AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES Officials and advisers 2 Report of the Directors 3 Statement of Directors’ responsibilities 4 Independent auditors’ report 5-6 Financial statements Statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income 7 Statement of financial position 8 Statement of changes in funds 9 Statement of cash flows 10 11 – 27 Notes to the financial statements 1 AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) OFFICIALS AND ADVISERS Directors Agyeman Akosa Alex Ezeh Trudy Harpham Tade Aina Goran Bondjers Akpan Ekpo Patricia Vaughan Timothy Stiles James Ole Kiyiapi Philip Kinisu Tamara Fox Chairperson, Board of Directors Executive Director Registered office APHRC Campus Manga Close, off Kirawa Road P.O. Box 10787-00100 Nairobi – Kenya Auditor Deloitte & Touche Deloitte Place, Waiyaki Way, Muthangari P.O. Box 40092 - GPO 00100 Nairobi – Kenya Lawyers Njoroge Regeru and Company Advocates Arbor House, Arboretum Drive Off Bishop Road P.O. Box 46971-00100 Nairobi - Kenya Mboya Wangong’u and Waiyaki Lex Chambers, Maji Mazuri Road Off James Gichuru Road, Lavington P.O. Box 74041 - 00200 Nairobi - Kenya Bankers UBS Financial Services Inc. 1285 Ave of the Americas New York, NY 10019 - USA Ecobank Nigeria 67, Yakubu Gowon Crescent Asokoro District - Abuja - Nigeria CfC Stanbic Bank Ltd CfC Stanbic Centre P.O. Box 72833-00200 Nairobi - Kenya I & M Bank Kenya P.O. Box 30238 - 00100 Nairobi - Kenya Ecobank Kenya Ecobank Towers Branch P.O. Box 48022-00100 Nairobi - Kenya Bank of America 345, Park Avenue NY5-125-01-01 New York, NY 10154 Equity Bank Limited Gigiri Supreme Centre Gigiri Square, UN Avenue P.O. Box 101739 - 00100 Nairobi - Kenya 2 Chairperson of the Board African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) P.O. Box 10787 - 00100 Nairobi, Kenya INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) We have audited the accompanying special purpose financial statements of African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) set out on pages 7 to 27, which comprise the statement of financial position at 31 December 2014, the statement of income and expenditure, statement of changes in funds and statement of cash flows for the year then ended and a summary of significance policies and other explanatory notes. The special purpose financial statements have been prepared by the directors in accordance with the accounting policies set out in Note 1. Directors’ responsibility for the special purpose financial statements The Directors are responsible for the preparation of these special purpose financial statements that presents fairly in accordance with the accounting policies set out in Note 1, and for such internal control as the directors determine are necessary to enable the preparation of these special purpose financial statements that are free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error. Auditors’ responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these special purpose financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors’ judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, we considered the internal control relevant to the Center’s preparation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the Center’s internal controls. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the special purpose financial statements of the Center presents fairly the financial position of the Center as at 31 December 2014 and its financial performance and cash flow for the year then ended, in all material respects, in accordance with the accounting policies set out on Note 1 of the financial statements. 5 AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) STATEMENT OF PROFIT AND LOSS AND OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 2014 Restricted Income US$ 2014 Unrestricted Income US$ 9,633,864 __________ 1,944,676 474,147 723,867 123,802 __________ 11,578,540 474,147 723,867 123,802 __________ 13,016,090 654,609 732,635 168,023 __________ 9,633,864 __________ 3,266,492 __________ 12,900,356 __________ 14,571,357 __________ 9,633,864 _________ 958,010 1,893,817 181,264 237,799 _________ 10,591,874 1,893,817 181,264 237,799 _________ 11,566,226 1,658,515 337,630 194,037 __________ 9,633,864 _________ 3,270,890 _________ 12,904,754 _________ 13,756,408 __________ - (4,398) (4,398) 814,949 - (5,557) (5,557) (24,875) _________ _________ _________ _________ ========= (9,955) ========= (9,955) ========= 790,074 ========= Note 2014 2013 Total US$ Total US$ INCOME Grant income Other income Kitisuru building rental income Service charge income 3 4 Total income EXPENDITURE Direct programme expenses Administration & support costs APHRC campus development APHRC campus administration expenses 5 6 7 8 Total expenditure (DEFICIT)/SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Fair value loss on available for sale financial assets Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the year The notes set out on pages 11 to 27 form an integral part of these financial statements. 