Objective To provide experience revisiting the relationship between addition and subtraction. 1 materials Teaching the Lesson Key Activities Children learn to use the Addition/Subtraction Facts Table to solve subtraction problems. ⵧ Math Journal 2, p. 118 and inside front cover ⵧ Home Link 6 4 䉬 Key Concepts and Skills • Use the Addition/Subtraction Facts Table to find sums and differences. [Operations and Computation Goal 2] • Use addition to check answers for subtraction facts. [Patterns, Functions, and Algebra Goal 3] ⵧ Transparency (Math Masters, p. 324; optional) ⵧ Number-Grid Poster ⵧ slate Ongoing Assessment: Recognizing Student Achievement Use journal page 118. [Operations and Computation Goal 2] 2 materials Ongoing Learning & Practice Children play Addition Top-It to practice addition skills. Children practice and maintain skills through Math Boxes and Home Link activities. 3 materials Differentiation Options ENRICHMENT Children find patterns in the Addition/Subtraction Facts Table. ⵧ Math Journal 2, p. 119 and inside front cover ⵧ Home Link Master (Math Masters, p. 175) ⵧ number cards 0–9 (4 of each; from the Everything Math Deck, if available) EXTRA PRACTICE Children play Penny Plate to review counting up to determine the total amount. ⵧ Teaching Master (Math Masters, p. 176) ⵧ paper plate ⵧ 10–20 pennies Technology Assessment Management System Journal page 118 See the iTLG. Lesson 6䉬 5 559 Getting Started Mental Math and Reflexes Math Message Use the table on the inside front cover of your journal to solve: Do choral counts by 25s. Begin at 0 and count to 100. Point to the numbers on the Number-Grid Poster as children count. Discuss the pattern. 67 Home Link 6 4 Follow-Up 䉬 Remind children to practice with their Fact Triangles at home. 13 6 Links to the Future This is the first time children are introduced to counts by 25s. Children will continue to practice counts by 25s throughout first grade. Counting by 25s to 1,000 is a Grade 2 Goal. 1 Teaching the Lesson 䉴 Math Message Follow-Up WHOLE-CLASS ACTIVITY (Math Journal 2, inside front cover) Have children share solution strategies. They have not used the Addition/Subtraction Facts Table to solve subtraction problems before, so children may not have figured out how to do it. Some children may have found the answers with the help of the table, but are not able to describe what they did. Use the transparency of the Addition/Subtraction Facts Table (Math Masters, page 324), as you model 6 7 and 13 – 6. Children follow along on the table on the inside front cover of their journals. ● To find the sum of 6 and 7, use a large piece of paper with an arrow drawn in the corner. Cover the Facts Table so that the 6 row and the 7 column are visible at the bottom and right edges of the paper. The arrow will point to the answer, 13. ● To find the answer to 13 6, keep the sheet of paper in place. Ask yourself: “6 plus what number is 13?” To find the number, move along the 6 row to 13. Then go up the sheet to the number in the top row, 7. To check that 7 is the correct answer, use the table to find 6 plus 7 is 13. Student Page Date LESSON 6 5 䉬 Time Using the Addition/Subtraction Facts Table 2 , 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Add or subtract. Use the table to help you. 1. 5 6 11 2. 11 5 6 3. 8 4 12 4. 12 4 8 5. 7 8 15 6. 15 8 7 7. 9 9 18 8. 18 9 9 9. 9 7 16 10. 16 9 7 Math Journal 2, p. 118 560 9 Unit 6 Developing Fact Power 夹 䉴 Using the Addition/Subtraction WHOLE-CLASS ACTIVITY Facts Table to Solve Subtraction Problems (Math Journal 2, p. 118) Pose a few subtraction problems. Ask children to use the table to find the answers, even if they know the facts. Have them check each answer, using addition. They write answers on their slates. Use the transparency of the table to model the solution to each problem. When you think that children are comfortable using the table to solve subtraction problems, have them complete journal page 118. Student Page Date Ongoing Assessment: Recognizing Student Achievement Journal Page 118 夹 Time LESSON 65 䉬 Math Boxes 1. Subtract. 