ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL Planning Committee Agenda To all Members of the PLANNING Committee: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the PLANNING Committee to be held in TOWN COUNCIL OFFICE, 66C HIGH STREET, Andover on MONDAY 23 MARCH 2015 at 6.00pm when it is proposed to transact the following business: Wendy Coulter Town Clerk 18 MARCH 2015 THERE IS NO DISABLED ACCESS TO THE TOWN COUNCIL OFFICES – PLEASE CONTACT THE TOWN CLERK THREE DAYS PRIOR TO THE MEETING IF YOU REQUIRE ACCESS. 1. Apologies To receive and accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest To receive and note any declarations of interest relevant to the agenda. 3. Minutes To agree the Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 2 March 2015 attached at Appendix A. 4. Public Participation There is an opportunity for members of the public to make statements or ask questions on items on the agenda or on other items relevant to the Town to which an answer will be given, or if necessary a written reply will follow or the questioner will be informed of the appropriate contact details. Each person is limited to 3 minutes and the total amount of time set aside will be 15 minutes. 5. Planning Applications (Test Valley Borough Council) To consider Andover Town Planning Applications on Test Valley Borough Council weekly lists of 9, 10 & 11. 1 The applications below are for Member consideration: WEEKLY LIST OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND NOTIFICATIONS: NO 09 5.1 15/00399/ADVN Replacement signs to include Chantry Centre, Chantry 24.02.2015 illuminated single letter C's, Street, Andover, Hampshire ANDOVER TOWN (ST MARYS) illuminated wording/facsias and non illuminated direction and free standing signs 5.2 15/00405/FULLN Erection of 2 new three Land Adjacent To 96 High 24.02.2015 bedroom dwelling houses Street, Andover, Hampshire, ANDOVER TOWN (ST MARYS) 5.3 SP10 1NE 15/00412/VARN Vary condition 11 as added by 64 High Street, Andover, 23.02.2015 13/00574/NMA2 to planning Hampshire, SP10 1NG ANDOVER TOWN (ST MARYS) permission 13/00574/FULLN to allow for replacement of drawings 04F and 06F with drawings 04G and 06G to allow for alterations to the storage area, including new doors (Conversion of ancillary retail floor space to four flats and one commercial unit within either classes A1 (Retail) or A2 (Financial or Professional Services) of the Use Classes Order and new shopfronts) WEEKLY LIST OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND NOTIFICATIONS: NO 10 5.4 15/00505/OUTN Outline application for the The Bungalow, 10 Ox Drove, 04.03.2015 erection of two detached Picket Piece, Andover, ANDOVER TOWN (ST MARYS) dwellings Hampshire SP11 6ND WEEKLY LIST OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND NOTIFICATIONS: NO 11 5.5 15/00374/FULLN Demolition of existing car 278 Weyhill Road, Andover, 10.03.2015 showroom, workshop and Hampshire, SP10 3LS ANDOVER TOWN warehouse building to provide (HARROWAY) 1,596sqm gross Class A1 food store with associated access, parking and landscaping. 5.6 15/00565/FULLN Demolition of rear structures, 15-17 Bridge Street, Andover, 12.03.2015 erection of single storey rear Hampshire, SP10 1BE ANDOVER TOWN (WINTON) extension to restaurant; erection of two storey 2 extension above to provide two 2 bed flats; change of use to half of existing restaurant to A5 (revised scheme) The applications attached at Appendix B are suggested as NO OBJECTION and are taken from TVBC Lists 9, 10 & 11. To consider any planning applications received that need response before next meeting. 6 Decision Notices Members are requested to note the following decision notices for Planning Applications in the Andover area from Test Valley Borough Council Lists 9, 10 & 11 – attached at Appendix C. 7 Street Naming To consider any requests received from TVBC: 8 Communications from Test Valley Borough Council To note any communication from Test Valley Borough Council. 