THE ARNOLD SENTINEL Public Notices ZNEZ Village Board Proceedings Continued from page 7. enue and West Washington Ave for the “Burn Out” Contest on Friday, August 7, 2015; North Walnut Street (between Washington Ave and West Arnold Ave) for a SORC “Dyno” event on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (August 6, 7, and 8); A portion of South Broadway Street for a SORC street dance on Saturday, August 8, 2015; Roll call vote: Bowers, Kulp, McDowell and Turley. Nay: none. Abstain: Olson. Absent: none. Motion carried. Board Member Tim Turley introduced Ordinance No. 424 entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 424 (See Ordinance Book Page 51) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION II OF ORDINANCE NO. 421 (ORDINANCE SETTING THE SALARIES OF EMPLOYEES, ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICIALS OF THE VILLAGE OF ARNOLD, CUSTER COUNTY, NEBRASKA; SETTING FORTH THE AMOUNTS TO BE PAID TO EACH EMPLOYEE AND OFFICIAL AND THE METHOD OF PAYMENT THEREOF;) AND PRESCRIBING THE TIME WHEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE IN FULL FORCE AND TAKE EFFECT. and moved that the statutory rule requiring reading on three different days be suspended. Board Member Aaron Olson seconded the motion to suspend the rules and upon roll call vote on the motion the following Board Members voted AYE: Bowers, Kulp, McDowell, Olson, Turley. The following voted NAY: none. Absent: none. The motion to suspend the rules was adopted by three-fourths of the Board and the statutory rule was declared suspended for consideration of said Ordinance. Said Ordinance was read by title and thereafter Board Member Tim Turley moved for final passage of the ordinance, which motion was seconded by Board Member Scott McDowell. The Chairman then stated the question: "Shall Ordinance No. 424 be passed and adopted?" Upon roll call vote, the following Board Members voted AYE: Bowers, Kulp, McDowell, Olson, Turley. The following voted NAY: none. Absent: none. The passage and adoption of said ordinance having been concurred in by a majority of all members of the Board, the Chairman declared the ordinance adopted and the Chairman, in the presence of the Board, signed and approved the ordinance. The Clerk attested the passage and approval of the same and affixed her signature thereto and the seal of the Village thereto. After discussion, moved by Olson and seconded by McDowell to apply for a credit card through Pinnacle Bank for Ralph (Doug) De Laune and to set the limit at $1,000.00. Roll call vote: Aye: Bowers, Kulp, McDowell, Olson, Turley. Nay: none. Absent: none. Motion carried. After discussion, moved by Kulp and seconded by McDowell that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 2015 -6 WHEREAS, a Personnel Handbook is designed to provide an overview of the employment policies, procedures and benefits for employees; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CHAIRMAN AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES the Personnel Handbook for the employees at the Village of Arnold be approved. The Chairperson put the Resolution to a vote. Those voting FOR PASSAGE: Bowers, Kulp, McDowell, Olson, Turley. Those voting AGAINST PASSAGE: none. Absent: none. Motion carried. Patricia Lamberty, Village Clerk, informed the Board that Weldon Wilhelm submitted a letter of resignation from the Planning Commission. After discussion, moved by Kulp and seconded by Turley to accept the resignation from Weldon Wilhelm. Roll call vote: Aye: Bowers, Kulp, McDowell, Olson, Turley. Nay: none. Absent: none. Motion carried. Chairman Glen Bowers appointed Jeff Bowers to fill the unexpired term of Weldon Wilhelm on the Planning Commission. Moved by Olson and seconded by McDowell that the appointment of Jeff Bowers to the Planning Commission be approved. Roll call vote: Aye: Bowers, Kulp, McDowell, Olson, Turley. Nay: none. Absent: none. Motion carried. Discussion was held on the weather sirens. One siren can be remotely controlled but the other four cannot. The Board would like to have all the sirens remotely controlled. Further discussion will be held at the next meeting. Patricia Lamberty, Village Clerk, reminded the Village Board that Community Clean Up Day is Monday, April 27, 2015. Pinnacle Bank is providing popcorn and Arnold Chamber will provide a meal for the volunteers. After discussion, moved by Kulp and seconded by McDowell that the Village provide beverages (Milk, Juice and Bottled Water) and donuts for the volunteers. Roll call vote: Aye: Bowers, Kulp, McDowell, Olson, Turley. Nay: none. Absent: none. Motion carried. William Moser, Village Superintendent, informed the Board that Eileen Moser is the Pool Manager, Claire Beshaler and Grace Magill are Assistant Managers. Lifeguards are Sadie Christensen, Olivia Furne, Haley Reed and Ashton Weinman. Part Time/Substitute Lifeguards are Liz Brown and Shavonne Schacher. The WSI Instructor is Liz Brown and Aubrey Patton will help with the Swimming Lessons. Barb McIntosh from Mullen will come to Arnold to provide Lifeguard Training/First Aid/CPR. There being nothing further to come before the Board at this time, Chairman Glen Bowers declared the meeting adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. M. Glen Bowers Chairman of the Board ATTEST: Patricia Lamberty Village Clerk Public Notices NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Meeting of the Chairman and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Arnold, Nebraska will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, May 4, 2015, in the Meeting Room at the Community Center. The purpose of the special meeting is to consider the Application for Conditional Use (Day Care in the Residential District) from Heather Hagler. At 6:30 p.m. a Public Hearing will be held regarding the Application. All interested parties are invited to attend this Public Hearing at which time you will have an opportunity to be heard regarding this proposed use. ******** Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Planning Commission of the Village of Arnold will be held on Monday, May 4, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. in the Meeting Room at the Community Center. The meeting is open to the public. At 6:00 p.m. a Public Hearing will be held to consider the Conditional Use Application (Day Care in the Residential District) from Heather Hagler. An agenda for such meeting, kept continuously current, is available for public inspection at the Arnold Light & Water Office