3LfL DEPARTIY ENT OF POSTS INDIA OFFICE OF CHIEF POSTI,IASTER GENERAL, U.P. CIRCLE, LUCKNOW.226OO1 No. Rectt/M-1zlPM-MG & MTSIDR/2013l6 dated at Lucknow, 30-05-2015 CORRIGENDUM In the notification issued vide this office No. Rectt/M-12/PM-MG & MTS/ DR/ 207316 dated 14 /15-05-2015 , the paraB.l 0l at page 5 sho uld be read as under: "After successful Registration, the Application Form of applicant with all details filled by him/her alongwith Unique Registration Number (URN) will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen. The applicant will have to take a print out of his/her Application Form by cticking on print button. The applicant can login again with Unique Registration Number and Date of Birth for taking print out of Challan Form and other purpose. The applicant has to generate the Challan Form in triplicate to enable him to pay t}le fee " l\lS 46.1 Y f Himant(u K/mar [4ishra I Asstt. Director (RecttJ t4 /- Notification No. Rectt/M-12/PM-MG & MTS/DR/ZOI3/6 dated at Lucknowthe, 14.05.2015 V Applications are invited from the desirous and eligible applicants and residents of lndia to fill up the posts of Postman, Mail Guard and Multi Tasking Staff (MTSI in the postal units, RMS units and Adminishative Units il1 Uttar Pradesh Circle as per details given in Schedu]e 'A'. 2. Appointed candidates on such posts shall be governed under New pension Scheme which is applicable at present. 3. Name of post, Age Name ofPost Postman and Meil Guard limit and Age Pay Band and crade Pay of each post:- Limit and relaxation Between 18-27 years on date 30-06-2015 [Relaxable for candidates belonging to SC/ST up to 5 years, for candidates belonging to OBC up to 3 years and for Government Servants up to 40 years in accordance with the instructions issued by the Government of India from time to time). Multi Tasking 78-27 years on date 30-06-2015 Staff(MTS) [Relaxable for Government Setuants [Administrative upto 35 years, for SC/ST candidates Officel AND upto 5 years and for candidates Multi Tasking belonging to OBC upto 3 years in Staff[MTS) accordance with the instructions (Subordinate issued by the Government of India Officel from time to timeJ. Pay Band and Grade Pav PB-1, Pay scale: Rs. 5200-20200 + crade PayRs.2000/- PB-1Pay scale: Rs. 5200-20200 + crade pay- Classification Ceneral Central Setuice Group 'C' INon-Gazetted Ministeriall General Central Service Group 'C' (Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial) Rs.1B00/- 3.7 Upper age,limit fo. persons with disabilities shall be relaxabte by 10 years for Gene.ai category candidates, 15 years for SC/ST and 13 years for OBC candidates. 3.2 Upper age limit for Ex-Servicemen shall be relaxable by 3 years B yea.s in the case of I disabled Defence Services Pe.sonnel belonging to SC/ST I aft;r deduction of service rendered in Military fnot less than 6 months continuous service] from the actual age as on crucial date for reckoning of age Iimit. 3.3 .C rLr,cia I date for reckoning of age limit:_ The crucial date for determining the agc-iimit prcscribed shall be 30-06-201S. 4. NumberofVacancies:Name ofPosts st. No Total Vacancy Postman Mail Guard MTS 1 2 3 /eltical UR Horizontal ReserEtion Re servation sc ST oBc 97 10 111 PH.I fBlLV) PH.II [HH] PH.III roA/oLt 6 6 MTS SM 602 390 20 '12 L 0 7 6 0 2a 3 1 10 0 0 0 0 42 0 3 268 14a 40 9 77 2 3 2 26 [Administrativ e Officel 4 Ex [Subordinate Officel L [UR" Unreserved, SC-Scheduled Caste, ST-scheduled Tribe, OBC_Other Backward Class, PH- Physically Handicapped, B-BIind, LV-Low Vision, HH_Hearing Handicapped, OA_One Arm, OL-One Leg, Ex SM-Ex Serviceman] Nole - 1. 2. Unit wise details ofvacancics are given in annexed Schedule A. Number of Vacancics may change without prior intimation and wjthout assigning any reason. 3. The vacancies of Ex,serviceman alld physically handicapped vr'ill be adjusted in the releyant categories i.e OC, SC, ST and OBC as ihe case may be in view of category of selected candidates. 4. The candidates belonging to OBC category should be in possession ofcaste certificate in fo^rmat-p,rescdbed vide G.t. Dept. of per. & Trg OM No. iOO:O7Z7ZOf:-e.ttJReSy a"t"a 30-05-2014 [format annexeci in Annexure Scheduie-C] isiued by the-Competent Authority for employmcnt under Central Govemment. 5. The candidates belonging to SC/ST category should be in posscssion ofcaste certjficate in fcrmat as p.escribed in M.H.A., OM No. 42/21/4g-N.G.S, dated 2B_01-1952 as jr Dcpt. of Per. & A.R.. tctter no.3601,2/6/76_Estt[S.C.T.), dated 29-10,1977 revised Lfotmat allnexed ix Annexure Schedulc-DJ issued by the Compete;t Authority for employmeni under Centml Government. 6. The applicant can avail relaxation on for the predomina[t disability. The applicant should be in possession of Original Medical Certificate for the same in the f.ormat presc bed in DopT OM No.3603S/3/2004-Estt[RES] dated 2\_72_ZOOS (format annexed in Annexure Schedule-E] issued by the Compe6nt Medical Authorities for the purpose of crnployment. 