Halloween H'Owl Fabric by Faye Burgos Quilt by Heidi Pridemore REVIS

Halloween H'Owl
Fabric by Faye Burgos
Quilt by Heidi Pridemore
2 Ma
y 20
38"x 56"
980 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10018 y www.MarcusFabrics.com
Halloween H'Owl
Fabric by Faye Burgos
Quilt by Heidi Pridemore
Quilt Size 38" x 56"
Fabric A- Main Panel
Fussy cut one Panel (approximately 22 ½” x 40 ½”)
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1 panel
Fabric B- Mottled Green
1/8 yard
Cut one 1 ½” x width of fabric (WOF) strip. Sub-cut the strip into four 1 ½” squares.
Fabric C- Mottled Orange
½ yard
Cut one 2” x WOF strip. Sub-cut the strip into four 2” x 7 ½” strips.
Cut two 1 ½” x WOF strips. Sub-cut the strips into twenty-four 1 ½” squares.
Cut two 1” x WOF strips. Sub-cut the strips into eight 1” x 2 ½” strips and four 1” x 7 ½” strips.
Cut one 1 ½” x WOF strip. Sub-cut the strip into four 1 ½” x 2 ½” strips and four 1 ½” x 7 ½” strips.
Cut one 1 ½” x WOF strip. Sub-cut the strip into eight 1 ½” x 3” strips and eight 1 ½” x 2” strips.
Fabric D- Mottle Black
¼ yard
Cut two 1 ½” x WOF strips. Sub-cut the strips into eight 1 ½” x 2 ½” strips, four 1 ½” x 4 ½” strips and four 1 ½” squares.
Fabric E- Bats and Stars
¼ yard
Cut one 1 ½” x WOF strip. Sub-cut the strip into eight 1 ½” x 3 ½” strips.
Cut one 2” x WOF strip. Sub-cut the strip into sixteen 2” squares.
Fabric F- Stripe
Cut two 2 ½” x 40 ½” strips.
Cut two 2 ½” x 26 ½” strips.
Cut five 2 ½” x WOF strips for the binding.
Fabric G- Colored Webs
Cut two 4” x WOF strips. Sub-cut into twenty-two 3 ½” x 4” strips.
1/3 yard
Fabric H- Gray Webs
Cut four 4” x WOF strips. Sub-cut into forty-four 3 ½” x 4” strips
2/3 yard
Fabric I- Black Owls
Cut eight 3 ½” wide x 4” high strips for the top and bottom borders.
Cut fourteen 4” wide x 3 ½” high strips for the side borders.
Backing- Black Owls
Cut two 46” x WOF strips. Piece together and trim one 46” x 64” backing
1/3 yard
2 ¾ yards
Block Assembly (See page 3 for diagrams)
1. Sew one 2 ½” x 40 ½” Fabric F strip to each side of one 22 ½” x 40 ½” Fabric A strip. Sew one 2 ½” x 26 ½” Fabric F strip to the
top and bottom of the Fabric A strip (Fig. 1). Trim the block to measure 24 ½” x 42 ½” to complete the center block.
2. Sew together one 3 ½” x 4” Fabric G strip and one 3 ½” x 4” Fabric H strip to make one G/H unit (Fig. 2). Repeat to make twentytwo 3 ½” x 7 ½” G/H units.
3. Sew together one 3 ½” x 4” Fabric H strip and one 3 ½” x 4” Fabric I strip to make one H/I unit (Fig. 3). Repeat to make twenty-two
3 ½” x 7 ½” H/I units. NOTE: Make sure to check the orientation of the Fabric I for the borders while assembly
4. Place one 1 ½” Fabric C square on the left side of one 1 ½” x 2 ½” Fabric D strip, right sides together (Fig. 4). Sew across the
diagonal of the square from the upper right corner to the lower left corner (Fig. 4). Flip open the triangle formed and press (Fig. 5).
Trim away the excess fabric from behind the triangle, leaving a ¼” seam allowance.
5. Place another 1 ½” Fabric C square on the right side of the 1 ½” x 2 ½” Fabric D strip, right sides together (Fig. 6). Sew across the
diagonal of the square from the upper left corner to the lower right corner (Fig. 6). Flip open the triangle formed and press
(Fig. 7). Trim away the excess fabric from behind the triangle, leaving a ¼” seam allowance to complete one C/D/C unit.
980 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10018 y www.MarcusFabrics.com
Halloween H'Owl
Fabric by Faye Burgos
Quilt by Heidi Pridemore
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Repeat Steps 4-5 to make eight C/D/
C units total.
Sew one C/D/C unit to each side of
one 1 ½” x 2 ½” Fabric C strip to
complete the eye strip (Fig. 8).
Sew one 1 ½” x 3” Fabric C strip to
each side of one 1 ½” Fabric D
square to complete the nose strip
(Fig. 9).
Sew one eye strip, one nose strip
and two 1” x 2 ½” Fabric C strips
together to make the middle pumpkin
section (Fig. 10).
Repeat Steps 4-5 using one 1 ½” x 4
½” Fabric D strip and two 1 ½” Fabric
C squares to make the pumpkin
mouth (Fig. 11).
Sew one 1 ½” x 2” Fabric C strip to
each side of one pumpkin mouth to
make one pumpkin mouth strip
(Fig. 12).
Follow Figure 13 and sew the
following strips together: one 2” x 7
½” Fabric C strip, the middle
pumpkin section, one 1” x 7 ½”
Fabric C strip, one pumpkin mouth
strip and one 1 ½” x 7 ½” Fabric C
strip to make the pumpkin head.
Place one 2” Fabric E square on the
top left corner of one pumpkin head,
right sides together (Fig. 14). Sew
across the diagonal of the Fabric E
square from the upper right corner to
the lower left corner (Fig. 14). Flip
open the triangle formed and press (Fig. 15). Trim away the excess fabric from
behind the triangle ¼” away from the sewn seam.
Follow Figure 16 for the seam direction to add a 2” Fabric E square to each of
the remaining corners of the pumpkin head to make one pumpkin block (Fig. 17).
Sew one 1 ½” x 3 ½” Fabric E strip to each side of one 1 ½” Fabric B square to
make the stem strip (Fig. 18).
Sew one stem strip to the top of one pumpkin block to complete the corner block
(Fig. 19).
Repeat Steps 4-16 to make four corner blocks total.
Quilt Assembly (refer to the quilt layout while assembling the quilt top)
18. Sew seven G/H units and seven H/I units together to make one side border.
Repeat to make a second side border. Sew the borders to each side of the
center block.
19. Sew two corner blocks, four G/H units and four H/I units together to make the top
border. Repeat to make the bottom border. Sew the borders to the center block.
20. Layer and quilt as desired.
21. Sew the five 2 ½” x WOF Fabric F strips together, end to end with 45° seams, to
make the binding. Fold this long strip in half, lengthwise with wrong sides
together, and press.
22. Bind as desired.
980 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10018 y www.MarcusFabrics.com