AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONS INSURANCE (AGIEI) PROGRAMME APPLICATION FOR FUNDING 2015-16 CONFIDENTIAL WHEN COMPLETED PLEASE READ THE PROGRAMME GUIDELINES BEFORE COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION FORM. 1 APPLICATION Please read the Australian Government International Exhibition Insurance (AGIEI) Programme guidelines before completing this application form and ensure the exhibition for which funding is being sought meets the eligibility requirements detailed in those guidelines. Please note that the programme guidelines have been revised and include changes to eligibility requirements. APPLICATION PROCESS The application process for funding under AGIEI is in two-stages. Stage 1 requires applicants to complete and submit Part 1 as an Initial Application. Stage 2 requires organisations which have received written notification of in-principle support for the exhibition proposed in the Initial Application to submit an updated Part 1 and a completed Part 2 as a Final Application no later than 60 business days prior to the commencement of that Exhibition. Please ensure a completed Application Checklist and Certification are submitted at both application stages. This form is to be used for both Stage 1 and Stage 2 Applications. Applicants should tick the relevant box below to indicate whether they are providing an initial or final application. This is an Initial Application and contains Part 1 only. Do not complete Part 2 at this stage. This is a Final Application and contains Part 1 and Part 2. If successful, the Final Application will form part of the Agreement. CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS Initial Applications: 1 April 2015 for Exhibitions commencing on or after 1 January 2016. Final Applications: No later than 60 business days prior to the commencement of the exhibition. 2 APPLICATION CHECKLIST Legal name of organisation: Confirm you have provided the following documents: Original Application with signed Certification (mandatory) Yes No Electronic copy of the Application (mandatory) Yes No Most recent Organisations Annual Report (mandatory) Yes No Exhibition content lists and value of loans (mandatory) Yes No Exhibition risk management plan (optional) Yes No Insurance premium quotes (mandatory) Yes No Exhibition budget attachments (mandatory) Yes No 5 year forward schedule (mandatory) Yes No SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION By Email: [email protected] By Post: Programme Officer AGIEI Programme Ministry for the Arts Attorney-General’s Department 3-5 National Circuit BARTON ACT 2600 By Hand: Programme Officer AGIEI Programme Ministry for the Arts Attorney-General’s Department 4 National Circuit BARTON ACT 2600 For further information please go to 3 EMAILED APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE FOLLOWED BY A SIGNED HARD COPY WITHIN 3 WORKING DAYS. CERTIFICATION I consent to all information and material in this Application, and any other information provided for the purposes of this Application, being used by the Australian Government represented by the Ministry for the Arts in seeking additional advice from state/territory governments and other relevant agencies and organisations. The Ministry for the Arts may also use the information to provide the Minister and State and Territory governments with advice on the general administration of the Programme. I understand that this Application may not be accepted if it is not received by the specified closing time and date, or if it is not provided in the correct format. I agree that: • I have read the Australian Government International Exhibitions Insurance Programme Guidelines and certify that my organisation meets the eligibility requirements detailed in those Guidelines; • I have answered all the questions in the Application and provided any applicable supporting material; • all details provided in this Application are true and correct; • the information in the Application and other support material is not misleading or deceptive; • the Application has been submitted with the full knowledge and agreement of the management of the applicant organisation; • I will inform the Ministry for the Arts immediately if I suspect or know that any of the assurances (however described) contained in this statement or in the Application are not, or are no longer, correct; • I am authorised to sign the Application on behalf of the organisation; • my organisation may be required to repay any funding which is not expended in accordance with the Funding Agreement and for the purposes for which it is provided; • I understand that the Australian Government will rely on the information provided in this Application; • I understand that under section 137.1 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) giving false or misleading information is a serious offence; 4 • I understand that if the Minister, or their delegate, gives in-principle approval for funding for this Exhibition, the organisation must, not later than 60 business days prior to the commencement of the Exhibition, submit a Final Application for funding and that the Exhibition must continue to meet the Programme Guidelines to qualify for further funding consideration. I understand that in-principle approval does not guarantee that funding will be granted for the Application; and • I acknowledge that my organisation may NOT be eligible for AGIEI Programme funding if the details contained in the Final Application differ substantially from those contained in the Initial Application ……………………………………………………… Signature Date Please print name Position in institution: 5 PART 1 – INITIAL APPLICATION PART 1 – QUESTION 1: APPLICANT DETAILS Organisation Legal name of organisation: Trading name, if applicable: Australian Business Number (ABN): Australian Company Number (ACN): GST registered: Address Street number and name: Suburb/ city: State / territory: Postcode: Mailing address, if different from above: Applicant representative (should be the Director, CEO or equivalent) Title: First Name: Surname: Position in organisation: Telephone, including area code: Email: Primary AGIEI contact Title: First Name: Surname: Position in organisation: Telephone, including area code: 6 Email: PART 1 – QUESTION 2: ORGANISATION CATEGORY Funding is available to Commonwealth, State and Territory Government Collecting Institutions, incorporated not-for-profit Australian collecting organisations, and incorporated not-for-profit organisations specialising in touring international art and/or collection exhibitions. Please indicate which of the following categories your organisations falls into. It is