PAGE TWO CASS CITY CHRONICLE-THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1975 Hills and Dales General Hospital CASS CITY MICHIGAN Cass City Social and Personal Items BIRTHS: Aug. 1, to Mr. and Mrs. James Copeland of Gagetown, a girl, Jodi Lynn. Aug. 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Creason of Cass City, a girl, Mary Margaret. Aug. 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gross of Cass City, a boy. PATIENTS LISTED MONDAY, AUG. 4. WERE: Miss Karen Holm of Southgate spent from Sunday until Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holm and other relatives. Forty attended a reunion of the Zapfe families held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Peasley. Relatives were present from Pontiac,. Southgate, Flint, Clio, Bad Axe and Cass City. Mrs. Hannah Pierson and Roy Wentworth of Midland spent the fore part of Jast week with Ella Cumper. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Ketchum and Kathryn were Dr. and Mrs. Edward Crowell Jr., and son Jonathon of Madison, Wise. Mrs. Ella Cumper and Mrs. Hannah Pierson spent Wednesday at Wiggins Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Dailey Parrish and daughter Lisa spent last week at the Anthes cottage at Caseville. Joining them for Thursday evening were Mr. and, Mrs. Don Lorentzen and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthes. Mrs. Katherine Martin and Mrs. Beulah Cranick spent Wednesday with Mrs. Sarah Steimann at Sandusky. The American Legion Auxiliary will 'meet Monday evening, Aug. 11, at 8 p.m. in the Cultural Center. Hostesses for the August meeting will be Mrs. Marge Schwartz, Mrs. Josephine Bartnik and Mrs. Elizabeth Stine. Mrs. Reva Little Phone 872-3698 Mr. and Mrs. William Martus Jr. and children Craig, Carrie and Curt of St. Germaine, France, arrived at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Martus Sr., Wednesday, July 30, and will spend a few weeks here and with the Jerome Rocheleau's at Gagetown. Other guests from Friday until Sunday in the Martus home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martus and children of Flint. Mrs. Dale Iseler, superintendent of Vacation Bible School at Good Shepherd Lloyd Brown, Mrs. Rachel Lutheran church, issues a Wright, Mrs. Andrew Kozan; reminder that registration William Hillaker, Mrs. Etta The birthdays of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Lockwill be at 9 o'clock Monday, McLellan, George Cook and Harold Perry and Mrs. Alice wood and sons, John and Recent guests of Mr. and Aug. 11, with classes starting Mr and Mrs. Leslie Muntz Mrs. Kazmier Szarapski of _McAleer_ __were___celebcatecL JWark,_of JBradleyjJlLjverfi^ ^Mrs—Clayton-Hartwiekr-who— -at-9}30till~ll-30 daily-through ~ Mrs..Helen_Willits_of-Roch—Gass-City; ~ week-end guests of her father, July 29 when Mrs. Esther ester was a visitor July 30 at Open house will be held at Kaye Butler, Mrs. Donald McCullough entertained at Rinerd Knoblet, and Mr. and came because of the death of Saturday, Aug. 16. Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Muntz have the homes of Mr. and Mrs. the home of Mr. and Mrs. resided in the vicinity of Cass Langmaid and Christie Berk- dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Walter Putnam. Mr. and Mrs. Hartwick's brother, evening, Aug. 17, a program Leslie Profit and Mr. and Wallie Ball, and to attend the will be presented at 8:00 Wallace Czekai, 4544 Brooker City all their married life. ins of Card; Mrs. McAleer, Miss Muriel Mrs. Lockwood and boys funeral Saturday were Mrs. o'clock. Mrs. William Profit. St., Cass City, Aug. 10, from 2 Mrs. Ethel Oeschger of Addison the Lockwood- Lawrence