7 AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUNDS AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2014 Accumulated fund US$ *Revaluation reserve US$ **Capital fund US$ Total 2,314,441 6,133 3,563,943 5,884,517 (24,875) - (24,875) 814,949 - - 814,949 Fixed assets purchased - - 423,576 423,576 Fixed assets disposed - - (13,354) (13,354) Building transfer*** (888,888) - 888,888 - _________ _________ (279,568) _________ (279,568) _________ 2,240,502 ========= (18,742) ========= 4,583,485 ========= 6,805,245 ========= 2,240,502 (18,742) 4,583,485 6,805,245 Revaluation loss on investments - (5,557) - (5,557) Revaluation gain on fixed assets - 2,740,613 - 2,740,613 (53,567) 53,567 - (4,398) - - (4,398) - - 213,676 213,676 (444,444) - 444,444 - - - (335,855) (335,855) 88,890 _________ _________ (88,890) _________ _________ 1,880,550 ========= 2,662,747 ========= 4,870,427 ========= 9,413,724 ========= As at 1 January 2013 Revaluation loss on investments Surplus for the year Depreciation for the year At 31 December 2013 As at 1 January 2014 Transfer of revaluation depreciation Deficit for the year Fixed assets purchased Building transfer*** Depreciation for the year Depreciation on building transfer At 31 December 2014 US$ * Revaluation reserve These represent gain or loss on revaluation of financial instruments and gain on revaluation of assets. ** Capital funds The capital fund has been created to separate reserves that specifically relate to property and equipment. *** Building transfer It relates to transfer of the portion of the value of building paid for from the loan, which is equivalent to the principal loan amounts repaid in the year in relation to the building acquisition. The notes set out on pages 11 to 27 form an integral part of these financial statements. 9 AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2014 Note 2014 US$ 2013 US$ (9,955) 790,074 22,221 25,667 5,557 _________ 33,333 40,000 (4,957) 24,875 _________ 43,490 883,325 Increase in debtors and prepayments Decrease in grants receivable Increase/ (Decrease) in deferred grants Increase in creditors and accruals (18,957) 1,185,770 118,867 767,808 _________ (3,108) 9,054,804 (8,565,761) 2,603,258 _________ Net cash generated by operating activities 2,096,978 _________ 3,972,518 _________ (25,667) (40,000) Proceeds on sale of assets _________ 4,957 _________ Net cash used in investing activities (25,667) _________ (35,043) __________ (444,444) _________ (888,888) __________ 1,626,867 3,048,587 10,190,884 _________ 7,142,297 __________ 11,817,751 ========= 10,190,884 ========== 11,817,751 ========= 10,190,884 ========== CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Generated (deficit)/ surplus for the year Adjustments for: Depreciation Interest on program related investment loan Gain on sale of assets Fair value loss on the investments 18 7 13 Surplus before working capital changes Working capital changes CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Interest on program related investment loan CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Repayment of program related investment loan 17 INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AS AT 1 JANUARY CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AS AT 31 DECEMBER Represented by: Bank and cash balances 12 The notes set out on pages 11 to 27 form an integral part of these financial statements. 10 AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 1 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these financial statements are set out below: (a) Basis of accounting The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost basis of accounting. The principal accounting policies adopted are set out below; (b) Income recognition i) Restricted income is recognised when expenditure is incurred and when grant conditions are fulfilled, i.e. grant income is matched to expenditure. Unrestricted grant income (non specific grants) is recognised over the grant period. ii) Rental and interest income is recognized as it accrues. iii) Other income is recognized on a receipt basis. iv) Funds received for purchase of assets are recognised in full on purchase of the assets. (c) Project expenditure Project expenditure is recognized when incurred. (d) Grants receivable Grants from donors are recognized as a