Call for Proposals 2015 APFM Annual Conference Workshops and Pre-Conference Institutes Submission Deadline: April 30, 2015 Academy of Professional Family Mediators Session/Pre-conference Proposal for 2015 Annual Conference October 22-25, Washington D.C. “Selling Peace in an Adversarial World” 1. Proposed Session Title: 2. Proposed Session Length __ 90 minute __ Double Session (180 Minute) __ Half Day Pre-Conference (3 Hrs) __ Full Day Pre-conference (6 Hrs) __ Lunch Dialogue Topic 3. Learning Objectives: a. ______________________________________________ b. ______________________________________________ c. ______________________________________________ 4. Session Description (75-100 words) 5. Session Content in Outline Form 6. How does the session relate to the Conference Theme? 7. Categories (check all that apply) __ Marketing Family Mediation __ Elder Mediation __ Children and Parenting __ Practice Building __ Divorce and Separation __ Non-traditional Families __ Tax and Financial Topics __ Ethics and Standards 8. Session Level: ___ Basic ___ More Advanced 9. Is this proposal research-based: __ Yes __ No APFM 2015 Proposal submission form, page 1 of 2 __ Technology __ Diversity & Equality __ Training __ Skill building __ Translating theory into practice __ Other ________________________ 10. Do you need audio visual support: __ Yes __ No 11. Presenter(s) Contact Information: NAME Title Address line 1 Address line 2 City, State/Province Country Postal Code Telephone Number Cell Phone Number Email Address 12. Biography of Presenter(s) 75 – 100 words each: 13. Please attach a jpeg photo image of each presenter. Your submission of the photo constitutes permission for APFM to use it in promotional and descriptive materials. Send your workshop or presentation proposal to both Conference Co-Chairs: Marilyn McKnight ([email protected]) and Virginia Colin ([email protected]) APFM 2015 Proposal submission form, page 2 of 2
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