9 Test Valley Borough Council – Northern Area Planning Committee To consider whether any applications, to be considered at the Test Valley Borough Council Northern Area Planning Committee (NAPC) require further comment and or representation from the Town Council. 10 Telecommunication Applications To consider and make observations on any Telecommunication Applications received. 11 Communications from Hampshire County Council To note any communication from Hampshire County Council Draft Hampshire Countryside Access Plan 2015-2025. Hampshire’s countryside access network is extensive and diverse, incorporating rights of way, permissive paths and areas of public green space. As well as being highly valued by residents and visitors, the network provides significant benefits to health and well-being and to the local economy. Whilst satisfaction levels overall are high, the network needs to meet changing needs in a way that provides the most widespread benefit. The Countryside Access Plan describes the actions needed over the next decade to tackle the issues identified through the recent surveys and discussion with stakeholders. Comments are now invited on the draft Hampshire Countryside Access Plan 2015-2025. The deadline for comments is 31 March 2015. st 12 Street Trading Licences To consider any applications for Street Trading Licenses received. 13 The Neighbourhood Plan To receive an update on the current progress of the Neighbourhood Plan. 14 Test Valley Borough Council Local Plan To receive any updates regarding the Test Valley Borough Council Local Plan. 15 Items for consideration at the next meeting Members are requested to inform the Town Clerk of any items that they wish to be included on the next Planning Committee Agenda. 3 16 Date of next meeting Members are requested to note the date of the next meeting: Monday 13 APRIL 2015 at 6pm, AT THE TOWN COUNCIL OFFICES. The Chairman will close the meeting. 4 ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL A Minutes of Planning Committee Time and date 6.00pm on Monday 2 March 2015 Place Town Council Office, 66C High Street, Andover Details of Attendance: Cllr A Cotter (Chairman) (P) Cllr B Long (Vice-Chairman) (P) Cllr B Carpenter (A) Cllr S Hawke (A) Cllr B Page (A) Cllr V Pond (P) Cllr S Hardstaff (A) Cllr R Khuman (A) Also present: Cllr Z Brooks Members of Public Present: 0 PC178/14 Apologies Apologies were received from Cllrs Carpenter, Hawke, Hardstaff, Khuman and Page. PC179/14 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest There were no declarations of interest. PC180/14 Minutes The Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Monday 9 February 2015 were agreed and signed as a correct record. Permanent Traffic Order – Alamain Ward Cllr Long provided the following update regarding the Permanent Traffic Order PC181/14 Public Participation There were no members of the public present. PC182/14 Planning Applications Members considered the following planning applications that had been submitted to Test Valley Borough Council. 5 5.1 15/00309/FULLN Erection of single storey dwelling 19 Wolversdene Close, served from existing vehicular access Andover and new driveway providing two parking spaces and two parking spaces for No 19 Concern that there appears to be no access to the proposed landscaping at the rear of the property. The site plan is not clear and well defined. Who owns that wall which is shown to be demolished, again the site plan is not well defined. 