Ball of Tawas from and Mrs. C.W. Price. attended to 5 p.m., to observe the 50th Caseville; Bragg wedding in Caro Sat- Thursday until Tuesday and wedding anniversary of Mr. S-Sgt. Wayne E. Brown flew Calvin DiebeLof Gagetown; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kitchen urday. Mrs. Roger Craig of Auburn home to Cass City from and Mrs. Leslie Muntz. Mabel Spaetzel of Argyle; of Dearborn Heights and four Heights from Friday until Westover Air Force Base, The golden celebration is Mrs, Henry Sherman of of their seven children, Linda, Nine members of the Elm- Monday. Friday overnight Mass., given by Mr. and Mrs. to be with his father, Deford; wood Missionary Circle took Duane David Lockwood, 21, Robin, Michael and Julie, guests were Lawrence Ball Willis Brown, who is ill with a Wallace Czekai and Mr. and Theodore Vahovich and came Caro, and Marilyn Ann Sunday and visited his part Wednesday, July 30, in a Jr. and son Tom of Alpena, heart ailment. Mrs. Harry Crawford, the Kenneth Steely of-Decker; Bragg, 21, Caro. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merle planned outing, a trip to Mrs. Larry Butler of Westchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McMann of Kitchen, Ronald Benjamin Cast, 21, until Tuesday. They Keatington Village and Lake land and Mrs. Catherine Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Muntz, for all friends, relaBrown City; left to attend the Northmen Orion. Seventeen juniors • from Pfeifer of Tawas. Other Brown and son Jeff of Marion, Caro, and Karen Marie Foss, tives and neighbors. Mrs. Hattie Kritzman of and Northwomen retreat at Sunday dinner guests were Iowa, came Saturday evening 22, Caro. Miss Bernice McKeller and Cass City spent last week at Snover; Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stine of to be guests of his.mother, James Dale Bauer, 19, Kalkaska, sponsored by the Leslie Muntz were married the Regular Baptist camp at Mrs. Jacob Marker and Churches of Christ, Wednes- Kentwood, who spent part of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mauer Mrs. C.U. Brown, until Aug. Reese, and Beth Ann Thompof Bad Axe. Aug. 8, 1925, by Rev. Clark of Lake Ann, Mi. Speakers for Sharon Childs of Unionville; day and Thursday and will last week here, left by plane 10. Their son Steve and James son, 18, Reese. the week were Ken Evans, Colling. John Eremia and Ernest visit the Leslie Peasleys at Monday from .Grand Rapids Evans of Peru are expected to Oscar Facundo, 20, Bay evangelist, and the Glen Mr. and Mrs. George Me-. Pariseau of.Sebewaing; City, and Alicia Lopez, 20, Alpena before returning for Natz, Italy, to visit his Kee and children of Lapeer arrive in Detroit Thursday of Crumley family, missionarMrs. Simon Szychulski of home. sister and family, Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs. Frank this week, Steve Brown has Caro. ies. Ubly. Mrs. Kenneth Marker. Darwin David Blake, 19, The junior campers inNemeth of Deford were been with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watcluded: Dan and Sarah BosSunday dinner guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Evans, in Peru Vassar, and Mitzi Marie for six weeks. Mr. Evans will Clampitt, 18, Vassar. The Cass River WCTU will and Mrs. Clayton Root. tick, Dawn Hartwick, Aaron son of Bad Axe were Sunday be in Michigan for a week, Thomas Lowell Shields, 22, afternoon visitors at the Don meet Wednesday, Aug. 13, and Blake Fisher, Kevin and NO WAY OUT with Mrs. Elsie Thompson Lorentzen home. David Shaw, Kristi and Mark George Woodcock, a well coming for the golden wed- Otisville, and Victoria Lynne and Miss Georgia Thompson. known artist in the Detroit