Subprime Governance: Agency Costs in Vertically Integrated Banks and the 2008 Mortgage Crisis Claudine Gartenberg* NYU Stern School of Business Lamar Pierce+ Washington University in St. Louis May 6, 2015 This study examines how corporate governance altered the relationship between vertical integration and performance in the mortgage industry prior to the 2008 crisis. Prior research has argued that vertical integration of mortgage origination and securitization aligned divisional incentives and improved lending quality. We show that vertical integration only improved loan performance in those banks with strong corporate governance. Detailed analysis of governance characteristics suggests that this effect is primarily explained by external monitoring by institutional investors. We interpret these findings as suggesting that the additional control afforded by vertical integration can, in the hands of poorly monitored managers, offset gains from aligned divisional incentives. These findings support the view that the effect of vertical integration depends on the specific characteristics and capabilities of firms. *NYU Stern School of Business, Management and Organizations, Tisch 709, 617-378-8710, [email protected] +Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis 1. Introduction In this paper we provide evidence that the relationship between vertical integration and performance is contingent on the corporate governance of the integrated firm. We argue that the aligned incentives of business units under vertical integration do not resolve moral hazard problems if weak governance allows managers to profit from information distortion. We support this argument using data from one of the most important market failures in recent history—the 2008 American housing crisis. Although recent research in corporate finance has represented the vertical integration of mortgage origination and securitization as having improved lending performance by aligning internal divisional incentives (Purnanandam, 2011; Demiroglu and James, 2012), some of the industry’s largest failures were vertically integrated firms. Washington Mutual, Countrywide, and New Century Financial all pursued deliberate strategies to gain ownership and control over the vertical chain and all collapsed spectacularly. These notable failures suggest that the relationship between vertical integration and performance is more complex than its representation in recent studies. How might this be? Although extensive theory in organizational economics and strategy explains how vertical integration (or hierarchy) can indeed improve coordination between units by reducing contracting hazards (Arrow, 1973; Williamson, 1985; Nahapiet and Ghoshal, 1998; Williamson, 1999), related work argues that hierarchy can also generate coordination costs (Zhou, 2011; Rawley, 2010) as well as perverse incentives for managers to misrepresent, distort, and withhold information for their own interests (Williamson, 1985; Eccles and White, 1988; Shleifer and Vishny, 1997; Osterloh and Frey, 2000; Nickerson and Zenger, 2004; Bidwell, 2012; Pierce, 2012). The implication of these theories is that, although vertical integration may create the potential for improved performance, this potential is only realized when firms possess the internal incentives and managerial oversight necessary to implement internal transactions and activities with minimal distortion. As Williamson (1985) repeatedly argues, when high-powered managerial incentives exist with the firm, as 2 is common in the banking industry, the imperfect monitoring and intervention of top managers and owners is frequently insufficient to restrain this distortionary behavior. We find evidence consistent with this argument by examining a panel of mortgage lenders from 2000 to 2007. We first analyze individual mortgages issued in the 100 most active zip codes for new home construction, measuring the relative distortion of underwriting standards by each lender during this period. We construct a firm-year measure of lending quality by the incremental likelihood that a mortgage defaults if it is originated by that firm, controlling for observable risk and borrower and contract characteristics associated with that loan. If a firm chooses to subsidize its securitization unit by lowering lending standards, those lowered standards will be captured by this metric. We first show that, on average, vertically integrated lenders write higher quality loans than nonintegrated firms. This average effect, however, masks significant differences in the default likelihood between integrated firms of strong and weak governance. Specifically, integrated firms with strong governance behave largely as prior empirical studies have found: mortgage default likelihood decreases as the degree of vertical integration increases (Demiroglu and James, 2012). However, for firms with weak governance, this relationship fails to hold: default likelihood does not fall with vertical integration (and in some specifications actually increases). Our results suggest that the advantages of vertical integration are offset by a weak governance structure. How might this distortion occur in practice? Within integrated firms, managers have discretion on both the underwriting quality and on the downstream disposition of loans into securitization pools, which were subject to less market due diligence than individual loans sold by nonintegrated firms. 1 While managers of all lenders may have had incentives to increase volume through reduced mortgage quality, managers of vertically integrated firms had a unique moral hazard problem. These managers Testimony before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, official transcript, Sept 23, 2010,, (hereafter FCIC), pages 169, 178. 1 3 controlled both the (hard-to-observe) upstream lending quality and the (also hard-to-observe) terms by which these loans were transferred between units, as well as the (easy-to-observe and richly rewarded) downstream securitization volumes. It is this moral hazard problem to which we attribute the relatively worse observed lending quality by the poorly-governed, integrated firms. We then demonstrate that, of the detailed governance mechanisms, monitoring by external investors, particularly those with long-term perspectives, played the largest role in restraining excess bank risk. The ratio, absolute number, and diffusion of institutional investors is associated with lower default risk. Also, shareholders that are regulated banks or insurance companies—traditionally the more conservative owners—are associated with lower default likelihood, relative to owners that are hedge funds or other investment-oriented entities. In fact, firms with low levels of ownership by banks or relatedly high levels of ownership by investment companies actually have a positive association between vertical integration and default likelihood. That is, as vertical integration increases, lending quality actually decreases, suggesting that these firms increased volume by actively lowering lending standards. In contrast, we find no clear results from executive compensation or board composition— two other common components of corporate governance. This paper contributes to the empirical literature on firm scope and performance by providing evidence that the integration-performance link is not universally positive in markets where information accuracy is critical, as prior research has argued (Nickerson and Zenger, 2004; Lafontaine and Slade, 2007). In this sense, it contributes to a growing literature that argues that the firm boundary predictions of transaction cost economics crucially interact with firm heterogeneity and capabilities (Jacobides and Winter, 2005; Bidwell, 2010; 2012; Argyres and Zenger, 2012; Argyres et al., 2012). This paper build on prior studies of horizontal integration (Gartenberg, 2014) and vertical disintegration (Jacobides, 2005) in the mortgage banking industry, but unlike those studies, explicitly examines how 4 heterogeneity within vertically-integrated firms can directly impact the efficiency of that organizational structure. This paper also contributes to a deep literature on the importance of corporate governance in firm strategy and performance (e.g., Jensen and Zajac, 2004; Hambrick et al., 2008; Castañer and Kavadis, 2013). This literature argues that the incentives embedded in executive compensation, as well as the expertise (Castanias and Helfat, 1991; Westphal and Fredrickson, 2001; Feldman and Montgomery, 2015), independence (Jensen and Meckling, 1976; Boyd, 1994; Westphal and Zajac, 1998), and motivation (Hambrick and Jackson, 2000) of the board of directors, all can shape a firm’s strategic direction and performance. Similarly, the involvement of institutional shareholders is argued to shape strategy and performance through both improved information and incentives for monitoring (Shleifer and Vishny, 1986; Schnatterly et al., 2008). Our paper suggests that corporate governance represents a persistent and heterogeneous firm attribute that directly influences the appropriate boundary of the firm. Finally, our paper contributes to the growing literature on the 2008 housing crisis (e.g., Shiller, 2008; Mayer et al., 2009; Shin, 2009). While research has shown that the housing crisis was preceded by a large deterioration in mortgage quality (Dell’Ariccia et al., 2009), it has generally focused on the market level, abstracting away from the firm (Demyanyk and Van Hemert, 2011), or focused on the degree of “skin in the game” as the main determinant of quality differences between lenders (Purnanandam, 2011; Demiroglu and James, 2012). Our paper, together with Gartenberg (2014), highlights other organizational factors that have a first order effect on lending differences between firms. Furthermore, these factors – corporate governance (in our case) and internal capital markets (in Gartenberg, 2014)– are sufficiently general that it is plausible that they influence behavior of firms beyond the mortgage industry and this specific time period. 5 2. Theoretical Background 2.1 Vertical Integration and Information Transfer Both the economics and strategy literatures explicitly address how vertical integration can impact performance in information-intensive industries such as financial services. Within economics, the industrial organization literature has traditionally focused on market power benefits (Hart and Tirole, 1990; Lafontaine and Slade, 2007), while organizational economics has focused on contracting benefits that reduce opportunism and holdup (Williamson, 1985; Grossman and Hart, 1986; Hart and Moore, 1990) and moral hazard (Holmstrom and Milgrom, 1991). Empirical evidence of reduced moral hazard spans a variety of settings, including retail (Lafontaine and Shaw, 2005), life sciences (Azoulay, 2004) and trucking (Baker and Hubbard, 2004; Nickerson and Silverman, 2002). In each setting, the downstream party is responsible for two tasks, one of which is more easily observable and contractible. To prevent this party from diverting attention away from the less contractible activity, the upstream party integrates and employs weaker incentives to balance. Related work in strategy argues that opportunism is less likely within integrated firms, thus facilitating accurate and efficient information sharing (Nickerson and Zenger, 2004), particularly when two activities are complementary and must be coordinated (Novak and Stern, 2009). Yet vertically-integrated firms only enjoy improved information sharing if they can overcome the opportunism common in hierarchical forms. Within economics, the actor making the integration decision is implicitly assumed to be the principal or, at minimum, a manager whose interests are fully aligned with those of the principal. However, research suggests that this may not always be the case. Managers within firms may choose to distort or selectively transmit asymmetric information when their incentives are not aligned with the organization (Milgrom and Roberts, 1990; Foss, 2003). These incentives may be explicit in compensation systems or may be embedded in career concerns (Bradach and Eccles, 1989) or social and emotional ties (Osterloh and Frey, 2000). Pierce (2012), for example, 6 finds evidence consistent with manipulation by managers of car manufacturers, who are able to subsidize market share and earnings through distorted estimates of depreciation in lease contracts. The primarily implication of these studies is that the impact of vertical integration on the performance of information-intensive firms critically depends on the ability of the firm to control agency costs that might distort or inhibit internal information transfer. Williamson (1985) makes a similar argument that hierarchy fails to reduce opportunism when managers within the firm retain high-powered incentives. Such incentives lead to what he calls `accounting contrivances’ (1985, p. 138), where managers distort information on both transfer prices and cost. The owners or top managers of firms are unable to resolve such problems because the costs of monitoring are unavoidable. The bounded rationality of owners and top managers makes accurate, timely, and complete intervention impossible, a problem that grows with the size and complexity of the firm. In our case, we are agnostic whether these “contrivances” originate at the CEO level or within the firm. Our basic intuition is that integration increases the opportunities for contrivances overall, and that these opportunities are less restrained in firms with weak governance. 