Scientific Crossbow Test By Jon Teater D arton is celebrating its 65th year in the archery Crossbow industry, an amazing achievement even more notable because this is a family-owned business. Report: Several years back, I had a lengthy discussion with the design pioDarton Rebel neer and president of Darton, Rex Darlington. I remember how passionate Darlington was about Darton’s latest cross135 SS bow. He will not sway from his design goals to save money if By that JonheTeater quality may be compromised. All the parts procures go through vigorous testing. He expectsDarton his vendors to its meet is celebrating 65th year in the archery industry. quality standards that he himself sets and oversees in the With many businesses coming buying process. If parts do not meet and specifi they going cations, Darton has remained. are not accepted into the plant. Darlington’s philosophies Through many decades and economic changes in the United remain a staple of Darton’s success. States,line it is is the Rebel The latest offering in Darton’s crossbow scare to see Darton Rebel 135 SS 135 SS (referred to as the “Rebel” in the remainder of this family business Contact Info Darton Archery expect. Darton maintained the distance the article). Most Internet discussions describe this product as you may remain intact. MSRP: $949.99 Finish: bon Black For Darton, the Darton string travels from the static position to Car full draw as comas a game changer and an improvement over past Str ing Mater ial: BCY 450 Next G1 Vista Camo traditions of the Riser : Aluminum Muddy Gir l the design pared to some of the prior models by reframing models. The marketing material focuses on the Rebel’s past remain Cams: H igh Ener gy D uel Cam System reducing the rearward portion of the stock and barrel. lightweight, compact design. Such features are what ever-present in Darton Per for manceand at a Glance: Arrow Speed K.E. the cheek pad/rest isMomentum integrated into the rear of leadership considers to be essential. Tedtoday’s Harpham, national Additionally, 425 Grains 344.5 112.0 20.9 business. This the trigger housing, which diff traditional designs. sales manager at Darton, believes that if the company does 475 Grains 329.8 114.7ers from 22.3 is likely why the Grains 317.4 117.5 23.8 not listen to its customer base, it simply will not remain The pad is525 rubberized, supporting comfortable contact. company remains inwas such designed relevant. Harpham ensured that this product Other components, such as the fiberglass string supgood standing, and is well respected in the industry. with consumer input. pressors, lengthened scope rail, Sims Limbsaver technology, Several years back I had a lengthytrackless discussion with with design pioneer and president of Darton, Rex barrel design, patented barrel dampener, lightI cannot remember all the details of what we discussed, however, I do remember how passionate weight trigger design, limb alignment system and anti-dryIntroduction Darlington. Rex was about their latest crossbow. Rex stresses solid design concepts. He will not sway from his design fire safety, islow onquality. the list ofthat advertised that make the Darton, a Michigan based bow designer and manufactechniques to save money, potentially resulting in Parts he procures features go through vigorous testing. He expects meet quality standards that he himself sets and other overseescomponents in the buying intriguing. Further, several were turer, is gearing up this year to sell a large amount of his itsvendors lat- toRebel process. If parts do not meet specification, they are not accepted into the plant. Rex’s philosophies remain a est flagship crossbow offering: the Rebel 135 SS. The Rebel noted during my test that were not mentioned in the marketstaple of Darton’s success. is offered in a package or as a bare crossbow. Darton offers ing material. These include the soft touch stock, integrated The Th latest offering underdifDarton’srope crossbow line is the Rebel 135 SS (also forearm referred to as the Rebel in the cocking groove, model flange, ergonomic ribs two packages: the Hunter and Pro Hunter. e packages remainder of this article). Most of the internet discussions explain this product as being a game changer and and adjustable butt plate. fer based on the cocking mechanism. Each package can be improvement over past Darton models. The marketing material focuses on focuses on the Rebel’s lightweight, compact design. Such features are what considers to be essential design. InDarton my leadership initial conversations within this thelatest folks at Ted Darton, enhanced with several other accessories, giving consumers Harpham, National Sales Manager at Darton, believes that if they do notsells. listen to its customer base, they safety as they mentioned that safety Statements about a feeling of customization. simply will not remain relevant, and he ensures that this product was designed with the consumer input in a principal selling point do make me feel more