5.2 15/00318/FULLN Demolition of former car sales Gardner House, Suffolk showroom with flat over and erection of Road, Andover six flats including associated parking and external works. No objections 5.3 15/00319/FULLN Works to entrances , and façade of the Chantry Centre, Chantry library and offices Street, Andover Concerned that the proposed design is out of keeping with the Conservation Area. Although this is a modern building every effort should be made to keep in sympathy with the street scene. Entrance 6 is stylish and in keeping. Suggestion – the cladding behind the Guildhall be a plain cladding rather than patterned and of a lighter shade of wood. The Town Council would welcome the Conservation Officers opinion on the red surrounds of the doors and the black cladding on the columns. 5.4 14/02927/FULLN Erection of Skills and Technology Andover College, Charlton Centre with associated landscaping Road, Andover and parking. No objections. Pleased to see that bricks matching the exiting buildings are being used. However, the grey cladding is still overbearing and out of keeping with the surrounding area. The Cladding does not need to be grey, there is no indication of pantone colour. There are no grey buildings in this area. It is not clear whether the blue engineering bricks are being used as they are referred to in the design statement. These too would be out of keeping. Observations on Lists 6, 7 & 8 attached at Appendix B. PC183/14 Decision Notices The Decision Notices were detailed on the Agenda and were noted by Members. PC184/14 Street Naming There were no street naming applications. PC185/14 Communications from Test Valley Borough Council Notice of complaint to Test Valley Borough Council regarding a high hedge at Picket Twenty. CIL Infrastructure Levy – to consider at next planning committee meeting. 6 Consultation regarding Gypsy and Traveller Provision – to consider at the next planning committee meeting. PC186/14 Test Valley Borough Council – Northern Area Planning Committee There were no applications to be considered at Northern Area Planning Committee that required further comment or representation from the Town Council. PC187/14 Telecommunication Applications There were no telecommunication applications PC188/14 Communication from Hampshire County Council Members noted that the Draft Hampshire Countryside Access Plan 2015-2025 Consultation was released. Members requested that this be an item on the next agenda. PC189/14 Street Trading Licences Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 Schedule 4 – Application for Street Trading Consent Site: East Portway Days/Times of Trading: Fridays 7am to 4pm. No objections PC190/14 The Neighbourhood Plan Councillor Long reported that the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee would be holding a further information meeting on 24 March 2015 in the Upper Guildhall. Grant funding monies had been received from Test Valley Borough Council and a Bank Account had been opened in the name of Andover Neighbourhood Parish Plan. PC191/14 Test Valley Borough Council Local Plan There were no further updates on the Local Plan. PC192/14 Items for consideration at the next meeting Draft Hampshire Countryside Access Plan 2015-2025 Test Valley Borough Council Revised Local Plan DPD and Test Valley Borough Council Gypsy & Traveller DPD Breach of Standing Orders PC193/14 Date of next meeting Members noted the date and venue of the next meeting: Monday 23 March 2015 at 6.00pm at the Town Council Office. PC194/14 Exclusion of the Public and Press RESOLVED: To exclude members of the public and press from the meeting at Part 2, Item 18 of the agenda, due to consideration of a breach of Standing Orders. PC193/14 Breach of Standing Orders It was agreed that as there were less than half the Members of the Committee present it was not possible to discuss any possible breach of Standing Orders. Therefore it was agreed to defer the item to the next meeting of the Committee. The meeting closed at 7.10pm. Chairman: Date: 7 8 APPENDIX B of A MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMITTEE 02.03.2015 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEKLY LIST OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND NOTIFICATIONS: NO. 6 Week Ending: 6th February 2015 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15/00205/FULLN Erection of conservatory to rear 5 Topaz Drive, Andover, Hampshire, 03.02.2015 of property SP10 3ED Mr And Mrs K Wood Mr Martin McNamara 27.02.2015 ANDOVER TOWN (HARROWAY) Considered on 9 February 2015 15/00227/FULLN Front bay extension 02.02.2015 4 Rooksbury Road, Andover, Mr And Mrs Mears Hampshire, SP10 2LW Rebecca Redford 02.03.2015 ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY) Considered on 9 February 2015 15/00261/FULLN Erection of single storey front 8 Newtown Close, Andover, 04.02.2015 extension to provide bathroom Hampshire, SP10 3AU Mr And Mrs Lambourne Rebecca Redford 02.03.2015 ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY) Considered on 9 February 2015 15/00257/TPON Ash a. Reduce southernmost 11 Quicksilver Crescent, Andover, 04.02.2015 stem to 3m above ground level. Hampshire, SP11 6UB ANDOVER TOWN (ST b. Selective branch tip pruning to MARYS) reduce the loading on lateral branches exhibiting stress fractures to the stems. c. Overall crown reduction of 15% 9 Persimmon Homes Ltd Mr Alistair Jeans 26.02.2015 YES remaining tree to balance the crown not exceeding pruning wounds of 30 mm over the crown volume. Further information supplied on sheet 1. Considered on 9 February 2015 RE-ADVERTISEMENTS 15/00243/TPON Beech Tree - 2.5m crown To The Rear Of 27 Sainsbury Close ANDOVER TOWN reduction, 5m crown lift, 2m Andover (WINTON) pruning of lateral branches to SE Hampshire 29.01.2015 side of tree. SP10 2LE Mrs Jane Aldridge Miss Rachel Cooke 24.02,15 Noted _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEKLY LIST OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND NOTIFICATIONS : NO. 7 Week Ending: 13th February 2015 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15/00080/FULLN Erection of steel base 34 Beckett Road, Andover, Mr And Mrs Colin And Rebecca Redford 11.02.2015 conservatory - retrospective Hampshire, SP10 3HT Dawn Harman 09.03.2015 5a ANDOVER TOWN (HARROWAY) No objection. According to the plans submitted and viewed, there is no indication of encroachment. Would recommend a site visit. 15/00287/FULLN To replace existing rear 18 Claudius Close, Andover, 11.02.2015 conservatory with proposed Hampshire, SP10 5LB ANDOVER TOWN single storey rear extension to (ALAMEIN) provide a dining area (Amended scheme) No objections 10 Mrs M J Pinchbeck Rebecca Redford 09.03.2015 5b 15/00277/CLPN Certificate of proposed lawful 74 Corunna Main, Andover, 10.02.2015 development - Proposed rear Hampshire, SP10 1JF ANDOVER TOWN (ST lean to extension and first floor MARYS) side window Mr Connolly Rebecca Redford 5c 09.03.2015 No objections 15/00288/FULLN Conservatory to rear 11.02.2015 130 Picket Twenty Way, Andover, Mr And Mrs Surawy Hampshire, SP11 6TH Mr Martin McNamara 5d 09.03.2015 ANDOVER TOWN (ST MARYS) No objections 15/00269/FULLN Install front dormer window 09.02.2015 14 Heath Vale, Andover, Mr Giles Hargreave Hampshire, SP10 2AE Rebecca Redford 5e 09.03.2015 ANDOVER TOWN (WINTON) No comment – no plans provided 15/00315/TPON T1-T6 - Lime Trees - Repollard 8 Winchester Road, Andover, 10.02.2015 back to just above existing Hampshire, SP10 2EG ANDOVER TOWN pollard points as part of routine (WINTON) maintenance. Mr Richard Meek Mr Alistair Jeans 5f 04.03.2015 No objections NOTIFICATION OF A CHANGE OF USE UNDER CLASS M - FROM AN AGRICULTURAL BUILDING TO A FLEXIBLE USE - (FOR INFORMATION ONLY) 15/00256/PDMBN Notification for Prior Approval 13A Walworth Road, Picket Piece, 10.02.2015 under Class MB - Change of use Andover, Hampshire SP11 6LU ANDOVER TOWN (ST and alter poultry MARYS) farm/agricultural machinery storage building