2.2 Corporate Governance and Managerial Agency Problems The ability of a firm to control internal agency problems such as information distortion can be represented by the quality of its corporate governance. The firm’s control over designing the incentives of managers and the structure for monitoring manager conduct can restrain behavior that is costly to shareholders. This monitoring can occur both through boards of directors and by external (often institutional) shareholders. The firm’s owners can directly influence the degree of managerial monitoring, but their effectiveness depends on their ability and incentives to engage in this monitoring. Research in finance has long argued that ownership concentration is an important factor in reducing agency problems, since highly diversified ownership across diffuse stockholders generates weak incentives to focus 7 monitoring efforts on any one firm (Shleifer and Vishny, 1986; Admati et al., 1994) and because smaller shareholders will tend to free-ride off larger ones. These predictions have been largely supported by empirical work linking financial performance and other outcomes with large shareholders (Bethel et al., 1998; Bertrand and Mullainathan, 2001; Schnatterly et al., 2008). Similarly, institutional ownership, particularly among those with long-term investment perspectives, is thought to improve governance (Gorton and Kahl, 1999; Gillan and Starks, 2007), although evidence on its effectiveness is mixed. Monitoring is also thought to be related to the size and composition of the corporate board, although theoretical and empirical literatures do not agree on the exact nature of this relationship. Board independence, for example, is often argued to be important for effective monitoring because of reduced conflicts of interests (Weisbach, 1988). The evidence, however, is mixed. Although Hermalin and Weisbach, (2001) conclude that independent boards do appear to implement better policies, they find no consensus in the literature that this leads to better financial performance, possibly because independent boards possess less firm-specific knowledge (Feldman and Montgomery, 2015) or are less involved with the firm (Westphal, 1999). Similar mixed evidence exists on whether board size relates to the quality of monitoring. Hermalin and Weisbach (2001) conclude that small boards appear to make better decisions, but these decisions do not appear to improve firm performance. Executive compensation is often argued by scholars in finance and strategy to be an important tool for the board to align manager interests with the interests of shareholders. However, others argue that compensation largely reflects management’s power in capturing the board of directors (Boyd, 1994; Westphal and Zajac, 1995; Bebchuck and Fried 2004; Garvey and Milbourn, 2006; Gopalan et al., 2010), and has complex interactions with many other characteristics of the firm (Finkelstein and Hambrick, 1989, Zajac and Westphal, 1994). Consequently, the empirical literature on the link between executive compensation and performance is inconsistent (Murphy, 1999). 8 2.3 Corporate Governance and Vertical Integration Despite extensive literature on both vertical integration and governance, few empirical studies have examined their interaction and, particularly, how it affects firm behavior. This shortcoming is important because corporate governance represents the type of distinct and persistent firm heterogeneity that is argued to help determine the efficiency of vertical integration decisions (Jacobides and Winter, 2005; 2012; Argyres and Zenger, 2012; Argyres et al., 2014). Although Novak and Stern (2009) and Pierce (2012) argue that a lack of managerial monitoring, or poor corporate governance, generates poor performance in vertically integrated firms in the automotive industry, neither observe the variation in governance necessary to test this proposition. Despite this shortage of empirical work, a substantial theoretical body suggests that vertical integration should create unique challenges that might elevate the need for corporate governance, particularly in information-intensive industries such as financial services. Information sharing between firm divisions is rife with opportunity for distortion, even when incentives are aligned among divisions (Eccles and White, 1988). Managerial incentives might not be perfectly aligned with those of their divisions (Williamson, 1985; Foss, 2003), particularly when political power and long-term career concerns might motivate influence activities (Bradach and Eccles, 1989; Milgrom and Roberts, 1990; Wulf, 2002; Argyres and Mui, 2007). Agency behavior may occur even in the presence of aligned incentives, since managers may be motivated by emotional or social factors (Osterloh and Frey, 2000). In the absence of strong corporate governance, where management is both effectively monitored and appropriately incentivized, we therefore expect the information sharing gains from vertical integration to dissipate. Incentive alignment and better information transmission at the division level may be impeded by lack of oversight of managers and perverse incentives for them to pursue their own goals and agendas. We therefore expect that while vertical integration may indeed improve performance outcomes in information-intensive industries such as banking, it does so only 9 when corporate governance structures are strong. Figure 1 represents the predicted differences in information quality gains from vertical integration between firms with strong and weak governance. Hypothesis 1: Information sharing gains from vertical integration will be greater in firms with strong corporate governance. <<< INSERT FIGURE 1 HERE >>> 3. Empirical Setting We explore vertical integration and governance in the context of the mortgage industry. We define vertical integration as the combination of mortgage origination and securitization within a single parent firm. Mortgage origination, the “upstream” function, is the process of creating and underwriting individual mortgages. Mortgage securitization, the “downstream” function, is the process of pooling together individual mortgages and issuing mortgage-backed securities (MBS)—financial instruments that are backed by the underlying mortgage pool. Prior to 2000, securitization by private industry participants (so-called "private-label securitization") was relatively uncommon. Much of the mortgage industry was disintegrated due to gains from specialization and the standardization of mortgage information that facilitated coordination (Jacobides, 2005). Originators typically either held the loans for their lifespan or sold them to government-sponsored entities 2 or to deposit-taking banks. With the widespread expansion of credit in 2000s, private-label securitization grew rapidly (Mian and Sufi, 2009). Rising home prices, expectations of continued price appreciation, and low unemployment led to few mortgage defaults that – combined with favorable credit ratings by ratings agencies – in turn resulted in laxer screening by MBS investors than purchases of whole loans. 3 The additional demand for mortgage-backed 5 We use HighG instead of G itself in our main specification (and similarly with other governance variables) to ease interpretation of coefficients. We also obtain statistically and economically similar results using raw governance measures 5 We use HighG instead of G itself in our main specification (and similarly with other governance variables) to ease interpretation of coefficients. We also obtain statistically and economically similar results using raw governance measures 10 securities also led to systemically deteriorating lending standards throughout the industry until the housing bubble burst in 2008 (Demyanyk and Van Hemert, 2011). In this environment, vertical integration by industry participants occurred in both directions – firms that were primarily mortgage originators engaged in securitization (e.g., Countrywide Financial and New Century Financial) and firms that were primarily commercial financial institutions with securitization operations expanded into mortgage origination (e.g., Goldman Sachs and Bear Stearns). This setting provided conditions that encouraged managers to inflate securitization revenues by engaging in increasingly risky lending. First, the high demand for MBS made securitization operations very profitable for firms. Second, rising home prices led to a prolonged period of low mortgage defaults. These low defaults made it hard to monitor deteriorating lending standards externally because the negative outcomes of lending decisions were largely deferred until housing prices ceased to appreciate in mid-2006. Third, the retention of residual cash flows (the so-called “equity tranche”) by securitizing firms encouraged less thorough screening by investors. 4 With lax screening by MBS investors and low default rates masking poor lending standards, we argue that poorly-monitored managers lowered lending standards to increase securitization volume and short-term profits. These reduced lending standards could result in two ways. First, lenders could target a risky customer segment, such as consumers with low credit scores or income levels. Targeting a riskier segment is not equivalent, however, to lax lending or poor operating performance: segmenting customers by risk is a valid strategy if it is priced appropriately, particularly when the firm possesses specific capabilities for managing high-risk segments. Second, lenders could reduce the quality of underwriting (screening and matching consumers with appropriate financial products), conditional on customer risk segment. Lower underwriting quality could involve fraudulent applications, such as We use HighG instead of G itself in our main specification (and similarly with other governance variables) to ease interpretation of coefficients. We also obtain statistically and economically similar results using raw governance measures 5 11 misstatement of income or employment status. Alternatively, it could result from less effort in evaluating “soft” information about a consumer, such as the quality of future employment and earnings potential, or general trustworthiness and character. This soft information, important for all risk segments, is an important determinant of mortgage default. We label this second form of lending standards as “underwriting hazard” in this paper. 4. Data and Methods 4.1 Empirical Strategy At a high level, our empirical strategy is to first replicate the findings from prior research that “skin in the game” is correlated with lending quality and then demonstrate that this result is contingent on the governance of the firm. To implement this strategy, we first to construct a panel that includes firm-year measures of mortgage default likelihood and other mortgage-related controls. We then merge this panel with our vertical integration measure—the amount of securitization performed by a firm in a given year—and measures of firm governance from the finance and economics literatures. Our choice to construct a firm-year panel for analysis, rather than using individual loans as the unit of analysis, is based on several important and related factors. First, individual loans in our data do not represent independent firm choices, but instead collectively represent a firm’s underlying underwriting (and securitization) strategy at a given time. Because our independent variables of interest, governance and vertical integration, are firm-level constructs, we were concerned that a loan-level analysis would overstate the number of independent observations in our dataset. Second, because there is variation in firm portfolio size in our dataset, we were concerned that loan-level data would overweight the importance of large lenders in testing our firm-level hypotheses. We will first demonstrate that our firm-level panel produces results consistent with the recent paper by Demiroglu and James (2012) when employing their specification. This step is important for 12 establishing that our data is substantively similar to prior work that demonstrates a positive relationship between vertical integration and risk-taking. Once this prior result is replicated, we then explore how this relationship is moderated by governance. We show that governance is a critical firmlevel moderator and that its inclusion in our specification dramatically changes the relationship between vertical integration and performance. We then examine the role of shareholder composition