ding anniversary celebration Vollweiler, 17, Mayville. Deering and Jeff Papp. You can be certain of Allen Devere Sugden, 31, Mr. and Mrs. Don Weston Members are reminded that area, will be showing his of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Others were: Greg Hutchpaying the wages of sin even Harold Evans of Clawson. , Mayville, and Marjorie Arinson, Carol McAlpine, Fred if your work on the job is and Mrs. Evabelle Welke of dues are payable at this paintings and giving painting lene Sanford, 30, Millington. North Branch, Ken Hazzard meeting. amateurish. The 44th annual Striffler- and Lori Periso, Carol Gray, demonstrations at the LampMr. and Mrs. Garrison Gary Allan Gaul, 29, Caro, Benkelman reunion was held Bridget Brady and Valerie of Flint and Mrs. John West lighter Restaurant, Pigeon, Stine, sons Scott and Randy, and Diane Gail Hampel, 31, Sunday, Aug. 3, at the Yax. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Louns- Saturday, Aug. 9 and Sunday, were Saturday supper guests CASS CITY CHRONICLE and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stine Caro. bury had-as Sunday supper of Mrs. Esther McCullough, Among those attending Masonic Hall in Cass City. Aug. 10, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY of Kentwood were Sunday and evening guests, Mr. and (weather permitting). The Stephen Carl Lalko, 21, Forty-one were present. junior high camp at Lake Ann AT CASS CITY, MICHIGAN dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. . Kingston, and Laura Lee • Mr. and Mrs. Don Lorent- Mrs. Fred Janks of Caro and public is invited. 6552 Main Street Mr. and Mrs. Mark Battel this week are Larry and Scott Roger Nicholas and daugh- Dandron, 21, Kingston. zen and Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Barriger were co-chairmen of the Fisher, George Fisher III and John Haire, publisher. Bill Mitchell. Carmine Joseph Prinzo, 22, reunion. Jetta were guests of Anne of Unionville, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Green- ters at Kawkawlin. National Advertising Representative, Ypsilanti, and Dena Ann Dianna Fisher and Steve Marie Lorentzen and Doris It was decided to meet next leaf were guests Tuesday, Michigan Weekly Newspapers, Inc., Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stine of Freville, Caro. Mrs. Alice Neitz of Harri- July 29, of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gardner of Saginaw at a year on the first Sunday in Wells, both of Cass City, are 257 Michigan Avenue, East Lansing, Larry Clark Henderson, 31, August at the same place with working as counsellors at the chicken barbecue held Satur- son and Miss Jessie Schultz of Michigan. Burns at Port Austin when the Kentwood spent from Thursday until Sunday at the N.Y., spent Millington, and Linda Jean Albert Gallagher and Donald camp this summer. Second Class postage paid at Cass day afternoon at the home of Jamestown, birthday of Mrs. Greenleaf City, Michigan 48726. Garrison Stine home. Satur- Wilke, 26, Millington. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schnell at Thursday and Friday with Buehrly, co-chairmen. was celebrated. Subscription Price: Tcvpost offices in day evening, all attended the Robert L. Osborn, 21, Caro, Vassar. Twenty persons at- Mrs. Neitz' sister, Mrs. Lilah FORMAL WEAR Tuscola, Huron and Sanilac Counties, Wilhelmi. and Janice Colleen Riley, 22, tended the gathering. Installation of officers for wedding of Miss Marilyn $6.00 a year or 2 years for $10.50. 