to 3 dwellinghouses Noted 11 Mr Richard Meek Mrs Laura McKay 09.03.2015 5g _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEKLY LIST OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND NOTIFICATIONS : NO. 8 Week Ending: 20th February 2015 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15/00341/FULLN Change of use from Class A1 1 Mylen Road, Andover, Hampshire, 20.02.2015 (shop) to Class A5 (hot food SP10 3HJ ANDOVER TOWN takeaway) with installation of (HARROWAY) extraction system for pizza oven Mr Akhtar Arafat Miss Emma Jones 5h 19.03.2015 and air attenuation supply to the property; installation of 2 no. wall mounted condensers to serve cold-rooms; alteration of the internal floor space and associated building works Concerned that there is no provision for the collection of waste. Concerned that there are no parking spaces provided. 15/00342/ADVN Internally illuminated fascia and 1 Mylen Road, Andover, Hampshire, 20.02.2015 projecting signs SP10 3HJ 15/00369/FULLN Single storey rear extension to 47 Moneyer Road, Andover, 20.02.2015 provide enlarged kitchen/dining Hampshire, SP10 4NG ANDOVER TOWN room Mr Akhtar Arafat Miss Emma Jones 5i 19.03.2015 ANDOVER TOWN (HARROWAY) No objections Mr David Hewett Rebecca Redford 5j 18.03.2015 (HARROWAY) No objections 15/00392/VARN Conversion of garage to home 20 Georgia Close, Andover, 19.02.2015 study (Relaxation of Hampshire, SP10 2UF ANDOVER TOWN requirements of condition 15 of (MILLWAY) TVN.00740/20 requiring garage to be used for vehicle parking) 12 Mrs Cawkill Rebecca Redford 18.03.2015 5k No objections 15/00321/TPON Italian Alder Tree - Fell 19.02.2015 55 Shaw Close, Andover, Mr And Mrs C Ings Hampshire, SP10 3BT Mr Alistair Jeans 5l 13.03.2015 ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY) No objections – refer to arboricultural officer 15/00319/FULLN Works to the entrances, and Chantry Centre, Chantry Street, Friends Life Ltd C/o AXA Mrs Lucy Page 17.02.2015 facade of the library and offices Andover, Hampshire And Test Valley Borough 20.03.2015 ANDOVER TOWN (ST 5m Council MARYS) No objections 15/00381/ADVN Retention of one fascia sign 17.02.2015 45 Bridge Street, Andover, Mr E Aydin Hampshire, SP10 1BG Rebecca Redford 5n 20.03.2015 ANDOVER TOWN (WINTON) No objections 15/00382/ADVN Five vinyl window signs and one 45 Bridge Street, Andover, Mr E Aydin Rebecca Redford 5o 18.02.2015 projecting sign Hampshire, SP10 1BG 20.03.2015 Relaxation of requirement to 1 High Beech Gardens, Andover, Rebecca Redford 5p retain parking in garage (non- Hampshire Rebecca Redford 5q ANDOVER TOWN (WINTON) No objections 15/00247/VARN compliance with condition of 10 of TVN.07413/1 Erection of 6 houses and garages (details of TVN.7413)) To allow the garage to be converted into playroom No objections 15/00408/FULLN Erection of two storey and single 1 Thames Court, Andover, storey rear extension with rain Hampshire water harvest tank below to provide extended kitchen, living 13 room and bedroom. Single storey front extension to provide additional storage, alter first floor front windows and install first floor side (east) window No objections NOTIFICATION OF A LARGER HOME EXTENSION – (FOR INFORMATION ONLY) 15/00419/PDHN Notification of proposed works to 3 Mead Close, Andover, Hampshire, 19.02.2015 a dwelling - Single storey rear SP10 2JT ANDOVER TOWN orangery extension (Length 4.6 (WINTON) metres, height less than 4 P And E Attwood Rebecca Redford 18.03.2015 metres, height to eaves 2.45 metres) Noted 14 APPENDIX B ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEKLY LIST OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND NOTIFICATIONS: NO. 9 Week Ending: 27th February 2015 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15/00408/FULLN Erection of two storey and single 1 Thames Court, Andover, 23.02.2015 storey rear extension with rain Hampshire, SP10 5HQ ANDOVER TOWN (ST water harvest tank below to MARYS) provide extended kitchen, living Miss Julie Cole Rebecca Redford 18.03.2015 room and bedroom. Single storey front extension to provide additional storage, alter first floor front windows and install first floor side (East) window Considered at meeting held on 2 March 2015. 