Annex 5 – Reporting at country level

Annex 5 – Reporting at country level
Reporting at Country Level (maximum 5 pages)
The GC will prepare an annual country report which will be forwarded to the Secretariat. The report
will be based on the GC activities and SSC annual reports, but would also document wider Embassy
activities of relevance to the Facility. At this point in time it is not considered realistic for the Embassy
to prepare a specific results framework at country level.
The report will address 4 major areas:
a) Development results for partner country based on the SSC progress report and the GC
b) Synergy effects in relation to:
development programmes and
business instruments under the development frame, and
other Embassy and private sector activities.
c) Reporting on improved opportunities for engagement of Danish knowhow, technology and
investments. (Inputs to be provided from the SSC, GC and from CRM etc.)
d) Possible contributions to policy dialogue between partner country and Embassy on e.g. CSR,
sector relevant international negotiations etc.
*in case there are several SSCs in one country, it can be considered to develop one joint country report.