5. Categories of aoplicants eligible to claim PH Relaxations/Concessions:1. Blindness [B). Blindness'refers to a condition where a perso[ suffers from dny olrhe following condi(ions, namely:- (A) [a) tbl kl 2, total absence ofsight; or visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (snellen) in the better eye with correcting I enses; or limitation ofthe field ofvision subtending an angle of 20 degree or worse; Low Vision (Ly): "Pe.son with low vision" means a person with impairment ofvisual functioning even after treatment or standard refractive correction bllt who uses or is potentially capable of using vision for the planning or execution ofa laskwith appropriate assistive der/ice. (B) Hearing Impairment (HH): "Hearing lmpairment" means loss of Sixq, decibels or more in the better ear in the conversational range offrequencies . (C) (i) Locomotor Disalrility - " Locotnotor disability" means disability of the bones, jcints or muscles leading to substantial restriction of the movement of the limbs or any form of cerebral p alsy. (ii) Cerebral palsy " Cerebral palsy" means a group of non-progressivc conditions of a person charactel'ized by abnormal motor control posture resulting from brain insult or injuries occut'ring in the paaental, perinatal or infantperiod of development. [iii) A1] the cases of orthopedically handicapped persons would be covered under the category of"Locolnotor disability or Cerebral palsy". Only such persons would be eligilrle for reservation for these posts who suffer from not less lhan 4Oo/o of relevant disability. Categories of Orthopedically Impaired applicants suitable for the posts are as under: 1. One Arrn affected (OA) 2. One Leg affected {OL) 6. 7. Disoualification:- \o pcr.on.(a)Who has entered into or contracted a mariage with a person ha\ring a spouse ljving; or (b)Who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a mariage with any person. Shall t e eligibie for appointment to the said posts; Provided that thc Central Governinent may, if satisfied that such mar age is permissible under the peGonal 1aw applicable to such person and the other palty to the ma iage and thcre are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation ofthis rule. Educational Oualifi cation- (D (ii) (iii) EgLPg!!figtrMatticulation from (iv) For MTS in PO a recognized board or Universi(y. For Mail Guord -Mar.iculdiion o:" equivalenr trom a recognized Board or lJnivcrsity. For MTS in Administrative Otrices:- Matriculation or equivalcnl or ITI fiom recognized Boalds. & recognized BoarCs. RMS offices (Subordinate Officel:- Matriculation or ITI from 8. How to applv:- The Applicant can apply through online Mode o. Offline Mode. 8,1 Online Mode:- a) The applicanl has to visit tha link of "Postman/Mailguard/MTs Recruitment Examination2015, U.P. Circle" available on website www.indiapost.gov,in through intemet enabled worktation or perscnal computer or laptop. The Online registration will commencc by 16.00 hrs on 01-06-2015 and close by 23.59 hrs on 30-06-2015. bl The applicant has to read the Notification, Instructions to Candidates, Vacancy position, FAQ ca.efuliy befc,re filling up the application form. cl The applicant has io select any offollowing Options as per requirement - APPLICATIOI'I FORM FOR POS'I'MAN/MAIL GUARD APPLICATION FORM FOR MTS (ADMINISTRT{TIVE OFFICES)/MTS ISUB ORDINATE OFFICESI d) The applicant shall submit ody one application either for thc Post of Postman or for the post of Mailguard, ;rs the Aptitude Test for the post of Postman and Mailguard wjil be heid at the same datc and time. Hence, a candidate can appear in aptitude test either for the post of Postman or for the post of l,,lailguard. el The applicant shall submit oDly one application either for the Post of MTS [Administrative Officel oI For the Post of MTS fsubordinate office), as The Aptitrlde test for the post of MTS [Administrative Office] and l,4TS [Subordinate Office) will be held at the same date and time [which will be held on separate date fixed for aptitude test for the post of Postman/Mailguard]. Hencc, a candidate can appcar in aptitude test either for the post of MTS [Administrative 0ffice) or for the post of MTS (Subordinate 0ffice]. f) The applicant has to keep ready follor,ving item during filling ofthe Online Application Form: [i) The scanned image of photograph and signature in format in specified f]le size as menlioned in (he insltrrc"o r5 [ii) Matriculation/Equivalent to Mat culation/lTI Mark List. Applicants should fill details/inpur in the online application at the appropriate place very carefully and click on "slbmjt button" at the end of registration of online application form. Beforc pressingthe "subrrit button" applicants are advised to verify correctness ofevery field/ input mentioned in thc appli.atjon. Name oftlie applican! name ofhis/her father etc should be spelt couecdy in the applicaiion as it so appcars in the mariculation ceftificatc/mark sheet. No changes will be allo\.ved after submission of online application form. Any changes/alterarion lbuod./aet-^cteC later on may lead to his disqualification ofcandidature. g.) hl The applicani is tuliher advised to fill in thc on-line appljcation form in one go and save the data. The applicant can edit the paticriiars needed before final submission of the application foim. 0nce the appiication is filled completely, the applicant should submit the data. i] Thc applicants may note that particulars mentioned in the online application will bc considered as final and no change/alteration/modification will be allowed/entertained after submission ofthe online application under any circumstances. Aher succcscful registrarjon, a provisional Unique Registration Number (URN) Csj.n&".d.!