receivable when a grant has been approved and a grant agreement with the donors signed, and represents the balance of funds to be received from the donors. (e) Deferred grants Grants received are treated as deferred grants and credited to the income and expenditure statement when the activities for which they were provided for have been undertaken. Any deferred grants are carried forward as liabilities. (g) Prepaid operating lease rental Leases where a significant portion of the risks and rewards of ownership are retained by the lessor are classified as operating leases. Operating leases financed through project funds expensed in the income and expenditure statement in the year the costs are incurred. The value of the prepaid lease is then recognized as an asset and an equal amount recognized in the capital fund. Amortisation is charged on a straight line basis over the remaining lease period. This amortisation is charged to the operating lease balance on the asset side and a similar amount charged to the capital fund. (e) Capital fund The capital fund has been created to reflect the monies spent on property and equipment and is adjusted through the accumulated funds reserve to reflect the movements in assets for additions, depreciation, disposals and loan repayments, when an asset is purchased on loan. 11 AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 1 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (f) Property and equipment Buildings, equipment and motor vehicles financed through project funds are expensed in the income and expenditure statement in the year of acquisition. The value of the asset is then recognized as an asset and an equal amount recognized in the capital fund. Depreciation is charged on a straight line basis over the estimated useful life of the asset. This depreciation is charged to the asset balance on the asset side and a similar amount charged to the capital fund. The annual rates used are: Buildings Computer equipment and software 2.5% 33.3% Motor vehicles (g) 25% Furniture and fittings 12.5% Equipment and tools 20% Intangible assets Intangible assets are mainly made up of software costs. Intangible assets financed through project funds are expensed in the income and expenditure statement in the year of acquisition. The Intangible asset is measured on initial recognition at cost and an equal amount recognized in the capital fund. Intangible assets are amortized over the term of their expected useful lives. The annual amortisation rate is 33.3%. The amortisation is charged to the asset balance on the asset side and a similar amount charged to the capital fund. The carrying values of intangible assets are reviewed for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may not be recoverable. (h) Financial instruments Financial assets and liabilities are recognized in the Center’s financial position when the Center has become a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. Financial assets Financial assets that have a fixed maturity are measured at amortized cost. Re-measurement gains and losses are dealt with in surplus or deficit for the year. Receivables Receivables are stated at their nominal value. When a receivable is considered uncollectible it is written off against the receivable account. Payables Payables are stated at their nominal value. Short term deposits Short term deposits are classified as held to maturity and are measured at amortised costs. 12 AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 1 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (h) Financial instruments Available for sale investments Investments in Old Mutual International, formerly Royal Skandia Executive redemption bond is recognised on a trade date basis and was initially measured at fair value, including transaction costs. The investment was stated at the market value ruling as at the year-end and is classified as an available for sale financial asset. Gains or losses on re-measurement are recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated in the revaluation reserve (i) Taxation No provision for corporate tax has been made in these financials. The Center qualifies for exemption from corporation tax in Kenya under paragraph 10 of the 1st Schedule to the Income Tax Act, Cap. 470 of the Laws of Kenya. The Center has an agreement with the Government of Kenya, exempting it from paying corporate taxes. (j) Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash-in-hand, bank balances and short term liquid investments which are readily convertible into known amounts of cash. For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash equivalents include cash at hand and bank, and