at ease. In Darton has taken some prior design mind. concepts and improved them to create a superior crossbow. Darton did addition, Darton has a fine track record of producing reliTesting Background not create this crossbow with just looks in mind. The com- able products. Darton fans in my community do not have The Rebel went throughTh a standard and regimented performance test. focus of attributed these types of to tests is toquality failures often. Th isThe is likely the pany wanted a product that felt and performed better. e product determine, for a specified product, the performance characteristics. Additionally, the goal is to provide those standards at theinformation, Darton asplant. forsubjective one like to Rebel beats its predecessors in severalarchers areas.thatFirst, enjoy Darton shooting and/or hunting withemployed appropriate objective well as Isome see more than hearthishow products and last and was able to shave off an estimated 1 pound as for compared commentary, aiding in the purchase process. Withjust that said, evaluation is by noperform means conclusive. to last year’s models. Cutting over 10 percent of a product’s Darton assured me that the Rebel is one of its finest. mass is not an easy task. Darton took from the stock, barrel and trigger housing to produce the lightweight Rebel. Next, the stock length was reduced by several inches. As mentioned, this change supported a reduction in weight and also created a more compact, userfriendly design. The shortened stock did not give way to a reduced power stroke, 102 Apr15AT102-106T-R-V.indd 102 3/5/15 10:56 AM The crossbow dimensions/weights measured out of the box: that controlled any movement that might have been experienced Model Axle-toAxle-to-Axle Power Over all Mass Mass as draw-force curves were taken. Length W eight W eight (full dr aw) Str oke Axle The stored energy obtained from (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (including (without the draw-force curve was used scope)* scope)* in conjunction with speed meaDarton Rebel 135 SS 17.25 13.625 13.50 32.00 8.75 lbs 8.06 lbs surements to calculate dynamic efficiency. Speed per Inch of Power Stroke: Speed measurements The crossbow dimensions/weights measured out of the The Rebel went through a thorough inspection at the time of receipt. The review focused on string/cables, were taken with three projectiles. A Pact Chronograph XP box appear above. eccentrics, limb and limb pockets, rail, stock, butt plate, trigger housing, trigger and trigger guard. After an inCompetition Electronics Th e Rebel went through a thorough inspection at the depth review of the Rebel, I noticed several small imperfections. I noted aand few anicks on the cams, nicks on thePro-Chrono IR were set in tandem to record results. The average speed measurement time of receipt. Th e review focused on the string/cables, stirrup and some small scratches on the limbs. Overall, I would rate the Rebel average in the craftsmanship was divided by the power stroke to determine the speed per eccentrics, limb and limb pockets, rail, stock, butt plate, category. trigger housing, trigger and trigger guard. After an in-depth inch of power stroke. I wasreview able to of firethe theRebel, Rebel approximately 100 small times at my range off my Stable Table and Shooting Noise Output: Sound measurements were recorded I noticed several imperfections. I Caldwell® Bags.noted The product functioned during this segment of testing. notable issues or concerns the three projectiles. Thwith e measurements were averaged a few nicks on theproperly cams, some nicks on the stirrup and Nowith product were documented. noted minor wearIon the string serving, which normal of most and the issound meter wasproducts. set to take measurements with the some small scratchesI on thesome limbs. Overall, would rate the Please ensure proper (rail) lubricantcategory. is used in order to preserve the string. fiDarton sells a mimics product the human ear). A-weighted lter (which Rebel as that average in barrel the craftsmanship called RailI Slick designed your approximately Darton crossbow; please note mentioned product not Force measurements were Force: The was Trigger was that ableisto fire thefor Rebel 100 times at that theTrigger used my during this off After completing thisTable portion of the test, I continued to the objective testing. in pounds and averaged. An Imada Digital Force range Caldwell Stable and Shooting Bags. recorded The product functioned properly during this segment of Gauge was used to determine the peak Trigger Force. The crossbow is next evaluated on the five criteria outlined below: Precision Measurements: This provides an indication testing. No notable issues or concerns with the product were documented. I noted some minor wear on the string serv- of how close groups are shot together when shooting by Test Category Assessment ing, which is normal on mostProvides products. Please ensure that hand from a bench rest or other supportive device. Group