Welcome Apex House Site - Surrounding Commercial Context Welcome to our first public exhibition for the proposed development of the Apex House site on Seven Sisters Road, Tottenham. On display today you will be able to find out information and leave your feedback on the early designs that are being worked up for the site. Grainger has agreed to purchase the Apex House site from the London Borough of Haringey so that a high quality new development can be delivered for Tottenham. Grainger has appointed worldrenowned architects John McAslan + Partners to take forward some early ideas for the site. White Hart Lane We would now like to present our emerging designs to the community so that we can provide an opportunity for you to leave your feedback on the designs that will help inform our plans for the site. It is our intention to carry out a full engagement programme with residents and local community groups through meetings and public exhibitions over the coming months. Once we have reviewed comments from this first exhibition we will come back in the coming weeks with more developed designs, before submitting a planning application to the London Borough of Haringey later in the summer. Bruce Grove Tottenham Green West Green Road N You can leave your comments on the designs on display today through a number of channels: s &ILLINACOMMENTCARDANDPUTITINTHEBOXPROVIDEDOR POST&REEPOSTTO FREEPOST RTRH – ELLC –ERBL Apex House Development Berkshire House 168-173 High Holborn London WC1V 7AA s 3ENDANEMAILTO [email protected] s 4ELEPHONEOURDEDICATEDCONSULTATIONLINEON 0800 014 2446 We hope you find this exhibition informative. If you have any questions please do speak to one of the project team who are on hand to talk you through our proposals. apexhousedevelopment.co.uk Meet the Team Macaulay Road: s REDEVELOPMENTOFACREBROWNFIELDSITE s RESIDENTIALUNITSPRIVATE affordable s MIXOFNEWBUILDANDWAREHOUSECONVERSION s VARIETYOFAPARTMENTSANDMEWSHOUSES Hornsey Road Baths: s RESIDENTIALUNITSnPRIVATE affordable s MIXOFNEWBUILDANDCONVERSIONOF'RADE Listed building. s NEW#OUNCILOFFICESCOMMUNITYBUILDINGSAND community theatre Grainger plc is the UK’s largest specialist residential property owner and manager traded on the London Stock Exchange. Grainger excel through a unique mix of expertise and experience in owning, developing, managing and trading residential land and property. Grainger’s in-house team comprises ex-housebuilders, mixeduse and regeneration developers, letting specialists and property asset management professionals who command the right mix of skill sets for this opportunity. apexhousedevelopment.co.uk 'RAINGER PLC MANAGES OVER residential assets today, from individual homes to multi-tenure BLOCKS/VEROFTHE5+PORTFOLIO is based in London and the South East region. Meet the Team JMP Headquarters, William Road N17 Design Studio Our Commitment to the Community N17 Design Studio 4HE.$ESIGN3TUDIOISAGROUNDBREAKINGPARTNERSHIPBETWEEN (ARINGEY#OUNCILWORLDRENOWNEDARCHITECTS*OHN-C!SLAN0ARTNERS ANDTHE#OLLEGEOF(ARINGEY%NFIELDAND.ORTH%AST,ONDONTOTRANSFORM an empty Tottenham shop into a design hub offering work placements and training to local people. The practice too is learning a great deal more about local regeneration issues in a very direct way. Kings Cross Station Dalston Junction Hallsville, Canning Town 4HETRANSFORMATIONOF+INGS#ROSS3TATIONCREATESA REMARKABLEDIALOGUEBETWEEN#UBITTSORIGINALTHCENTURY STATIONANDSTCENTURYARCHITECTURE/PENEDTOTHEPUBLIC IN-ARCHINADVANCEOFTHE,ONDON/LYMPICS +INGS#ROSSISNOWANICONICARCHITECTURALGATEWAYTOTHE capital. The scheme has restored Grade I listed historic FABRICANDADDEDTHEHIGHLYINNOVATIVENEW#ONCOURSE !TSQMITISTHREETIMESTHESIZEOFTHEORIGINAL concourse and has become the ‘beating heart’ of this multimodal transport hub, linking St Pancras Station, Thameslink services, London Underground, taxis and bus services, and ACCOMMODATINGUPTOPASSENGERSDAILYTHROUGHA spacious and dynamic multi-modal interchange. The practice designed this major residential development in Dalston, which includes a new station and a public square. 