- f il be Benerarcd by lhe system and displayed on thc screen, The applicants will be inlormed .a^rYdt I I I will Lhe L I I Rc8istrrllon number throuBh SMS on the given ]\4obilc number in thc applicarion and by I sending e-Mril onhise-M.ril Addrpss providcd bv him/her. The applicant has ro generatc thc I " Challan in triplicare ro enablo him to pay rhc tee. J p Applicant has to take ntout ofthe system generated fee payment Challan. The has to retain a copy ofthis Challan for future reference. kJ applicart l) Mode ofPayr4ent: The Fees are payable in cash in identified posr Offices of U.p Circle lthe list of identified post offices is available in Schedule ,B,) having . e-payment facility as under_ Name of PosLs Postman/Mail Guard Multi Tasking staff (MrS) (Administrative OffrceJ / Multi Tasking Staff [MTS) [Subordinate Ofl'icel Categoryof Registration candidates Fee Candidatcs belongirlgto 100 SC/ST/PII/Woman Cardidates belonging to OC and oBc Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PHlwoman Candidates belonging to 100 Examination Total Fee Fee 'I00 400 100 100 500 100 400 500 OC and OBC . Apnlicarts belonging to Scheduled Castes/Schedulecl Tribes/physically Handicapped/Women are exempted from payment of Examination Fee ofRs.400/_. -r-n) n) _ _OC/OBC candidates will deposit Rs.S00/- and will receive one e_payment receipt of Xs.500/- from the post office. In the same way Scheduled Castes/Schedul;d Tribes/Physically Handicapped/Woman candidares will deposit Rs. 100/- and will receive one e-Payment receipt of Rs. 100/- from the post oifice. The candidate must check that registration number shoirm in his Challan F;rm is same as mentioned in ePaJment receipt received by him. o) The registered applicant should pay the required fee through system gererated Challan 2015. The applicants have to appro;ch ;dentified post Offices of U.P. Circle, having e-payment facility fthe Iist of identified po;i ofnces is available in Schedule 'B') duing working hours and to produce Fee payment Ciallan printed by him / her & to pay the FEE in CASH (INR) only. In case of non-payment of fee, the application registered will not.be considered for frrrther process. The applicants are advised to keep a copy of fee Challan, receipt issued by the post Office and application, for future reference. . onl, onor before 3.d ofJuiy, p] q) Ccst/Fees oilce paid shali not be refunded under any circumstances. The Applicants aire adxlse.i not to enciose/upload copies of any certificates/documents except images of his/her pilotograph ard signature. r) The application t'egistered online will be treated as Provisional and rhc selectionfappoiniment js subje.t to Verification ofrcspective Original Certificates/Documents. The Applic;rnt has to furnish e .leclaration to the effect that all statements/inputs furnished by him/her are true, ccmplete and .orrect to best of his/her knowledge and they will be supportcd by the o ginal Co.ruments/tcsiimonials as and when required/dernanded. In case any false, incorrect inlormation fbund/detected at any stage, his/her candidature,/appointnient (/i1l be summarily rejected/terminated. It is mandatory fbr thc applicalt to f icl( the Check Box about this DECLAMTION at the time of registratiofl of the Application form and beforc saving and uploading the application. sJ Closing Date for Registration of Application: The registration of Onlil1e application 2:J;59 hours or 30./06/2015. will closc by Offline Mode:The applicant shall ourrhase OMR Appiication Form Kit from nearest identified post office in Uttar Pradesh Circle (the list of identified post offices is ava:iable in Schedule aJ ,B, b) The oMR Applicatiorr Form Kit !r,iil be sold in identified Post Offices of U.p. Circlc from 0:l -06-2015 to 30-06-2015. c) Cost of OMR,Applicatiofl Name cf I'orm Kitand f,xamination Fee:- Catego rv olcandidates P0sts Postman /l,1ail .ilrrrr Multj Taskine t- aanrlidarcs idates belonging belc to 100 5t rllllll_1\\ /ST/Pi{/Woman jLiates belonging ro 10c ir,..r Staff Examination Total Fee 100 400 500 OC and OBC Cancj idates belonging io o{rsl L l! /sT/PH/woman (Adm:ni!tj'.itrve idar.5 to Offi.el / riulri Taskina sraff(M?Sl] (Subordrnate i cost ofoMR Application Form Kit 'l.rnd belonging 100 100 100 400 500 GC and OBC d) The appiicant has ta deposir cost of OMR Application Form Kit i.e Rs.100/- [For all candidatesl and exanlinaiicIi fee i.E. Rs.400/-[Fot OC/OBC candidatcs only] through e'payment at identified post ofiice in Uttar Pradesh Circle to purchase the OMR Application Irorm KIT. ApDiicanrs trclorEjrlg to categorics Schedu]ed Castes/Scheduled Tribes/physicaliy HandicapDedi'Wonan are cxernpted fronl payment of Examination Fee of Rs.400/-. e) OClOtsC candidates wilt deposit Rs.500/- and will receive one e-payment receipt of Rs,500l- lror1l the post office. In the same way Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Physically fiandicapped/Woman candidates will deposit Rs. 100/- and will receive one e-Payment receipt of Rs. 100/- from the post office. The candidate must check that OMR Application Form Kit rumber printed on his OMR Form is same as mentioned in e"PaymeDt Eeceipt received byhim- I The cost ofihe (it a1ld elamioation fee paici through any other mode, except through e payment at i.lertified post office in Uilar Pradesh Ciacle, will not be accepted and such applications shall be sunfiarily rejected. 0riginal e-Paymcnt Receipt shail be sent along with OMR ApplicatioD Form. g) h ) Cost/F.e orce paid shall itot be refunded under any circumstances. OMR /-pplicaiion Fot n Kit contains one OM R Application form, information booklet and one addressed envelope. il Application Forns should be filled by the candidate as per guidelines given in the information llLroklet. j) Plotccopy of CMR Application Fo.m or photo copy of e-payment receipt wiil not be accepted. k) Thc applicants shouicl note that the particulars mentioned in the OMR Form will bc considered as Final 2nd no .hange/alteraticn/modification will be allowed/enteftained after submission oithe OMR forin LlnCer arry circumstances. l) The applicants arc adt/tsed not to enclose copies of any certificates/documents with the OMR Form ex.rept receipl of e,paymeni in original. m) OMR ApplicatioE Fornls received with blank column No. 21 i.e. Rcceipt No. of c-payment/ Forms reccivcd without e'Fayment Receipt / Wrongly Filled Forms / Unfilled or partially filled Forms and Foims witho,ri: Signatures ofApplicant shall be summarily rejected. n) The applicant should keep photocopy of completely filled OMR