an indication of the amount of energy output by a crossbow relative to the size wasAncalculated using extreme spread. proper Dbarrel lubricantenergy is used in order preserve ynamic(rail) Efficiency expended throughto drawing the crossbow back. assessment is made with multiplecalled projectile“Rail weights. the string. Darton sells a product Slick” that is Provides an indication of the amount of speed output by the crossbow over the designed this product was not used Testing Sp eedfor p er Darton inch o f Pocrossbows; wer distance from the full-draw position to the static brace height position. An Str o ke during this test. After completing thisis made portion of theprojectile test, I weights. The lab results of the Darton Rebel 135 SS demonstrated assessment with multiple continued to the objective testing. above average performance. The crossbow yielded almost Provides an indication of the noise output characteristics of a crossbow at the "point No ise Outp ut The crossbow was next blank" evaluated on the five criteria spotprojectile on speeds range utilizing a series of shots with multiple weights.with the numbers advertised. Further, a 400 outlined below with bold headings: grain arrow user should expect speeds over 350 feet per secan indication of the amount of force required to discharge a given Tr igger Fociency: r ce Dynamic Effi TheProvides dynamic effi ciency portion of ond (fps). The peak force measurements revealed numbers crossbow. the test utilized a Revere Load Cell controlled by a winch higher than the advertised measurements. However, those Provides an indication of how close groups aremeasurements shot together by shooting a completely out of line with what I device; thePrLoad werefrom not ecisio nCell Testconnected to the crossbow with a cockbench rest or other supportive device. ing aid. The crossbow was mounted in a shooting platform have measured from other companies; results over or under 3 to 4 percent of the peak weight may not be considered Force-Draw Curve Detailed Test Results out of conformance for some. An important measurement 200.0 that cannot be overlooked in this report is speed per inch Dynamic Efficiency: 175.0 of power stroke. The Rebel exhibits an average of just under 150.0 The dynamic efficiency portion of the test utilizes a Revere Load-Cell controlled by winch thepower load-cell 25afps perdevice; inch of stroke, which is impressive. A prior connects to125.0 the crossbow with a cocking aid. The crossbow is mounted in a shooting platform that controls any Darton product tested several years ago reached just over 22 movement that might be experiencedSTORED as Force-Draw curves are taken. The stored energy obtained from the ENERGY fps per inch of power stroke. When considering power, one 157.4speed lb-ft measurements to calculate dynamic efficiency. Force-Draw100.0 curve, is used in conjunction with must also evaluate effi ciency. Dynamic efficiency tends to ent 75.0 be what many engineers concentrate on. The results were Peak Force = 188.8 lbs 50.0 ent around what I would expect from this eccentric design and 25.0 limb combination. The unique draw-force curve displays ent 0.0 upfront loading of weight, a plateau and a steady decline. 0 3 5 8 10 13 What is interesting about this draw-force curve is that the Distance (inches) Rebel holds 50 pounds at full draw. This is unique in that the Force-Draw Curve crossbow reaches a high load and steadily declines toward 200.0 Performance Information the last portion of the drawing sequence; very few crossbows 175.0 hold this little amount of weight at full draw. Peak Fo r ce 188.8 lbs 150.0 The sound measurements were higher than I hoped but Sto r ed Ener gy 157.4 lb-ft not out of125.0 line. Other products I have tested over the years STORED ENERGY 157.4numbers, lb-ft happened100.0 to measure close to these so an average D ynamicW Efficiency 425 gr ains 71.2o f PS p er cent 75.0 eight Sp eed Per Inch p er Inch o f Po wer score is respectable. Darton tried to reduce noise/vibration Peak Force = 188.8 lbs 50.0 gr ains Str o ke (PS) with limb alignment features, a barrel dampener, string and D ynamic425 Efficiency 475 gr ains25.5 72.9 p er cent 25.0 limb dampeners and a soft touch stock. With the amount of 475 gr ains 24.4 D ynamic Efficiency 525 gr ains 74.7 p er cent 0.0 stored energy, high-energy output and8 reduction in product 525 gr ains 23.5 0 3 5 10 13 Distance (inches) Aver age 24.5 103 Po wer Str o ke Force (lbs) Force (lbs) Dimensions 13.5 inches Speed/ Performance Measurements: werstroke. Apr15AT102-106T-R-V.indd 103 3/4/15 7:42 PM 5 gr ains W eight 71.2 Peak cent (gr ains) shotp Foer r ce 5 gr ains 72.9Sto r edp Ener er1cent gy 425 Chr ono 1 2 74.7D ynamic p erEfficiency cent 5 gr ains 344.3 344.7 Chr ono 75.0 Force-Draw Curve W eight 157.4 lb-ft 175.0 (gr ains) Chr ono 1 Chr ono 2 2188.8 shot lbs Ar r ow W eight (gr ains) 343 157.4 25.0 343 0 3 344.5 475 gr ains 343 4 344.5 343 5 344.3 343 lb-ft 1 330.1 p er cent 3 74.7 329.7 2 71.2 72.9 475 5 8 3 330.0 Distance (inches) 4 33-.2 p er cent p er cent 5 shot Chr ono 1 Chr ono 2 150.0 Peak Force = 188.8 lbs 50.0 525 gr ains inches 200.0 100.0 425 gr ains 0.0 24.4 23.5 24.5 13.5 125.0 D ynamic Efficiency D ynamic Efficiency urements: 475 gr ains 525 gr ains Aver age Ar r ow Ar r ow Information STORED ENERGY Performance Information Speed lb-ft Force (lbs) 157.4 Force (lbs) e Speed measurements were taken with three projectiles. A Pact Chronograph XP and a Competition Electronics Pro-Chrono Force-Draw Curve IR are set in tandem to record 200.0 results. The Po wer Str o ke Information average speed measurement is175.0 divided by 188.8the powerstroke lbs to determine150.0 the speed per inch of powerstroke. 