fixed deposits held in the bank. (k) Foreign currency translations Assets and liabilities denominated in currencies other than United States Dollars (US$) are translated into US$ at the rate of exchange ruling at the statement of financial position date. Transactions during the year are translated at the spot exchange rates at the date of the transactions. All exchange differences are dealt with in the statement of comprehensive income. (l) Retirement benefit obligations The Center operates a defined contribution scheme for eligible employees to which the employer contributes 10% (2013-10%) and the employees contribution is optional. The assets of the scheme are held in separate trustee administered funds and managed by Britam for Nationally recruited staff and Generalli International Pension fund for Internationally recruited staff. Contributions are determined by the rules of the scheme. The organization contributes to the statutory defined contribution pension scheme, the National Social Security Fund (NSSF). Contributions are determined by local statute and are currently limited to Shs 200 per employee per month. A new NSSF Act No 45 of 2013 effective 10 January 2014 requires the contributions to change as follows: For the purposes of the Act, the Upper Earning Limit (UEL) will be KES. 18,000 while the Lower Earnings Limit (LEL) will be KES 6,000. The pension contribution will be 12% of the pensionable wages made up of two equal portions of 6% from the employee and 6% from the employer subject to an upper limit of KES 2,160 for employees earning above KES 18,000. The employee contribution shall be drawn directly from his salary and wages while the employer’s contribution shall come directly from the employer. The contributions relating to the earnings below the LEL of the earnings (a maximum of KES. 720) will be credited to what will be known as a Tier I account while the balance of the contribution for earnings between the LEL and the UEL (up to a maximum of KES 1,440) will be credited to what will be known as a Tier II account. The new NSSF ACT requirements have been suspended pending a court case. 13 AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (m) Provision for staff leave and gratuity A provision is made to recognize staff entitlements in respect of annual leave not taken and gratuity as at the end of the financial year. (n) Comparatives Where necessary comparative figures have been adjusted to conform to change in presentation in the current year. 2 CRITICAL ACCOUNTING JUDGEMENTS AND KEY SOURCES OF ESTIMATION UNCERTAINTY Critical accounting judgments In the process of applying the Center’s accounting policies, management is required to make judgments, estimates and assumptions about the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and other factors that are considered to be relevant. Actual results may differ from these estimates including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognized in the period in which the estimate is revised if the revision only affects that period or in the period of the revision and future periods if the revision affects both current and future periods. The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis on the belief that funds will continue to be received from donors. Key sources of estimation uncertainty The following are the key assumptions concerning the future, and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the statement of financial position date that has a significant risk of causing material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year: Equipment Critical estimates are made by the management in determining depreciation rates of equipment. Impairment of assets At each statement of financial position date, the Center reviews the carrying amounts of its tangible assets to determine whether there is any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of the impairment loss. Provisions and contingent liabilities The Center reviews its obligations at the each statement of financial position date to determine whether provisions need to be made and if there are any contingent liabilities. Going concern The financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis on the belief that funds will continue to be received from donors and other funds generated through rental, interest and other incomes. 