Lesson 9: Suffix Pronouns A suffix pronoun is a pronoun that is attached to the end of a word. (as opposed to a prefix which is attached to the beginning. A suffix pronoun will be used either: 1 As an object when attached to the end of a verb (object form) 2 As Mudaaf ilayhi when attached to the end of a noun (possessive form) When attached to the end of a noun then it will form an Idaafa construction, being in the position of Mudaf ilayhi, therefore will be When attached to the end of a verb then it will be the object, therefore will be صوب ُ َم ْن َم ْج ُرور ie: he hit her ie: the boy of his Suffix pronouns Singular (possessive form) Plural (object form) منصوب مجرور (possessive form) (object form) منصوب مجرور 3M His ُ ه.. Him Their ُ…هم Them 3F Her …ها Her Their ُ…هن Them 2M Your ُ…ك You Your ُ… كم You 2F Your ُ…ك You Your ُ… كن You 1* My ني …ي Me Our … نا us *The only time there is a difference between the منصوبand مجرورforms is in the 1st person singular Arabic Gems Lesson 9 page 1 Suffix preceded by kessrah or yaa When the suffixes ُه and ُ همand ُ هنare preceded by a kasrah or a yaa’ , the dammah on the letter haa turns into a kasrah For example: ُ ُهُ = ُفيه+ في ُ - in it/in him ُ ُهنُ = إلىُبيوتُهُن+ ُ – إلى ُبيوتto their (fp) houses Suffix pronouns and sukoon We have already learnt that when two sukoons appear one after the other, then something must be changed to avoid this, as the rule is, 2 sukoons can not appear in succession. ُ كمand ُ همwhich end in sukoon fall right before hamzatul-wasl (most commonly found at the beginning ofُ ) الis that the sukoon on the suffix will become a What happens when the suffixes dummah. For example: ُنصرُكمُ للا ُ للا+ ُنصرُكم Allah helped you he helped you ُأخذُهمُ للا ُ للا+ ُأخذُهم Allah seized them he seized them A note about Verbs and suffix pronouns Last lesson we saw that the 3MP ( ُ ) فعلواin the perfect tense has an extra alif on the end to separate the verb from the following word. This alif is no longer needed when a suffix pronoun is attached. ie: Alif has been removed from the end ُسألُوه They asked him ُسألوا they asked Arabic Gems Lesson 9 page 2 َْف َع ْل ُت ْم In the 2MP ( ) form, an extra letter is added, for ease of speech. ie: Extra وis added to the end of the verb before a suffix pronoun وadded before the suffix pronoun ُسألُتموه ُسألُتم You asked him you asked A note about prepositions with suffix pronouns . إلى and على When we add a suffix pronoun to the end of the prepositions alif maqsoorah will transform into a إلى and على, then the ُي. ie: ُعلُيُك ُ ك+ على Upon you/your إلُيُها ها+ إلى To her/it ُل The preposition ُ لchanges to ُل ُلُك ( يmy) لُي before all suffix pronouns except the 1s To you / your (sing) ُلُكم to you / your (plural) to my ْْ ِمنand َْْعن When adding the 1S suffix يto the prepositions ْْ ِمنand ْْ َعن, they become ِم ّنيand َع ّني منّي ي+ ُمن From me عنّي Away from me / concerning me ي+ُعن Arabic Gems Lesson 9 page 3 Lesson 9: Quick revision summary Singular (possessive form) Plural (object form) منصوب مجرور (possessive form) (object form) منصوب مجرور 3M His ُ ه.. Him Their ُ…هم Them 3F Her …ها Her Their ُ…هن Them 2M Your ُ…ك You Your ُ… كم You 2F Your ُ…ك You Your ُ… كن You 1* My ني …ي Me Our … نا us Suffix pronoun attached to the end of a verb is the object – will be صوب ُ َم ْن Suffix pronoun attached to the end of a noun is the mudaf ilayhi – will be Suffixes ُ ه/ ُ هم/ ُ هنpreceded by kasrah or a yaa’ َم ْج ُرور the dammah on the letter haa turns into a kasrah When ُ كمand ُ همappear right before hamzatul-wasl (ie at start of ُ ) الthe sukoon on the end of suffix will become a dummah to prevent 2 sukoons in succession. 3MP ( ُ ) فعلواin the perfect tense looses the alif when suffix pronoun is added When add suffix pronoun to end of prepositions The preposition 2MP ( . ُ لchanges to ُل ُإلىand – علىthe alif maqsoorah changes to ُي. before all suffix pronouns except the 1s ( يmy) ْ) َف َع ْل ُت ْم, a وis added to the end of verb before a suffix pronoun is added, for ease of speech. When adding the 1S suffix يto the prepositions ْْ ِمنand ْْ َعن, they become ِم ّنيand َع ّني Arabic Gems Lesson 9 page 4
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