Application Form along with OMR Application Fcrr Ir"umber, phorocopy ol e-payment Reccipt, received from the posi officc in token of pay..rlent ci the ccst of the OMR Application Form Kit and Examination Fee and Speed PostlRegistcreci Post booking recelpt [To send the form) safely with him/her for any futu.! refer'ence ol Appli.an{:s should clea.ly menticn the name of Post for which they are applyirg on the Envelopc on .he top in bo]d lertcrs as'?PPLICATION FOR THE POST OF MTS IN ADMINISTF-ATM OFFICES" cr "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF MTS IN SUBORDINATE OFFICES" or "APPLICAII{}N FOR THE POST OF POSTMAN" or APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF MAntr GUARD, as the case may be. p) (i) Ad-d-rss5-bl_Eaili4g cf ttrle A.pllication Forms:- C,-:mpl-,te1y fiii,-r 3irA Appiicatiotl Form along with e-payment Receipt in oriHinal, .eceived iiom the Pos. .:iaire ii1 token ofpayment oithe cost ofthe OMR Applic;riou foril Krt and Exarlrrladcr lee, s to 5e ;ext io the address .,The Direct Recruitment ae[l. Office Of The Chief Pdst&aste!: Geuer.ilJ, Ijttai: pradesh Circlg Lucknow-226001,, by Speed Post/Registered Po si only, [ii) Applic;tion loi]i .c.,]iveil hy hand or by any other mode will not be ente.tained & summal ily r.jD.ttei. i;rrilartli only one Aplllication Foim in one speed post or t-egd. Cover will be acceat-.d llr case \,l,heie fite -.nveicpe contains more than one Application Form, all Applicatr.,r: Fl,r'rns \,,ril l_re s-rm.nariiy rcieded. q) Iai'L8:&s-pllubi4]"",s_tsqoJ4p!!i.eauoEi: (iJ. l.asi_ dare of Suhitilisicn of Applicatiorl Form is 30-06-2015. The applicants should clearly unde$iand tl,.r trpplj.atior forms bcoked by Speed post/Registered post upto 3 0 06-2ii 15 frtiy, ,,4,,i1i n. ai r:e,oicd. r\pplication fbrms booked by Speed po;t/Registered post after 30 ilt-rl{l i5 or sar,: :i..iough an, olher mode u,iil not be acccpted and no correspondcnce will be {ion[i i]! lhis rritaiLi lldci a tr'/ .ir!u mstan ces. 9. Exalrlilrat:lEa_lgrlir- (il l l-.pi:ir,i. Tes-. iir- ;,ostnarr,/Maii Guard and l.4TS will be helcl at Luckno.n,, Chaziabacl, Agra, Ailirr,riiircl, Ear.el]li t.r';jihpu. and I{anpu. ciiies of Uttar pradesh. No TA/DA is admissibi. 1o. appc:I.)ng ii iie Aptiiude Tcst. The [ii) App li,:i] r. 1! !'aq l: ].r.1 : ) | i t,:ilna r.e thrcc iraele.cnces fL.r Examination centre. (iii) Apltllca]rts ar. .le,rriv jnftr!nic.l that the alloirn€nt of Examination centre/City is the prerogai:it/r ,)i fite i,.]r.1itn!.:nL aid anv rcquesi received for change in Examination cenre/1;:riu3 \,vill ,Lt,r'reltniilcd.nder ar!! circumstances. Examinaiion centre will be allotted as pr,! ihe pl.cf.l.ejJ.es F;iven by the appiicat:. However depending upon numbcr of the candidal:s, il..)/ mav !)e alldtt:d to olhel.locations also. [iv] The icir..r ill1en: r:::e;r:r, r'h.e dght io carlcel anv cer:rtr.c and ask the candidatcs ofthat centre io aprear lr{x1t arotifr.cDtre. i_repartmeni also rcserves the right to divert candidates ofany c!iltra io !omc oi-]1--l cenire tL iake thc Examiaation, 10. a) B-aie._l'JLIe&L;uid IJ:ia4-!S-f ol AuLitude Tesh" 'ibe S-a-ry_jii_4plriudq.:&s1 r date ol Aptltucc Test will be informed to eligible aandidatirs lal:i aii bJ (.1niiiii.1r:cJ sh:iii !e :riii-.ic,.ifil to a4 Aptitude Tcst ofthe level of 10x, class/matriculation covering the ;o jlD.n",irr! !1irjeai.., ict-,iasr, F-R0IISPEILMARKET Tesr i2C Minutes There,,vili he onc paper coln:,risiltg of iollowing four parts: Duratiori ofArtihnde Total Marks- 100 rlr"**.1r" i itl.., oE,=*y, Indian Hisiory, Frcedom S gle, Culture & [- C.,".ir ,.i;fh-i ..1...,. ucr.et.rt Po';ryd, Consriturion of lndia, Economics, General [2qn p.easoning 6. questiln !, :ir ,,,o: marl r ScicDce, Currcnt Affairs xs dtru anci ncdsurxxS & Ana,y Analytical cal aollry abillry or ol lurh torh i y---.,.,,, cf f C-- e.lutr: j,JnCrrit ts- l\,lalrrm.:ti'. lll 'lopic;. llutnber systcms, Computation ofwhole numbers, Decimals I mark.r r'/;th:5 qLt-..r;,its I Fa".tions, lieiaticnship between Numbers, Fundamental of 1 r,ri,rk r ir-h ) ar,rhr.crj.r.,l oirerations, percentage, Ratio & proportion, profit and :u,s. S.nrple intercst, Arerage, Discount, partnership, Time & Work, I jrnF ,LC (iJ-Engiisl, (25 maiiij i with -'q I'les:i^rr,{ I j e4!-itiit,t;nul T?r,k ,'nc,..- i rJ.tri.s: a.ti.tei Mensuralion. , E+ositioni ioniL.rctior -tenscs, ..erbs, -,,nolrlrns &.intonvms, vocabulary, sentence sftucture, provcrbs, l L & Distan.e, Use olTables & craphs, [25 m:,i. , lh / questioiis ri lmarlt lh,ns.:s.9!s!!rtrn!!qr i !nL3llra!9c!re!!ec9 " o.r,,r'itir- ri;nJil- ,hroa prcl, xrtya s;;d,f,4-isrrr a sanvuti vakvi . Jkr,' ,ia Rt fd-tara.. \wJr Sandhi, Alankar, Samas, l\4uhavare & Loii)l.tij/an, Ashudh Vah/a Shodhan, Apathit cadyansh. each SLL.L{rj_Ug.Ee]!g-u_r.I!..!@ Duratio{ oi Aptitfirie 'I esi- i.j0l.rinutes Total Marks -100 There ,.r'ill he cne p.rrcr. c(,nilrrjsing of lbllowing four parts: P, ! A-GenL.a i Syi,abus t:, ,\\1,,,. l,i.,r-,,r,.i.,1.:c^p.Jphr.FrecdomSrruBgle,CutrL,rcaSpon,, c, uurrujc d JPUr 15, .,olrry& al Constitiitior of India,lndian Economy, Gene.al -;,-, :;cie.!.c, Cilr-^ntAffairs and lleasoning &Analltical abilig/ of 10th (25m;ra.v..rr?. rark rark question .rf questlon .ri iI \rJ. r-'r, .._ 'fDpi.s: \urnber systerns, Decimals & Fractions, Percentages, Ratjo & Pr1:,portion, Prollt and Loss, Simple l[terest, Average, Discount, ;rait:lcrslrip, Time & Worit, Time & Distance. eg$l MatheLrilil.s [2!; marks,,iriai 25 question! of _l mark B- each [il-Eni]lish i25 nritks with 2:- allarstioni ai 1. mark e;rcij C [iiJ-Hir.]i l,irrg,.a3ir C [25 ]nariis v,irh 25 qlestiors ot Lmai'ir eacil I.,pi.sr ;!iti.les, Preposiiions, Conjunctions, Tenses, Verbs, r!t)rftr's 3_ anionu s, i,ocal_.ulary, sentence structule, Provelbs lii.r!ei ;ind!l!es'.ionr t!!Mlqall.q!!99!l!e!!qgql iir11.,s [! o] il iEdil-l'4ish!' & Sanyult Vakya, Vakyo ka Rupantaran, :i,rar Sa !r dhi, ,{ianka., N{uhrvare & Lokoktiyan, Ashudh Vakya irh;(ii1an Apathii Gadl,ansn. rii l j c) Qrra1!,ryitCJut1jl&1.