14 AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 3 GRANT INCOME Restricted income 2014 US$ 2013 US$ 9,633,864 _________ 10,690,127 _________ 833,333 243,612 38,462 829,269 _________ 833,333 243,612 1,249,018 _________ 1,944,676 _________ 2,325,963 _________ 11,578,540 ========= 13,016,090 ========= 207,063 11,917 255,167 ________ 138,886 193,617 13,956 17,882 290,268 ________ 474,147 ======= 654,609 ======== Unrestricted income Hewlett Foundation SIDA - general support Fidelity Charitable Gift program Overheads recovery Grand total (note 16) 4 OTHER INCOME Interest income Exchange gains Consulting income Training income Miscellaneous income 5 DIRECT PROGRAMME EXPENSES Field assistants and consultants Program staff salaries and benefits Public relations and advertising Computers and other equipment Seminars and workshops Fellowships Travel costs Training Printing and stationery Dissemination & knowledge management Sub grants Publications, reprint and reports Subtotal 2014 Restricted US$ 2014 Unrestricted US$ 2014 Total US$ 2013 Total US$ 475,358 3,400,526 13,440 41,582 816,525 3,085,224 140,527 109,674 72,985 20 555,142 43,060 ________ 252,615 455,713 219 6,042 22,991 36,085 8,743 114,912 8,085 ________ 727,973 3,856,239 13,659 47,624 839,516 3,085,224 176,612 118,417 187,897 20 555,142 51,145 _________ 692,196 3,471,841 18,400 51,675 1,465,994 3,417,836 129,635 153,436 108,479 1,700 1,091,311 29,843 _________ 8,754,063 ======== 905,405 ======== 9,659,468 ========= 10,632,346 ========= 15 AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 5 DIRECT PROGRAMME EXPENSES (CONTINUED) Library development Field office supplies Motor vehicle expenses Communications and postage Field office rent & expenses Equipment repairs and maintenance Community development Occupancy costs Other program costs Total 6 2014 Restricted US$ 2014 Unrestricted US$ 2014 Total US$ 2013 Total US$ 102,043 39,927 40,117 4,508 1,360 333,673 313,187 44,986 ________ 5,848 3,674 5,373 15,869 4,786 9,987 7,068 ________ 107,891 43,601 45,490 20,377 6,146 343,660 313,187 52,054 _________ 2,169 121,966 45,095 36,412 22,922 473 344,600 309,707 50,536 _________ 9,633,864 ======== 958,010 ======== 10,591,874 ========= 11,566,226 ========= ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT COSTS Travel costs and allowances Board costs Staff salaries and benefits Other overhead costs Professional fees Office rent Stationery and office supplies Communication and postage Motor vehicle running Staff development Recruitment expenses Insurance Equipment Fundraising costs Depreciation Exchange losses Bad debt written off 16 2014 US$ 2013 US$ 35,577 140,754 894,960 12,549 72,525 3,492 74,749 48,185 11,246 41,670 24,851 11,941 26,205 49,775 22,221 324,303 98,814 _________ 20,665 95,676 855,098 12,316 32,401 134,949 66,879 47,902 1,503 64,300 24,716 14,285 218,976 35,516 33,333 _________ 1,893,817 ========= 1,658,515 ========= AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 7 2013 US$ 150,090 25,667 5,507 _________ 44,827 40,000 19,244 96,359 15,490 121,710 _________ 181,264 ========= 337,630 ========= 24,087 52,406 69,929 5,812 55,689 14,047 6,185 3,950 5,694 ________ 22,632 51,970 59,645 4,534 28,660 12,568 5,790 4,635 3,603 ________ 237,799 ======== 194,037 ======== APHRC CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT Kitisuru building improvements Program related investment loan interest capitalized Road improvements Impairment - land deposit CCTV additional installation Audio visual equipment 8 2014 US$ APHRC CAMPUS ADMINISTRATION EXPENSES Staff costs Security Office cleaning & maintenance Fuel Electricity Office supplies Insurance Water Audit fees 17 AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 9 PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Building US$ Computers US$ Motor vehicles US$ Furniture, fittings US$ Equipment and tools US$ Total US$ 5,373,987 44,826 ________ 450,389 46,658 (101,714) ________ 216,907 174,689 (40,244) ________ 113,733 (10,699) ________ 82,429 144,269 (6,621) ________ 6,237,445 410,442 (159,278) _________ 5,418,813 ======== 5,418,813 150,090 1,440,168 ________ 395,333 ======== 395,333 32,175 ________ 351,352 ======== 351,352 ________ 103,034 ======== 103,034 ________ 220,077 ======== 220,077 29,021 ________ 6,488,609 ======== 6,488,609 211,286 1,440,168 _________ 7,009,071 ======== 427,508 ======== 351,352 ======== 103,034 ======== 249,098 ======== 8,140,063 ======== At 1 January 2013 Charge for the year Eliminated on disposal 134,350 135,470 ________ 393,476 43,834 (93,030) ________ 207,476 52,334 (40,243) ________ 30,375 11,758 (9,647) ________ 47,803 46,210 (5,112) ________ 813,480 289,606 (148,032) ________ At 31 December 2013 269,820 ======== 269,820 184,449 ________ 344,280 ======== 344,280 46,225 ________ 219,567 ======== 219,567 44,057 ________ 32,486 ======== 32,486 11,758 ________ 88,901 ======== 88,901 42,392 ________ 955,054 ======== 955,054 328,881 ________ 454,269 ======== 390,505 ======== 263,624 ======== 44,244 ======== 131,293 ======== 1,283,935 ======== 6,554,802 ======== 5,148,993 ======== 37,003 ======== 51,053 ======== 87,728 ======== 131,785 ======== 58,790 ======== 70,548 ======== 117,805 ======== 131,176 ======== 6,856,128 ======== 5,533,555 ======== COST At 1 January 2013 Additions Disposals At 31 December 2013 At 1 January 2014 Additions Revaluation At 31 December 2014 DEPRECIATION At 1 January 2014 Charge for the year At 31 December 2014 NET BOOK VALUE At 31 December 2014 At 31 December 2013 18 AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 10 2014 US$ 2013 US$ 290,340 1,300,445 _________ 290,340 ________ 1,590,785 _________ 290,340 ________ At 1 January Charge for the year 10,383 18,357 _________ 7,788 2,595 ________ At 31 December 28,740 _________ 10,383 ________ 1,562,045 ========= 279,957 ======== 233,122 2,390 _________ 231,848 13,134 (11,860) ________ 235,512 ========= 233,122 ======== 218,703 10,838 _________ 207,755 20,700 (9,752) ________ 229,541 ========= 218,703 ======== 5,971 ========= 14,419 ======== 4,137,579 359 7,679,813 _________ 2,743,682 357 7,446,845 _________ 11,817,751 ========= 10,190,884 ========= PREPAID OPERATING LEASES COST At 1 January Revaluation At 31 December ACCUMULATED AMORTISATION NET BOOK VALUE At 31 December 11 INTANGIBLE ASSETS Computer software COST As at 1 January Additions Disposal As at 31 December AMORTISATION As at 1 January Charge for the year Elimination on disposal As at 31 December NET BOOK VALUE As at 31 December 12 CASH AND BANK BALANCES Cash at bank Cash on hand Fixed deposits As at 31 December 19 AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 12 CASH AND BANK BALANCES (Continued) The fixed deposits are held at Ecobank Kenya, CFC Stanbic and I&M bank. The weighted average rate of interest on the Fixed Deposits was as follows: Kenya shilling denominated deposits 10% (2013 - 8.25%) USD denominated deposits 3.4% (2013 - 3.16%) GBP denominated deposits 3% (2013 - None) 13 AVAILABLE FOR SALE INVESTMENTS This comprises an investment in an Old Mutual International formerly Royal Skandia executive redemption bond where funds have been placed in a diversified investment portfolio on a long-term basis. Description Old mutual international (formerly Royal Skandia) Executive redemption bond Total Cost at 31.12.2013 and 31.12.2014 US$ Market value as at 31.12.2014 US$ Market value at 31.12.2013 US$ 405,000 ________ 380,701 ________ 386,258 ________ 405,000 ======== 380,701 ======== 386,258 ======== 2014 US$ 2013 US$ 386,258 (5,557) _________ 411,133 (24,875) _________ 380,701 ========= 386,258 ========= Movement in available for sale investments As at January Fair value loss 14 DEBTORS AND DEPOSITS Staff debtors Other debtors Prepaid staff costs Prepayments Utilities and other deposits 15 94,501 86,856 20,983 151,616 8,486 _________ 107,390 169,562 17,932 39,454 9,147 _________ 362,442 ========= 343,485 ========= 128,238 1,391 6,187,978 _________ 244,784 5,305,015 _________ 6,317,607 ========= 5,549,799 ========= CREDITORS AND ACCRUALS Trade creditors Payroll creditors Other accruals 20 AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 16 GRANTS RECEIVABLE/DEFERRED GRANTS Donor Restricted grants 3IE Adam Smith-SUCSEED Aga Khan University Hospital Amsterdam Institute of Global Health Aspen Carnegie Corporation CIFF Comic Relief Concern WorldWide Delphi Department for International Development ( DFID) through Population Council ESEI ESRC Subtotal restricted grants New grants receivable/ adjustments/ exchange differences Receipts/ adjustments/ exchange differences Expenditure/ Income 2014 US$ C 2014 US$ D Grant receivable 31 December 2013 US$ A Deferred grants 31 December 2013 US$ B 2014 US$ E Grant receivable 31 December 2014 US$ F=A+C-D Deferred grants 31 December 2014 US$ G=B+C-E 22,473 18,795 (6) 4,201 6 334,655 (5) 22,479 292,327 9,393 109,056 4,196 42,328 9,397 225,599 - 273,442 160,000 30,743 861,040 44,583 391,433 170,744 555,669 1,517,691 65,890 - 55,356 2,619,357 1,251,351 (55,704) (65,890) - 284,100 30,000 801,600 201,502 (65,890) 32,265 427,719 53,888 636,815 70 807,151 - 44,698 130,000 1,848,500 1,251,351 603,834 12,318 19,070 116,856 2,538,211 1,251,281 654,836 - 80,816 259,225 140,943 101,014 139,368 72,325 242,927 6,676 174,307 15,711 15,218 206,250 136,330 62,232 149,436 243,514 132,401 137,691 3,038 16,769 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 1,892,060 3,018,329 4,388,729 1,813,012 2,443,707 4,467,777 4,963,351 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 21 AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 16 GRANTS RECEIVABLE/DEFERRED GRANTS (Continued) Donor Restricted grants Fidelity Charitable