3 Caro. SLOW STARTER years for $15.00. $3.50 for six months the coming year will take Bragg and Duane Lockwood Mr. and Mrs. Donald Loom- place Sunday at the American at the Colwood UB church. David Earl Holder, 20, and 3 months for $2.25. Mr. and Mrs. Carmack Men's Wear and | In other parts of the United States, is and family, Mr. and Mrs. Caro, and Angela Beth CorThe fire of genius very Legion Hall in Reese when the The groom is a brother of Smith of Westland spent part Formal Wear Rental I $7.00 a year or 2 years for $13.00. 6 Mrs. Dean Stine. David Loomis and family and radi, 18, Oxford. seldom generates enough Seventh District Association months $4.00 and 3 months for $2.50. of last week with her mother, Phone 872.^3431 Mrs. Howard Loomis were Harry John Jamrog, 46, energy to make the pot boil, of American Legion Posts and 50 cents extra charged for part 'year Mrs. Herman Stine and with Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Saginaw, and Joyce Emma order. Payable in advance. Auxiliaries meet. Dinner will Mrs. Stine for the rest of the and Mrs. Roland Hanes and Graser, 40, Caro. For information regarding newspapei week were Mr. and Mrs. be served at noon and family at Caro. advertising and commercial and job'' George Smith of Draytpn Donald Roger Gohs, 18, installation ceremonies will printing, telephone 872-2010. Vassar, and Gail Elaine begin at 1 p.m. Plains. Karthals, 18, Vassar. GENERAL Richard George Colling, 21, Mr. and Mrs. Don Roberts, REVENUE Unionville, and Sally Kay Diane and Kevin of Center SHARING ACTUAL USE REPORT Browning, 20, Unionville. Line visited Mrs. Roberts' /IDES rcutnAL FEDER. FUNDS DIRECTLY TO LOCAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTS YOUR GOVERNMENT MUST PUBLISH mOtfiCr bUnday a Ronald Richard Mercer, 23, „..„..„„*. ,,L.. ,. on«n,r,u rnuviuLa mother Sunday and brought THIS REPORT ADVISING YOU HOW THESE FUNDS HAVE SEEN USED OR OOUGATED DURING THE YEAH FROM JULY 1. 1074. THRU JUNE 30. 1975 Rrilfp A T if-flp nf Sllnnvvalp Mayville, and' Autumn Lee THIS IS TO INFORM YOU Of YOUR GOVERNMENT'S PRIORITIES AND TO ENCOURAGE YOUR PARTICIPATION IN DECISIONS ON HOW FUTURE FUNDS • OUIIJjy VcUB, SHOULD BE SPENT NOTE: ANY COMPLAINTS OF DISCRIMINATION IN THE USE OF THESE FUNDS MAY BE SENT TO THE OFFICE Of REVENUE Calif., tO C3SS CitV tO V SDBnd 3 Morse, 16, Millington. SHARING. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20226. ' ,. J .,, /. .. John Michael Rinke, 26, ACTUAL EXPENDITURE s ^ — f e w days with his mother, THE GOVERNMENT ^^1* TOWNSHIP (Cl OPERATING/ IAI CATEGORIES Gagetown, and Joanne Sue IBI CAPITAL Mrs. Arthur Little. MAINTENANCE Jamieson, 18, Owendale. has received General Revenue Shanng 1 PUBLIC S A f E T Y S S payments totaling f-3.. 759 Gary Joseph Louks, 27, Bad Mr. and Mrs. Ronald GeigWallie Ball, 75, Sterling, during the period from July 1. 1974 thru June 30. 1975 PROTECTION Axe, and Beverly Ann Nitz, S s er announce the birth of their and a former Cass City 3 PUBLIC I/ ACCOUNT NO x'o 3 079 01.3 30, Cass City. second grandchild, a nine- resident, died Monday, July TRANSPORTATION 5 S J> 73~/? Thomas Lynn Nowland, 20, 4 HEALT.H 28, at his residence. 709 pound, three-ounce boy, DanS ' ' Caro, and Carol Fern Scott, . IMP SUPERVISOR $ iel Robert, born Aug. 3 to Guardians of your Health He was born Nov. 14,1899 in 22, Caro. 5 RECREATION TUSCOLA COUNTY their daughter and son-in- Bay City. He married Anna $ S Richard Marrield Dilleree 48f'k.'6 law, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Palmer, June 30,1924, in Cass 5 LIBRARIES $ $ Jr., 24, Vassar, and Sharon Hyzer (Sandra Geiger) of City. She died in 1968. 