-Eo-lt-.Ila!/Mailguard & MTS {Adm ireilall..4atiu,!dsles!i' Subs[di.Lr.llg-o-ff i:!r,|"u.ie l:esl: ;3r l'c.linall/Mailguard and MTS (Adminislrativc Oificc]/MTS [SLrborCi.::J,i i]fficcl, ri lrj c.-.rr;Pulsoiy ior all .axdidai.es, t.r gain qualilying marks in each part separatfly & ?r,io iL1 :rge|clFie to qL;ilif-v fc]- ieleatior ?s rlrentioned below:_ in {il t.,,irr A & il-firrr:rurir c;i n,li iriris ri..l.i{i,, 11, maiks fo. OC, E marks for SC/ST and 9 marks for P,ii,a [irl] P:,. : C l.l'v"o ,,:ijrnerttj- irtiirimum 10 marks for firi alll!l ,::r.dic,ri,r.i rr .a'rlt siBElent {iii} OBC *1 x',ark! ici CL, :13 ;i1a.ks fo. SC 0C, B marks for SC/ST and 9 rnarks /51 aird 37 marks for oBC candidatcs in .!1-.tsi"ai,rtl:e. 71,. 5i!(4.iir}-Er:u.qedule-,I1-(4-llot&eu:-qi.]rJ1!: 'iire sir:,ition,rill bir lrLrcJI cn ih,r basis ol l'4erit i,isr, which will be prepared on the basis of ll,iriir. oi-,ini..:o ti-r i|!,,)l-rr"i.,Llde tes! s!,paral-et:,, ior each cadle of Postman, Mailguard, al MTS [A.,r]11,1-a1i|e lllil-.t:ir:., i{iS iSuborCirate Ofqcel. Accordingly, a common Merit List fornhoi-1,.1:.llr(iei.ae,i.\.,uri:!jlallbgDrepareCi]1viewofconsolidatedvacanciesofsuah cadre, Ii !s .iiei s,i:.te.l rirai l: t,,r,,) oi nore carrdi.iates secure equal mark in Aptitude test ',.li anci tlel, arr, iri:ndin-l i:i il_,. l:Lii liosition in the mcrit list then it is clearly stated that thc candidai. ai-:,' il- i: .1!,: , riil t,p arl]s]Ce:ea lbr seieclicn b] :i r:r:r.:-:a r':ii:iare,. .iiri Ie allotled 1{, the divisions as per their preferences mentioncd inOMIl .1:rrli.;trrllfr.!rr L,.1-..frrliiire:rlicsitir)nixihemedtlistandavailabilityofvacancies. c) Such car .ii.ii1.. \\,1-orafl;ririla-:oj,.itheilloimen'jnanyofthedivisionofhis/herprefercnce becaus:: rr tii,. iLe: "llfii, i1c/-ih.. urill bc ailcttcrr, to the division where vacancy exists. dl If 1). ( r ir€:. a) TIE a,rr.lidale:. sclri ;o I ,^,,ili u,a:.idal..ilr-,ij.:.:rrl,rrhiilherlreferenccfoltheDivisioninCollmnNo.23of OMR Applicati.n ii.i lli, ir wiil l'!: i1:,:!{rq r.1 that he/shc rs appiying for all thc divisiot}s/units of U-P. ir.:,:Irii,-i.reiiorrearilitmentinanyDivision/Unitatthediscrclion Circle eqr!r ii rnd li. ',iiii of Rccrl, r,i,;...' rtl.triiitr. b) rr.,carL.dilr ,iii-!cti!rr'rs'- j. Lrppcintlrd 31111 i:nilI bc on probation for. two years. _.i , .i :i, ali vacant Fos:ts nre classified in two categories. The post of 1'1 i:,, .,1-,en l:r r.i ir,ii.!i i, :i.r{, ta; I i ,-1j., 1:'r rri-rcgorizird.i.raier'Non Gazcttcd Ministerial'Services and p!!i:irl r',irla'i ,sl: i,g:rii! i,.-lr inistrati.,e 0tficesl and Multi Tasking Sta ff [Subo rd inatc a;iir.r 1.rr,,,.:r:.!!,zli:i rr'r(ier'NDE Cazetre.l Non-Ministerial'Services. The Aptitude 'I1 : ii: r.rrl. .i,i,,i-,i ir'i1j' ,ii'l be condilt--l.O separately on differcnt dates. lill r'i ' ipijt! l; ri-: i.j, lil. ptst.f Palittall and Mailguard will bc hcld at lhe same ilili :i, i t,r.it, li-ri1'.. i can aii.i;.':e .ail appear in aptitude test eithcr for ihc post of i:r.1n,.r L. iir r::. ...:. 11:,ilgLiari. Thc candidates are advised to fill the oMlt ;1..1i;1 , ri :ir,.1 :,r-' il' .)tle posr:4ith.r io. ihe post oF Postman or for thc post of 10 Mailguard. lt is also reiterated that one OMR application form can be used for only one post. (iiil The aptitude test for the postof MTS (Administrative Office] and MTS (subordinate Officel will be held at the same date and time (which will be held on separate date fixed for aptitude test for the post of postmanTMailguard;. Hence, a candidate can appear in aptitude test either for the post ofMTS [Admi;istra;ve Office] or for the post of Office]. The candidates [Subordinate are aivised to fill the OMR application form .MTS only fo. one post either for the post ofMTS fAdministrative Office] or for ihe post of MTS [Subordinate Office]. It is also reiterated that one 0MR applicatio; form can be used for only one post. c) Candidates are advised to visit on India post website w$v.indiaposlgov.in from ijme to time for further information regarding date of Aptitude Test, A;mit Card, Result and other information. 13. Requirement to serve in the Army postal Service :- Any person appointed to the posts specified shall be ljable to serve in the Army postal S".vic" in trraia or abroad as requiaed. L4. Power to relax :- Where the Central-Goyernment is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it may, by order, and for reasons to be recorded in writing, rerax any of the provisions ofthese rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 15. saving: Nothing in this notification shal affect reservations and other concessions required to be p.ovided for the schedured castes, the Schedured rribes, the Ex-serviceman, Other_Back{ard Classes and other special categories ofpercons in accoadance with the orders issued by the Central Gover[ment from time to time in this regard. ,t" ,'/-ll rr,'n,,ffi, f,,,1,* ron*t 9/o AssftDirector [Rectt), ChiefPMG, U.P. Circte, Lucknow-226001 tt ya_l SCHEDULE-A DETAILS OF VACANCIES AVAILABLE IN VARTOUS OFFICES/DIVISIONS Vertical Resetuation Sl.No Offices/Division Horizontal Reserration PH N (HH) Total UR sc oBc (B/Lv) Agra Region 1 45 2 l9 3 14 4 5 0 27 0 1 0 0 1, 9 0 0 l 11 3 0 0 0 0 0 14 8 3 0 0 0 0 79 10 ri 7 a 24 4 tl 0 0 0 0 8 3 0 3 0 t3 4 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 20 1 0 1 1 72 156 0 90 45 2 Allalabad Region 24 1 2 1 9 5 viranasi IDast] Division Varanasi [west) Division 14 67 79 2 1 2 0 1 0 2 4 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 10 3 1 1 