Gift program Futures Institute Goal Kenya Guttmacher Institute Helpage Hindu Religious- Community Development INDEPTH H3A INDEPTH - Network Institute of Developent Studies (IDS) International Development Research Center (IDRC) International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) IOM IPAS IPPF IRC Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Subtotal restricted grants Grant receivable 31 December 2013 US$ A Deferred grants 31 December 2013 US$ B New grants receivable/ adjustments/ exchange differences 2014 US$ C 173,000 80,965 3,310 230,411 346,000 45,505 1,160 230,411 8,250 (44,068) 168,169 - 173,000 4,125 36,897 115,555 60,951 173,424 8,250 1,437 4,967 128,154 4,125 55,924 169,460 172,576 164,362 102,257 17,499 3,490 30,756 813 3,501 9,618 1 6,470 9,618 212 30,757 9,618 814 14,530 3,279 3,500 - 155,809 33,891 65,191 155,768 64,418 65,232 34,664 218,494 888,242 4,343,643 1,944,102 961,479 2,618,035 4,270,406 69,474 15,929 10,638 - 9,169 6,790 22,012 - (3,168) 96,752 159,958 21,259 12,903 15,929 87,390 40,532 785 6,001 6,790 123,435 48,615 21,135 53,403 20,000 119,426 20,474 (4,671) 111,343 124 2,000 ________ ________ ________ 2,000 ________ ________ ________ ________ 981,019 ________ 1,614,749 ________ 4,829,106 ________ 2,666,237 ________ 1,589,294 ________ 3,143,888 ________ 4,854,561 ________ 22 Receipts/ adjustments/ exchange differences 2014 US$ D Expenditure/ income 2014 US$ E Grant receivable 31 December 2014 US$ F=A+C-D Deferred grants 31 December 2014 US$ G=B+C-E AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 16 GRANTS RECEIVABLE/ DEFERRED GRANTS (Continued) Donor Restricted grants Jubilee Education Fund London School of Tropical Medicine MacArthur National Academy of Sciences Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) New Venture Fund NIH - thro University of Maryland PEAS Population Council Population Reference Bureau Private Partnership in Education Rockerfellor Save the Children Subtotal restricted grants Grant receivable 31 December 2013 US$ A Deferred grants 31 December 2013 US$ B New grants receivable/ adjustments/ exchange differences 2014 US$ C - - 2,796 2,796 2,796 - - 107,543 394,348 54,752 85,743 77,607 54,752 (4,378) 513,423 - (4,378) 782,771 54,752 73,239 341,036 49,027 107,543 125,000 - 8,126 249,994 5,725 48,500 - 13,926 - 133,294 278,811 99,872 278,811 76,873 66,241 81,922 - 70,347 212,570 55,810 6,556 44,548 22,336 33 108,926 81,149 (33) (44,179) 33,476 6,523 369 929 5,740 64,747 81,149 22,334 - 80,220 16,596 - 264,560 10,238 ________ 253,333 10,176 ________ 171,372 (10,176) ________ 135,000 62 ________ 15,570 36,652 ________ 264,560 36,372 ________ 237,763 134,720 ________ 986,855 ________ 626,832 ________ 1,122,079 ________ 1,390,054 ________ 732,850 ________ 718,880 ________ 1,016,061 ________ 23 Receipts/ adjustments/ exchange differences 2014 US$ D Expenditure/ income 2014 US$ E Grant receivable Deferred grants 31 December 31 December 2014 2014 US$ US$ F=A+C-D G=B+C-E AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 16 GRANTS RECEIVABLE/ DEFERRED GRANTS (Continued) Donor Restricted grants Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation The David & Lucile Packard Foundation The Ford Foundation The University of Witwatersrand The William & Flora Hewlett Foundation Umea UNAIDS University of California Berkeley USAID through Management Sciences for Health USAID through Pathfinder International Subtotal restricted grants Grant receivable 31 December 2013 US$ A Deferred grants 31 December 2013 US$ B New grants receivable/ adjustments/ exchange differences 2014 US$ C 3,464,999 3,422,607 (191,745) 2,978,855 1,832,958 294,399 1,397,904 383,814 593,676 614 384,428 594,290 - - 550,000 - 1,294,873 315,006 50,000 - 600,000 - 638,586 315,004 - 706,287 2 13,502 - 86,126 68,321 - 31,307 86,126 680,000 5,000 976,974 1,233 - 49,770 (2) - 429,770 (2) 5,000 547,959 1,231 - 300,000 - 478,785 - 10,900 (1) 1 10,901 - - - 744,386 747,849 - 42,568 49,856 701,818 697,993 153,430 ________ 144,505 ________ 121,884 ________ 190,111 ________ 177,302 ________ 85,203 ________ 89,087 ________ 6,006,031 ________ 7,496,722 ________ 116,648 ________ 4,709,952 ________ 4,157,186 ________ 1,412,727 ________ 3,456,184 ________ 24 Receipts/ adjustments/ exchange differences 2014 US$ D Expenditure/ income 2014 US$ E Grant receivable 31 December 2014 US$ F=A+C-D Deferred grants 31 December 2014 US$ G=B+C-E AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 16 GRANTS RECEIVABLE/ DEFERRED GRANTS (Continued) Grant receivable 31 December 2013 US$ A Deferred grants 31 December 2013 US$ B New grants receivable/ adjustments/ exchange differences 2014 US$ C 1,847,359 1,261,264 