AptoVision announces BlueRiver NT+, the only True 4K/60Hz/4:4:4

 AptoVision announcces BlueRivver™ NT+,, the world
d’s first chiipset for trrue 4K/60 (4:4:4) vid
deo extension and sswitching
Disruptive chipset techn
nology deliverrs zero framee latency transsmission of 44K over IP on b
both cat‐x and fiber th
SSt Laurent, Qu
uebec, Canad
da, June 9 , 2015 – AptoViision, a pioneeer of game‐cchanging AV cchipset technology and w
winner of the
e 2014 Deloittte Technologgy Fast 50™ Jury’s J
Favourrite award, to
oday announ
nced its new BlueRiver N
NT+ chipset – – the world’ss first and only chipset to support IP‐bbased switching and extension of truee 4K/60Hz (4:4:4) video w
with zero fram
me latency ovver 100m of ccat‐x or 30KM
M of fiber. W
While practiccally all existiing solutionss claiming support for 4KK/Ultra‐HD trransmission ccompromise either on rrefresh rate (3
30Hz at 4:4:4
4) or on color space (4:2:0 at 60Hz), thee BlueRiver NTT+ uniquely d
delivers true 4
4K quality w
with a refresh
h rate of 60Hzz at the full 4::4:4 color space. ““The award w
winning BlueR
River NT technology has already disruppted the signaal distribution
n market by delivering tthe first and only zero frrame latency chipset for AV over IP,”” said Kamran Ahmed, CEEO and co‐fo
ounder of A
AptoVision; “The new Blu
ueRiver NT+ chipset c
nds this lead and once aggain raises th
he bar for qu
uality and p
performance by delivering on the speciffications needed to claim true 4K and ffull HDMI 2.0 support.” TThe new chip
pset is also HDMI 2.0 an
nd HDCP 2.2
2 compliant aand supportss the transm
mission of au
udio, GbE, 4
480Mbps USB
B 2.0, RS‐232 & IR. Combining long ran
nge signal exttension and IP‐based switching with m
multi‐video V equipmentt for AV/KVM
ccompositing, the BlueRive
er NT+ replaces multiple pieces of AV
M extension,, AV/KVM sswitching, vid
deo‐wall and multi‐view applications a
with w a single AptoVision powered sysstem. Incorpo
oration of B
BlueRiver NT+
+ technology into AV syste
ems can result in cost savving of over 660% for equip
pment and installation, m
millions of dollars in reduced R&D spending, and a dramatic reduuction in time to market. TThe new Blue
eRiver NT+ chipset will be
e showcased
d at AptoVisioon’s booth (##4381) during the Infocomm 2015 ttradeshow in Orlando. Req
quests for a m
meeting or a gguided demo can be sent tto sales@apto
### A
About BlueRivver NT+ Chipset TThe BlueRiver™ NT+ chipset transmitss true Ultra‐HD (4K/60, 44:4:4) HDMI‐‐video, 32 ch
hannels of au
udio, USB 2
2.0i ,GbE and useful control signals ove
er fiber or 10
00m Cat‐x caabling while aallowing the ssignals to be switched tthrough stand
dard IP switcches. Propriettary technolo
ogy to handlee arbitration, source clockk recovery, b
bandwidth m
management and networkk configuratio
on ensures re
eal‐time, pixe l for pixel, zeero‐frame lateency transmisssion. The B
BlueRiver NT+
+ technology also supportss real‐time co
ompositing too enable multi‐view and vid
deo‐wall applications. A
About AptoViision A
A Montreal‐based compan
ny, AptoVision
n is redefining the AV signnal processingg and distribu
ution platform
m through itts BlueRiver™
™ technology and FPGA‐baased chipsets.. Integrating uunique IP, thee BlueRiver™ platform dellivers 50% tto 80% reducttion in system
m costs and up to 10x perfformance gainns over comp
parable solutiions. The plattform also eenables the only products in the world which scale w
with current aand evolving A
AV signal disttribution requ
uirements ffor ultra‐high definition and ultra‐high
h bandwidth video, multi‐‐format supp
port, multi‐vid
deo transmisssion, and aadvanced pixe
el processing.. www.aptoviision.com. C
Contact: Nancy Jelovcic, A
AptoVision, Te
el: +1 514 908
8 9768, Email : marketing@
@aptovision.ccom A
AptoVision, Blu
ueRiver are traademarks of A
AptoVision. All other productts, technologiees and compan
ny names hereein may be trademarks of ttheir registered owners.