7 SOCIAL SERVICES CASS CITY Kay Lobdell, 22, Caro. FORAGED OR POOR Pigeon. The Hyzers have a S $ He was a member of St. 0 FINANCIAL four-year-old daughter, Lori Florian Catholic church of ADMINISTRATION S $ Jean. Standish and was a past 9 MULTIPURPOSE AND lUMUU^MUUnlllMlnniUilLMM, GENERAL GOVT S Grand Knight of Knights of 10 EDUCATION y/ ID} TRUST FUND REPORT Ireler to instruction 01 Mrs. Lilah Wilhelmi had as Columbus Caro Council, Past s guests Wednesday, July 30, District Deputy of District 11 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 2. Revenue Sharing Funds $ isslsxSvisliiP^i Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hall of No. 23 K of C, and a former 3, 758 12 HOUSING1COMJackson and Mr. and Mrs. field*man for Michigan Milk MUNITV DEVELOPMENT s 3 Interest Received 13 ECONOMIC Jon Wilhelmi of Taylor. Scott Producers Association. DEVELOPMENT s A Funds FHf a ftd frnm Obligations ? and Tammy Wilhelmi, who He is survived by one son, had spent two weeks with Kenneth of Caro; four daughs their grandmother, Mrs. ters, Mrs. Edwin (Marian) 15' TOTALS i s Lilah Wilhelmi, returned Sprague of Essexville, Mrs. S^Jiftrff NONDISCRIMINATION REQUIREMENTS hAVE BEEN MET 8. Total Amount Expended & ~ -*-0 home with their parents. Lloyd (Priscilla) Herbert of IEI CERTIFICATION 1 certify that 1 am the Chief Executive Officer and, with respect ID the entitlement funds reported he eon. t certify that they Bay City, Mrs; Raymond h3ve not been used in violation of either th priority expenditure fl Ralan™ HB nl Jun« 10 1P75 S e) requirement (Section 101), orxTfiefiatching func Mr. and Mrs. Donald Loom- (Marjorie) Montague of Ovid 1 0 4 l o f l h e A c t IJj •//(./ (Fl THE NEWS MEDIA HAVE BEEN ADVISED THAT A COMPLETE COPV OF THIS • REPORT HAS BEEN PUBLISHED IN A LOCAL NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCU- 1_j celebrated their 23rd wed/ Zjasty \(7auA-A-& . . . _ . ' ?/jr/7±~ and Mrs. Gerald (Joan) LATION 1 HAVE A COPY OF THIS REPORT AND RECORDS DOCUMENTING THE Signature^! Chief Executive / Dfcte ding anniversary Saturday Leahy of Flint; 21 grandr-ONTFNTS THFY A R P "PFN F"R PUBI ir SCRUTINY AT £ / $ / / PfiVrtTf S/sJb-c i'V/sar evening with dinner in Sagi- children; nine great-grandName and Title / ST&3/ /?<,£</ 3 t &<-fj /• ^ n naw. children; one sister, Mrs. :Wtt^ Clayton (Virginia) Hartwick of Cass City, and one brother, Elmer Ball of Keego Harbor. A son, Wallie J. Ball, died in 1974. Funeral services were held Saturday at Sacred Heart Catholic church in Caro with Rev. Fr. Charles O'Neil. officiating. Burial was in St. Patrick's cemetery, Bay City. A Rosary was recited ' Thursday by the Knights of Columbus and a prayer vigil was also held Friday at Collon Funeral Home, who handled arrangements. Lake Ann Marriage Licenses campers listed 44th reunion held Sunday RYAN'S Wallie Ball, At Your Service 872-2075 75, dies t ut U rt- Jan Hartwick your L/luic UI July 28 pharmacist OLD WOOD DRUG SAVE e 1 TO ( WITH CASH REFUNDS FROM PLAYTEX KWIK SEW PATTERNS FOR BACK TO SCHOOL SEWING TO GET Society meets |PATTERN * N0> WT, — PATTERN 587 NO. 587 *2 WmtipA TTERN | --586 Come in and look over our large selection of patterns FAMILY FABRICS 6229 W, Main St., Cass City Phpne 872-2660 Eleven women were pres^nt Monday evening when the 'Baptist Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. Jim Perry. Devotions were conducted by Mrs.'Dick Shaw, using the -.theme "Demonstrations of the Power of the Word of God". Mrs. Stanley McArthur led the prayers for missionaries. [ At the close of the meeting, refreshments were served by Mrs. Frank Mosher and the hostess. BUY — •Any 3 Bras or •Any 2 Girdles or > Any 2 Bras and 1Girdle Missionary Monday JUST 1 AA uu $100 •Any 2 Bras • Any 1 Girdle OFFER ENDS AUGUST 31, 1975 THE TRADE WINDS Cass City - Frankenmuth - Pigeon - Marlettei '
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