during normal business hours. Bids Notice Advertising Deadline is Friday Noon. THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 2015 Page 8 Obituary Eric Jordan Strasburg 1986-2015 Eric Jordan Strasburg, 28, of Kearney, passed away April 24, 2015, at Kearney. He was born June 16, 1986, in North Platte. He attended elementary and high at Arnold High School and graduated with the Class of 2005. Eric attended Great Plains Community College, where he earned his associate’s degree in Computer Science. He worked his way through college by working as a farm hand at Conner & Conner Farm. Eric met his wife, Amanda Rosentrater, in the fall of 2006. They married in the summer of 2010 in Arnold, but resided for a time in Watertown, South Dakota. In the winter of 2011, Eric relocated with Amanda and his step daughter, Layla Rivera, to Kearney. Eric worked one year in Broken Bow for Jennie M. Melham Memorial Hospital in the IT department before obtaining his most current job at Baldwin Filters in their IT department. He enjoyed spending time with his friends, family, having the best grill outs whenever possible, playing racquetball at the local YMCA and was an avid gamer, to say the least. Eric was preceded in death by his grandparents, Edward and Ruberta Strasburg, Shirley Nuttall and David Dunn; and his uncle, Gene Geyer. He is survived by his wife, Amanda and step daughter, Layla, both of Kearney; his parents, Jody (Marcia) Strasburg of Arnold and Tina Treadway of Gilcrest, Colorado; grandparents, Leonard Geyer of Cozad and Sally Dunn of Arkansas; his brothers, Michael of Wiggins, Colorado, Josh (Annah) Geyer of Maxwell; his sister, Mariah of Arnold; numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, other relatives and friends. May God rest his soul. Online condolences may be shared at Memorials may be sent to the family at 417 East 34th Street, Kearney NE 68847 and will be determined at a later date. Graveside services were held at 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, April 28, 2015, at McCain Cemetery near Stapleton. Carpenter Memorial Chapel is in charge of arrangements. Governor’s Column Our First 100 Days By Governor Pete Ricketts April 21, 2015 The first 100 days of my administration have moved quickly as we have focused our priorities and resources on a single goal: Growing Nebraska. As I have said before, the key to growing our state for the next generation starts with creating jobs, lowering taxes, pushing back on regulation and expanding educational opportunities. To achieve these goals and objectives, we have spent the first days of my administration focused on hiring transformational and innovative leaders and building a budget that reflects the fiscal restraint we need to provide Nebraskans with the tax relief they need and deserve. We are building a great team. With the help of an executive search firm and the financial support of Nebraskans across our state, we were able to identify directors for key positions in the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Corrections, and the Department of Economic Development. These leaders are already making a difference. Here are just a few examples of the wonderful work my team has been doing these first few months: DHHS CEO Courtney Phillips announced with my office just last week a new transparency initiative that creates public performance metrics for ACCESSNebraska. The data will be updated online every month. This measure will help hold the program’s performance accountable not only to my office, but also to the people of Nebraska that this program serves. In the Department of Correctional Services, Director Scott Frakes is taking steps to upgrade software that calculates sentences to remove manual processes and reduce the probability of error in sentence calculations. Finally, Nebraska Department of Economic Development Director Brenda Hicks-Sorensen and Nebraska Department of Agriculture Director Greg Ibach are planning the first trade mission of my administration which will take us to the European Union in June to promote Nebraska business and agriculture. As a part of my budget recommendation, I put forward a plan to slow the growth of government and provide tax relief – the “3 percent plan.” If the Legislature holds the line on spending to around the 3 percent mark that I recommended in my budget while revenue continues to grow, the difference can provide tax relief to hardworking Nebraskans. Nebraska’s 2015 Business Tax Climate Index ranking by the Tax Foundation ranks us at 29th for competitiveness. If we plan to continue to create goodpaying jobs for the next generation and to stay competitive nationwide and globally long-term, our business tax climate must improve. I am pleased that the Appropriations Committee has adopted my recommendation to transfer an additional $60 million a year into the Property Tax Credit Relief Fund. This represents a nearly 43% increase and would bring the total transfer to the fund for the biennium to nearly $400 million. This is tax relief for all property owners in Nebraska. While the full Legislature must still consider this recommendation, this represents significant property tax relief if adopted. There are additional tax relief measures under consideration in the Legislature for which I continue to advocate, and there is still time for the Legislature to provide additional property tax relief this year. During these past few months, we made some exciting announcements. A few weeks ago, my office announced that Nebraska attained the lowest unemployment rate in the nation, and this month it dropped even further to 2.6%. Last week we revealed that Sheldon Station in Hallam, Nebraska, would become the first large utility to utilize hydrogen which will be provided by the first clean carbon black plant in the United States. This week, I joined leaders from the University of Nebraska to unveil Suji’s Korean Cuisine as the first international business to join Nebraska Innovation Campus. These stories are all great news for Nebraska and serve as evidence that our state is growing and vibrant. This is just the beginning of our quest to grow Nebraska. As we work together, I will continue to listen to your ideas on how we can grow our state. Please contact my office at 402-471-2244 or [email protected] v. I look forward to hearing from you! SELF-INKING RUBBER STAMPS Thousands of Impressions Without an Ink Pad! Order yours today at The Arnold Sentinel
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