2015 So outh Jerse ey 4‐H Teeen Confeerence Workshop W p Selectio on Form –– Session ns 1 & 2 P Print Name __ ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________________Coun nty ____________________________ EEmail _______ ___________ ____________ ___________ _______( in c ase we need to contact yo ou about your choices) B Below you will find SJTC workshop desccriptions. The ere are three workshop seessions. The o options for th he first ttwo workshop p sessions are e the same. YYou will be assigned to twoo of these wo orkshops. Forr the third wo orkshop ssession you w will be assigne ed to one of your selection ns. If you havee any questio ons, please co ontact your co ounty 4‐H A Agent or Proggram Associatte. SSessions 1 & 2 – Worrkshop Sellections: R Rank your choices fro om 1st thro ough 5th _____A. "Move e Your Asana a" A Adolescence iis a stressful ttime for mostt individuals. Your body is changing, your mind is experiencing an n extreme rrange of high and low emo otions, academ mic responsib bilities are inccreasing, and social deman nds are escalaating. LLearn successsful and fun co oping mechan nisms such ass Yoga, Pilate s, and/or Tai Chi to reducee anxiety, pro ovide sstress relief, aand help you ffocus even w when you're laacking a propeer sleep schedule. _____B. Underrstanding Gen netics LLearn about h how our curre ent understan nding of genetics can be peersonally reveealing. Will yyour future 4‐‐H’ers h have green eyyes or blue, cu urly hair or sttraight? Also,, have you se en your DNA A? Participantts will separatte their D DNA from the eir own cells in this worksh hop. _____C. Cookin ng Root Vegggies 101 W When “life” happens, our b bodies tend to crave unhe ealthy comforrt foods. Insteead…why nott try naturallyy sweet rroot vegetables when you are maxed an nd taxed with h school, friennds and family? Root vegggies are sturd dy and ggrow from the e ground, so e energetically they can help p you feel roooted and grou unded when you eat them m. Join FFamily & Com mmunity Healtth Sciences an nd FoodCorpss for this han ds‐on “make and taste” experience and you’ll ssee just how e easy it is to w whip us some tasty root vegggie treats yoourself. A streess free cure ffor a stressful day! _____D. #Iam4 4H LLet your storyy jump start a journey for ffuture 4‐H’erss and bring noostalgia to ou ur alumni. You will have th he o opportunity to o transform ““Your 4‐H Sto ory” into an in nspirational toool. We will u use Flip‐a‐gram (app) and sshort vvideo intervie ews to create a digital storyy collage. Be prepared to ccreate a video o to show your relationship with 4 4‐H and how 4 4‐H helped cu ultivate your roots. Moreo over, this worrkshop will bee facilitated b by The South Jersey R Rep. Council, as a program m built by you u and for you.. Let your stoory live onlinee; let your sto ory be known to the w world. _ ____E. Re‐R Rooting the Course of Your Communityy: Taking Actiion on the En nvironment YYou have sharred photos an nd links on Faacebook and TTwitter, you hhave held a reecycling drivee and maybe bought aan acre of rain nforest. But w where do you go from therre? Join us too learn about creating chan nge in your ccommunity on n the environ nmental issues you care ab bout. CO ONTINUED 2015 So outh Jerse ey 4‐H Teeen Confeerence Worrkshop Se election –– Session 3 P Print Name __ ___________ ____________ ___________ ___________________Coun nty ____________________________ SSession 3 – – Worksho op Selectio ons: Rank yyour choicees 1st, 2nd aand 3rd _____A. Rare a and Interestin ng Plants of tthe NJ Pine Baarrens Discover the plants and trees of the Pin ne Barrens an nd how they hhelp protect tthe streams aand wetlands. Learn aabout the many rare plants of the Pine Barrens inclu uding native oorchids, gentians and insecctivorous plan nts, w where they grrow and when they bloom m. Uncover vo olunteer oppportunities witth the Land TTrust in South hern NJ. _____B. LEADEERSHIP: The R Roots of and Route to Succcess Just as a tree is firmly grou unded in soil b by its roots, in ndividuals whho develop an nd practice leeadership skillls, q qualities and ccompetencies are grounde ed in their communities. IIn this worksh hop, you will explore ROOTS of LLEADERSHIP (styles; qualities; communication; and ggroup interac tion) and disccover how to develop and utilize yyour leadersh hip skills effecctively to pave e your ROUTEE to SUCCESS.. _____C. Suppo orting Americcan Heroes – Young and O Old TThe men and women of the US Militaryy proudly defe end our counttry to protectt our freedom m. But what h happens tto kids that arre left behind d when their p parents leave to fight for oour liberty? LLearn how military deploym ment aaffects kids firrsthand from kids who havve lived throu ugh it. 4‐Herss will complette a hands‐on n service project to ssupport militaary kids from central and ssouthern New w Jersey and w will learn how w to organize a similar servvice p project for the eir 4‐H club. _____D. Just W WHO Do YOU U Think You A Are? G Genealogy is tthe art and sccience of traccing people’s family relatioonships. Designed for the true beginneer, this w workshop will utilize exerccises and dem mos to engage e participants in exploring practices in w working with acquired d data. Come p prepared with h information to begin you ur own family y record (pareents and grandparents full names aalong with the eir birth/deatth dates). Som me laptops will be availabl e, or you can n bring your o own. WiFi neeeded. _____E. Creating Rain Gardens, Maritim me Forests and d Living Shorrelines M Master Garde eners and volu unteers have served as cre eative and efffective links b between exteension programming aand communiity outreach. Our highly su uccessful rain garden prog ram in Monm mouth Countyy provides traaining and sskills to set the stage for a whole new le evel of applied seaside horrticulture. In partnering on n a major pilo ot cconstruction o of a Maritime e barrier foresst at the Jerse ey Shore, the county Greeen Team coord dinated volun nteer ggroups to com mplete an amazing naturalized eco‐system that can hhelp protect ttowns, shorelines and coaastal lakes ffrom storm w water damage. Learn how yyou can help reroute wateer through haands‐on comm munity servicce.
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