329.4 125.0 328 100.0 10 329 50.0 25.0 13 328 317.6 316 317.4 316 3 317.5 316 4 317.4 Peak Force = 188.8 lbs 329 0 525 STORED ENERGY 2157.4 lb-ft 329 75.0 0.0 1 3 5 5 8 Distance (inches) avg (fps) 10317.3 316 13 316 mentioned threshold. The Rebel’s design features supported these positive results. Those features will be discussed further in the article. In The Field The snow is at an alltime high in my area and Speed/ Performance Measurements: hunting season is over. This leaves me little to do but take a Sp eed Per Inch o f PS Sp eed p er Inch o f Po wer W eight scenic walk with Darton’s latest offering. I had done an aderoke: Sound Measurements 425 gr ains 25.5 Str o ke (PS) quate amount of shooting with the Rebel and felt it would Sp eed Per Inch o f PS Sp eed p er Inch o f Po wer W eight Speed per inch of Powerstroke: 475 gr ains W eight aken with 24.4 fare well in25.5 the field. I sat on a ridge overlooking a swamp. o ke (PS) 425 gr ains Str (gr ains) 425 475 525 gr ains 525 23.5 onograph XP Speed measurements were taken with 475 gr ains 24.4 I positioned one target 35 yards downrange. As I circled it, Par ameter Peak A -WAver eighted No ise 24.5 s Pro-Chrono three projectiles. A Pact Chronograph XP age 525 gr ains 23.5 1 96.6 95.8 94.4 I focused my scope toward my target, which was located d results. The and a Competition Aver age 24.5 Po werElectronics Str96.6 o ke Pro-Chrono inches 2 95.2 13.5 94.3 next to a set of hemlocks. I fired roughly 30 arrows while in is divided by IR are set in 3tandem to record The Po wer Str oNoise ke inches Output:13.5 96.5 results. 95.1 94.4 by the field. Fortunately, none missed and the practice setting e the speed peraverage inch ofspeed powerstroke. 4 measurement 96.4 is divided95.2 94.2 Sound measurements were recorded threeimage of what I experienced during the the powerstroke to determine speed inch of powerstroke. 5it can 96.3 95.0 94.2 overcome weight, be diffithe cult to per combat and noise/ proved to be awith mirror projectiles. The measurements were averaged 6 96.2 95.1 94.2 Speed Ar r ow Information Ar r ow vibration. precision shooting. Speed Information and the sound meter wasArset Ar94.2 r ow r owto take 7r ow 96.3 95.2 WAreight W eight We W W eight eight eight Th trigger is an important aspect of a crossbow. Th e Several key of the Rebel were apparent during measurements with the A-weighted filterfeatures (which 96.4 94.1 (gr8 (gr ains) Chr ono 2 shot ains) Chr ono 1 Chr ono 295.2 shot Chr ono 1 Chr ono 2 (gr ains) (gr ains) Chr ono 1 Chr ono 2 (gr ains) shot Chr ono 1 Chr ono 2 shot shot Chr ono 1 Chr ono 2 mimics human ear). 96.0 did not 95.2 94.2feature. Darton 9design team overlook this Thethe Rebel the field test. The crossbow seems rather compact. A cross343 11 10 475 328 96.3 94.2 344.3 343 95.2 475525 329.7 317.6 328 1 525 317.6 316 reaches a425peak329.7 weight of just over 31 1pounds. A lightweight316 bow can sometimes become an awkward object in the field. 343 22 330.1 329 316 344.7 343 2 2 330.1 317.4 329 2 317.4 316 trigger tends to get a great deal of interest from archers and Crossbow designs do not always lend themselves to be form Aver age 96.4 95.2 94.2 344.5 343 erent. Users 3 3 330.0 3 317.5 316 when carried, meaning they are usually not designed I suspect this will be no diff should consider 343 33 330.0 329 317.5 329 the316 fitting To tal Avg 95.3 4 344.5 343 4 33-.2 The 329 4 317.4 316 transported to and from the field. well enough to be easily trigger profi le, meaning the draw-force curve. trigger Max (dBA) 343 4 33-.2 329 4 317.4 316 5 a short distance 344.3 343 5 329.4 328 317.3 316 It has a compact design that makes Th5e Rebel is form fitting. stacks and the break point is very distinct 343 5 329.4 328 5 317.3 316 avg (fps) 344.5 343 avg (fps) 329.8 329 avg (fps) 317.4 316 A crisp329 releaseavg is (fps) a notable feature; 343 avgand (fps) rather crisp. 