by substituting our governance indices with various characteristics of institutional owners. Finally, we relate vertical integration and governance to whether the firm was still operating at the end of 2010. While the results of this last analysis are suggestive at best, they are at least consistent with the implicit link between default likelihood and overall risk to the firm. 4.2 Lending quality, vertical integration and governance Appendix B describes the detailed methods by which we calculate default likelihood as a firmyear measure of the likelihood that a loan underwritten by a bank defaults, conditional on the observable loan attributes. This approach is similar to risk-adjusted performance measures used in the health economics literature (e.g., Huckman and Pisano, 2006), where hospital or surgeon performance is calculated by estimating mortality or morbidity conditional on observable patient characteristics known to increase risk. This approach has also been used to estimate emissions testing fraud based on suspiciously high pass rates (Pierce and Snyder, 2008; Bennett et al., 2013). Our second stage is a regression with default likelihood as the dependent variable. Governance, vertical integration and their interaction are the independent variables of interest, together with relevant controls. The main specification is as follows: 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐷𝐷𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 = 𝛽𝛽0 + 𝛽𝛽1 𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝑆𝑆𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 + 𝛽𝛽2 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻ℎ𝐺𝐺𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 + 𝛽𝛽3 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻ℎ𝐺𝐺𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝐿𝐿𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑆𝑆𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 + 𝑋𝑋𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖′ 𝛿𝛿 + 𝜖𝜖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 (1) Where FirmDL is the firm-level default likelihood (represented as δ in equation 1 above) for firm i in year t, defined in the section below, that serves as the performance measure for the upstream lending 13 units. LogMBS is the log of the residential mortgage-backed securities issued by the firm during year t. HighG is an indicator that the firm has an above-median G-index measure (“G”), where the managerial “dictatorship” level increases with G (Gompers, Ishii and Metrick 2003) (see Appendix C). 5 For robustness, we collected two additional governance indices: the Entrenchment Index (EI) (Bebchuk et al., 2009) and the Anti-Takeover Index (ATI) (Cremers and Nair, 2005). X is a vector of firm-level controls, including both general measures for all firms and financial information from Compustat for public firms (See Table 1 for a list of these controls). 4.3 Data and variable construction The data are constructed from several primary sources. The mortgage data used to calculate default likelihood come from merging county public records with a national mortgage servicer database through the cooperation of CoreLogic. The securitization data were obtained from Thompson SDC. The G-index, Entrenchment Index and Anti-Takeover measures were obtained from the Investor Responsibility Research Center via WRDS. These main data sources were supplemented with firm data from Compustat for public firms. Firm age, merger and survival data (whether the firms were in operation by the end of 2010) were hand-collected from Capital IQ and other public sources. Macroeconomic data for the calculation of firm default likelihood were obtained from Freddie Mac, US Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The sample construction is described in more detail in Appendix C. 4.3.1 Descriptive statistics: Table 1 contains descriptive statistics of the data. We can see that approximately 33% of the firm-year observations are firms that issued MBS during that year, with the principal averaging a total of $18,893 million. The mean diversification index is 0.4690 with a wide variation across lenders. Lastly, we were able to gather firm failure data for 162 of the 170 firms in the We use HighG instead of G itself in our main specification (and similarly with other governance variables) to ease interpretation of coefficients. We also obtain statistically and economically similar results using raw governance measures 5 14 panel and find that 46% of the firms were still operating by the end of 2010. Panel B shows statistics for the mortgage-level dataset used to construct lending quality and loan-related controls. The average home price is $316,848, higher than the national average, reflecting the Alt-A subsample which includes so-called “jumbo-loans” (loans above the conforming loan limits required for a government guarantee). The combined loan-to-value is 86%, above the standard “rule of thumb” of 80%, which reflects the period’s high household leverage. The prevalence of loan clauses such as prepayment penalties and interest-only and negative amortization provisions, are also representative of the risky loan structures common during this period. Similarly, most of the loans (77%) are classified as “low or no documentation,” another indication of the laxer underwriting. The mean decline in home prices in the sample from the peak of the cycle to the trough in 2009 is 21.7 percent, with a maximum of 39.3% in Nevada (primarily Las Vegas) and a minimum of +0.28% (essentially flat) in North and South Carolina. <<< INSERT TABLE 1 HERE >>> Appendix Table A1 shows the variable correlations. The vertical integration measure is negatively correlated to default likelihood, supporting the prior result that “skin in the game” does matter, although the magnitude is small and statistically insignificant. The three governance indices (G, ATI and EI) are all positively correlated with default likelihood (and statistically significant for two of the three measures) and negatively correlated to whether the firm was still in operation in 2010. 5. Empirical Analysis 5.1 Sample Validation Given prior results by Demiroglu and James (2012) demonstrating a positive relationship between vertical integration and lending performance, we first show that our different data sample produces similar results using their models. To do so, we reproduce their logistic regression model 15 where the unit of analysis is the individual mortgage and the dependent variable is an indicator of mortgage default. Our independent variable of interest is the level of vertical integration, or the logged volume of mortgage backed securities in the year of loan origination, controlling for firm assets. As in their analysis, we initially restrict our sample to Alt-A mortgages originated between 2006 and 2007 and calculate default likelihood using a similar set of control variables. These control variables include some borrower risk measures (FICO (credit) score, loan-to-value ratio), mortgage characteristics (indicators for floating interest rate, low- or no-documentation, negative amortization and prepayment penalty provisions) and a measure of local home price decline. Their controls do not include other measures that we subsequently include in our main analysis, such as additional borrower risk measures (loan interest rate, debt-to-income ratio) and more detailed mortgage characteristics (indicators for floating, hybrid and balloon provisions, interest-only pricing, multiple payment options, new construction) and more detailed geographic and macroeconomic controls (census tract median income, state indicators, Freddie rates and Federal Reserve funds rate). These latter controls are strong predictors of default and commonly used to assess mortgage risk by both underwriters and third-party loan purchasers; however, they are often only available in proprietary and anonymized form. To our knowledge, our study and Gartenberg (2014) are unique in having access to this full set of controls matched to originator identity. Column 1 of Table 2 presents the replication results using the DJ time period, mortgage classification (Alt-A), control variable set, and standard error treatment. Following their approach, we cluster our errors at the MSA (metropolitan area) level. The coefficient on vertical integration is qualitatively similar to their estimate, with a negative and statistically significant relationship between vertical integration and default likelihood. <<< INSERT TABLE 2 HERE >>> 16 Columns 2 – 6 reproduce and then extend this analysis at the panel level, with firm-level default likelihood replacing loan default as the dependent variable. 6 For our dependent variable in Columns 1-3, we use a default likelihood calculated in a first stage that includes only the control variables used in DJ. As with Column 1, Column 2 restricts the panel to 2006-07, and we find a negative (albeit insignificant) coefficient. Column 3 expands the panel to include 2000-2007 and the coefficient is now negative and strongly significant, corresponding to the results in DJ. Column 4 replaces robust standard errors with more conservative block bootstrapping at the lender level, which treats the error terms within a lender as correlated. 7 The results remain significant. These models provide confidence that our panel yields substantively similar results to those used by DJ. Column 5 repeats Column 3, replacing the dependent variable with default likelihood calculated in the first stage using our full set of controls. The coefficient reduces substantially in magnitude and is no longer significant. Column 6 adds the controls in the second stage and the coefficient becomes positive and remains insignificant. The difference between the Columns 1-4 and Columns 5-6 underscores the importance of controlling for observable risk in the analysis. It also suggests that skin-in-the-game may have led to targeting of safer populations, rather than more diligent underwriting practices. 5.2 Governance, vertical integration and loan quality Our replication analysis shows that, although our sample produces similar results to prior work, the results are also sensitive to omitted firm- and loan-level variables. Although we cannot extrapolate how our additional control variables would impact analyses using these other samples, our results suggest that the relationship between vertical integration and underwriting performance is not uniformly positive. We next examine the role of governance and show that it is a critical determinant of how vertical integration relates to loan quality. 6 7 Appendix Table A2 replicates this analysis at the loan level. Throughout the analysis, we block bootstrap our standard errors (by lender) with 800 repetitions. 17 We begin the analysis by showing a simple scatter plot of our data in Figure 2a. The x-axis plots our vertical integration measure, the log of MBS issued by a firm in a given year. The y-axis plots the default likelihood. The diamond markers refer to firms with strong governance (G values below median), while the circle markers refer to firms with weak governance (G values at or above median). Each marker is weighted by the number of mortgages issued in the mortgage database. Clustered on the left of the plot are the non-integrated firms (that did not issue MBS), while the remainder of the plot includes the integrated firms that issued MBS. Figure 2b repeats the plot, replacing the scatter plot with linear fits of both the High G and Low G firms. Two results are apparent from these plots. First, High G firms appear to have higher default likelihood than Low G firms. Second, the relationship between vertical integration and default likelihood appears to be fundamentally different for high G and Low G firms, as is evident from the different slopes in Figure 2b. This second result is a preliminary version of one of the main findings of the paper. <<< INSERT FIGURE 2 HERE >>> Figure 3 provides a related visual depiction of our analysis. We divide the data into four subsamples – integrated and non-integrated for both high-G and low-G firms - and plot the kernel densities of default likelihood from our first-stage regression. The figure strongly suggests a role of governance in vertically-integrated firms. For well governed low-G firms, the distribution of default likelihood for vertically-integrated firms is substantially to the left of the non-integrated firms, which is consistent with vertical integration providing performance benefits when governance is strong. However, for high-G firms with weak governance, we see no apparent difference between the distributions of integrated- and non-integrated firms. Figures 2 and 3 together suggest that governance plays a major role in defining the relationship between vertical integration and default likelihood. <<< INSERT FIGURE 3 HERE >>> 18 Table 3 provides multivariate results for how governance moderates the effect of vertical integration on default likelihood. 