4HESCHEMECOMPRISESAPARTMENTSANDFORMSAKEY component of the East London Line extension linking Hackney TOTHE.ORTHWITH#ROYDONTOTHE3OUTH4HESCHEMEHAS become the pivot-point of a part of London that, until a few years ago, had no widely-known social or cultural cachet. The situation is very different today, and this scheme has played a central role in raising the profile of Dalston as one of London’s most fashionable cultural hot-spots. John McAslan + Partners have been appointed as architects for 0HASEOFTHEFIVEPHASED(ALLSVILLE1UARTERANEWRESIDENTIAL LEDMIXEDUSEDEVELOPMENTINTHEHEARTOF#ANNING4OWNEAST ,ONDON#ONSISTINGOFTWOSEPARATEPLOTS0HASESTRADDLES the central pedestrian spine of the masterplan. Each plot will consist of a two/three story podium with a tower placed at both the north and south end. The towers at the northern end of plots which provide private residential and PRS apartments will act as a ‘gateway’ to the site, while the roof tops of the podium will provide an abundance of amenity space for their occupants. 4HESCHEMEAIMSTOPROVIDERESIDENTIALUNITS4HISPHASE of the development will also feature a new high street, hotel and community health centre. It is fantastic to welcome John McAslan + Partners to Tottenham. Their enthusiasm for the area is testament to its potential to be one of London’s centres for creativity, training and opportunity. (ARINGEY#OUNCIL,EADER#LAIRE+OBER JOHN McASLAN + PARTNERS John McAslan + Partners is a leading architectural practice based in London, with offices in Manchester, Edinburgh and Doha. Award-winning projects in the UK and overseas include cultural, heritage, infrastructure, hospitality, commercial, residential, education, urban design and landscape sectors. The practice recently opened a second ,ONDON OFFICE . $ESIGN 3TUDIO INTHEHEARTOF4OTTENHAMnOFFERING local young people apprenticeships and work placements, providing an insight into the way a design studio operates. apexhousedevelopment.co.uk The practice’s most recent success has been the acclaimed TRANSFORMATION OF +INGS #ROSS 3TATIONINTIMEFORTHE,ONDON Olympics, which has won more than INTERNATIONALAWARDS 4HE PRACTICE HAS WON OVER INTERNATIONAL AWARDS INCLUDING RIBA Building of the Year Awards AND THREE %UROPEAN 5NION PRIZES for cultural heritage and has been named Architectural Practice of the Year on a number of occasions. Alan Baxter is a highly regarded consultancy working in all aspects of the built environment from the largest modern development to the smallest historic structure. In urban design and masterplanning, we have helped to pioneer new ways of thinking about our towns and cities, combining place-making with a comprehensive understanding of contemporary patterns of movement. While innovative solutions and efficient buildability are prime concerns, we strive to think beyond these to help create buildings and places which will be successful for generations to come. Hoare Lea is a highly successful, award-winning firm of consulting engineers, specialising in mechanical, electrical and public health engineering, and is the largest of its kind in the UK. Hoare Lea is an independent partnership, with OFFICESTHROUGHOUTTHE5+ANDA growing international presence. We work on some of the highest profile projects in the industry and with leading architects, designers and contractors. market sectors, ranging from small studies and reports to projects valued at more than £4 billion. The Local Community Proposals for Tottenham Green and Apex House Site DEVELOPEDDURINGAWORKSHOPBETWEEN*-0AND.ORTHUMBERLAND0ARK#OMMUNITY3CHOOL Pupils from Northumberland Park Community School designing and presenting their suggested development plans for Tottenham Green and Apex House site. JOHN McASLAN + PARTNERS John McAslan and Partners are committed to