42 4 2 6 60 6 5 11 33 5 6 11 11 6 5 11 5 6 51 Use the addition problems on journal page 118 to assess children’s ability to use the Addition/Subtraction Facts Table to solve addition problems. Children are making adequate progress if they are able to solve the addition problems correctly. Some children may be able to use the table to solve the subtraction problems, as well. 2. Write the fact family. 0 [Operations and Computation Goal 2] NOTE Some children may find it difficult to use the Facts Table when solving subtraction facts. Children may use other strategies to solve the problems and/or to check their answers. However, since the goal of this lesson is to learn to use the table, children should be encouraged to turn to it for answers they don’t know. Keep in mind that this is the first exposure to using a Facts Table to solve subtraction problems. 2 Ongoing Learning & Practice 䉴 Playing Addition Top-It 3. Use your number grid. 4. Draw lines to match the shapes that look alike. Start at 31. Column A Count up 19. You end at 50 31 19 50 Column B . Math Journal 2, p. 119 PARTNER ACTIVITY (Math Journal 2, inside front cover) Children practice addition skills by playing Addition Top-It. For detailed instructions, see Lesson 6-1. 䉴 Math Boxes 6 5 䉬 INDEPENDENT ACTIVITY (Math Journal 2, p. 119) Mixed Practice Math Boxes in this lesson are paired with Math Boxes in Lesson 6-7. The skills in Problem 4 preview Unit 7 content. Writing/Reasoning Have children draw, write, or verbalize an answer to the following question: What is a fact family? A reasonable answer should include a discussion of four related number models. One child’s work in response to the Writing/Reasoning prompt Lesson 6䉬 5 561 Home Link Master Name 䉴 Home Link 6 5 Date HOME LINK 65 䉬 䉬 Fact Routines Practice INDEPENDENT ACTIVITY (Math Masters, p. 175) Family Note This Home Link reviews some of the work children have been doing in recent lessons. Note that children are now working with subtraction facts as they are related to addition facts. Encourage your child to include some subtraction “names” in the name-collection box in Problem 2. An example of a subtraction name for 14 is 16 2. Please return this Home Link to school tomorrow. Write the 3 numbers for the domino. Use the numbers to write the fact family. 9 9 3 1. Numbers: Fact family: 3 , 12 12 12 , 3 9 2. Write as many names as 9 3 do not belong. Sample answers: 3 Differentiation Options 20 ////\ ////\\ //// 10 10 10 4 ////\ ////\\ 5 5 5 77 2 10 24 4 15 1 20 0 Practice 3 9 3. Cross out the names that you can for 14. 14 12 12 Home Connection This page reviews several skills from previous lessons. Children record a fact family for a domino, fill in a name-collection box, and cross out names that do not belong in a second name-collection box. ENRICHMENT 䉴 Coloring Patterns in the Sample answer: 4. Use | and • to show the number 52. INDEPENDENT ACTIVITY 15–30 Min Facts Table |||||•• (Math Masters, p. 176) Math Masters, p. 175 To further explore the addition and subtraction facts table, have children identify and describe patterns they see in the table. Children complete Math Masters, page 176 by coloring patterns with crayons and then finding one of their own patterns. Encourage children to color lightly since some of the patterns overlap. Have children describe their patterns verbally after coloring them. EXTRA PRACTICE 䉴 Playing Penny Plate Teaching Master Name LESSON 65 䉬 Date Coloring Patterns in the Fact Table PARTNER ACTIVITY 5–15 Min Children play Penny Plate to review how to count up to find the total amount. Encourage children to state, “I can see 6 pennies. Six plus what number is 12?” Then children count up from 7 to 12 to determine that there are 6 pennies under the plate. There are patterns in the Addition/Subtraction Facts Table. Follow the directions to color some patterns in the table. Patterns colored in green will vary. , 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1. Color the 0 facts blue. 2. Color the 1 facts yellow. 3. Color the doubles facts orange. 4. Color the sums of 10 facts red. 5. Find a new pattern. Color the new pattern green. 6. Describe the green pattern. Answers vary. Math Masters, p. 176 562 Unit 6 Developing Fact Power Planning Ahead In Lesson 6-7, children will complete their sets of Fact Triangles by including the triangles found on Math Journal 2, Activity Sheets 11 and 12.
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