8 For this table and all subsequent analyses, we include only the subsets of the panel for which the governance measures are available. 9 Column 1 is the baseline regression, containing the full set of first stage controls to calculate default likelihood. Column 2 further adds in a substantial set of firm-level control variables detailed in Table 1. In both models, vertical integration continues to have a negative relationship with risk, but only for well-governed firms with low G scores. The High G Indicator*Log(MBS) interaction is positive and significant and shows the divergence in the behavior of high and low-G firms. For low-G firms, underwriting hazard decreases as the levels of securitization increases. This effect is economically significant: a one standard deviation increase in log securitization results in 35% of a standard deviation decrease in mortgage default likelihood. In contrast, for high-G firms (firms with poorly monitored managers), default likelihood appears to be unaffected by vertical integration, as the sum of the main effect and interaction term are not statistically different from zero (Wald: p = 0.4427). In columns 3-6, we repeat our base and fully-controlled models using the Entrenchment Index and Anti-takeover Index and finds nearly identical results. Collectively, these models show our results to be robust to different measures of overall firm governance. 10 <<< INSERT TABLE 3 HERE >>> For space purposes and readability, we display only the coefficient estimates for the main independent variables of interest, and suppress the estimates for the control variables. Appendix Tables A3 and A4 reproduce Tables 2 and 3 with the controls displayed, as do all the Appendix Tables. 9 In unreported tables, we also conduct an alternative analysis on the complete panel in which we include dummies for missing governance variables. We obtain substantively identical results. 10 One observation from our regressions is that the coefficients on our governance indices in all six models are negative. This negative sign should be interpreted as the marginal effect of weak governance on the default hazard of nonintegrated firms. This result is consistent with data in Figures 2a and 3 showing lower average hazard for firms with high G-values. Although this seems inconsistent with theory on the role of governance in determining risk, we note that the parameter is only marginally significant in two of the six models in Table 3 and insignificant in the other four. Although we can only speculate on this imprecise coefficient, one possibility is simply that, because non-integrated mortgage originators have no skin in the game (Demiroglu and James, 2012), there may have been perceived to be little financial cost to shareholders from excessive risk in their portfolios. Regardless, the role of governance in vertically-integrated banks, which is the focus of this paper is clear—the relationship between skin-in-the-game and quality is undermined by weak governance. 8 19 5.2.1 Robustness Several questions arise from this analysis. First, do well-governed and poorly-governed integrated firms differ on other dimensions that could drive our results? Appendix Table A5 shows the balance between these firms in size, age and industry: Well-governed integrated firms are larger, issue more loans and are likelier to be depository banks than poorly-governed integrated firms. We therefore replicate the analysis of Table 3 on a matched sample of firms and report our results in Table A6. We performed a stringent match, dropping 43% of observations of integrated firms in order to select a subsample in which well-governed and poorly-governed firms matched on observables (see last two columns of Table A5 for the balance of the matched sample). Table A6 shows that our results, while somewhat attenuated, are largely replicated on the matched sample. A second question is whether the log of mortgage-backed securities issued is the best vertical integration measure in our context. By controlling for total firm assets, this measure captures the relative scale of mortgage securitization within a firm’s operations, which we consider to be a definition of vertical integration that aligns with our proposed mechanism of complementarities between governance quality and firm boundaries. An alternative approach is to normalize securitization activity by either firm size or, more directly, by origination activity. We define three additional measures of vertical integration: i) a 0/1 dummy whether the firm issued any MBS, ii) MBS divided by the number of loans issued by the firm in our dataset and iii) MBS divided by firm assets. 11 Importantly, the correlations between these various measures and our main measure of vertical integration run between 0.18 and 0.49, showing that they are meaningfully different from each other. Our results are robust to this alternative approach. Tables A7-A9 replicate Table 3 using these measures and show that the results remain, if not strengthen. 11 We use logs for the latter two measures in order to produce less skewed distributions. 20 5.3 Specific Governance Mechanisms Given the relationship between aggregate measures of governance and vertical integration, we next examine underlying mechanisms that may drive our results. We divide these mechanisms into two categories. The first is external governance, in the form of the concentration and characteristics of the firm’s institutional shareholders. The second is internal governance, including board composition and structure of executive incentives. One of the challenges for this analysis, in common with many governance studies, is that governance choices are both endogenously determined by firm characteristics and co-determined with each other. Similar to other recent studies (Erkens et al., 2012; Beltratti and Stulz, 2012), we are cautious about drawing causal conclusions about these results; rather, we view them as valuable correlations that suggest how shareholder composition can be used as indicators to predict management actions. Appendix Table A10 presents correlations between the governance variables used in this analysis. Consistent with the notion that governance components are co-determined, CEO share ownership is negatively correlated to board size, CEO and CFO share price and volatility sensitivities are also strongly correlated to overall institutional ownership and composition, as are board size and independence. Since we cannot disentangle these factors, the following results must be interpreted in that context. 5.3.1 External Shareholder Composition We focus on measures of institutional ownership, examining i) the ratio of institutional to noninstitutional investors, ii) the number and iii) concentration (HHI) of institutional investors and finally, iv) the types of firms that make up the investor base. We repeat our panel-level analysis using these measures for our governance variables and regressing default likelihood on Log(MBS), the specific governance measure, and their interaction. As with Table 3, we repeat these regressions both with and without controls. 21 Table 4 presents regression results on the role of institutional ownership on vertical integration and default likelihood. Columns 1 and 2 examine the institutional ownership ratio, calculated as ratio of outstanding shares owned by institutional owners to total outstanding shares, while Columns 3 and 4 tests the number of institutional investors. Columns 5 and 6 investigate IO concentration, measured as the Herfindahl index of all institutional investors. For firms with high levels and counts of institutional ownership, as well as low concentration, vertical integration is associated with low default risk. However, for other firms, the interaction term is sufficiently large to counteract the main effect of vertical integration. Table 5 presents results for bank and insurance (columns 1 and 2) and investment company (columns 3 and 4) ownership. Results are again similar to the figures. Vertically-integrated firms with high bank and insurance ownership have lower default risk, while those with investment company ownership have higher default risk. These results are consistent with the belief that while bank and insurance companies are more conservative, investment companies tend to be more aggressive (Del Guercio, 1996; Falkenstein, 1996). <<< INSERT TABLES 4 AND 5 HERE >>> We propose the following interpretation of the findings: it appears that external monitoring has a strong and fairly straightforward moderating effect on integration. Concentrated institutional owners – particularly conservative owners such as banks and insurance companies – are associated with a negative relationship between integration and default likelihood. We cannot disentangle whether these shareholders actually monitored lending behavior more effectively or if they instead selected higher quality firms as investing targets. Plausibly, both of these factors – treatment and matching – were present in this context. 5.3.2 Internal Governance and Incentives 22 In Appendix Tables A11 and A12, we report tests of the moderating effects of CEO and CFO compensation and board size and composition. Altogether, we find some suggestive correlations but no consistent moderating role for these measures of executive incentives and board monitoring, with the possible exception of CEO shareholdings. We caution, however, that our null results cannot determine that these features played no role in mortgage lending quality, given the endogeneity of both internal and external governance characteristics of firms. We can say, conservatively, that these attributes are not as predictive as external shareholder composition. Appendix D contains a more detailed discussion of these results. 5.4 Governance, vertical integration and firm failure In our final analysis, we investigate the link between governance, vertical integration and firm failure. We interpret our results here cautiously since many factors contribute to the failure of these lenders during the study period. However, we include it as one piece of evidence that higher default likelihood was not a successful strategy, at least as measured by ex post firm survival. To perform this analysis, we replace default likelihood as the dependent variable with a 0/1 indicator that the lender was still operating by the end of 2010 - the case for 46% of the sample’s firms – and then collapse the observations into a cross-sectional dataset where we demean all control variables from 2003 onward. We do this latter step since the dependent variable varies at the firm, and not at the firm-year, level. The results of our analysis are shown in Table 6. Columns 1 and 2 show the results of a logit specification that relates whether the firm was still in operation at the end of 2010 to the default likelihood used as the dependent variable in earlier analyses. We also include an indicator whether the firm received government support through the emergency TARP funding plan, which significantly improved firms’ likelihood to survive. We show a strong negative correlation between default likelihood and firm failure, providing evidence that firms that engaged in worse lending, as we measured it, were also significantly likelier to fail. Columns 3-4 replace default likelihood with 23 governance, vertical integration, and their interaction. Interestingly, we show that only the interaction terms are significant; that is, firm failure is predicted only by the combination of weaker governance and vertical integration, and not by either term alone. Again there may be alternative explanations for this observed correlation, but it supports the notion that managers of weaker-governed firms used control over broader scope to engage in value-destructive behaviors. <<< INSERT TABLE 6 HERE >>> 6. Empirical Challenges Our interpretation of the paper’s results raises several important questions. First, can we reasonably interpret higher default likelihood as worse performance by firms? One might argue that managers simply took on more risk that was, ex ante, optimal for the firm. In this alternative interpretation, the fact that these firms failed at greater frequency by the end of 2010 is evidence that, ex post, their choice of riskier lending did not pay off, and not that vertical integration enabled worse behavior by managers. For this to be true, we would have to believe that integrated firms with weak governance had different ex ante optimal risk thresholds than integrated firms with strong governance. Most problematic for our interpretation would be differences that affect the capital costs of these firms (and hence their optimal risk thresholds), such as geographic concentration, asset mix or firm size. While our controls largely account for these differences, we do not have the data to rule out this possibility fully. However, we believe that this alternative is unlikely for several reasons. First, our data supports reduced risk-taking for weak governance firms: these firms are smaller on average and less geographically diversified than their strong governance