329.8 317.4Darton316 it easy to hold. For example, the distance from the pistol grip to the butt of the stock fits precisely in the crook of my foremust have worked intensely to create this trigger trait. The pre- arm. Such a feature allows an archer to effortlessly carry the cision results crossbow single-handedly. The pistol grip is designed to proSound Measurements indicate that vide further control. Its position at the center of the crossbow easurements W eight (gr ains) 425 475 525 the Rebel looks more forward than on most designs yet seems optimal. Par ameter Peak A -W eighted No ise shoots well. In The pistol style grip creates an ideal situation for the hand/ 475 525 1 96.6 95.8 94.4 finger and trigger relationship. As you move forward from one group, the k A -W eighted No ise 2 96.6 95.2 94.3 Noise Output: 3 96.5 95.1 94.4 95.8 94.4 extreme spread the grip, you will notice the trigger guard. The trigger guard 4 96.4 95.2 94.2 95.2 94.3 just exceeded were mounts the forearm. The balance point of the Sound measurements recordedjust withbehind three 5 96.3 95.0 94.2 Noise Output: 95.1 94.4 1 inch. I typicrossbow exists approximately between these components projectiles. The measurements were averaged 6 96.2 95.1 94.2 95.2 94.2 and the sound meter waswhen set to take 7 96.3 95.2 94.2 cally expect the crossbow is bare (without a scope). As you grip the Sound measurements were recorded with three 95.0 94.2 measurements with the A-weighted filter (which 8 96.4 95.2 94.1 results just at or forearm, the ribbed and fl anged design provides protection projectiles. The measurements were averaged 95.1 94.2 mimics the human ear). 9 96.0 95.2 94.2 and the sound set to takeunder inches. and fiaspect rm contact points. These features 95.2 94.2 The2trigger is an important of a crossbow. The Darton design team does provide not overlooklittle this to no 10 96.3 95.2meter was 94.2 The Rebel reaches a peak weight just over 3 lbs. A lightweight triggerfor tends to get many measurements with the A-weightedThe filterfeature. (which 95.2 94.1 overall opportunity forofslipping, which is a must aiming. looks from archers, and I suspect this will be no different. Users must should consider the trigger Aver age 96.4 95.2 mimics the human ear). 94.2 95.2 94.2 average for the forceOther noteworthy features seem to profile, meaning curve. The trigger stacks a short distance,might and the break pointautomatic is very 95.2 To94.2 tal Avg the Rebel was most butrelease wereis abenefi cial inDarton theand field. Themust auto-engaging distinct and rather crisp. A crisp notable feature, the design have worked 95.3 Max (dBA) create this trigger trait. well intensely undertothe safety, anti-dryfire components, telescopic sight (reticles 95.2 94.2 The precision results indicate that the Rebel shoots well. In below), one group, the extreme spread just groove shown integrated string exceeded 1 inch. I typically expect result just at or under 2 inches. Thespring overall average for the Rebel isand 95.3 and retention are essentials avg (fps) 344.5 343 avg (fps) 329.8 329 317.4 316 Space Saving Bow Displays e 24 Bow Display is made for shops with minimal showroom space. Stands 86 inches tall and displays your choice of compounds, longbows and recurves in a footprint just 26 inches square. Includes 12 bra brackets. We’ve also updated our 2 Bow Slat Wall Display. e 1” tubing on a 3” wall plate makes a rigid & stable base for brackets 7.5” wide & 10” long. 104 Apr15AT102-106T-R-V.indd 104 well under the mentioned threshold. The Rebel’s design features supported these positive results. Those features will be discussed further in the article. In The Field: The snow is at an all-time high in my area and hunting season is over. Which leaves me little to do but take a scenic walk with Darton’s latest offering. I had done an adequate amount of shooting with the Rebel, and felt the Rebel would fare well in the field. I sat on a ridge C.W. Erickson’s Mfg., LLC overlooking a swamp. P.O. Box 522 I positioned one target 35 yards down range. As I circled the target, I Buffalo, MN 55313 focused though my scope toward my target Ph: 763-682-3665 located to a set of hemlocks. I fired roughly Fax:next 763-682-4328 30 arrows while in the field. Fortunately, none missed, and the practice setting proved to be a mirror image of what I experienced during the precision shooting. Several key features of the Rebel presented itself during the field test. The crossbow seems rather compact. A crossbow can sometimes become an awkward object in the field. Crossbow designs do not always lend themselves to be form fitting while carrying, meaning designed well enough to be easily transported to and from the field. The Rebel is form fitting. It promotes a compact design that permits ergonomic holding features. For example, the distance between the pistol grip to the butt of 3/3/15 12:36 AM Shooting By H and Executioner Black Eagle Testing: 425.8 40 1.068 1.450 1.259 13 3.09 14 3.11 15age Aver Tr igger Pull 3.21 3.19 The lab results of the Darton Rebel 135 SS demonstrate above average performance. The product Projectile Precision Trigger Analysis produces almost spot on speeds with the numbers advertised. Further, a 400-grain arrow user should Ar r ow D istance Spr ead 1 Spr ead 2 Aver age Trigger Pull (lbs) expect speeds over over 450 Feet Per Model/ Second measurements reveal numbers W eightforce (yar (inches) (inches) (inches) Br(FPS). and ds) Trigger Force: The peak 1 3.08 2 3.36 higher than theShooting advertised measurements are 1.543 not completely by H measurements. and Executioner However, Black Eagle those 427.1 40 1.679 out-of1.611 The Trigger Force measurements were recorded in pounds and averaged. An 3 3.44 line with what I have measured from other companies, results plus or minus 3-4 percent of the peak ImadaBlack Digital Force Gauge is used to determine the peak Trigger Force. 