0 1 4 2 1 0 0 4a 10 1 I 2 1 0 6 Bareilly Region 17 4 5 1 a 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 1 7 4 4 7 1 0 5 0 0 2 6 1 9 27 t2 4 0 9 6 7 31 B NluzaflarnaAr Division 5 10 Shaljah.dpu. Division 0 0 1 0 0 6 3 1 0 118 65 23 3 0 27 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 z 2 12 Gomkhpur Reglon I 2 5 6 t 6 M-' utvS-f 2 + 0 0 0 1 0 a 0 1 l 2 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 6 1 5 1 43 9 .L 0 5 4 /c-_ Kanpur Region 2 5 KanpurH0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1i 1,4 3 0 0 1 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 8 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 40 7 1 4 1 0 0 5 12 6 11, s2 0 Lucknow Reqion 1 5 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 L4 8 0 3 1, 0 L 2 26 1 2 0 0 1 4 5 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 L2 1 1 0 8 3 1 11 5 77 6 6 0 0 0 0 l 7 7 3 1 1 0 0 1 8 11 6 0 1 0 1 ,66 tta 22 3 2 z 2 602 390 91 10 23 717 6 6 6 1 60 Maileuard Cadre Vertical Reser"eation Horizontal Reseryation PHrr0In' Sl.No Ofiices/Division RIVS'BL Division, + RMS RMS lJareilly IlP'Division Kanpur (] nivlsinn l.n.l,T.w RM\'SH D vrs on W sJl'JrrnILr IIR oBc ST SC 8 5 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 20 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 osT MTS IN SUBORDINA TE OFFICES Horizontal Resenation PH.IIIHH] Otrices/Division UR (B/Lvl oBa ST SC Agm Region I 4 2 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 3 6 4 1 1 4 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 1 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 a7 1 4 Allalr abad Region 9 0 0 2 7 I 31 0 1 1 5 3 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 1 3 2 2 0 0 4 8 3 3 5 1 1 6 2 5 0 0 6 Varanasi [nast) Division vi.anasi (West) Division 25 2 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 3 o Bareilly Region Bareilly Divhion 3 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 + 3 3 0 0 5 6 7 4 4 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 26 18 4 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MuzJffarn.Br Divisrnn 9 shahjahanpnrDivision 'I I corak lpur Region 1 0 2 2 1 3 1 1 0 0 4 4 4 5 1 I 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 11 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Kanpur Region 1 4 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Kanpur city Division 3 0 0 (anpuiHo 7 2 I MMs Kanpur 3 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 20 -16 1 0 3 0 0 I 0 0 0 z LucknowRegion 1 4 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 W a 4 3 0 3 2 2 1 1 0 1 16 t2 129 89 1 13 1 3 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 24 1 1 0 MTS in Subordinate Offices Vertidl Res€E tion RIUS Bl DrvNioo lJareilly 3 Divn!)n (anpu. 4 RMS KP 5 RMS O Division Lucknow RMS'SH'D jvisbn Saharanpur IIR 0 0 I 12 oBc ST 14 7 0 2 0 1 0 1 16 4 3 2 0 0 0 2 10 5 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 27 1a 14 5 1 7 0 0 3 8 4 0 6 0 1 0 2 31 12 8 0 11 0 0 1 4 23 9 4 1 9 0 0 0 z 139 59 27 6 47 2 1 14 I MTS in Adm inistrative Oflices to sl. otrices/Dtvision 0t]ic. oi Chiei sc UR 6 2 Region.l Of fice, Aliahabd 0 0 L Z 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 7 1 1 1 0 9 3 6 't4 9 7 8 3 4 PH-r tHHl (B/Lr\ oBc ST PMC, Ll.P.Ci.cle, 2 3 1 0 0 3 PH-r(H&) Omces/Division I 0 0 llorizontal Reseaation sl. 2 0 0 0 2 5 42 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 o l 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Z UR-Unreserved, SC-Scheduled Caste, ST-Scheduled Tribe, OBC-Other Backward Class, pH, Physically Handicapped, B-Blind, LV-LowVision, HH-Hearing Handicapped, OA-One Arm Affecred, OL-0ne Leg Affected, Ex.SM-Ex SefficemanJ A1--*u" Schedul€-B slliiio. iraiii! of qffisioie I ,*3 Nili; "ti-Gi6i** slituslIlg/solxk tiincoa Agra HO Agra Fort HO Bah So HO 242001 HO 282003 SO 4 Fatehabad Bazar SO so 5 243104 2A3711 Kt*r"C"rh 5O SO 6 283121 Aligarh HO HO 7 202001 Hathras 50 (ha ir SO 1 3 8 Agra Algarh Slk*;r" R"" SO SO 20410L so so 202738 204215 281001 10 Mathura HO HO 11 Chhata so SO 281401 Mani so 2a7202 12 M.thura SO 13 Sadabad SO t4 so 281306 lhansiHo HO 15 284001 HO 285001 2a4403 18 OraiHO Lalitpur HO Moth so Mauranipur 16 17 lhansi HO so SO SO 284303 2a4204 19 l.laun 50 so 20 285123 Etah HO HO )1 2A1AO1 KasganjSO so 207123 Alisanj So SO Jalesar SO so 24 2A1241 201302 Etawah HO HO 206001 25 Auraiya HO laswant Nagar 50 HO 2051)) 22 Ei.h 23 26 Etawah SaifaiSO so so 28 MainpuriHO HO 29 Firozabad HO Shikohabad SO HO 283203 so so 283135 Bulandshahar HO Khurja HO HO 203001 HO 203131 Anupshahr SO Sikandrabad SO so 203390 SO Allahabad Ho Aliahabad Kty HO Manjhanpur 50 HO 20320a 271001 21 30 Mainpuri 31 TLr 32 33 34 Bulandshahar 36 31 39 Allahabad 40 43 45 Phoolpu r SO Handia SO Meja 50 41 42 44 nd la SO Pratapaarh 246245 206130 205001 283204 HO 211002 so so so 212241 221543 SO 212302 212402 Jasra SO SO 2121A7 Pratapgarh HO RaniganiSO HO 230001 so so so 230344 230132 230204 La lga nj SO Kunda So VaranasiHO HO Varanasi(East) 50 51 5? Varanasi(West) 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Ghazipur Sakaldiha BazarSO so so VaranasiCantt HO HO BhadohiSO SO 221401 221304 HO 233001 Mohammadabad yusufpur SO SaidpLrr SO so so so 232329 launpur 233221 233304 HO HO i.unpur 22200L Kty SO 222AA2 60 61 ShahganjSO Badlapur SO 6) Mirzapur HO HO 64 Robertsganj SO Chunar So 50 65 Muzaffarnagar HO HO 63 66 67 MirzapLr r Muzaffarnagar 7L SO so Jansath SO so so no Bijnore 72 73 Bijnore Dhampur HO 222161. 