Document 88675

 Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction
World History
Office Hours: By Appointment Only
Nate Lundy
Admissions Office
Beck et. al.
The sophomore World History course is structured to emphasize a thematic approach
while still adhering to the chronology and causal relationships between events. In the
fall semester, we will examine the early modern era of global history spanning the 15th
through the 18th centuries, emphasizing a study of non-western perspectives. While
exploration is always assumed to mean Columbus, global exploration actually began
with the Chinese a century earlier. As such, our exploration of these years will focus on
the development of a global system that included Europe but was not necessarily
centered there. We will examine the developments in, and interactions between, Africa,
the Middle East, south and central Asia, East Asia, Europe and the Americas. The
spring semester picks up with developments in Europe beginning with the Atlantic
World Revolutions and the emergence of a modern world emphasizing concepts such
as revolution, national identity, colonialism and the conflicts and resolutions that
accompany increasing interactions in a more globalized and technological world.
The guiding themes for our study include the historical categories economic
development, cultural diffusion, political power, the relationship between individual and
society, and the impact of technology and science on global interactions. Particularly in
history, the term community or society is varied, in that it includes tribal and kinship
relations, religious affiliation, racial/ethnic group, gender, education and class level, as
well as membership in state/nation. In each society studied, we will delve into questions
of membership or belonging in that society; how one identifies oneself and how one is
identified by others in that community and what rules, both written and unwritten, shape
the relationships within and between societies. Therefore, while geographically we will
move from one area to another, our purpose is to examine the following:
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Essential Questions:
How were the identities of those we study in world history formed?
• by their membership in a particular kinship/ethnic group?
• their religion?
• the nation in which they lived?
• their economic status?
How do different worldviews shape global interactions?
How does the tendency to see us as unique and them as members groups affect an
individual’s behavior and attitude?
How does the development of global connections shape world history and influence our
present day?
In addition to the content themes stated above, the second, equally as important focus
of this course is skill development. In many ways, the content is the vehicle to teach,
practice and become confident in the skills necessary to being a thoughtful student of
history, in particular skills such as critical reading and analytical writing, engaged daily
participation in class discussions, and working in collaboration with others to achieve
common goals. These skills will be consistently emphasized throughout the duration of
the course, and are a reflection of the expectations of the history department as a
whole and not one individual teacher. As such, it will not only be the content of the
course that is assessed, but your progress in practicing and applying these skills.
Department Objective
The LWHS History Department prioritizes research as a central component of its
mission. Research skills are taught and practiced throughout the three-year program
and are the foundation of assessments including:
Formal and informal discussions, presentations, student leads and debates, projects,
exams and essays.
Course Objectives:
In this class you will…
• Explore major historical themes and events that have shaped world history and
their significance to the modern world.
• Recognize the cause-effect relationship and its significance in studying historical
events and issues.
• Recognize the importance of studying regions within the larger context of a
global system.
• Identify and examine moral questions and problems presented in various
historical periods.
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Develop the skills necessary to becoming analytical writers of the historical
• Assume responsibility for your own learning.
• Be open to various points of view and recognize and discuss the root causes of
and fears that lead to prejudice and stereotyping.
• Develop empathy for the men and women we study in history and for those left
out or not represented.
To achieve these outcomes, students will…
• Read, analyze, and write on various historical works including your textbook,
primary source readings, and current newspaper articles.
• Study and interpret maps, charts, and political cartoons.
• Use the skills of dialogue and conflict resolution to work effectively in
cooperative group work.
• Actively engage in class debates and discussions
• Complete independent historical research of both primary and secondary
source works.
• Complete an independent research paper/project.
• Demonstrate ability to access and manage information from multiple resources.
• Make oral presentations on textbook material as well as projects and papers.
ASSESSMENT: Grades will be based on the following (per semester):
• Quizzes
• Chapter/Unit tests, multiple choice and essay writing
• Essays, in class and take home
• Homework Assignments
• Small Projects/Presentations
• Participation and Preparation
• Final Exam
Grades are weighted by point value versus percentage. However, know that the
larger and more comprehensive assessments will have a greater impact on your
grade. Also be aware that because both the final and the larger writing
assignments happen in the second quarter, more points and thus more weight is
in the second half of the semester.
• You are expected to have a single binder devoted solely to this class. Your final
exam in cumulative and your binder will serve as your study guide. In addition, I
tend to hand out a wealth of papers, so you need to have one, organized means
of filing these readings etc.
• All assignments must be submitted with your name, date and block in the top
left-hand corner.
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All work done outside of class must be typed, 12-point font and doublespaced unless otherwise directed. You will be allotted 50% credit for work not
typed unless otherwise approved.
• An assignment is considered late if it is not in my hands by the end of the
period. Late work will be accepted; however your grade decreases 1/3 a grade
for every day late. Major essays will be penalized a 1/2 grade for every day late.
(This means school days not days on which class meets).
• I will make every effort to give you a weekly sheet detailing assignments for the
week. If absent, all assignments are due within ONE day of your return.
Develop the habit of checking the website.
The responsibilities and expectations below are designed for students and
teachers to follow, and are in regard to work completed outside the scheduled
class time.
• Tests/Quizzes MUST be made up within 48 hours day of your return to school.
• Illness is an excused absence. Unless otherwise notified by the Dean, all other
absences are considered unexcused. Such unexcused absences will negatively
impact your participation grade in this course.
• Extracurriculars are a privilege not a right; this means that should you miss class
for such a reason, the burden of making up the work is your own.
The school's policies as articulated in the student handbook on homework,
attendance and plagiarism are in effect for this class.
• Assume responsibility for your own learning
• Be respectful of the thoughts and opinions of others and follow class norms.
• Be prepared, meaning have your completed assignments and all required
materials with you each day (this includes textbook and journal).
• Be on time. Repeated absences will negatively affect your grade and may result
in a failing grade.
• While water is fine, please no food in the classroom. CLEAN UP after
• I expect you to follow LWHS school rules as outlined in your daily planner
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FAX 415 333 9443