counterparts. While we do not have a measure for asset diversification, if we assume it to be correlated with geographic diversification (larger banks operate in more states and simultaneously have wider product lines), then these weak governance firms would also have less diversified asset bases than strong governance firms. Finally, other factors equal, it is not clear why capital costs should be lower as governance decreases. If anything, capital 24 providers should be more wary of dealing with these firms, who should respond by decreasing the overall risk that they assume. More generally, a significant empirical challenge with our study is how to draw causal inferences from a cross-sectional research design. Integration and governance decisions are both endogenous. Absent an outside shock or appropriate instrument, systematic differences between integrated and non-integrated firms may simultaneously drive the integration decision, governance, and performance differences. Alternately, governance might drive both the integration decision (e.g., Amihud and Lev, 1981; Castañer and Kavadis, 2013) and performance. Addressing endogeneity is a widespread challenge in studying both governance and vertical integration and one for which we have no solution in our current data. Although some prior work has used an instrumental variable approach to attempt to address this common challenge, commonly used instrumental variables such as firm choices in prior years are unlikely to satisfy the exclusion restriction. Ultimately, we can only speculate on causality and address this challenge by examining the plausibility of alternative interpretations of our results. Aside from differences in optimal lending thresholds discussed above, a second alternative that could explain our main interaction result is that low quality CEOs encouraged worse underwriting and high levels of securitization, but these two choices were independent of each other. We do not see this explanation as inconsistent with our story. Low quality governance enables the persistence of low quality CEOs, who are partly defined by their choices to make profit-reducing decisions for their own benefit. It is certainly feasible that the selection and removal of low quality CEO’s is one of the key mechanisms through which governance moderates the integration/performance relationship. Another challenge related to the cross-sectional design is the interpretation of results using specific governance attributes. External shareholder composition, board attributes and executive compensation are endogenously and jointly determined. In this case, we believe that documenting the 25 correlational results is a contribution: the moderating effect of specific governance attributes on vertical integration has not been demonstrated or discussed in prior research and raises multiple avenues for future research. More challenging is how to interpret differences between the governance attributes. The moderating effect of external shareholders appears strong while less so for executive compensation. However, it is not possible to conclude with confidence that external shareholder composition is the primary moderator of vertical integration. Appendix E also considers three additional empirical challenges that we omit from this general discussion because of space limitations: 1) whether we can distinguish between rent-seeking behavior by CEOs and behavioral explanations such as overconfidence (Malmendier and Tate, 2005; Galasso and Simcoe, 2011) or simple myopia, 2) sample size considerations, given the number of firms in our panel for which governance data were available and 3) our definition of vertical integration and alternatives. 7. Conclusion This study shows that the relationship between integration and performance is strongly contingent on governance quality. We find that the combination of vertical integration and strong governance is indeed associated with better firm performance, as measured by the likelihood of mortgage default. Conversely, the presence of weak governance appears to eliminate any gains from integration. This result is broadly consistent with Williamson’s (1985) argument that hierarchy is not universally successful in mitigating hazards, but rather that the inclusion of high-powered incentives within the firm combined with constraints on oversight and selective intervention yield accounting manipulation and distorted transfer prices. More importantly it supports the recent argument by strategy scholars that the incentive and coordination gains from vertical integration are not independent of other firm characteristics such as resources or capabilities (Mayer and Argyres, 2005; 26 Argyres and Zenger, 2012; Argyres et al., 2012; Jacobides and Winter, 2005; 2012). Although we are wary of designating corporate governance as a capability, it certainly represents a heterogeneous and persistent resource that improves firm performance. In that sense, our results seem to validate the importance of examining the intersection between multiple theoretical approaches—in this case, agency theory, transaction cost economics, and the resource-based theory. Our study provides an interesting complement to earlier work by Jacobides (2005), whose important qualitative study of mortgage banking a decade earlier focused on the disintegration of the industry due to gains from information standardization. His work emphasized the importance of the coordination `frictions’ presented by Coase (1937) in determining firm structure in this industry. Our work, while acknowledging this importance, suggests that the transaction cost of opportunism emphasized by Williamson (1985) is an equally if not more powerful factor in the efficiency of vertical integration. One significant insight from Jacobides (2005) is that the vertical disintegration decisions of many of the firms in his study (including Countrywide) are far from the careful strategic alignment decisions predicted by theory. Instead, they were driven by short-term profit and market share considerations. Our study suggests that, regardless of the cost efficiencies of information standardization, the hazards of information distortion emphasized by transaction cost economics and agency theory were ignored by a set of myopic, weakly-governed integrated firms. Our results suggest that external monitoring is an important governance mechanism for constraining managerial agency problems. Lenders whose investors have long time horizons or the best market information (e.g., other banks) have the lowest default risk. We note that, in an equity market with record participation, there may be sufficient capital from aggressive or less-informed sources to support (in the short-run) lenders whose managers engaged in the securitization of underpriced poor-quality mortgages. In contrast, boards monitoring and executive compensation do not consistently or strongly moderate the association between firm boundaries and performance, 27 which may reflect board capture or the inability of the board and top executives to understand complex internal and market dynamics. Vertical integration influences performance through a multitude of mechanisms, many of which interact with other elements of organizational design such as incentives, monitoring, competition, and regulation. Our study can only provide a body of descriptive evidence on how one such element, governance, changes the integration-performance relationship, and thereby illustrate potential oversights by prior literature. 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The horizontal axis measures the log of mortgages issued by the firm in a given year. The vertical axis represents a measure of loan performance, the firm-specific likelihood that a mortgage will default conditional on the observable characteristics of the mortgage. 0 represents the market average, while observations below 0 represent higher loan performance (lower default likelihood), and above 1 is lower loan performance (higher default likelihood). 0 Kernel density .2 .4 .6 Figure 3: Corporate Governance and the Relationship Between Vertical Integration and Default Likelihood 0 2 4 6 Default Likelihood (odds ratio) Non-integrated, Low G Integrated, Low G 8 Non-integrated, High G Integrated, High G Density distribution of default likelihood by governance and integration. “Low G” includes the firms with governance index at or below the median level, where higher values represent worse governance. “High G” firms include firms that are above the median level. 34 Table 1: Descriptive statistics Panel A: Firm-level descriptive characteristics Firm-year obs Default likelihood Mean Standard deviation Source 608 0.2532 1.0907 First stage estimate % firm-yr obs issuing MBSB Amount MBS issued G index 608 217 203 0.3339 18,893 9.1626 26,826 2.5867 Anti-takeover index (ATI) Entrenchment Index (EI) 203 203 2.2463 2.2266 0.7502 1.4065 Thomson SDC Thomson SDC IRCC via Andrew Metrick Bebchuk, Cohen and Ferrell (2009) Cremers and Nair (2005) % firm-yr obs from public firms Age of firm (years) 608 576 0.5033 51.81 0.5004 55.74 Compustat Capital IQ and public sources Number annual loans in mortgage db Diversification index 608 603 588 0.4690 1179 0.3007 County deeds County deeds Total assets (public firms only) ($000) % Commercial bank 291 608 339,317 31.09 502,357 Compustat Compustat and Capital IQ % Mortgage lenders Large financial institutions 608 608 48.36 20.56 Compustat and Capital IQ Compustat and Capital IQ % Operating in 2010 (firm-level obs) 162 46.30 Public sources Panel B: Loan-level descriptive characteristics 316,848 Standard deviation 197,816 Mortgage amount($) 105,780 243,172 142,473 County deeds Combined LTV 105,780 0.8619 0.1370 County deeds Origination FICO 105,780 715 50 Servicer database 89.595 24.0291 20.5534 Servicer database New construction 105,780 0.5017 0.5000 County deeds Adjustable 105,780 0.4729 0.4993 County deeds Fixed rate 105,780 0.2492 0.4325 County deeds Other interest type 105,780 0.2779 0.4480 County deeds Initial interest rate 105,681 6.0648 1.6133 Servicer database Prepayment indicator Interest-only 97,742 65,333 0.3058 0.3077 0.4607 0.4616 Servicer database Servicer database Negative amortization 46,829 0.1188 0.3236 Servicer database Sale amount ($) Debt-to-income Low or no doc Number of loans 105,780 Mean Source County deeds 77,199 0.7719 0.4196 Servicer database Med census tract income (2000) 104,433 64,559 21,084 US Census Bureau Peak-to-trough change in home prices Freddie rate 105,760 -0.2169 0.2370 County deeds (calculated) 105,780 6.1628 0.4493 Fed funds rate Notice of default issued 105,780 105,780 3.4644 0.1556 1.6268 0.3625 Federal Reserve Bank County deeds .This table provides summary statistics of key variables within the sample data. Panel A provides firm-level summary statistics, describing the panel data used in the main analysis in the paper, while Panel B provides mortgage-level summary statistics, describing the mortgage database used to generate the underwriting hazard measures. 35 Table 2: Average Relationship Between Vertical Integration and Firm-Level Underwriting Risk Time Range Dependent Variable: Log(MBS Total) First stage controls Second stage controls Year FE Adjusted R-squared Error clusters: Observations (1) 2006-2007 (2) 2006-2007 (3) 2000-2007 (4) 2000-2007 (5) 2000-2007 (6) 2000-2007 Loan Default Default Likelihood Default Likelihood Default Likelihood Default Likelihood Default Likelihood -0.0123*** (0.0039) DJ -Included 0.229 MSA 41,932 -0.0086 (0.0108) DJ -Included 0.041 -230 -0.0303*** (0.0073) DJ -Included 0.165 -608 -0.0303*** (0.0071) DJ -Included 0.165 Lender 608 -0.0078 (0.0096) Full -Included 0.114 Lender 608 0.0091 (0.0131) Full Included Included 0.166 Lender 607 Note: Column (1) analyzes loan default at the loan level, while Columns (2)-(6) analyze default likelihood at the firm-year level. Columns (1) and (2) use a similar time frame to Demiroglu and James (2012), while the other columns use our longer period. Column (1) clusters standard errors at the county (FIPS) level, which parallels the Demiroglu and James MSA approach. Columns (4)-(6) cluster at the lender level, which generally increases standard error size. For a list and significance of the DJ and full controls use in the first stage to calculated Default Likelihood, refer to Appendix Table A2. Standard errors in parentheses, calculated by blockbootstrapping by lender. * significant at the 10% confidence level, ** significant at the 5% confidence level, *** significant at the 1% confidence level. 