2231A1 22272a 231001 231216 SO Khatauliso Ho 69 1A Mariyahu Bazar shamtiso 68 2321A9 221002 so Gyanpur SO Ghazipur HO Zamania SO so so so so Jaunp!r 221001 232104 I I | J 2373A4 251001 25r2al 251314 247116 246tA1 HO 246161 Najibabad SO Chandpur SO so so 246125 246163 HardoiHO HO 241AA1 Bijgram SO Shahabad SO Bareilly HO so 241301 so 241124 HO 11 Piiibhii Ho 243001 HO 78 262AA1 EaherlSO so 14 Hardoi 75 Aonla SO SO 80 NawabganjSO so 81 243201 24330L 262406 Faridpur SO Buda un HO SO 243503 HO 2436A1 BllsiSo so 243633 85 86 so so 2812A Dataganj SO KheriHO HO 2627A1 Gola Gokaran Nath SO SO 88 Pallia 50 262a02 89 50 262902 Meerut Cantt HO Meerut City HO HO 250001 HO 250002 Baraut HO HO 250611 Sardhana SO SO 250342 79 Bareilly 82 83 84 81 90 91 92 Budaun Kheri Meerut 243635 93 Moradabad HO BilariSO HO 2444A1 SambhaISO so so 2444L1 Kampur Ho Amroha HO HO 2449A1 98 HO 244221 Saharanpur HO HO 99 247001. Behat SO SO 241121 101 Rampur SO Deoband So 247451 102 so so Shahj.hanpur HO HO 242001 so so 242307 HO 27300L so so 2133A3 27315A HO 214401 96 91 saharanpur 100 103 Shahajah.npur Iilhar SO 1,O4 alalabad SO 105 jor. 106 Gorakhpur 741 t4aharaj nj SO Ga lampeirganj eoria HO 108 109 khpu r HO Deoria SO adrauna HO 110 111 112 zamgarh HO Azamgarh 113 '114 ,4au HO Madhu Ban SO 244302 241554 242221 HO 2/4304 so 274509 HO 2164A1 HO 27510 so 22160 Ballia H.O- HO 217AA Rasra HO 116 HO 2217',\ Bansdih Road So 111 so BastiHO HO 217 203 272001 BansiHO so 212153 124 DomariaganjSO khalilabad SO so 212189 121 SO 2121t5 Gonda HO 122 HO 211AA1 Bakampur HO Mankapur Bazar HO 2712A1 so so 271302 115 Ballia 118 119 1,23 Easti Gonda 124 Utraula 5C) Bahraich HO 1,25 126 Bahraich 1,27 128 SO Kanpur City Dn. Nanpara SO KaiserganjSO 129 Kanpur Cantt. HO Banda HO 130 Hamirpur HO 131 Banda Dn. KarwiSO 1,72 133 134 135 Fatehgarh Dn. 136 137 Kanpur HO 138 139 140 FatehpLrr Dn. 2116A4 HO 271AO1 so 271a65 so 2719A3 HO 208004 HO 210001 HO 210301 so so Mahoba So Farrukhabad SO Kaimeanj So so so KannaujSO SO 2LO205 210427 209625 209502 Chhibramau So Kanpur HO so 249125 209721 GPO 208001 Fatehpur HO HO 2726A1 so s0 212635 khaga SO indkiSO 212655 141, U Kanpur (M) 1,44 145 746 147 Lucknow Dn 148 149 Lucknow GPO 150 151 nnao HO HO Akbarpur SO Ghatampur SO SO so so 209801 2491A1 209206 Bighapur SO Lucknow Chowk Ho HO Bakshi Ka Tala b SO so Mallihabad SO Mohanlalganj SO 2260A3 226201 so so 226301 Lucknow GPO Ghaziabad Ho 209865 226102 GPO 226AA1 HO 201001 Noida Ho HO 2013A1 HapLrr HO HO 154 ModiNagarSO Sulianpur HO so 245101 2A1)a4 15s HO 22AOO',l AmethiHO HO Kadipur SO so 152 Ghaz;abad 153 156 Sultanpur 157 Mushafirkhana 158 Lambhua 159 Sitapur HO sO SO 160 161 Sitapur Dn. 162 Mahmudabad SO I I So 22t 4A5 224145 221a1? sO 222302 HO 261001 so 261303 SO 267203 163 Biswan SO Mishrikh So so so 1,64 BarabankiHO 26124L 261401 HO 165 225AO1 Ha,dergarh 5O 225124 TehsilFaiehpurSO RaebareliHO Maharaj Ga nj SO so so so 225305 HO 229AO1 so 2293A6 Lalcanj SO SO 229206 2293A9 166 Barabanki Ram Snehi Ghat SO 161 168 16q 110 Rsebareli IIoiso 1,71 50 17:) Faizabad HO HO 173 Akbarpur HO HO RudauliSO so so 114 115 Faizabad Dn. Ta nda So 225409 224001 22412) 22412A 224190 te-57 APPtrNIt}IX-3 I (1) IrORM OIr CEI{TIFICAIh TO BE PRODUCEI) BY OTHER I]ACI(WARD CLASSI]S APPLYING ITORAPPOINTMFNT 1'T] POS'1'S T]]\IDER TIIE GOVERNM]]NTOF INDIA Dcpt. lG.l, ol- llis 01 Pcr & Trs., O.M. No. :t6i)3arl2/2013Jtslr. 0les.), drred 30 5 2014 I(umari .. is to certili tlut Slui / Smt. / .-. ... . , of village / tou,u . ......:..... ... . in 1e Stale / Uoion l'el.ritoty....... I .. . .., so1l / daughter. in Disir ict / Di\rsifir . ........... . belongs to tbc comrnrrniry !\hiclr i, rccogrrizt,lr : a lJil, Lr\drd r'latss tur,lct tlt,, Govc rm(nt otJrdid.Mirisn) ol SociilJUjticuaIdLrnlo\r\rcr trrt t.'Slrri/ Smt. / I{umai.i No. ...............,.. , dated . sR.-ol io|l ard/olhr"lr.rl.llnilyordin rlyresiJ,(:Jiflrlr Lri\(rict/tri\i,i,,rl ,,frl,p ....... .... Sirlc I lrion le ory. lhi:iscl5otL,c('rtilithJtltc J,rr bcldrg to the persons / sectioDs (Creamy l,ayer) mcDliooed in Coluurn Schedule to the GoveruleDt of lodia, Deparhnent ofpersonnel ald Training, O.M. No. 36012/22193-Estt. (SCT), dared ti-9-1991**. d0es Dot Io[the District Mdgistdle, Depuly Comnlissiofiet, etc. Datod: SIAL The aullorities co('lpetent to issue caste cer(ificates are irdicated below: lrl Dislricl Magistrate / Adil ronrl MJgistrcte. Collct,tor / IlclUt\ Commissioner / Additional Deputl. Comurissiol1er / Deputl Collector / First Class Stipendiary Magistrate / Sub-Divisional Magistrate/ Taluka Magistratc / Ext:cutive Magistratc / Exlra Assislant CommissioDer (not belolv thc rank;f First Class Sripendiar] Magistrlrlc I (i, Clrief Presidency Magistrare / Addirional Chief presideucr MaAi\lr,rte. llcsiderrcy \4 tsi\tr ire (iir) Revenue OIIicer llot below rhe rank of fehsilclar; aud Sub Divisional Ollioer olthc area where the cilll.lidate and/or Lris lamily resides, (it) o uovea)menl I i rss tE F: the (crrilicde oc(ilicdre mav may ltrve have ro LllI^i'::ilq t,, nt(||rio mcnrion l,rc the d..l deinits rl .r tn,tr,. in wtlllh rtrc c {rp ol. rtrc c.nJrJ, t. i, .;;;;;r;i;, ** -- A. anrended fion I}on titrme to ii,re ^s NorE-'ihe .,Ort lelm ,' , ;'J;,;",.1i,:,,ff:;ili:'l;;'i, il hotori,r r,*' ,in Jn, ,,. ,.,, .\ i, \.. un : f i yot"t*t" \t*-t./ l _ _ \-'- tl I AN'r'["Jr'][S I : I Il PllllscRlllljtr 'i rotlM oF CEILlll'lcAl . l,,.,rr.t.t,r\l 1l;: ; '::,1:lLl,:'.',i;1,'i'l ';,, ,o'''. ,",,1 "' ?.: ,,:1,:t::"',1; Lt,in,. ,'l I li; i';f,;, li, .l i rrir' Lll 'i|''.,,|,|01] ,e" ,t ':' (]EI'rTUrlC'A"t'll I]ORM 0[ CAliTnl coJ' trnixrt' rl'l' I \l'rJ rulrrl i'' r" t''r' rr: '' rd 'erli'v 'lirl Lrlrrl,r.,{ ol ,l ll,. Sl,r,, r riu,r L t"ty' I ),\ ! lorr l. l,c )'l'r 'l'rlcu' t" :.1,,..1.r1cJ,1-r' l ' Crrrr lrrl,.r ur'r l'1"' "Eni ''" ,,. ,', U',O, , ," ' I ti'trc uttcler: \ 1q\n j r I Corriitutiou (S'treclulccl (Jasrcs) OLder'' ^-,,1,-. lll.::lll,::::l,',,;-i .,, :, ' ,- , L ll ,, li'*l: - 'l': l;, l: , ,l ,l;lll'l J ;;*";,'i ;i,,1, ;:il " * " J 1\ ,ill "r'J" l'""'i';i^i1'l,lli'" ,J A l. l,r/rr ('r,1, rs lArn, r,.lr,! ',1) l, I r( r'l'r'r'rr \rlr "r'| ' ll'; 1"' \ I l''/r': *'!he Col1liillrtioLl (Dldrn 'lllti ,,nnrt.uut'u11 (lJacta 1962; 'rrhe colsti{rition --- "- ,i l''" I Lr' " ,,,!' rr'r'r!'"'l ,r: lllll,l:,',';;,',;;3tl.Jli.1:: :1 ,]llli i"ll '" urrl.r, l0)u 'nu'"*" ' I , urE'rrrr"" l,lli;*il. \.,'rl,-r.r\lr't'll A,cr\ rrri [.::,li:'iji]lili,',i;,1 (ArLetrrtnt lrLs OL' r,'L" o,r,i .S.ii.a,,f,''l f -;::urr.tir'rr.,r' tr'rrru"rlrrr'l 'n'u],,,, 1950 l'hl.;.ilh" arr{1 1'1rgal llavcli) oldu' i SchcdLrlod Casies Nirllar llaveli) Schr:ciiteri'llribes (l'oliIllcryD: l'"!!!]