working with local schools and colleges and encouraging students to explore architecture and design, as well as providing work experience placements. So far we have taken a Tottenham with the .ORTHUMBERLAND 0ARK School to find out how improve their local area. Key Issues: s WEAREACTIVELYENGAGINGWITHYOUNGPEOPLEINTHEBOROUGH s OUREXPERIENCESHOWSUSTHATYOUNGPEOPLEAREINFAVOUR of modernisation apexhousedevelopment.co.uk trip around pupils of #OMMUNITY they would produce professional models. We’ve already displayed some of these in our Euston gallery, and the winning ENTRIESWILLBEONDISPLAYINTHE. Design Studio. 7EAREALSOWORKINGWITHTHE#OLLEGE of Haringey, Enfield and North East ,ONDON AND THE &OREST 2ECYCLING project to provide work experience for construction students. Tell us your ideas by emailing The studio is also hosting workshops [email protected] with students where they can use our technology to expand their ideas and work with our model makers to Historical Context Rural Phase 1619 : Clay map of London Tottenham grew up as an Anglo-Saxon settlement at Tottenham (IGH#ROSSANDALONGTHE(IGH2OADWHICHFOLLOWEDTHELINEOF Ermine Street, the Roman route from London to Lincoln). Like many villages on the high ground north of London, Tottenham attracted successful Tudor merchants and their country retreats in THETHCENTURYANDTHESTRUCTUREOFTHEMODERNROADSYSTEMWAS LARGELYESTABLISHEDBYTHETIMEOF4HOMAS#LAYSMAPOF 1786 : Carey map of London The main road remained in poorly-maintained condition before it’s responsibility was transferred to the Stamford Hill turnpike trust IN4HISWASSOMEYEARSBEFORETHEFIRSTKNOWNREFERENCE to the “Seven Sisters”, seven elms growing at Page Green. In the THCENTURYTHEHEALTHYAIROFTHEHILLSNORTHOF,ONDONATTRACTED numerous charitable institutions, including schools, almshouses, and a workhouse, and were joined by large semi-detached houses NORTHOF(IGH#ROSSIN3TONEBRIDGE(OUSEWASBUILTABOUT the same time south of the Seven Sisters, as was Markfield House on the other side of the road. 1818 : Seven Sisters The image above shows the clump of trees know as the Seven Sisters, which gave its name to this area in the early nineteenth century and, more recently, to the underground station. 7ARDS#ORNER Urban Phase 1876 : Ordnance survey 3EVEN3ISTERS2OADWASBUILTACROSSOPENCOUNTRYINTOLINK Islington and the west end of London with the High Road, creating the triangular plot now occupied by Apex House. Access improved WITHRAILWAYLINESANDSTATIONSOPENEDINAND ANDWITHTHEDISTURNPIKINGOF3EVEN3ISTERS2OADIN #ORNER0ICTURE4HEATRE 1896 : Ordnance Survey 4HEDISTRICTREMAINEDALMOSTENTIRELYRURALUNTILTHESS when most large houses and estates were sold for development and the last open fields disappeared. This period saw the first development of the site of Apex House, shown as having been covered with terraces of small houses. &URTHERDEVELOPMENTANDIMPROVEDACCESSCONTINUEDINTHEYEARS leading up to the first World War, with new and electrified tram SERVICESTHEEXTENSIONOFTHEUNDERGROUNDTO&INSBURY0ARKAND the building of large scale public housing estates. 1955 : Ordnance Survey Activity between the wars included slum clearance, road widening, ANDADDITIONALTRANSPORTnTHE0ICCADILLY,INEOPENEDINnAND continued after the war with redevelopment of earlier estates and BOMBSITES4HE/RDNANCE3URVEYHOWEVERCONFIRMSTHAT the terraces on the Apex House site were undamaged in the war, and remained intact. #ORNER"INGO#LUBAND-USIC6ENUE Current Situation 2014 : Ordnance Survey $EVELOPMENTCONTINUEDAFTERTHE'REATER,ONDON#OUNCILWAS ESTABLISHEDINTHREEYEARSBEFORETHE6ICTORIA,INEWAS opened with the stations at Seven Sisters and Tottenham Hale. 4HE!PEX(OUSECOUNCILOFFICESWERECONSTRUCTEDINANDHAS CONTIUNEDTOBEUSEDASA0UBLIC#USTOMER3ERVICE#ENTREFOR3OUTH 4OTTENHAMUNTILTHESITESSALEIN*ULY4HESITEWASPURCHASED by Grainger in order to bring forward suitable redevelopment of Apex House that will provide much-needed new homes for the borough as well as a