36 Table 3: How Governance Influences the Vertical Integration and Underwriting Risk Relationship Dependent variable: Default likelihood Index: Log(MBS Total) High G Index High GI X Log(MBS) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) G -0.0880*** (0.0242) -0.2757 (0.2333) 0.1086*** (0.0304) G -0.0790*** (0.0282) -0.4762* (0.2614) 0.0984*** (0.0364) EI -0.1147*** (0.0276) EI -0.0887*** (0.0289) ATI -0.0905*** (0.0178) ATI -0.0855*** (0.0248) -0.3662 (0.2544) 0.1265*** (0.0316) -0.5094* (0.2721) 0.1040*** (0.0353) -0.1075 (0.2316) 0.1211*** (0.0294) Full -Included 0.260 Lenders 203 -0.3742 (0.2885) 0.1217*** (0.0367) Full Included Included 0.319 Lenders 203 High E Index High EI X Log(MBS) High Antitakeover Index High ATI X Log(MBS) First stage controls Second stage controls Year FE Adjusted R-squared Error Clusters Observations Full -Included 0.186 Lenders 203 Full Included Included 0.294 Lenders 203 Full -Included 0.209 Lenders 203 Full Included Included 0.300 Lenders 203 Note: High GI, High EI and High ATI defined as 0/1 indicators equal to 1 if the underlying governance index (G, Entrenchment and Anti-Takeover Index, respectively) is greater than the mean value in the dataset. Standard errors in parentheses, calculated by block-bootstrapping by lender. * significant at the 10% confidence level, ** significant at the 5% confidence level, *** significant at the 1% confidence level 37 Table 4: Institutional Ownership Models (1) Dependent variable: Default likelihood Log(MBS Total) High IO Ratio High IO Ratio X Log(MBS) (2) (3) IO Ratio 0.0203 0.0352 (0.0228) (0.0236) 0.5137*** 0.4261** (0.1929) (0.2139) -0.0722** -0.0673** (0.0282) (0.0313) IO Number 0.0441** 0.0522** (0.0193) (0.0230) 0.0856 (0.1916) -0.0831*** (0.0251) High IO Number High IO Number X Log(MBS) (4) High IO HHI X Log(MBS) Full -Included 284 Lender 0.136 Full Included Included 284 Lender 0.205 Full -Included 284 Lender 0.165 (6) IO HHI -0.0326* -0.0256 (0.0187) (0.0200) 0.3666 (0.2375) -0.0890*** (0.0291) High IO HHI First stage controls Second stage controls Year FE Adjusted R-squared Error clusters Observations (5) Full Included Included 284 Lender 0.217 0.0342 (0.2014) 0.0717*** (0.0255) Full -Included 284 Lender 0.168 -0.0903 (0.2117) 0.0640** (0.0281) Full Included Included 284 Lender 0.213 Note: IO Ratio refers to the ratio of shares owned by institutional owners to total shares. IO Number is the number of institutional owners. And IO HHI measures the concentration of institutional ownership (as a Herfindahl measure). High IO Ratio, High Number and High HHI defined as 0/1 indicators equal to 1 if the underlying institutional ownership measure is greater than the mean value in the dataset. Standard errors in parentheses, calculated by block-bootstrapping by lender. * significant at the 10% confidence level, ** significant at the 5% confidence level, *** significant at the 1% confidence level. 38 Table 5: Institutional Composition (1) Dependent variable: Default likelihood Log(MBS Total) High Bank-Ins Ratio High Bank-Ins Ratio X Log(MBS) (2) Bank and Insurance 0.0443** 0.0599*** (0.0175) (0.0206) 0.3742* 0.5500** (0.1935) (0.2140) -0.1267*** -0.1256*** (0.0256) (0.0265) High Invest Co High Invest Co X Log(MBS) First stage controls Second stage controls Year FE Adjusted R-squared Error clusters Observations Full -Included 0.211 Lenders 284 Full Included Included 0.258 Lenders 284 (3) (4) Investment Companies -0.0660*** -0.0525*** (0.0192) (0.0201) -0.0980 (0.2044) 0.1023*** (0.0261) Full -Included 0.212 Lenders 284 -0.2073 (0.2396) 0.1020*** (0.0274) Full Included Included 0.255 Lenders 284 Note: Bank and Insurance refers to the percent of institutional owners that are depository banks or insurance companies, traditionally conservative, regulated owners. Investment Companies refers to the percent of institutional owners that are hedge funds, family offices or other investment vehicles that are traditionally more aggressive owners. High Bank-Ins Ratio and High Invest Co are defined as 0/1 indicators equal to 1 if the underlying institutional composition measure is greater than the mean value in the dataset. Standard errors in parentheses, calculated by block-bootstrapping by lender. * significant at the 10% confidence level, ** significant at the 5% confidence level, *** significant at the 1% confidence level 39 Table 6: Firm Failure, Governance and Vertical Integration (1) Dependent variable: Firm in operation by end of 2010 Default Likelihood (2) All firms -0.8609*** -0.8772*** (0.2248) (0.2514) Log(MBS Total) High G Index High G Index X Log(MBS) Received TARP funds First Stage Controls Second Stage Controls Pseudo R-squared Observations 1.1021** (0.5021) Full -0.124 154 2.0105*** (0.7634) Full Included 0.266 152 (3) (4) Firms with G data 0.0923 (0.0928) 2.0352 (1.5281) -0.6325** (0.2926) 2.9684** (1.3317) Full -0.407 42 0.2439 (0.1833) 1.0900 (1.4954) -0.6257** (0.2616) 3.3038* (1.8220) Full Included 0.504 42 Note: This analysis in this table uses a firm-level cross-sectional dataset constructed from the firm-year panel. The variables in this cross-sectional data were calculated as the averages across the 2003-2007 years of the panel. Each model is a logit specification with the dependent variable Firm in Operation By End of 2010. Robust standard errors in parentheses. * significant at the 10% confidence level, ** significant at the 5% confidence level, *** significant at the 1% confidence level 40 Appendix A: Tables and Figures Figure A1: Institutional Ownership and the Relationship Between Vertical Integration and Default Likelihood 0 .1 Kernel density .2 .3 .4 Figure 4a:Institutional Ownership 0 2 4 6 Default Likelihood (odds ratio) 8 Non-integrated, Low inst investors Non-integrated, High inst investors Integrated, Low inst investors Integrated, High inst investors 0 .1 Kernel density .2 .3 .4 Figure 4b: Number of Institutional Owners 0 2 4 6 Default Likelihood (odds ratio) 8 Non-integrated, Low num inst invest Non-integrated, High num inst invest Integrated, Low num inst invest Integrated, High num inst invest Figure 4c: Institutional Ownership Concentration (HHI) .4 Kernel density .2 .3 .1 0 0 2 4 6 Default Likelihood (odds ratio) 8 Non-integrated, Low inst invest HHI Non-integrated, High inst invest HHI Integrated, Low inst invest HHI Integrated, High inst invest HHI Figure A2: Types of Owners and the Relationship Between Vertical Integration and Default Likelihood 0 Kernel density .2 .4 .6 Figure 5a: Bank and Insurance 0 2 4 6 Default Likelihood (odds ratio) 8 Non-integrated, Low bank/ins ownership Non-integrated, High bank/ins ownership Integrated, Low bank/ins ownership Non-integrated, High bank/ins ownership 0 Kernel density .2 .4 .6 Figure 5b: Investment Professionals 0 2 6 4 Default Likelihood (odds ratio) 8 Non-integrated, Below median Non-integrated, High invest ownership Integrated, Low invest ownership Integrated, High invest ownership Table A1: Correlations 1 2 3 4 5 1 Default likelihood 1 2 Log of MBS -0.03 1 3 G index 0.21* 0.01 1 4 Anti-takeover 0.10 0.11 0.63* 1 0.23* -0.17* 0.78* 0.59* 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 index 5 Entrenchment index 6 Parent public 0.03 0.18* 0.09 . . 1 7 Log firm age -0.02 0.38* -0.07 -0.04 -0.23* 0.56* 1 8 Log number loans -0.16* 0.31* -0.11 -0.05 -0.15* 0.32* 0.33* 1 9 Diversif. index -0.08* -0.17* 0.17* 0.11 0.29* -0.45* -0.39* -0.45* 1 10 Log assets -0.02 0.38* -0.10 -0.17* -0.40* 0.92* 0.67* 0.37* -0.45* 1 11 Depository banks -0.11* -0.02 0.16* -0.04 -0.13 0.51* 0.53* 0.30* -0.21* 0.56* 1 12 Mortgage lender -0.02 0.10 -0.15* -0.24* 0.05 -0.79* -0.56* -0.32* 0.44* -0.76* -0.65* 1 13 Financial inst 0.15* -0.10 -0.06 0.23* 0.11 0.39* 0.09* 0.05 -0.30* 0.30* -0.34* -0.49* 1 14 Operating in 2010 -0.35* 0.01 -0.20* -0.08 -0.21* -0.05 0.04 -0.10* 0.34* -0.00 0.11* 0.05 -0.19* Standard errors * significant at 5% level. 1 Table A2: Average Relationship Between Vertical Integration and Individual Loan Default with Added Control Variables Sample: Time Range: Dependent variable: Log(MBS) Low or no doc Origination FICO Combined LTV Adjustable Negative Amortization Peak-to-Trough Chg Home Prices Prepayment Indicator Debt-to-Income (1) (2) Individual Loans 2006-2007 Loan Default -0.0123*** (0.0039) 0.6395*** (0.0653) -0.0075*** (0.0004) 5.7315*** (0.6369) 0.1403** (0.0697) 0.0700 (0.1090) -3.8647*** (1.1112) 0.5056*** (0.0872) Individual Loans 2000-2007 Loan Default -0.0154*** (0.0035) 0.5900*** (0.0470) -0.0078*** (0.0005) 5.1403*** (0.4695) -0.0523 (0.0552) 0.3342*** (0.0898) -3.1972*** (0.9584) 0.4483*** (0.0745) Hybrid Mortgage Balloon or Other Mortgage Interest Only Mortgage Initial Interest Rate New construction flg Log mortgage amt Multi-payment Option ARM Log 2000 Census Tract Median Income Freddie Mac Interest Rate Fed Funds Rate Constant Year FE State Fixed Effects Controls: Error Clusters: -2.0747*** (0.7418) Included -DJ MSA -1.4661** (0.6405) Included -DJ MSA (3) Individual Loans 2000-2007 Loan Default -0.0070*** (0.0025) 0.4733*** (0.0491) -0.0074*** (0.0005) 4.5514*** (0.2983) 0.1991*** (0.0510) 1.1942*** (0.0922) -1.0769 (0.8080) 0.2667*** (0.0454) -0.0023*** (0.0008) 0.1025 (0.0802) 0.6496*** (0.0643) 0.2199*** (0.0599) 0.1699*** (0.0256) -0.0648 (0.0477) 0.4987*** (0.0511) -0.2913*** (0.0953) -0.5327*** (0.1185) -0.0837 (0.0587) 0.2379*** (0.0583) -2.7178 (1.8811) Included Included DJ+Ours MSA (4) Individual Loans 2000-2007 Loan Default -0.0070 (0.0051) 0.4733*** (0.1192) -0.0074*** (0.0004) 4.5514*** (0.1716) 0.1991** (0.0929) 1.1942*** (0.1599) -1.0769*** (0.1552) 0.2667*** (0.0797) -0.0023 (0.0018) 0.1025 (0.1150) 0.6496*** (0.0944) 0.2199*** (0.0707) 0.1699*** (0.0332) -0.0648*** (0.0216) 0.4987*** (0.0319) -0.2913*** (0.0885) -0.5327*** (0.0887) -0.0837* (0.0461) 0.2379*** (0.0522) -2.7178** (1.3190) Included Included DJ+Ours Lender Observations Pseudo R-squared 41,932 0.229 105,748 0.228 104,396 0.262 104,396 0.262 Note: Standard errors in parentheses. Column 1 uses a similar time frame to Demiroglu and James (2012), while the other columns use our longer panel. Columns 1-3 cluster standard errors at the county level, which parallels the Demiroglu and James MSA approach. Column 4 clusters at the lender level, which generally increases standard errors and reflects the approach we use for the rest of our analysis. * significant at the 10% confidence level, ** significant at the 5% confidence level, *** significant at the 1% confidence level. Table A3: Table 2 with second stage controls displayed Time Range Dependent Variable: Log(MBS Total) Parent is public (1) 2006-2007 Default Likelihood -0.0086 (0.0108) (2) 2000-2007 Default Likelihood -0.0303*** (0.0073) (3) 2000-2007 Default Likelihood -0.0303*** (0.0071) (4) 2000-2007 Default Likelihood -0.0078 (0.0096) 0.3882*** (0.0913) DJ 1.2708*** (0.2150) DJ 1.2708*** (0.2205) DJ 1.1820*** (0.2288) Full Log Firm Age Log Number Loans Diversification Index Log Firm Assets Mortgage Lender Financial Institution Constant First stage controls Second stage controls Year FE Adjusted R-squared Error clusters: Observations (5) 2000-2007 Default Likelihood 0.0091 (0.0131) -0.0363 (0.2194) -0.0562 (0.0663) -0.1351*** (0.0408) -0.3816** (0.1804) -0.0516 (0.0365) 0.1661 (0.1346) 0.3805*** (0.1253) 1.6870*** (0.4457) Full -- -- -- -- Included Included 0.041 -230 Included 0.165 -608 Included 0.165 Lender 608 Included 0.114 Lender 608 Included 0.166 Lender 607 Table A4: Table 3 with second stage controls displayed Index: Dependent variable: Log(MBS Total) High G Index High GI X Log(MBS) High E Index (1) G (2) G -0.0880*** (0.0242) -0.2757 (0.2333) 0.1086*** (0.0304) -0.0790*** (0.0282) -0.4762* (0.2614) 0.0984*** (0.0364) High EI X Log(MBS) High Antitakeover Index (3) EI (4) EI Default likelihood -0.1147*** -0.0887*** (0.0276) (0.0289) -0.3662 (0.2544) 0.1265*** (0.0316) -0.5094* (0.2721) 0.1040*** (0.0353) 1.2537*** (0.2988) Full -Included 0.209 Lenders 203 0.1657* (0.0988) 0.0168 (0.0713) 0.3919 (0.3765) -0.1748*** (0.0481) 0.1850 (0.2405) 0.7026*** (0.2134) 0.7067 (1.0813) Full Included Included 0.300 Lenders 203 High ATI X Log(MBS) Log Firm Age Log Number Loans Diversification Index Log Firm Assets Mortgage Lender Financial Institution Constant First stage controls Second stage controls Year FE Adjusted R-squared Error Clusters Observations 1.1676*** (0.2727) Full -Included 0.186 Lenders 203 0.1336 (0.0973) 0.0563 (0.0723) 0.4997 (0.3920) -0.1840*** (0.0500) 0.4252 (0.2679) 0.7461*** (0.2140) 0.0833 (1.0618) Full Included Included 0.294 Lenders 203 (5) ATI (6) ATI -0.0905*** (0.0178) -0.0855*** (0.0248) -0.1075 (0.2316) 0.1211*** (0.0294) -0.3742 (0.2885) 0.1217*** (0.0367) 0.1612* (0.0956) 0.0636 (0.0747) 0.4480 (0.3931) -0.1801*** (0.0585) 0.5553** (0.2736) 0.5142** (0.2114) 0.8918 (1.0887) Full Included Included 0.319 Lenders 203 1.1315*** (0.2400) Full -Included 0.260 Lenders 203 Table A5: Descriptive Statistics by Integration and Governance Full Sample Matched Sample Non - Integrated Integrated Integrated – Integrated - Integrated – integrated – All -Low G High G Low G High G % firm-yr obs from public firms 0.3012 0.9064 1 1 1 1 Age of firm (years) 33.03 86.84 121.78 86.63 107.67 91.39 Number annual loans in mortgage db 264 1,236 2,079 776 1,023 958 Diversification index 0.5580 0.2912 0.3025 0.3238 0.3330 0.3232 Total assets (public firms only) ($000) 177,377 442,121 548,028 270,129 373,724 342,910 % Commercial bank 21.73 49.75 69.23 51.67 61.54 66.67 % Mortgage lenders 65.19 14.78 17.95 6.67 12.82 5.12 Large financial institutions 13.09 35.47 12.82 41.67 25.64 28.21 % Operating in 2010 (firm-level obs) 