15/00247/VARN Relaxation of requirement to 1 High Beech Gardens, Andover, 23.02.2015 retain parking in garage (non- Hampshire, SP10 2AD ANDOVER TOWN compliance with condition 10 of (WINTON) TVN.07413/1 Erection of 6 Mr Nicholas Turpin Rebecca Redford 18.03.2015 houses and garages (details of TVN.7413)) To allow the garage to be converted in to playroom RE-ADVERTISEMENTS 15/00341/FULLN Change of use from Class A1 1B Mylen Road (shop) to Class A5 (hot food Andover Mr Akhtar Arafat 15 Mrs Sharon Brentnall 23.03.2015 YES APPLICATION NO./ REGISTRATION DATE PROPOSAL LOCATION ANDOVER TOWN takeaway) with installation of Hampshire (HARROWAY) extraction system for pizza oven SP10 3HJ 20.02.2015 and air attenuation supply to the APPLICANT CASE OFFICER/ PUBLICITY EXPIRY DATE PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS property; installation of 2 no. wall mounted condensers to serve cold-rooms; alteration of the internal floor space and associated building works 15/00342/ADVN Internally illuminated fascia and 1B Mylen Road ANDOVER TOWN projecting signs Andover (HARROWAY) Hampshire 20.02.2015 SP10 3HJ Mr Akhtar Arafat Mrs Sharon Brentnall 23.03.2015 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEKLY LIST OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND NOTIFICATIONS: NO. 10 Week Ending: 6th March 2015 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15/00386/ADVN Display of 3 internally illuminated Homebase- Argos Enham Arch 02.03.2015 replacement flex to existing Retail Park , Newbury Road, ANDOVER TOWN (ST flaxface boxes Andover, Hampshire SP10 4DU 15/00500/FULLN Change of use of betting shop to 16A Bridge Street, Andover, 03.03.2015 fish and chip restaurant and Hampshire, SP10 1BJ ANDOVER TOWN (ST installation of ventilation MARYS) equipment Argos Ltd Rebecca Redford 25.03.2015 MARYS) 16 Summerband Limited Mrs Samantha Owen 03.04.2015 YES APPLICATION NO./ REGISTRATION DATE PROPOSAL LOCATION APPLICANT CASE OFFICER/ PUBLICITY EXPIRY DATE PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEKLY LIST OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND NOTIFICATIONS : NO. 11 Week Ending: 13th March 2015 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15/00580/TPON 2 x Horse Chestnut Trees (T1, T2) Lane To The West Of Shallowell, 6 11.03.2015 - Fell to ground level as Walworth Road, Picket Piece, ANDOVER TOWN (ST described within Tree Report Andover Hampshire SP11 6LU MARYS) 17 Mr Barker Mr Alistair Jeans 02.04.2015 ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS’ INFORMATION LIST 27/02/2015 (List No.9) NORTHERN AREA PLANNING APPLICATIONS APPROVED/WITHDRAWN PARISH/WARD APPLIC NO. REGISTERED PROPOSAL AND LOCATION DECISION DECISION DATE ANDOVER TOWN 15/00068/FULLN 16.01.2015 (WINTON) Demolition of conservatory and utility room; PERMISSION subject conversion of loftspace to form habitable to conditions & notes 25.02.2015 accommodation and single storey extension to form utility room Glendevon , 19B Winchester Road, Andover ANDOVER TOWN 15/00128/FULLN 19.01.2015 (WINTON) Two storey extensions to the south and north PERMISSION subject elevations to replace attached side entrance and to conditions & notes 27.02.2015 single storey lean-to respectively. Single storey extension to rear (west). First floor extension over new open porch to east elevation. Internal alterations with replacement windows to west. New gate and fence to eastern boundary 82 Winchester Road, Andover, Hampshire MEMBERS’ INFORMATION LIST 06/03/2015 (List No.10) NORTHERN