new retail and public space. apexhousedevelopment.co.uk The Site Today Tottenham Green Tottenham Green is the focal point of the northern end of the local ‘high street’, containing a group of magnificent listed civic buildings including Tottenham Town Hall, the former 4OTTENHAM&IRE3TATIONTHEFORMER4OTTENHAM0UBLIC"ATHS ANDTHEFORMER#OUNTY3CHOOL Tottenham High Road The area of Tottenham High Road between Tottenham Green AND!PEX#ORNERFORMSADISTINCTLOCAL@HIGHSTREETWITHA substantially wider pavement, underground station and large RETAILFACILITIES4HE@HIGHSTREETISCHARACTERIZEDBYACTIVE frontages, with shop windows and pavement cafes. There are several groups of mature trees both within this area and extending north and south that give it a distinct character. Apex House The Apex House site is bordered by a group of mature trees that link it to Page Green Terrace on the other side of the 3EVEN3ISTERS#ONSERVATION!REA4HESITEFORMSPARTOFA COMPLEXOFBUILDINGSINCLUDING!PEX(OUSE7ARDS#ORNER and Seven Sisters Underground Station which the Planning Authority of the London Borough of Haringey believe should be developed in a consistent and uniform manner in order to maximise the potential for a high-quality regeneration of this area. apexhousedevelopment.co.uk A Vision for the Area It is our intention to bring forward a landmark development for Tottenham that will deliver Haringey’s vision for the area and that provides substantial benefits to residents of and visitors to this important part of the borough. development at Seven Sisters Underground station. The Apex House development can be a catalyst for further regeneration of the Tottenham area. The long awaited Seven Sisters Regeneration, PARTOFTHE4OTTENHAM2EGENERATION6ISIONWILL s DELIVERINVESTMENTINTO 4OTTENHAMAND3EVEN Development on the Apex House site has the Sisters potential to reinforce the importance of the s GENERATEINCREASEDSPENDINGINLOCALSHOPS junction of Seven Sisters Road and Tottenham EVERYYEARANDSUPPORTOVERNEWJOBSOVER (IGH2OADANDFORMALANDMARKAT!PEX#ORNER THENEXTYEARS In addition the new development should s BRINGHIGHSTREETNAMESBACKTO3EVEN3ISTERS reinforce the southern end of the “High Street” as well as provide new shops for independent BETWEEN!PEX#ORNERAND4OTTENHAM'REEN businesses s CREATEASAFEANDACTIVEPUBLICAREAANDANEW !PEX(OUSEWILLBEDELIVEREDAS0HASE focal point for the community. of the Seven Sisters Regeneration Project, WHICHINCLUDESTHECONSENTED7ARDS#ORNER W TOWARDS TOTTENHAM GREEN N EE GR AD RO TOWARDS MANOR HOUSE SEVEN SISTERS UNDERGROUND STATION SEVEN SISTERS REGENERATION PROJECT SEVEN S SIST ERS R OAD D OA BR NE LA AD GH RO HI TOWARDS SOUTH TOTTENHAM Apex House Site Analysis Diagram Key response: s DEFININGLANDMARKNEEDEDTOADDRESSTHE long views from the Green, and salient position of this triangular site. s THEINTENSIVEACTIVITYNODENEEDSA significant urban ‘marker’. s THEMATURETREESANDLANDSCAPINGSUPPORTA taller structure. s THECONSIDERABLEWIDTHOFTHE(IGH2OAD supports a bold townscape response. apexhousedevelopment.co.uk (ARINGEY#OUNCILSETOUTAVISIONFORTHESITE WITHINTHEIR7ARDS#ORNER3EVEN3ISTERS 5NDERGROUND$EVELOPMENT"RIEFIN 7ITHINTHISBRIEFTHE#OUNCILSETOUTAVISIONFOR the site that would: “Create a landmark development that acts as a high quality gateway to Seven Sisters, providing mixed uses with improved facilities and safer underground station access.” We believe our proposals have the potential to realise this vision so that the site can be recognised as a landmark location in the borough. It would also provide a number of significant benefits including new homes, flexible commercial space, a new public realm and better connectivity through Seven Sisters Underground station, not only for the local community but for the wider borough as well. Planning Policies Haringey Urban Character Study This document was produced to analyse the existing conditions and areas for opportunity within Tottenham to improve the design of major buildings within the Seven Sisters area. The site is designated within Site Specific 0ROPOSALOFTHE(ARINGEY0LANASSUITABLEFOR comprehensive mixed use development. 