1.259 Shooting By H and Executioner Eagle 425.8 40 1.068 1.450 4 3.17 weight may not be considered out of conformance for some. An important measurement that can not 5 3.17 6 3.24 be overlooked in the report is speed per inch of powerstroke. The worked without any malfunctions. The newest feature is the 7 3.21 Testing: Rebel exhibits an average of just under 25 FPS per inch of cheek rest. The location of this feature was not ideal for my 8 3.22 powerstroke,shooting which isstyle. impressive. A prior IDarton product tested Nevertheless, was able toSS adapt and did above so The lab results of the Darton Rebel 135 demonstrate average performance. The product 9 3.31 Precision Measurements: several yearsby ago reached just overforward 22 FPS per of moving thealmost scope on inch the weaver style produces spot on speeds withlengthy the numbers advertised. Further, a 400-grain arrow user should 10 3.14 powerstroke.rail. While considering power, one must also evaluate Provides indication of how Th close groups are shot together when shooting by Another adjustable feature is an the butt plate. eThe user expect speeds over over 450 Feet Per Second (FPS). peak force measurements reveal numbers 11 3.21 from amany bench or otherfeel supportive device. Extreme spread is the method efficiencies. can Dynamic tendsplate tohand beextenders what engineer add orefficiency remove forrest optimal and measurements higher than thestock advertised measurements. However, those are not completely out-of12 3.05 used to calculate group size. designers concentrate. The results aremeasured around what would expect results plus or minus 3-4 percent of the peak 13 comfort. 3.09 line with what I have from Iother companies, for this eccentricTh design and limbbe The unique forcee lastmay feature iscombination. an essential yet that 14 3.11 weight not considered out ofsomething conformance formay some. An important measurement that can not be overlooked during thereport buying process. e stirrup draw curve displays much upfront loading ofisweight, a Th plateau andon the 15age 3.21 be overlooked in the speed per inch of powerstroke. The Aver RebelRebel seems larger to predecessors for a steady decline. What is interesting aboutofdraw curve is the Tr igger Pull 3.19 exhibits ancompared average justitsunder 25 FPS Rebel perand, inch of matter, havehe tested. fieldtested holds 50 lbs.that at full draw. other This which isproducts unique inI that powerstroke, is impressive. Acrossbow priorDuring Darton the product test, I had bootstoward and I was to the bendimensions of the reaches a high load andlarge steadily the last ofProjectile drawing sequence; veryRebel few add to the touch and holding feaPrecision several yearswinter agodeclines reached just over 22able FPSportion persee inch ofthe efi ts of the latest design. A size 13 can be diffi cult to squeeze tures. Th e compact design D istance Spr ead 1 permits Spr ead 2 better Aver age maneuverability, crossbow hold this little amount of weight at fullpower, draw. one must also evaluateAr r ow powerstroke. While considering W eight (yar (inches) (inches) (inches) Model/ Br andthis ds) into aefficiencies. stirrup yet Dynamic this design easily accommodates boots an essential factor in the fi eld. Top all this off with a lighter efficiency tends to be what many engineer Shooting by H and Executioner Black Eagle 427.1 40 1.543 1.679 should 1.611 get something out large.designers are design and most if not all archers The sound measurements higher than I hoped, but not out of line. Other products I have tested concentrate. The results are around what I would expect of425.8 this latest 40 offering. over the years happen measuredesign close to these numbers, so an average is respectable. Darton Shooting By Hcombination. and Executioner Black Eagle score 1.068 1.450 1.259 for thistoeccentric and limb The unique forceHot Features Th e barrel dampener is another component that is simtries to reduce noise/vibration with limb features, barrel adampener, string and limb draw curve displays muchalignment upfront loading of weight, plateau and e Rebel has several features thatthe stood out during the ple and effective.output, Few companies incorporate homegrown dampeners and aTh touch stock. Although with amount ofcurve stored energy, high-energy asoft steady decline. What isTesting: interesting about draw is the Rebel testing. Its feel is the foremost selling point from my viewdampening components into