Next Generation Business Solutions Data Sheet Innovative

Data Sheet
Next Generation Business Solutions
The way contact centers and outsourcers work and deliver value has never
been more dynamic than it is today. Cloud and social computing technologies,
According to The Bureau of Labor Statistics, approx.
65 million Americans are expected to be:
globalization, crowdsourcing and new workforce demographics are all reshaping how work gets done. While these factors are not new, the implications of
Independent Contractors
what that means for businesses are, particularly in contact centers.
According to The Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 65 million Americans are expected to be freelancers, temps, independent contractors and
solopreneurs, making up about 40% of the workforce by 2020.
While both the independent and virtual workforces are growing by leaps and
bounds, many businesses are not. These business remain trapped within
the walls of their traditional brick-and-mortar infrastructure, risking extinction
by not adapting to compete in this new virtual/work from home world.
Making up 40% of the workforce by 2020
Evidence of this fact can be seen from the many business innovators who disrupted existing markets and reshaped how
work, service and value were delivered.
Innovative Business Disruptors
Extreme assortment, low prices and full
information for savvy consumer
20% of total online retail market
Contrast to disliked incumbent
wide assortment, convenience, no late
36% market share of DVD rental
market (based on industry estimates)
Took advantage of digital shift with
simple pricing, songs vs. albums,
70% market share of U.S. music
Low prices with a technology-enabled
shopping experience focused on
customer service
34% gross margin purchased by
Amazon for 22x LTM EBITDA
Consumer-directed, low-cost model
designed for use by general public
Largest discount brokerage firm
(based on industry estimates)
downloads (based on industry estimates)
(based on industry estimates)
Many established and often well managed companies struggle with disruptive innovation because they have been doing
the same things, in the same ways, and for the same reasons for so long, that they struggle with the concept of change.
But not Arise!
The Arise virtual business model is also an innovative business disruptor. By building a network of professional independent
contractors to service the needs of our clients, Arise has eliminated the need for both a traditional employee workforce and
expensive brick-and-mortar operations. | Copyright © 2013 Arise Virtual Solutions Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Next Generation Businesses Need to Think Outside the Office
Arise is redefining, deploying, sourcing, and managing virtual technology, independent resources and business services
like no other. We’ve done to the brick-and-mortar call center what Netflix has done to the video store. We’re changing the
way business is done -- breaking the mold -- re-creating the model to deliver powerful solutions and drive differentiated
Virtual Independent Business Model
Brick-and-Mortar (B&M)
On-demand service delivery, utilizing cloud technology, scheduling in 30
minute increments to closely match forecasted demand, real-time support and
immediate adjustments made 365-24/7. Arise can increase service hours up
to 300% with limited notice and can ramp up faster than traditional centers.
Bound by full-time workforce staffing constraints:
absenteeism, turnover, occupancy challenges
and the inability to make real-time adjustments for
unplanned events. Added expense of paying for onsite, under-utilized agents.
Higher Agent
Right caliber of people who have taken charge of their lives by choosing to work Agent caliber limited to geographic restrictions independently and invest in the brands they want to represent. Contractors agents are recruited based on ability to commute to
are sourced globally but assigned locally, to ensure understanding between their physical location.
different languages and cultures. Arise’s network is far more educated and
experienced, as compared to B&M centers, providing tailored service to mirror
your customer’s needs.
Lower Capital
and Recurring
Substantial financial benefits, ranging from lower capital expenditure, reduced Costs of operating a physical location: building/
recurring expenses to increased productivity and efficiency. Arise is 20-50% lease, infrastructure, IT, telephony, and utilities.
more cost efficient than your next best alternative.
Occupancy & labor costs: idle time, training
expenses and attrition.
Learning &
100% virtual environment lowers costs by improving speed to competency Limited training resources, technology and facility
and enabling the facilitator to run multiple concurrent training classes at once, space to train agents on-demand.
reducing training time and expenses. Arise turns traditional training manuals
into award winning certification courses and often reduces the length of the
course up to 15%.
Greater investment in the technology, systems and processes needed to
enable service providers to do their work and be supervised while doing
it. Validated compliance with industry standards, (PCI Compliant for 9
consecutive years). Contractors in the Arise Network must make a monetary
investment in an opportunity, reducing the inclination to abuse permissions
and information access.
Emphasis is often placed on facility security vs. data
security. B&M security structure is less transparent
and technologically advanced as a virtual model. In
a traditional office environment security is important,
but in a virtual model it is imperative.
Generate more income per call than either in-house staff or B&M centers.
Increasing sales conversions and achieving higher customer satisfaction
scores. Arise increased a Fortune 500 retailer’s average sales per call over
Often simply answer calls to protect revenue
rather than build revenue. Lack the entrepreneurial
environment and discipline to perform as a profit
Virtual contact centers remain open and operational even when a natural or When trouble develops agents are together in
man-made disaster strikes a particular city or region. Arise recently supported a single location or clustered in relatively close
a major cruise line and road side assistance company during challenging times geographic locations.
in their business due to unplanned events and extreme weather conditions.
Reshaping How Work Gets Done
The ongoing adoption of virtual contact centers that focus on customer and technical support has made the virtual agent
model mainstream. Just about any business can benefit from a virtual center, but Arise’s unique independent contractor
crowdsourcing approach is particularly appealing to growing companies serving a national or global market. Companies
such as AAA, Carnival Cruise Line and ADT have found that the Arise independent contractor model helps them improve
quality, performance and keep costs under control by enabling them to scale their resources in parallel with demand.
Arise is a next generation provider of virtual customer and technical outsourcing solutions. Arise offers a full range of business Services in the Cloud, through its virtual network of tens of thousands of independent providers in the United States,
Canada, the United Kingdom and Ireland. Arise leverages its innovative technology, operational excellence and quality
performance track record to deliver better results without boundaries. Recognized for being a virtual call center/work at
home pioneer, Arise provides flexible and cost-effective customer contact, technical, business processing, e-learning and
consulting solutions to premium brands around the world, including many Fortune 150 and 500 companies. | Copyright © 2013 Arise Virtual Solutions Inc. All Rights Reserved.