4HE DRAFT (ARINGEY 5RBAN #HARACTER 3TUDY IDENTIFIEDTHE!PEX#ORNERSITEASA@WEAKNODE or a site in need of a landmark building. &ROM THE SECTION recommendations’: Tottenham Strategic Regeneration Framework 4HISDOCUMENTHASBEENCREATEDBY(ARINGEY#OUNCILTOSETOUTAVISION for the future for Tottenham. It outlines the key strategies that will be used to revitalise Tottenham and perform the overall regeneration plan for the borough. apexhousedevelopment.co.uk @BUILDING The High Road is a sensitive, historic street where heights should respect the existing scale and grain of between 3-4 storeys with perhaps one or two recessed additional floors. New development should also respect the pattern of building widths which gives the street its visual interest. HEIGHT &ROM THE SECTION @SOCIOECONOMIC AND CULTURAL character’: Opportunity to mark the important node (where Seven Sisters Road and the High Road meet) with an elegant, slim tower that can successfully mark this activity node. This tower could rise to circa 20 storeys but would need to form part of a lower rise (4-6 storeys) perimeter block and care taken to ensure wind vortexes are not created around its base, negatively impacting upon the public space. High Road - along its length there is a near continuous (though with breaks) run of ground floor shops, cafes, businesses etc. - often with residential above. This stacking of uses gives the High Road its intensity, vibrancy and character. Along sections there are a number of splendid rows of townhouses (Page Green Terrace) as well as some poorer quality modern residential buildings that fail to successfully address the High Road. Our Proposal Artists impression of the proposed public realm on Tottenham High Road Proposed Benefits of the scheme to the Public: s AFFORDABLEHOUSING s IMPROVEDPUBLICREALMTOCOMPLIMENT enhancement works already completed further along the High Road. s wide pavements and well designed public realm with street furniture and pop up activities to create a sociable and welcoming streetscape. s HIGHQUALITYDESIGNPRODUCINGALANDMARK building which defines the High Road and Seven Sisters junction. s PURPOSEBUILTFLEXIBLECOMMERCIALSPACE s CREATIONOFJOBSDURINGCONSTRUCTIONAND operation. s active and engaging frontages at street level on Tottenham High Road and Seven Sisters Road. s IMPROVEDSAFETYANDSECURITY s ANEWPEDESTRIANLINKFROM3EVEN3ISTERS Road to Tottenham High Road. s REDUCEDPRESSUREON(OUSEIN-ULTIPLE Occupation in the borough. apexhousedevelopment.co.uk Artists impression of view from Tottenham High Road South Our Proposal Artists impression of view from Tottenham High Road Artists impression of view from Seven Sisters Road apexhousedevelopment.co.uk Public Realm The Apex House scheme will be a car free development with dedicated secure cycle storage within the building. Servicing for the commercial space will be at the rear of the development with the main access route along Stonebridge Road. Artists impression of proposed ground floor Plaza / Gateway 21 m 61 m a ta Flexible Commercial Space Square Re sid tia um on ity en m ve l A Abo di m ice lA rv tia Se en ial sid nt Re te en m y ity Ba Street Frontage Improvement en Po Po 24 Seacole Court Service Yard Tottenham Precedent The existing redevelopment of Tottenham Green creates a central hub along Tottenham High Road with the use of high quality landscaping and street furniture. Key Points: s EXTENDTHECHARACTEROF4OTTENHAM'REEN from further up the High Road s ENCOURAGEACTIVITIESANDPEDESTRIAN movement, creating a safe connection through the site s PROVIDEHIGHQUALITYNEWSEATINGANDA practical and usable space for all s USETREESANDPLANTINGTOCREATEANATTRACTIVE environment for both residents and visitors apexhousedevelopment.co.uk Artists impression of the proposed