successful
conference this coming March 21, 2015 at the National Press Club in Washington D.C.
Our mission is to gather brilliant minds and provide an open forum for addressing the most challenging,
pressing, and relevant issues facing democracy today in Latin America. The primary focus for the
upcoming Washington Conclave for Democracy, the “Conclave”, is to expose fraud and deception
in the electoral processes for numerous countries including Venezuela and Brazil.
Our goal is to amplify the voices of millions of people who have braved violence, intimidation,
and other obstacles to demand their right to free, clean, and fair elections. This Conclave is possible
through the efforts of many work-ing through social media and administered by volunteers,
drawn from a wide variety of intellectual and cultural backgrounds, sharing a common
interest in the integrity and fairness of democratic principles in Latin America.
Funding is provided by small donations in Brazil and the USA with no affiliations with any
political party or gov-ernmental agencies in the USA. Please join the Conclave!
Be a part of this growing force for peace, justice, and liberty.
The Washington Conclave for Democracy
The Washington Conclave for Democracy
The “Conclave”, is a conference to discuss freedom democracy and elections in Latin America.
The conference is aimed to expose fraud and deception in electoral processes in Latin America.
The organization is based and formed within the environment of social media and is staffed and
entirely administered by volunteers. The organization’s staff is drawn from a wide variety of intellectual and cultural backgrounds who share a common interest in Latin America, democracy,
integrity and fairness. The staff and the volunteers are working round the clock throughout
the past 3 months to deliver a successful conference this coming March 21, 2015.
In addition, all the funding was provided by small donations in Brazil and the USA.
The organization is not involved with any political party or governmental agencies in the USA.
The participants are interested in furthering democratic ideals and as such, our primary
goal is to provide a forum an opportunity to discuss democracy in Latin America.
We are committed to the truth and justice. We fight for what’s right and against corruption.
Our commitment is to the citizens and to make sure that their vote is a true
reflection of their will, We are for Democracy, integrity and Freedom.
Session Formats and Participant Instructions
(1:00pm) Key Note “First Speaker”
The Conclave for Democracy begins with a keynote presentation
by Professor Olavo de Carvalho, followed by a 15 minute Q&A with the press
(1:30pm) Conclave Panel
The Panel provide each “presenter” with an opportunity to present an abbreviated version
of his or her Point of View regarding democracy in Latin America and election Fraud.
Feedback and comments will be provided by the discussant, followed by comments,
questions, and discussion including the audience. (3) three to (5) minutes for the Speaker
to introduce the invited authori-ties, 10 to 15 minutes per presentation, 20 minutes of
feedback, and 20 minutes of discussion with the audience.
The Role of the Speaker
The speaker is responsible for introducing each member as well as the discussant(s). The
speaker is also responsible for managing the time for each presentation,
making sure no presenter exceeds his or her assigned time slot on the program,
and ensures that the discussion is polite and produc-tive.
The exact time for each presenter is listed in the program.
© Yasir Imran -
(2:30pm) Roundtable Panelists and First Speaker
Eight panelists will participate in a roundtable, which includes the First Speaker who
introduces the panelists and provides a substantive introduction to the topic. Participants
make brief intro-ductory remarks before engaging in the topic discussions.
Followed by a 15 minute Q&A with the press and audience.
(4:30pm) Working Group/Open Discussion
A “working group” will be a conference within the Conclave.
A volunteer coordinator will select and/or organize a session for
the audience, facilitating communication among participants.
(5:00pm) END
Conclave de Washington pela Democracia
O “Conclave” é uma conferência para discutir a liberdade, a democracia e as eleições na América
Latina. A conferência tem como objetivo expor a fraude dos processos eleitorais da América Latina.
A organização é formada no ambiente das mídias sociais e é composta e inteiramente
administrada por voluntários. A equipe da organização possui uma ampla diversidade intelectual
e cultural, e compartilha um interesse comum na América Latina por democracia com integridade
e justiça. A equipe e os voluntários estão trabalhando dia e noite ao longo dos últimos 3 meses
para apresentar uma conferência de sucesso no 21 de março de 2015. Além do mais, todo o
financiamento foi obtido através de pequenas doações no Brasil e nos EUA. A organização não está
envolvida com qualquer partido político ou agências governamentais nos EUA. Os participantes
estão interessados em promover os ideais democráticos, e como tal o nosso principal objetivo é
proporcionar, através do fórum, uma oportunidade para discutir a democracia na América Latina.
Estamos comprometidos com a verdade e com a justiça. Lutamos pelo que é certo e contra a
corrupção. Nosso compromisso é com os cidadãos. Queremos assegurar que o seu voto seja o
reflexo verdadeiro de sua vontade. Nós lutamos pela democracia, integridade e liberdade.
The Washington Conclave for Democracy
The Washington Conclave for Democracy