903,826 1,110,837 1,428,060 1,640,348 737,030 319,958 _________ 101,841 _________ 42,994 _________ 99,060 _________ 112,035 _________ 263,892 _________ 32,800 _________ Sub total 2,167,317 _________ 1,363,105 _________ 946,820 _________ 1,209,897 _________ 1,540,095 _________ 1,904,240 _________ 769,830 _________ Total restricted grants 12,033,282 _________ 14,119,737 _________ 11,403,382 _________ 11,789,152 _________ 10,463,132 _________ 11,647,512 _________ 15,059,987 _________ 800,000 1,319,444 - 800,000 833,333 - 486,111 - 522,249 - - 243,613 - 278,636 _________ (67,970) _________ 250,000 44,025 _________ 250,000 44,025 _________ 38,462 _________ _________ 211,538 (23,945) _________ 800,000 _________ 1,773,723 _________ 294,025 _________ 1,094,025 _________ 1,115,408 _________ _________ 952,340 _________ 12,833,282 ========= 15,893,460 ========= 11,697,407 ========= 12,883,177 ========= 11,578,540 ========= 11,647,512 ========= 16,012,327 ========= Donor Restricted grants Wellcome Trust World Health Organization (WHO) Unrestricted grants The William & Flora Hewlett Foundation Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) Fidelity Charitable Gift program Unrestricted Funds Support Total unrestricted grants Grand Total 25 Receipts/ adjustments/ exchange differences 2014 US$ D Expenditure/ income 2014 US$ E Grant receivable 31 December 2014 US$ F=A+C-D Deferred grants 31 December 2014 US$ G=B+C-E AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 17 PROGRAM RELATED INVESTMENT LOAN APHRC entered into a credit agreement with The David and Lucile Packard Foundation to be advanced a term loan in the principal amount of US$ 4,000,000 to be used solely for the construction of phase one of the Kitisuru project. The original term of the loan was sixty months. In the current year it was amended to sixty months. Interest is payable at a simple rate of 2%. At 31 December 2014, the balances outstanding on this loan were: Present value of minimum payments 2014 2013 US$ US$ Minimum payments 2014 2013 US$ US$ No later than 1 year Later than 1 year and no later than 5 years Less future finance charges Present value of minimum lease payments 453,333 449,263 _______ 470,111 902,596 ________ 444,444 444,448 _______ 444,444 888,892 ________ 902,596 (13,704) _______ 1,372,707 (39,371) ________ 888,892 _______ 1,333,336 ________ 888,892 ======= 1,333,336 ======== 888,892 ======= 1,333,336 ======== 2014 US$ 2013 US$ Analysis by cash flows: Outstanding loan as at 1 January Funds received during the year 1,333,336 _________ 2,222,224 _________ Total funds outstanding Repaid during the year 1,333,336 444,444 _________ 2,222,224 888,888 _________ Outstanding as at 31 December 888,892 ========= 1,333,336 ========= Repayable within 12 months 444,444 ========= 444,444 ========= Repayable after 12 months 444,448 ========= 888,892 ======== 26 AFRICAN POPULATION AND HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER (APHRC) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 18 RECONCILIATION OF CAPITAL FUND TO NET BOOK VALUE 2014 US$ 2013 US$ 4,870,427 4,583,485 888,892 1,333,336 2,687,046 - (22,221) (33,333) Less: accumulated depreciation b/f _________ (55,557) _________ NBV 31 December 2014 (Note 9) 8,424,144 ========= 5,827,931 ========= 77,500 ========= ======== Capital fund 31 December 2014 Add: portion of building purchased with unpaid loan Add: revaluation amount net transfer of excess depreciation on revaluation Less: current year depreciation on portion of building purchased with unpaid loan 19 CONTIGENT LIABILITIES Pending lawsuits Pending lawsuits relate to civil suits lodged against the Center by a former employee. The board of directors are of the opinion that the pending case is unlikely to result in any liability to the center. 20 LEGAL FORM African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) is registered under section 366 of the Companies Act (Cap 486) as a branch of African Population and Health Research Center Inc., a company incorporated in the United States of America as a not-for-profit corporation. On 14 June 2001, the Kenya Government and APHRC Inc. entered into a co-operation agreement, which granted APHRC privileges and immunities under Section 11 of the Privileges and Immunities Act (Cap 179). This includes exemption from all taxes, duties and Value Added Tax (VAT). In addition, certain categories of staff are exempted from income tax. APHRC enjoys tax exemption from the United States Internal Revenue Service under Section 501(c) 3 of the US tax code. 21 CURRENCY The financial statements are presented in United States Dollars (US$). 27
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