mandatory to provide the Incorporation Number and/or the legislation under which your organisation is established. Incorporated under an Associations Incorporation Act of a State or Territory Incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) as a not-for-profit company Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander corporation University Commonwealth Government body State Government body Territory Government body Local Government body established in accordance with a Local Government Act of a State Other incorporated body, please specify below Type of incorporated body: Incorporation number: Legislation: 7 PART 1 – QUESTION 3: PROPOSED EXHIBITION INFORMATION Note: All amounts are to be provided in Australian dollars. Proposed exhibition title Exhibition type (fine art or museological) Total value of works in the exhibition Note the value thresholds for fine art and museological exhibitions. Total cost of insurance premium Insurance period (dd/mm/yy – dd/mm/yy) Requested amount of funding from AGIEI If you are not requesting the full insurance costs from AGIEI, please detail other funding sources. Is there an indemnity programme (however described) operating in your state/territory? If yes, is this exhibition eligible for funding under that scheme? Please provide details on whether you have applied for funding and if you have been successful in receiving funding support? Is there an indemnity programme operating in any State/Territory other than your own to which your exhibition will be touring? If so, please provide details. If there is an indemnity programme in your State/Territory and you wish to apply for AGIEI funding because you believe there are exceptional circumstances, please describe them here. Supporting material can be supplied as an attachment. 8 9 Please label all attachments with the relevant question number and indicate its attachment by ticking the box provided. PART 1 – QUESTION 4: CONTENT OF EXHIBITION AND VALUE OF LOANS As an attachment, please provide a proposed list of works for the exhibition, including details of the artist, title, medium, name of the lending institution, valuation, and any special conditions that are attached to the loans. Exhibition content list attached PART 1 – QUESTION 5: FIVE YEAR FORWARD SCHEDULE In an attachment, please submit a five-year forward schedule of your organisation’s planned exhibitions for which AGIEI funding may be sought. Five-year forward schedule attached PART 1 – QUESTION 6: ANNUAL REPORT Please provide a copy of your organisation’s most recent Annual Report. Annual Report attached PART 1 – QUESTION 7: SELECTION CRITERIA You should address all the selection criteria listed in the programme guidelines. Please keep your responses concise – approximately 200 words per criterion. 7.1 EXHIBITION DESCRIPTION AND BENEFITS Please provide a summary of the proposed exhibition for which funding is sought and discuss how exhibiting this cultural material will be of benefit to the Australian public. Your response should address your curatorial rationale, content of the exhibition, cultural significance, and any other relevant factors. 10 7.2 AUDIENCE ACCESS How will this exhibition appeal to and attract audiences? 7.3 AUDIENCE ACCESS LIMITING FACTORS If there are any aspects of the exhibition that may limit broad public access or otherwise prevent or discourage potential visitors from attending the exhibition (e.g. culturally sensitive material or material that may be considered inappropriate by some audiences), please provide details and indicate how this will be communicated to potential audiences. 7.4 PROPOSED ITINERARY Please provide your proposed itinerary for the exhibition and details of all proposed venues. Potential State or Venue Opening date Territory Closing date audience numbers 11 7.5 EXHIBITION MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE Please briefly describe two recent high value exhibitions developed by your organisation including at least one example of a touring exhibition and address both the development and touring aspects of that exhibition. 7.6 RISK MANAGEMENT Please provide details of your Risk Management Plan for the exhibition, or provide in an attachment. 12 7.7 INSURANCE You should ensure that your insurance estimate is based on a quote from an insurance provider and provides value for money. Where the broking services of the Australian Government broker are not used, the Ministry for the Arts may seek an independent quote for comparison. At the ‘in-principle approval’ stage, it may not be possible for your organisation to provide a firm quotation for the insurance premium. However, you will need to provide the most accurate estimate possible and explain the basis for the amount of funding requested. Note that where you seek funding for both static and transit insurance costs, your quotation should outline each cost and each venue separately. Attach details of all insurance quotes obtained including the one selected. A minimum of two quotes should be provided. Insurance quotes attached 7.8 BUDGET Please provide a copy of the exhibition budget as an attachment. The budget must be itemised to clearly indicate the insurance costs. It must also detail, if applicable, the amount of funding expected from other sourced, including State/Territory indemnity schemes, for meeting the cost of insurance. Budget details attached 7.9 DUTY OF DISCLOSURE Please provide details of any factors that you know about but that you have not told us that may impact on our decision to provide you with funding. 13 PART 2 – FINAL APPLICATION Only to be completed if applicant has been advised in writing of in-principle support. The Final Application is to be submitted at least 60 business days before the exhibition is due to commence. The Final Application requires you to resubmit an updated Part 1 and a completed Part 2, detailing where circumstances and/or figures have changed since the Initial Application. The proposed exhibition must continue to meet the AGIEI Programme guidelines to remain eligible for funding. Have there been any changes since the Initial Application? Yes No All changes must be reflected in Part 1 of this application. If you answered yes, please indicate what areas changed below and provide a summary of those changes in the space provided below: General exhibition information Content of exhibition and value of loans Exhibition description and benefits Audience access Audience access limiting factors Exhibition itinerary Risk management Insurance Budget Duty of disclosure Please provide a summary of the changes. 14 15
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