public realm on Tottenham High Road HIGH ROAD et on Flexible Commercial Space ge Bus Stop Cage si tia R l/ r il F ge Potential Service Bay Re n de sS Ca High Street / Planted Promenade Bu top RS Active Retail Frontage EN TE To buildings opposite Public Retail Arcade V SE S SI R D OA Sustainability ENERGY The design proposals that will be incorporated into the development will demonstrate energy efficiency which will assist in reducing the overall carbon emissions from the development. The Energy Hierarchy as below will be followed: Be Lean (Be Energy Efficient) Be Clean (Incorporate Low Carbon Energy Sources) 1 Be Green (Incorporate Renewable Energy Sources) 2 3 C The passive and active energy efficient proposals s COMPONENTSSUCHASFANSANDPUMPSWILLBE EFFICIENTANDAPPROPRIATELYSIZEDTOHAVENO will include: more capacity for demand and standby than is required for the task so as to operate at their s HEATINGANDDOMESTICHOTWATERWILLBE optimum levels. provided using highly efficient gas fired condensing boilers. s installation of class A rated white goods in all s AUTOMATICCONTROLSOFTHEHEATINGAND dwellings domestic hot water systems etc including s minimising energy consumption by effectively TIMETEMPERATUREANDZONECONTROLSWILL controlling the lighting systems. be provided to make sure that the building services are not in operation when they are not needed. &URTHERCARBONREDUCTIONSWILLBEACHIEVED s ALLMECHANICALVENTILATIONSYSTEMSWILL through: be provided with heat recovery, where appropriate. s COMBINEDHEATANDPOWER#(0WILLALSO s ENERGYEFFICIENTPUMPSFANSETCWILLBE be provided as part of the communal energy provided for the development’s engineering centre in order to maximise carbon savings. systems. s ADETAILEDAPPRAISALOFSUITABLERENEWABLE s THERMALINSULATIONWILLBEPROVIDEDTO energy technologies will be undertaken. pipework to minimise heat losses. SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY The scheme will, in accordance with planning POLICYBESUBJECTTOASAGREEMENT4HE content of which will be agreed with London "OROUGHOF(ARINGEYBASEDONTHE#OUNCILS identified requirements; however, it is likely to include contributions towards affordable housing ONSITEEMPLOYMENTANDTRAININGPROVISIONAND highways and public realm works associated with the development. apexhousedevelopment.co.uk Sustainability In addition to energy consumption, the “wider” sustainability strategy will consider: s s s s s s s water management pollution materials waste management biodiversity health & wellbeing sustainability targets The development will be designed to achieve the following standards: s 2ESIDENTIAL.EW"UILDn#ODEFOR Sustainable Homes Level 4 s 2ETAILn"2%%!-%XCELLENT Feedback Thank you for visiting our exhibition on our emerging proposals for the Apex House site. Members of the development and design team are on hand to answer any questions you might have, and we welcome your comments on the proposals. You can leave your comments through the methods below, and a member of the project team will get back to you on any questions you have about the proposals. s &ILLINACOMMENTCARDANDPUTITINTHEBOX PROVIDEDORPOST&REEPOSTTO FREEPOST RTRH – ELLC –ERBL We will be collating all the feedback received Apex House Development on these plans so that we can incorporate them Berkshire House where possible into our ongoing designs for the 168-173 High Holborn site. It is then our intention to hold a second London public consultation in the near future to present WC1V 7AA our progressed proposals, and provide you with a s 3ENDANEMAILTO further opportunity to have your say on the plans. [email protected] s 4ELEPHONEOURDEDICATEDCONSULTATIONLINEON The content of these boards is also available to 0800 014 2446 view online via our consultation website www.apexhousedevelopment.co.uk. Thank You. Artists impression of view from Seven Sisters Road apexhousedevelopment.co.uk
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