AREA PLANNING APPLICATIONS APPROVED/WITHDRAWN PARISH/WARD APPLIC NO. REGISTERED PROPOSAL AND LOCATION DECISION DECISION DATE ANDOVER TOWN (HARROWAY) 15/00067/VARN 13.01.2015 Removal of tree protection conditions 6, 7 and 8 of PERMISSION subject 11/01281/FULLN (Erection of 3 bed detached to conditions & notes dwelling and alterations to the access) - 18 04.03.2015 The Laurels, Harrow Way, Andover ANDOVER TOWN 15/00096/FULLN 16.01.2015 (MILLWAY) ANDOVER TOWN 15/00227/FULLN 02.02.2015 (MILLWAY) ANDOVER TOWN (ST Two storey rear extension - PERMISSION subject 05.03.2015 9 Marchant Road, Andover, Hampshire to conditions & notes Front bay extension - WITHDRAWN 03.03.2015 Marketing board to promote future development of CONSENT subject to 04.03.2015 site - notes 4 Rooksbury Road, Andover, Hampshire 15/00020/ADVN 09.01.2015 MARYS) Former Playing Fields, Walworth Road, Picket Piece NORTHERN AREA TREE/HEDGEROW APPLICATIONS APPROVED/WITHDRAWN PARISH/WARD APPLIC NO. REGISTERED PROPOSAL AND LOCATION DECISION DECISION DATE ANDOVER TOWN 15/00169/TPON 26.01.2015 (MILLWAY) Hazel Hedge Row - Reduction to the hedge at rear CONSENT subject to of 10 and 11 The Willows down to 4m above conditions and notes 02.03.2015 ground level. Prune back all overhanging growth at the back of 11 The Willows back to fence line. 10/11 The Willows, Andover, Hampshire ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY) 15/00189/TPON 28.01.2015 T1 - Lime tree - Reduce branches leaning over and CONSENT subject to interfering with the roof of The Oaks. Drawing conditions and notes attached 'X' Marks pruning cuts and the yellow line indicates branches to be removed. A number of old pruning wounds are visible facing 'The oaks building' We are only looking to remove branches which are within 3m of the roof vertically. T2 - Yew, Prune tree back to stem of trunk. The Oaks, Lynwood Drive, Andover 2 27/02/2015 (List no.9) 19 02.03.2015 APPEAL DECISIONS PARISH/WARD ANDOVER APPLIC. NO. 13/02686/FULLN PROPOSAL LOCATION First floor extension to 116 Salisbury Road, TOWN provide bedroom and en- Andover, Hampshire (MILLWAY) suite and installation of OFFICER COMMITTEE INSPECTORATE DECISION RECOMMENDATION DECISION DECISION DATE REFUSE Delegated Appeal 05.03.2015 Decision Dismissed windows in side elevations MEMBERS’ INFORMATION LIST 13/03/2015 (List No.11) NORTHERN AREA PLANNING APPLICATIONS APPROVED/WITHDRAWN PARISH/WARD APPLIC NO. REGISTERED PROPOSAL AND LOCATION DECISION DECISION DATE ANDOVER TOWN 15/00179/CLPN 26.01.2015 (HARROWAY) Application for lawful development certificate for ISSUE CERTIFICATE 09.03.2015 To replace existing rear conservatory with PERMISSION subject 12.03.2015 proposed single storey rear extension to provide a to conditions & notes proposed single storey rear and side extension 4 Andeferas Road, Andover, Hampshire ANDOVER TOWN 15/00287/FULLN 11.02.2015 (ALAMEIN) dining area (Amended scheme) 18 Claudius Close, Andover, Hampshire ANDOVER TOWN 15/00028/ADVN 30.01.2015 (MILLWAY) Installation of three signs consisting of 1 no. CONSENT subject to internally illuminated fascia, 1 no. aluminium conditions and notes 09.03.2015 projection sign and 1 no. vinyl sign The Co-Operative Food , Weyhill Road, Andover ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY) 15/00261/FULLN 04.02.2015 Erection of single storey front extension to provide PERMISSION subject bathroom - to conditions & notes 3 27/02/2015 (List no.9) 20 09.03.2015 8 Newtown Close, Andover, Hampshire ANDOVER TOWN (ST 14/02913/FULLN 12.12.2014 MARYS) Erection of two warehouses and a paint shed on PERMISSION subject the south west of the site - to conditions & notes 11.03.2015 Plot 34, Walworth Road, Walworth Business Park, Andover ANDOVER TOWN (ST 15/00182/FULLN 27.01.2015 MARYS) ANDOVER TOWN (ST 15/00277/CLPN 10.02.2015 MARYS) Conservatory - PERMISSION subject 09.03.2015 