the barrels, where energy typiand reduction in product it draw. can beThis difficult to combat overcome noise/vibration. holds 50 weight, lbs. at full is unique in thatand he crossbow point. Th e fl ared forearm and rear stock are comfortable cally resonates after the shot. Darton this feature to The lab results of the Darton Rebel SS demonstrate abovesequence; average performance. The product reaches a high load and steadily declines toward the last135 portion of the drawing very few designed and promote safety and control. Th e soft touch fi nish adds a reduce vibration and I believe it does just that. produces almost spot on speeds with the numbers advertised. Further, a 400-grain arrow user should crossbow hold this little amount of weight at full draw. little extra to the stock, making it feel great toover the 450 touch. Two other components stood outreveal during the testing. The expect speeds over FeetTh Pere Second (FPS). The peak force measurements numbers higher than thethan advertised measurements. thoseproducts measurements not completely out-ofThe sound measurements are higher I hoped, but not out ofHowever, line. Other I have are tested with what I have measured from other resultsisplus or minus 3-4 percent of the peak over the years happen toline measure close to these numbers, so ancompanies, average score respectable. Darton weight may bealignment consideredfeatures, out of conformance for some.string An important tries to reduce noise/vibration withnot limb barrel dampener, and limbmeasurement that can not be overlooked in the report is speed per inch of powerstroke. The dampeners and a soft touch stock. Although with the amount of stored energy, high-energy output, Rebel exhibits an average of just under 25 FPS per inch of and reduction in product weight, it can be difficult to combat and overcome noise/vibration. powerstroke, which is impressive. A prior Darton product tested several years ago reached just over 22 FPS per inch of powerstroke. While considering power, one must also evaluate efficiencies. Dynamic efficiency tends to be what many engineer designers concentrate. The results are around what I would expect for this eccentric design and limb combination. The unique forcedraw curve displays much upfront loading of weight, a plateau and a steady decline. What is interesting about draw curve is the Rebel holds 50 lbs. at full draw. This is unique in that he crossbow reaches a high load and steadily declines toward the last portion of the drawing sequence; very few crossbow hold this little amount of weight at full draw. The sound measurements are higher than I hoped, but not out of line. Other products I have tested over the years happen to measure close to these numbers, so an average score is respectable. Darton tries to reduce noise/vibration with limb alignment features, barrel dampener, string and limb dampeners and a soft touch stock. Although with the amount of stored energy, high-energy output, and reduction in product weight, it can be difficult to combat and overcome noise/vibration. 105 Apr15AT102-106T-R-V.indd 105 3/4/15 7:43 PM n and I believe it does just that. technology, trackless barrel design, patented barrel dampener, lightweight trigger design, limb alignment system, and anti-dry fire safety are the list of advertised features that make the Rebel intriguing. Further, bel trigger is improved from the prior several other components were noted during my test that were not mentioned in the marketing material, this s ideal and the manner thatinclude: the trigger the soft touch stock, integrated rope cocking groove, model forearm flange and ergonomic ribs and the archer. Many purchasing their first adjustable butt plate. ke this trigger.Rebel’s The final “hot” of the trigger is facet improved from those of the prior products my initial conversations the seems folks at ideal le when drawing. Let-off isInachieved by I tested several years ago. The trigger with weight Darton theyofmentioned safety I believe andweight. the manner in which the triggerthat stacks andsells. eventually orts less holding The results safety to be the foremost consideration in most, if releases creates little to no surprise for the archer. Many ximately 70 percent. One may not think not all, consumer products – especially purchasing their fi rst crossbow, as well as those with years of g holds the string. However, the energy crossbows. I cannot provide many comments on experience, should like this trigger. Th e fi nal “hot” facet of the in a treestand. And with a reduction in the Rebels safety. Nonetheless, boasting aboutto Rebel relates the archer let-off . Th e Rebel safety as Scorecard a principal selling point does make me ArrowTrade maller has let-off that is feel more at ease knowing this company stands d be he noise ources of of the on at the change for case, it perfect llenge. Evaluation Criteria Score noticeable when by what they are produce. In addition, Darton has Adjustability drawing. Let-off a fine