53.39 30.43 50.00 26.32 0.3846 0.1794 Table A6: Matched Analysis Index: Dependent variable: Log(MBS Total) High G Index High GI X Log(MBS) High E Index (1) G (2) G -0.0361 (0.0321) -0.2016 (0.2510) 0.0392 (0.0378) -0.0403 (0.0310) -0.3390 (0.2829) 0.0642 (0.0410) High EI X Log(MBS) High Antitakeover Index (3) EI (4) EI Default likelihood -0.0609 -0.0538 (0.0379) (0.0354) -0.2967 (0.2696) 0.0708* (0.0426) -0.4222 (0.3081) 0.0744* (0.0423) 1.4403*** (0.3199) Full -Included 0.111 Lenders 143 0.2436** (0.1112) 0.0575 (0.0952) 0.8678* (0.4714) -0.1970*** (0.0742) 0.4772 (0.4321) 0.9102*** (0.2166) -0.0392 (1.3687) Full Included Included 0.215 Lenders 143 High ATI X Log(MBS) Log Firm Age Log Number Loans Diversification index Log Firm Assets Mortgage Lender Financial Institution Constant First stage controls Second stage controls Year FE Adjusted R-squared Error Clusters Observations 1.3661*** (0.3532) Full -Included 0.095 Lenders 143 0.2280** (0.1062) 0.0623 (0.0938) 0.8767* (0.4636) -0.2086*** (0.0782) 0.5682 (0.4252) 0.9540*** (0.2289) -0.2505 (1.4057) Full Included Included 0.208 Lenders 143 (5) ATI (6) ATI -0.0598** (0.0251) -0.0470* (0.0275) 0.0129 (0.2346) 0.0775** (0.0347) -0.1047 (0.2736) 0.0702* (0.0377) 0.2327** (0.1079) 0.0654 (0.0992) 0.8649* (0.4687) -0.1710** (0.0872) 0.6967 (0.4239) 0.7812*** (0.2158) 0.1571 (1.3733) Full Included Included 0.222 Lenders 143 1.3640*** (0.2882) Full -Included 0.159 Lenders 143 Table A7: Alternative measures of vertical integration – MBS Indicator Index: Dependent variable: MBS Indicator (0/1) High G Index High GI X MBS Indicator High E Index (1) G (2) G -0.8319*** (0.2452) -0.1825 (0.2434) 0.8612*** (0.3008) -0.7167*** (0.2769) -0.3399 (0.2697) 0.6850* (0.3567) High EI X MBS Indicator High Antitakeover Index (3) EI (4) EI Default likelihood -1.0527*** -0.8262*** (0.2628) (0.2778) -0.2533 (0.2603) 1.0322*** (0.3060) -0.3846 (0.2718) 0.7896** (0.3463) 1.2739*** (0.3050) Full -Included 0.196 Lenders 203 0.1656* (0.0983) 0.0345 (0.0700) 0.4099 (0.3842) -0.1672*** (0.0468) 0.2171 (0.2265) 0.7398*** (0.2069) 0.6977 (1.0991) Full Included Included 0.293 Lenders 203 High ATI X MBS Indicator Log Firm Age Log Number Loans Diversification index Log Firm Assets Mortgage Lender Financial Institution Constant First stage controls Second stage controls Year FE Adjusted R-squared Error Clusters Observations 1.2091*** (0.2783) Full -Included 0.175 Lenders 203 0.1364 (0.0970) 0.0596 (0.0688) 0.5198 (0.4011) -0.1749*** (0.0490) 0.3754 (0.2529) 0.7835*** (0.2080) 0.2892 (1.0710) Full Included Included 0.286 Lenders 203 (5) ATI (6) ATI -0.7483*** (0.1747) -0.6037*** (0.2175) 0.0707 (0.2371) 0.8489*** (0.2904) -0.1010 (0.2873) 0.6280* (0.3624) 0.1176 (0.0955) 0.0578 (0.0708) 0.4990 (0.3989) -0.1549*** (0.0543) 0.4352* (0.2574) 0.6334*** (0.2119) 0.5532 (1.0942) Full Included Included 0.291 Lenders 203 1.1074*** (0.2475) Full -Included 0.231 Lenders 203 Table A8: Alternative measures of vertical integration – normalized by loans issued Index: Dependent variable: Log MBS / Num Loans Issued High G Index High GI X (Log MBS / Num Loans Issued) High E Index (1) G (2) G -0.4057*** (0.1562) -0.1091 (0.2332) 0.5614*** (0.1948) -0.4179** (0.1625) -0.4399* (0.2599) 0.5554** (0.2226) High EI X (Log MBS / Num Loans Issued) High Antitakeover Index (3) EI (4) EI Default likelihood -0.4949*** -0.4873*** (0.1650) (0.1660) -0.1744 (0.2508) 0.6363*** (0.1952) -0.5114* (0.2763) 0.6351*** (0.2118) 1.0242*** (0.3064) Full -Included 0.185 Lenders 203 0.1767* (0.0978) -0.0330 (0.0690) 0.3781 (0.3840) -0.1753*** (0.0469) 0.2835 (0.2327) 0.6666*** (0.2169) 0.8799 (1.0755) Full Included Included 0.304 Lenders 203 High ATI X (Log MBS / Num Loans Issued) Log Firm Age Log Number Loans Diversification index Log Firm Assets Mortgage Lender Financial Institution Constant First stage controls Second stage controls Year FE Adjusted R-squared Error Clusters Observations 0.9916*** (0.2872) Full -Included 0.170 Lenders 203 0.1413 (0.0959) -0.0078 (0.0667) 0.5017 (0.4016) -0.1775*** (0.0490) 0.4173* (0.2499) 0.7165*** (0.2181) 0.4596 (1.0723) Full Included Included 0.292 Lenders 203 (5) ATI (6) ATI -0.4564*** (0.1182) -0.4415*** (0.1393) -0.0091 (0.2277) 0.6660*** (0.1825) -0.3400 (0.2950) 0.6934*** (0.2382) 0.1570 (0.0968) -0.0072 (0.0673) 0.4479 (0.4117) -0.1742*** (0.0581) 0.5368** (0.2589) 0.4874** (0.2196) 0.9220 (1.0749) Full Included Included 0.315 Lenders 203 0.9975*** (0.2530) Full -Included 0.241 Lenders 203 Table A9: Alternative measures of vertical integration – Normalized by firm assets Index: Dependent variable: Log MBS/Assets High G Index High GI X (Log MBS/Assets) (1) G -0.6867** (0.3098) -0.0486 (0.2559) 1.0057** (0.3923) (2) G -0.7535** (0.3386) -0.3235 (0.2672) 0.8704** (0.4229) High E Index (3) EI Default likelihood -1.3069*** -1.0686*** (0.3558) (0.3670) -0.3114 (0.2652) 1.5469*** (0.4052) High EI X( Log MBS/Assets) (4) EI High ATI X (Log MBS/Assets) Log Number Loans Diversification index Log Firm Assets Mortgage Lender Financial Institution Constant First stage controls Second stage controls Year FE Adjusted R-squared Error Clusters Observations 0.9271*** (0.2876) Full -Included 0.158 Lenders 203 0.1169 (0.1001) 0.0531 (0.0744) 0.4804 (0.4188) -0.1868*** (0.0547) 0.3886 (0.2573) 0.7683*** (0.1968) 2.9277*** (1.0882) Full Included Included 0.281 Lenders 203 1.1476*** (0.2968) Full -Included 0.193 Lenders 203 (6) ATI -0.8576*** (0.2320) -0.8575*** (0.2739) 0.0139 (0.2296) 1.2496*** (0.3495) -0.2164 (0.2465) 1.1256*** (0.3862) 0.1394 (0.0959) 0.0569 (0.0765) 0.4721 (0.4052) -0.1715*** (0.0561) 0.5654** (0.2657) 0.5666*** (0.2157) 2.9638*** (1.1043) Full Included Included 0.299 Lenders 203 -0.4685* (0.2708) 1.2280*** (0.4468) High Antitakeover Index Log Firm Age (5) ATI 0.1657 (0.1029) 0.0136 (0.0755) 0.3858 (0.4004) -0.1794*** (0.0533) 0.1676 (0.2401) 0.6924*** (0.2022) 2.9839*** (1.0929) Full Included Included 0.296 Lenders 203 1.0045*** (0.2515) Full -Included 0.226 Lenders 203 Table A10: Governance Variable Correlations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 Board Independent 1 2 Board Size -0.08 1 3 CEO Share Own -0.28* -0.27* 1 4 CFO Share Own -0.08 -0.25* 0.31* 1 5 Log CEO Price Sen 0.05 -0.00 .013 -0.02 1 6 Log CFO Price Sen 0.35* 0.10 -0.27* 0.11 0.64* 1 7 Log CEO Vol Sen 0.30* 0.04 -0.32* -0.18* 0.63* 0.62* 1 8 Log CFO Vol Sen 0.38* 0.22* -0.46* -0.14 0.59* 0.82* 0.81* 1 9 IO Ratio 0.20* -0.33* 0.01 0.05 0.25* 0.10 0.20* 0.27* 1 10 IO Number 0.06 0.38* -0.21* -0.33 0.43* 0.48* 0.62* 0.66* 0.26* 1 11 IO HHI -0.24* 0.10 -0.08 0.18* -0.21* -0.21* -0.46* -0.37* -0.59* -0.39* 1 12 Bank and Insurance 0.27* 0.29* -0.09 -0.18* -0.02 -0.02 0.25* 0.34* -0.20* 0.27* 0.03 1 13 Investment Owners -0.19* -0.27* 0.08 0.12 0.05 0.05 -0.20* -0.35* 0.16* -0.31* 0.04 -0.94* 13 1 Table A11: CEO Compensation (1) Dependent variable: Default likelihood Log(MBS Total) High CEO Ownership High CEO X Log(MBS) (2) Share ownership 0.0514** 0.0774*** (0.0251) (0.0283) 0.0758 0.4287* (0.2076) (0.2571) -0.0902*** -0.1113*** (0.0296) (0.0344) (3) Price sensitivity -0.0408* -0.0423* (0.0243) (0.0228) -0.0904 (0.2533) 0.0005 (0.0340) High CEO Price Sensitivity High CEO X Log(MBS) (4) High CEO X Log(MBS) Full -Included 0.179 Lender 287 Full Included Included 0.252 Lender 287 Full -Included 0.141 Lender 184 (6) Volatility Sensitivity 0.0119 -0.0237 (0.0270) (0.0262) -0.1535 (0.2601) 0.0390 (0.0334) High CEO Vol. Sensitivity First stage controls Second stage controls Year FE Adjusted R-squared Error clusters Observations (5) Full Included Included 0.293 Lender 184 0.4493 (0.2843) -0.0982** (0.0392) Full -Included 0.190 Lender 175 0.6815** (0.3092) -0.0528 (0.0378) Full Included Included 0.331 Lender 175 Table A12: CFO Compensation (1) Dependent variable: Default likelihood Log(MBS Total) High CFO Ownership High CFO X Log(MBS) (2) Share ownership -0.0840* -0.0535 (0.0453) (0.0438) -0.1611 -0.2639 (0.3712) (0.3904) 0.0544 0.0472 (0.0515) (0.0499) (3) Price sensitivity 0.0097 0.0156 (0.0278) (0.0308) 0.2008 (0.2559) -0.0770** (0.0369) High CFO Price Sensitivity High CFO X Log(MBS) (4) High CFO X Log(MBS) Full -Included 150 Lender 0.123 Full Included Included 150 Lender 0.280 Full -Included 131 Lender 0.117 (6) Volatility Sensitivity 0.0468 0.0486 (0.0308) (0.0362) 0.3078 (0.2638) -0.0649 (0.0404) High CFO Vol. Sensitivity First stage controls Second stage controls Year FE Adjusted R-squared Error clusters Observations (5) Full Included Included 131 Lender 0.309 0.0735 (0.2921) -0.1093*** (0.0383) Full -Included 122 Lender 0.196 0.0399 (0.2957) -0.0985** (0.0417) Full Included Included 122 Lender 0.351 Table A13: Board Composition (1) Dependent variable: Default likelihood Log(MBS Total) High Board Independence High BI X Log(MBS) (2) Board Independence -0.0842*** -0.0582** (0.0223) (0.0238) -0.2671 -0.2155 (0.2189) (0.2440) 0.0814*** 0.0579* (0.0309) (0.0311) High Board Size High BS X Log(MBS) First stage controls Second stage controls Year FE Adjusted R-squared Error clusters Observations Full -Included 0.158 Lender 206 Full Included Included 0.295 Lender 206 (3) (4) Board Size -0.0002 0.0023 (0.0209) (0.0255) -0.2428 (0.2109) -0.0675** (0.0289) Full -Included 0.240 Lender 206 0.1708 (0.2514) -0.0500 (0.0315) Full Included Included 0.290 Lender 206 Table A14: List of Lenders with Governance Data ABN-AMRO Mortgage (sold to Citigroup) American International Group American Mortgage Network American Priority Mortgage Astoria Financial Corp BancMortgage Banco Popular Bank of America Bank of North Georgia Bank One BNC Mortgage CIT Group CitiMortgage Colonial Bank Commonwealth United Countrywide Financial Corp Downey Financial Corp E-loan Inc Equifirst Corp E-trade Mortgage Corp Finam LLC First Franklin Financial Corp First Horizon National Corp Flagstar Bancorp Golden West Financial Corp Greenpoint Mortgage Home123 Corp (New Century Financial) Impac Mortgage IndyMac Bancorp Irwin Financial Corp JP Mortgage Chase Lehman Brothers Bank Long Beach Mortgage (Washington Mutual) M&T Bank National City Corp New Century Financial Corp Option One Mortgage (H&R Block) Ownit Mortgage Pinnacle Financial Popular Inc Principal Residential Mortgage Regions Financial Corp Residential Community Mortgage (Wells Fargo) Southtrust Mortgage Sterling Bankshares Sun America Mortgage Corp Suntrust Banks Inc U S Bancorp Wachovia Corp Washington Mutual Inc Webster Financial Corp Wells Fargo Bank WMC Mortgage Appendix B: Estimating firm lending quality From the initial sample of county deeds, a total sample of 105,780 “Alt-A” purchase mortgages from the 100 zip codes issued between 2000 and 2007 were identified for use in calculating default likelihood, our firm-level measure of lending quality. We restricted the sample to Alt-A mortgages both to correspond to prior research and also because lenders had more underwriting discretion for Alt-A mortgages than for the so-called “conforming” mortgages, which were guaranteed by one of the two large government housing agencies and therefore subject to stricter lending guidelines. To calculate lending quality, we estimate the likelihood that a loan underwritten by a bank defaults, given the observable attributes of that loan. This approach is similar to risk-adjusted performance measures used in the medical and health economics literature (e.g., Huckman and Pisano 2006), where hospital or surgeon performance is calculated by estimating mortality or morbidity after controlling for observable patient characteristics known to increase risk. This approach has also been used to estimate misconduct, where incentivized agents have private information that influences outcomes but is unobservable to principals or other parties (Pierce and Snyder 2008; Bennett et al. 2013). We calculate default likelihood by extracting the coefficients on firm indicators in an unconditional logistic regression model performed on the individual mortgage data that controls for publicly-observable risk through a standard set of loan characteristics. This model estimates parameters associated with the likelihood of default of mortgages issued by firms in this study. The first stage logit specification is as follows, with the coefficients on the firm fixed effects used in the second stage analysis (Equation 2) represented by 𝛿𝛿𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 . ′ 𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃(𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑)𝑗𝑗 = Λ(𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑡𝑡 ′𝑗𝑗 𝛽𝛽1𝑡𝑡 + 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑘𝑘𝑗𝑗′ 𝛽𝛽2𝑡𝑡 + 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑜𝑜𝑗𝑗′ 𝛽𝛽3𝑡𝑡 + 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑚𝑚𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝛿𝛿𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 + 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑒𝑗𝑗′ + 𝜖𝜖𝑗𝑗 ) (1) 𝑒𝑒 (𝑎𝑎) Where Pr(𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑)𝑗𝑗 is the default probability for loan j, Λ(a) = 1+𝑒𝑒 𝑎𝑎 is the logit function. 