Requisites for Confirmation - Annunciation Catholic Church

Candidates Name:
Saint Name:
Sponsor Name:
Please complete actions indicated on this checklist to be prepared and eligible for
Confirmation on April 18, 2015 at Annunciation Catholic Church.
Requisites for Confirmation
High school student (Grade 9-12)
Regular Mass Attendance and Active Participation in our Parish
Community (Family parish envelopes track attendance)
Baptismal Certificate Submitted: You must provide a copy of your
baptismal certificate by September 7th unless sacrament was received at
Annunciation Catholic Church
First Reconciliation Information: You must provide the date and
location of this sacrament by September 7th if not at ACC
First Eucharist Information: You must provide the date and location
of this sacrament by September 7th if not at ACC
Submit completed Saint Project on September 7th, 2014
Attendance at Parent Meetings held at 7:00 pm in the church on
September 7th,2014; January 4th, 2015 and March 1st, 2015.
Parent/Child Attendance at L.I.F.E Meeting on September 21st, 2014
@ 7:00 pm in Church
Attendance at one Fall and one Spring Confirmation Retreat:
August 23rd 1-4:00 pm OR August 24th 9:30 am – 1:00pm
-andMarch 28th 10:00 am- 6:00 pm OR March 29th 10:30 am – 6:30 pm
Select a Confirmation Sponsor and submit their name and a letter
of their eligibility from their home parish by January 4th unless
sponsor is a registered/active Annunciation member
Rehearsal/Dinner on April 16th from 6-8 pm
Confirmation Formation Meetings
(Required to attend 6 out of 7 classes)
September 7, 2014 after 5:30 pm Mass
October 5, 2014 after 5:30 pm Mass in the school
November 2, 2014 after 5:30pm Mass in the school
December 7, 2014 after 5:30 pm Mass in the school
January 4, 2015 after 5:30 pm Mass in the school
February 1, 2015 after 5:30 pm Mass in the school
March1, 2015 after 5:30 pm Mass
Parent/child meeting @ 7:00 pm in the church
Service Project Options
(Required to attend 1 service project)
July 26 – Parent’s Night Out
6-10 pm
July, Sept., Nov., Jan. and March Food pantry-2 hour shift
Contact Sarah Spalding: [email protected]
October 10-12 - Fall Festival-2 hour shift
November 8 – Parish 5K
December 13 - Parent’s Night Out
6-10 pm
December 10, 2014 - Starry Night
5:30-8:30 pm
February 14, 2015 – Parent’s Night Out
6-10 pm
Youth Ministry Events
(Required to attend 3 events in either category)
Youth Ministry Life Nights @ 6:30 pm in Padre Pio
Date attended: _____________________________________
Bible Study on Thursdays @7:00 pm in Padre Pio
Date attended: ______________________________________