tract record of producing reliable products. achieved Users in my community do notishave product by Craftsmanship the cams; failures often. Which is likely rotating attributable to the the string. However, the energy the archer utilizes to draw Design Integrity the mechania crossbow can be a lot, especially in a treestand. With a mentioned quality standards employed at the Features cal advantage reduction draw weight toward the latter halfme of the plant. I for one like to see, more than just hear, how productsin perform and last and Darton assures thatdrawproduced suping sequence, the archer is less apt to strain himor herself. the Rebel is one of its finest. Performance ports less hold- In the field, this means a smaller chance of injury and less Sound ing weight. The time required to cock the crossbow. results of the test Trigger demonstrated Suggestions Vibration Note: The ratings are based on the following color codes: Blue = exceptional, Green = above average, Light Green = average, Yellow = marginal, Red = unacceptable that the Rebel achieves let-off of approximately 70 percent. One may not think this feature is important because a latch in the trigger housing holds I noted one feature that did not make the hot list and should be evaluated by Darton. I have already spoken indepth about the noise and vibration of the Rebel. It is not always easy to remedy sources of vibration. I can determine that some vibration is the result of the trigger components and scope mount. Trying to stop vibration at the source is always the goal. Reducing crossbow mass has both positive and negative aspects. In this case, it may have had a negative effect on noise and vibration. Finding the perfect balance can be difficult but I am sure Darton and its chief designer are up to the challenge. Conclusion Darton is receiving a great deal of positive feedback from the Archery Trade Show and Internet forums. Those that bleed Darton red continue to follow Darlington and his team as this company continues into its 65th year. Darton’s leadership has a lot to say about the Rebel. Harpham believes the Rebel 135 SS is a top-of-the-line crossbow. In fact, he thinks it is one of Darton’s best crossbows ever. The ratings in the ArrowTrade scorecard are reflective of my opinion of the performance and features of the Rebel Overview: 135 SS. Many of the categories evaluated received an “averDarton is receiving a great deal of positive feedback from the Archery Show and internet forumsrating, as well as one “exceptional” age”Trade or “above average” that I prescribe. Those that bleed Darton red continue to follow Rex and his team as this company score, proving this crossbow to be a respectable product. the Rebel. Ted Harpham continues into its 65th year. Darton’s leadership has a lot to say about believes the Rebel 135 SS is a top-of-the-line crossbow. In fact, he thinks it isthe one selling of the Darton’s best. consider highlighting the trigger, During process Being the best is in the eyes of those that use and test this latest product. The users of Darton compact features when you discuss this crossbows continue to voice their opinions, and the Rebel is a product of thosedesign messages. and Those safety that buy in, are recruited in or just remain over the lineage of Dartoncrossbow will likely reactwith positiveatocustomer. a company that is attentive and considerate of what consumers want and need in a product. And I suspect that A special thanks to Caldwell Shooting Supplies for proDarton believes that listening to its consumers will continue to create innovation, change and ideas that the design team can use for years. viding high definition targets and a sturdy shooting table thaton was unyielding during testing. Caldwell is a proven The ratings in the ArrowTrade scorecard are reflective of my opinion the performance and features of Rebel 135 SS. Many of the categories evaluated received an average or above rating, as industry, producing top-of-the-line supplier to average the outdoor well as one exceptional score, proving this crossbow to be a respectable product. When trying to make shooting supplies. a sale with this crossbow consider the trigger, compact design and safety features. r f . d n o l b e l inp e r c . w w w two ly n o es e n h i t z r a e v g o c a s m “Di archeryce !” n a r F onths n i g n i every 3 m than t rs e d a exis re n 25 000 y) : More a to Caldwell rcher Supplies for providing high A: special More ththanks re aShooting leisausturdy d and nting) definition n u a h il : unyielding D w targets 3 o mawas , b t ( e y e-that btable arg testing. Caldwell is oneeshooting s n > CHARC Magazine (Tduring io t of the foremost companies in the s u rc r any q top ofpthe m.comsupplies. Foproducing onths industry, o line shooting c y > Tir à l’A ers every 3 moutdoor h a r g d 30 000 rea claubard@ 106 pub_charc_tam90x125.indd 1 Apr15AT102-106T-R-V.indd 106 31/12/13 15:55 3/4/15 7:46 PM
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