-9$1{I19!IC! wlrith 'Lr(i lot nf llrcxblc '"! i {-lL{leL''l -: .'{i ?-. f, I FORJVI OF .TT"IIIII.]ATE PRESCRIBED )"19 *The Constilutior (Uttar Pladesh), Schedulcd Tribes Order, 1967; ''-he Constitotior (Goa, DaEaD and Diu) licheduletl Castes Orde1, I,rr; 'hThe C.lnstitutioD (Goa, Dama[ and Dit0 Scheduled Tribes older, ,,r08: *Thc Cons{itutior (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Orcler, 1970, lThe Comtitution (Sitrtim) Scheduled Castes Order', 1978. *The Collstitutior (Sildrim) Scheduled Trites order, 1978. *TLe Constituliol (Jammu and I{aslunir) Schecluled Tiibes Older, 1080. *The Constitr.ttion (ScLeduled Castes) Orders (Anerdmer! Act, 1990. "fLe Conrliluti\Jn lscheduled friL,(s) orJer Arncrrlnrcrrr Acl, lqill. +lhe I dristiLu|,on (Sclr.duled llrbrs) Ordpr Sccu0d nnrendrDc0t Afl 19s1. 1 **'Ihis certilicate is issued ou the basis ofthe Scheduled Casles/SchedL ed T bes Certificate issued 10 Shri/Slnimaihi*. ... . . ... fadror/mothor* of .. ... of village/tow4* Slli/Stuinathi/I(uma in DislricVDivisioD+ ......... .. ...... . ... .. of the Staterulion Teritoty* .. .. who beloflg to the Casle/T te* which is lecognized as a ScheduleLl CasteJScheduled Tribe* il the Slirte/Union Teritory* 2. issued by the ... ... . .. . " dated. .. ... .. .. Stri/Slirimathi*/I(umari*.. .... . . .... .. atd/ori' his/Ler* fanrily ordi.. Dislrict/ narily rcside(s) in village/towl*..... .. ....... . ... .... of........ .. Divisrorr+ oIthe Statefuuiorr Tenitory't o[ ... .. 3" Signaflrre Designatior. r'! tl li I tii (wilh seal ofoffice) l I I l S tate I Illion'l'erritorv I NotL.-The rerrn "Oldinurily rr.sicles" used l,crc \.\ill La\( the srnre mei]dl1g as in Scclion 20 offl1e RepreseDtatiou olthe Pcopler Aot, 1950, { +$ Plcase delele lhe wor ds Applicable in thE crse whicl nrc I l Dot applicable. i of SCs, Slt pcrsorN wlo lav. nrisratcd lronl one State/UT I \brpLorue t News 9192\ 1 sc- ?0 i i /,)"1,1-t " lc,-</l - '/cI l (3) AFPH,NX}ICES APPENDTX-I DISABILITY CERIIFICAJ'E (d) ANNtrXUR-E - I to O.M., dated 29-lZ-?.005 NAME AND .\DDRI]SS OT THE lNSTI'IUTE / IIOSPI'IAL Certificale N0. .. .. ... . . ... . Date ..... ............ .......... -t_ showi g thc disalillty duly aucsted by . i:li ilil ,i .i ii ;l il )l ritr ; r ,i,. Kum. the This is certified tlrat Shri / Smt. / .". son / wile i daughtel of Slrri .............. ....... . .. agc '.,', ' '.,,'.''. '...,''''.','' ' sex identificalion mall(s) is sulfering lrom permanent disabiiiry otfollowirg catcgorJ:- A. Locomotor or ccrcbral palsy; (l) BL-Bolh legs affecied but not nnns, rilJ IJA-Burlrr r. rl[Lcrcd 1a] Inrprir-d rea.l' (6) (rii) BLA-Bolh (n,) OL-Ore (r,) Wealoress ofgrip legs and both arms allected leg affecied (right or OA-One arm aliected loft) (a) I:npair.ed leach (/r) Weakness o{g p (. ) Ataxr! (u) Inrpared reairtr (6) Weakrcss ofgrip I (r) Ataxic ()'i) BFI-Sliffback (ril) hips (Camor sit or stoop) MW-Muscular weakness ard lntitcd physical endura[ce. and B. lJlinduess or Low Vision (r) (ii) B-B11r1d PB-Patia1ly BIind : C. I{oering impairruent (i) (il) : D oear PD-Pafiially Diaf (Deleio the category, whichever is uot applicable) ' 2.'l hrs condiilon is proErelsive / norlriogressive / likely lo improve / noL l .bly to llrprLlvr Re-ffisessment ofthis case is not (econmlended / is ye.rr\ .... . .. . rl]n'rlha. ' r/.'onu.r.nllrd Jlrcr r pe|ud u[. p-r ccr''. J. Pclcerrtage of .lisabilrry i,r lrr. i lrcr cJsc rs . 4. Sh. / Srnt. / Kum. ... .... rcquirements for dischargc olhis / her (i) (/i) (lil) mects the lbllowing physical d[1ies:- F-can perlbrm work by nranipulating with llllgerc. pefonn work by pulling and pushirg. I"-car perlom wotk by liliiflg. (ir:) I(C-can pelfotm worl( by l<rreeling and croucltilrg. (r,) Il-can perform work by bendlng. PP-cnn (r,i) S-ca[ perform worh by sittlllB. r r// ) 5 l { J poIlur'iI wo . b) .tarrJino (v/ri) W-can perform work by wallttug. (ix) SE-can pefibmr work by seeirg. Yes / No Ycs / No Yes / No Yes Yes / No Yes / No Yes Mrinhel (DL. .........:...) lvlerrbel Medical Board lvlcdical Board Shilre Nt which is nor applicable (r) (ll) B-Blu1d PB-Palrially Blind ability ard Yes / No Yes / No (Dr. ... ..... .. wife / abrlity .) Chaulerson MedicalBoald Cotmtenigned b)r the l,ledicel SLqeitiende l / CMO / Head ol Halpitll Ot,ith seol) * ,raph ,l llrc l } /No Yes / No (:r) H-can pelfomr rvork by hearing / speal<iug. (.rr) llW-can peIIoIm workby readinBard writing. {Dr. .. / No \6- 4/ /c-, Schedule-F Code List of Divisions / Units of U. P. Circle Name of Division/Ul1it Code SNo Name of Division/Unit No- 3001 1 titah Dn 8 i00a 9 10 3009 3410 11 3411 12 3012 .i3 3013 '14 Varunosi(E) Dn 3014 varanasi(W)Dn 3015 16 11 18 3034 35 3035 3436 36 37 38 Kanput tM) Dn 39 40 47 42 43 44 45 46 41 48 49 50 51 52 3437 )016 RMS 3047 3048 A'Dn.Allohobod 3049 RMS 'G' Dn- Cordkh DLt 3050 RMS'KP Dn. Kanpur 3A51 20 i019 i02a 21 3021 54 22 3422 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3428 55 3455 56 3456 3457 19 23 24 25 26 21 2a 30 i.,..', 34 RMS'O'Dn Lucknow 53 RIVIS'SH'Dn \ohornnn 5l 58 RO. Borcilly 59 3059 60 61 62 3460 3461 3462 63 3l i031 32 3032 33 3433 3452 r 64 PSD Rareilly
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