121 Vigo Road, Andover, Hampshire to conditions & notes Certificate of proposed lawful development - ISSUE CERTIFICATE 12.03.2015 Signage to advertise roundabout sponsors - CONSENT subject to 09.03.2015 Jct Of Anton Mill Rd And Western Ave, Jct Of conditions and notes Proposed rear lean to extension and first floor side window 74 Corunna Main, Andover, Hampshire ANDOVER TOWN 15/00010/ADVN 19.01.2015 (WINTON) Weyhill Rd And Salisbury Rd, Jct Of Churchill Way And London Rd, Jct Of Vigo Rd And New Street And Jct Winchester Rd And Eastern Ave, Andover, And Jct Of Andover Rd And Amesbury Rd, Weyhill ANDOVER TOWN 15/00269/FULLN 09.02.2015 (WINTON) Install front dormer window - PERMISSION subject 14 Heath Vale, Andover, Hampshire to conditions & notes NORTHERN AREA PLANNING APPLICATIONS REFUSED PARISH/WARD APPLIC NO. REGISTERED PROPOSAL AND LOCATION DECISION DECISION REASONS DATE ANDOVER TOWN 15/00256/PDMBN (ST MARYS) 10.02.2015 Notification for Prior Approval under Class MB - Change of use and alter poultry farm/agricultural machinery storage building to 3 dwelling houses - 13A Walworth Road, Picket Piece, Andover 4 27/02/2015 (List no.9) 21 REFUSE 11.03.2015 SEE BELOW 12.03.2015 01. The proposal is not considered to constitute permitted development under Class MB of Part 3, Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 as amended by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment and Consequential Provisions) Order 2014 because the building is being used for non-agricultural storage and does not therefore meet the definition of "agricultural building" as set out in paragraph O of that Order. 02. The proposal is not considered to constitute permitted development under Class MB of Part 3, Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 as amended by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment and Consequential Provisions) Order 2014 because the proposed curtilages exceed the land area occupied by the agricultural building and do not therefore meet the definition of "agricultural building" as set out in paragraph O of that Order. 03. The proposal is not considered to constitute permitted development under Class MB of Part 3, Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 as amended by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment and Consequential Provisions) Order 2014 because the proposed development does not comply with criteria (a), (b), (h) and (i) of Class MB.1. The building proposed to change use is not on an established agricultural unit; the floorspace to change use exceeds 450 sqm; and the partial demolition and building works proposed exceed those reasonable necessary for the building to function as a dwellinghouse. 04. Prior approval under Class MB.2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 as amended by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment and Consequential Provisions) Order 2014 is required and refused for (b) noise, and (e) location and siting of the proposed dwellings because of the proximity of the proposed dwellings to the railway line and other unneighbourly uses . This location and siting would result in harm to the amenity of the occupiers and an unacceptable standard of living so as to make it undesirable for the building to change from agricultural us e to a use falling within Class C3 (dwellinghouses) of the Schedule to the Use Classes Order. NORTHERN AREA TREE/HEDGEROW APPLICATIONS APPROVED/WITHDRAWN PARISH/WARD APPLIC NO. REGISTERED PROPOSAL AND LOCATION DECISION DECISION DATE ANDOVER TOWN (WINTON) 15/00315/TPON 10.02.2015 T1-T6 - Lime Trees - Repollard back to just above CONSENT subject to existing pollard points as part of routine conditions and notes maintenance. 8 And 10 Winchester Road, Andover, Hampshire 5 27/02/2015 (List no.9) 22 11.03.2015
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