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 is a vector of mortgage characteristics, including interest rate structure (fixed, adjustable or hybrid) and indicators of whether various options are attached to the mortgage (interest only period, negative amortization, pre-payment penalties). 𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 is a vector of observable risk metrics on the borrower (credit score, debt-to-income ratio, low- or no-documentation submitted, loan-to-value ratio, initial interest rate on the loan). 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 is the vector of i firm indicators in year t, 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 is a vector of macroeconomic controls (geography-specific home price index, census tract median income, Freddie published mortgage rates, Fed Funds rate). Finally, 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 represents state fixed effects. We run this model once per year to construct firm-year estimates of 𝛿𝛿, the default likelihood. Appendix C: Construction of sample Because of the amount of data stored in county public records, a comprehensive national dataset was unrealistic to analyze. Furthermore, the need to link multiple public records to account for downstream sales and refinancings and multiple liens on a single property made a nationwide random sampling approach infeasible. To address these challenges jointly, we obtained the full set of county records for the top 100 zip codes as ranked by new home construction from 1999 to 2009. This sample provides geographic diversity (although limited to high-growth regions) while providing enough records to estimate default likelihood. Securitization data: For our vertical integration measure, we aggregated the principal amount of all mortgage-backed securities issued in a given year, obtained by Thomson SDC, to the parent company level. The aggregation included not only securities issued by the parent companies but also those issued by affiliated trusts. For example, securitizations issued by CWABS 2007-8 and Long Beach NIM Trust 2001-3, two entities named in the SDC data, were included in the total principal amounts of Countrywide Financial and Washington Mutual, respectively. The aggregated data were then matched to the county deed data manually using the names of the parent companies. Between 2000 and 2007, 33% of firm-year observations included some level of securitization activity, accounting for 69% of the loans issued in our mortgage database. The annual amounts of MBS varied from a low of $12 million issued by Principal Residential Mortgage in 2002 to a high of $186,951 million issued by Countrywide Financial in 2005 and a mean of $20,196 million across all firm-years. The greatest activity occurred in 2006, with $943,691 million in private-label residential mortgage-related securitization issuances by the firms in our dataset. 1 We define the degree of vertical integration by the amount of securitizations issued by a firm in a given year, controlling for total firm assets. We also obtain similar results when we use alternate definitions, including i) a dummy variable 1 According to Thompson SDC. Numbers may vary, depending on how principal is collected. whether the firm issued MBS and ii) MBS normalized alternately by the total loans issued in our dataset and iii) by firm assets (reported in the Appendix). G-index and governance variables: For our primary measure of governance quality, we use the Gindex, as constructed by Gompers, Ishii and Metrick (2003). This measure is a summary of 24 governance rules compiled by the Investor Responsibility Research Center (IRRC) that determine the degree to which shareholders are able to monitor and discipline managers. The rules measure antitakeover provisions; however, research using these data has found that the G measure (and antitakeover provisions in general), predict agency behavior on the part of CEOs (Gompers et al., 2003; Shleifer and Vishny, 1989; Jensen and Ruback, 1983). Firms with high G values, dubbed “Dictatorships,” are firms in which managers are able to operate with considerable discretion without board monitoring or power to punish manager actions. On the other end of the spectrum, firms with low G-values are dubbed “Democracies” and have managers who are considered to be more subjected to a system of checks and balances enforced by shareholders. These data are only available for USbased publicly-traded companies. As such, the G value was available for 33% of the firm-year observations in the sample that accounted for 66% of the mortgages issued in the sample. In this study, in order to calculate meaningful interactions between the degree of managerial monitoring and the level of vertical integration, we created an indicator variable equal to one if the Gindex of the firm is equal to or above the median value of 9 (on a scale of 1 to 16). The median value of G was calculated on an unweighted basis, so firms with at- or above-median values of G (“high G firms”) accounted for 29% of the loans of the firms with available values of G and 21% of all the loans in the database. Firms with both high G values and securitization activity account for 10% of all firm-year observations or 30% of firm-year observations for which the G value is available. Weighted by the number of loans, these firms account for 10% of all loans issued in the database and 15% of all loans issued by firms with G values. For robustness, we collected two additional governance indices: the Entrenchment Index (EI) (Bebchuk et al., 2009) and the Anti-Takeover Index (ATI) (Cremers and Nair, 2005). Both indices were constructed from subsets of the 24 provisions provided by the IRRC, with the entrenchment index (scaled from 0-6) based on six provisions deemed the least noisy measures of management entrenchment, 2 and the anti-takeover index (scored 0-3) constructed from three provisions deemed the most indicative of whether a firm is protected from takeovers. 3 We reverse-code the latter index, since it was originally constructed so that higher scores indicate better governance, the opposite convention of the G and EI indices. Firm-level control variables: The control variables include both general measures for all firms and financial information from Compustat for public firms. Hand-collected controls include the age of the firm and indicators for industry of the parent firm (depository banks, mortgage lenders, diversified financial institutions or homebuilders). Controls derived from the mortgage data include the log of the total number of loans issued in that year by the parent firm and a measure of geographic diversification of the lender. This measure was a calculation of geographic inequality using a Gini-coefficient algorithm (where a measure close to 0 indicates a well-diversified lender and a measure close to 1 indicates a lender with high levels of geographic concentration) and controls for loan portfolio effects within lenders: lenders that are more diversified may be willing to take on more loan-level risk if they have ex ante expectations that the housing conditions will not be correlated across geographies. The financial controls for public firms from Compustat include the log of firm assets, and the standard deviation of returns on assets for the past five years. The six provisions are: staggered (classified) boards, poison pills, golden parachutes, supermajority required for mergers, limit on charter amendments and limits on shareholder bylaw amendments. 3 The three provisions are: Staggered (classified) boards, preferred blank check, restrictions on calling special meetings or on action through written consent. 2 Appendix D: Executive compensation and board monitoring We find that, in firms with high levels of CEO shareholdings, vertically-integrated banks appear to have lower risk, while firms with high levels of CFO shareholdings appear riskier. We see no consistent moderating effect of CEO price or volatility sensitivities (as defined by Core and Guay 2002). We do not find any effects for CFO shareholdings or price sensitivity but do find a negative moderating effect of CFO volatility sensitivity. Overall, these mixed findings reflect the mixed findings in prior research. Executive compensation in banks has been frequently blamed for the financial crisis, with critics arguing that CEO’s had strong incentives to focus on short-term gains and high risk (Fahlenbrach and Stulz 2011). Yet existing work has found little evidence that executive compensation played a major role in explaining the financial crisis. Although executive share ownership is argued to reduce CEO agency costs by aligning incentives with those of the shareholders (Murphy 1999), Fahlenbrach and Stulz (2011) found no evidence that higher executive ownership in banks improved stock returns during the financial crisis, and some evidence suggests that it reduced returns (Balachandran et al. 2010). We also examine the moderating effect of board composition and size (Appendix Table A13) and find no consistent patterns. Again, these results reflect the mixed theoretical predictions and empirical results from other studies (Hermalin and Weisbach, 2001). For example, despite theory arguing that board independence and small size improves oversight, Erkens and colleagues (2012) linked independent boards at financial institutions to worse stock returns during the financial crisis and found no link to board size, a result that may reflect the inherent conflict between reduced expertise and improved incentives in independent boards (Feldman and Montgomery, 2015). Appendix E: Other empirical challenges It is also difficult in our results to distinguish between rent-seeking behavior by CEOs and behavioral explanations such as overconfidence (Malmendier and Tate 2005; Malmendier et al. 2011) or simple myopia. In this latter view, CEOs are behaviorally inclined to focus on short-term firm performance and to ignore signals of the worsening housing market. Strong governance, then, forces CEOs to take a longer view. We believe that that both myopic and agency behavior were likely driving CEO choices in our setting. Myopia is consistent not only with our findings but also with prior research that finds that CEOs lost substantial wealth during the housing downturn (Fahlenbrach and Stulz 2011). Several other empirical challenges are important to note. The first is our relative small sample size. While the sample includes 88% of Alt-A mortgages across a geographic area that is broadly representative of national home prices and default rates, ultimately it includes 170 firms, of which 53 have governance data and can be used in the primary analysis that estimates the interaction between governance and vertical integration. Two concerns arise from the small sample. First, our small sample provides limited statistical power for our analyses. Since we find significant results when testing our main hypothesis, we believe that this concern is mostly alleviated in our setting. We do, however, remain cautious in drawing inferences from our null findings, which may be null because there is actually no effect or insufficient power, and also acknowledge the possibility of false positives in our limited sample. The second concern is the external validity of the results. Given the nature of the analysis and the data available, we are constrained to publicly-traded firms based in the United States (the only lenders with standardized governance data) that had sufficient annual mortgage volume for us to estimate lending quality. Our sample comprises most of the largest financial institutions and mortgage lenders in the United States and covers 66% of the Alt-A loans in our database. Appendix Table A14 includes a list of the 53 lenders in our sample with governance data and Appendix Table A8 provides descriptive statistics by integration and governance subsamples. Conservatively, then, our results apply to large public firms and are less conclusive about foreign and smaller private lenders. Lastly, a question may also arise about our definition of vertical integration. We define integration as the level of securitization by a firm that also originates mortgages, controlling for the overall assets of the firm. We argue that this is the most appropriate definition in this context, since it reasonably captures the ex-ante probability that a loan will be securitized internally at the time that it is originated. 4 Another approach would be to define integration at the individual loan level and, specifically, as whether each loan was securitized by the firm or sold. However, given that this information is unknown at the time of underwriting, we do not believe that this definition is as appropriate for our research question as the definition used in the study. Firms still sold bulk loans to outside firms, but the proportions tended to be low (except for loans to government sponsored agencies). See Levin (Washington Mutual), NCEN (New Century), and Countrywide Financial financial statements for examples. 4
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